Peyronies specialist in Holland

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Hey, I am currently looking to get treated by doctor Djinovic in Serbia. But for now I gotta collect proper diagnosis and testing results here in the Netherlands so I can send it to him. Unfortunately I had pretty crappy urologists so far and none of them really wanted to diagnose me with peyronies despite clearly feeling scar tissue and the doppler indicating a venous leak, the last doc will just focus ALL his attention on the great discovery that I have pelvic floor tension. Sure, he is probably right, but it is not a helpfull diagnosis and just silly to suggest fixing that will magically heal my penis to how it was before. Matter of facr I tried pelvic floor theraphy without any succes before and it just doesn't help.. So where in Holland can I find a urologist who is capable of properly diagnosing peyronies and will take me serious and actually knows what he is talking about. Seem rare to find.
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I went to Sint Antonius Ziekenhuis in Nieuwegein. Doctor there is Jack Beck, he is specialized in Peyronie's.
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