Prostate surgery after implant

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I've been getting increases in my PSA levels the last 6 months.
Today, I had 12 or 13 biopsies taken. They also took cheek DNA swabs and said they will compare them with rectal swabs.

I wonder if I need surgery will it be easier after already having the implant.
85 years old.
Implanted 01/22/19 by Dr Avila.
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc reservoir
Diagnosed with Gleason  6 prostate cancer.
Monitoring it for now.


Tomas. Please do not jump into surgery if you get a positive biopsy without second opinions and before educating yourself on a good prostate cancer forum.  Most well-know urologist would never do a biopsy or even take a PSA test on an 80-year-old man.  I have been in prostate cancer support groups for 15 years and trained for support by the American Cancer Society.  I NEVER heard of an 80-year-old man having prostate cancer surgery.  You seem inclined to disregard my input on this which is fine but talk to a urologist in another practice or better yet a major cancer center like Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center or MD Anderson. I think you will get a different opinion than your urologist gave you.

If you are convinced to have treatment I would do radiation, either external beam or preferably seed implant.  You could even look for a center that does High-Intensity Ultrasound Frequency (HIFU).  Many fewer side-effects than a radical prostatectomy.  I have had both a radical prostatectomy (laparoscopic) at Memorial Sloan Kettering and external beam radiation.  The point is that the treatment should not do more harm than the prostate cancer will ever do.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, thanks for the advice. I don't think I'll do anything unless I show very bad cancer. I have a friend who has the seeds and they worked perfectly for him.
85 years old.
Implanted 01/22/19 by Dr Avila.
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc reservoir
Diagnosed with Gleason  6 prostate cancer.
Monitoring it for now.

Old Man


OK, I was asked by Hawk, the owner of the forum, to talk to your about your prostate cancer problem. For years now, I am/was a counselor for the American Cancer Society with men who were trying to develop a method of therapy for their prostate cancer. So, here I am.

I want you to know that by now, I am interested in helping any and all men who have Peyronies Disease, prostate cancer and have a background in doing that. So, if you would like for me to try helping you with your decision, just let me know.

First, I would like to give you a brief history of my case of prostate cancer. My PSA check in February 1994 was 2.2. By the same time in February 1995 it was 4.4 with one month later 5.8. A rectal PSA biopsy said that I had a Gleason Score of 8.9 with 5 of the 6 specimens with cancer. And the urologist who was a good friend of mine, treating me for over 25 years, suggested some quick action.

He wanted me to do the radiation therapy. However, I refused since I worked in a nuclear submarine overhaul facility at a major naval shipyard on the Gulf Coast. Then he sent me to another cancer expert who would do the radiation for a second opinion. He told my uro that under no circumstances would he do the radiation therapy. Stated it would be much too much exposure to risk, etc. and suggested a radical retropubic prostatectomy which I elected to have done based on the report of my second opinion, etc.

So, I gave myself three pints of blood ahead of the surgery date with the Red Cross to use for my surgery. And, I bided my time until April 19, 1995 for scheduled surgery. My cancer was rated as a stage 3 at the time of surgery, but the path report came back with Stage 4. Now, 24 years later, I have no sign of prostate cancer or nor no other form either.

So, based on my history of counseling and my history of therapy, if you would like me to try to help you make a considered decision about your case, please just let me know. We can go from there at your desire.

Best regards, Old Man Bill
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks for the info, Bill. I'll post my results and future plans. Follow up is on Jul 22.
85 years old.
Implanted 01/22/19 by Dr Avila.
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc reservoir
Diagnosed with Gleason  6 prostate cancer.
Monitoring it for now.