PEYRONIE'S & SEX related

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I'm not sure if this is the right board for this, but I've read posts that say different things on this issue - which seems to be important.  For example  some people were taking trazadone for more erections - but then other doctors said to leave the penis alone for a while to heal...

In my experience, I think that going w/ very little sexual activity (self or w/ other) for several years led to this.  Thyroid issues caused the lack of sex drive, which equated to once per week (max) masturbation (in my late 20s).   Things started shrinking - very slowly...but now I have an obvious problem.

So, I tend to think that  having more erections would be a good thing...?   Or would it make the scar worse?  What have people concluded on this?


Generally speaking, erections and sexual activity are good, not just physically, but mentally as well. The rule is: Don't do anything that hurts. Sex or masturbation shouldn't hurt, VED and traction shouldn't hurt, EVER. If it hurts, stop and try again after a few days.

This may sound impossible, but once you've seen the doctors and gotten on the medications, try to avoid dwelling on this disease. Enjoy yourself as you are and take care of the rest of your body physically and mentally as best you can. Get counseling if necessary (I did, and it is immensely helpful!). Learning to accept yourself and move on with life is better than any pill or stretching device on the market.




I agree that haveing more erections is healthy for you and your penis. It will not make the scarring worse.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Erections stretch out the tissue and promote healthy bloodflow. If you do not have erections, you are at risk for greater fibrosis. THink when muscles are unused, you lose the strength.


Thanks for the input.  At this stage, my erections are only 60-70% of what they were in the past, though I can have an's just not that hard.  I guess I do need to increase blood flow down there.  As things have progressed, i've sort of been in denial about it and just topped masturbating often (down to maybe once per week).  Who would ever have guessed I'd have to force myself to masturbate.  In college, i'd do it 5 times a day.

Old Man


Sorry to hear that you are experiencing so many problems with this horrible mess. Could not help but remember the times you mentioned about masturbating so many times per day. Been there and done that, but, unfortunately, advancing in age, Peyronies Disease problems and other men's health problems do contribute to what you are experiencing now. Having to force yourself to masturbate indicates you are anxious over your condition and this only reduces your ability to so.

As you state you must get some action started toward relief. Make a decision soon which way you want to go with some kind of treatment/therapy. Delaying will only cause more anxiety and difficulty in make some progress. All of us have faced the same thing with our Peyronies Disease problems and know exactly what position you are in at the moment.

So, bottom line, get busy and decide what you want to do and DO IT NOW!!

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks Old Man.  Here's what is going on now...see what you think:

Pentox  - 400 mg 3x per day (started yesterday - just took 1 - today will be 3)
Vit E - 400 mg 1x per day
Arganine - 1g per day at night
Not sure what to do about viagra/cialis/etc... I have an RX for 4 @ 100 that I didn't fill yet (my insurance give you 4 a month for $35). I can still get erect w/o them so I'm not sure if there is a risk getting dependent on them (does anyone know?).  

I have a bottle of Trazadone @ 50mg which I can divide in half (they dont make 25s).  Might start tonight...not a huge rush w/ that.

The ED advice you recommended (thanks again) is on its way.  Once I get it, I'll re-read all the advice in that section of the board so I do it right.

Oh the other thing is I haven't had a nighttime erection in YEARS...I can't wait for my dick to be like WTF is this trazadone stuff in the middle of the night & get a hard on.  LOL.   I keep forgetting people are "supposed" to wake up hard.  HA... not since I was 23.  Btw, I have a thyroid disorder (rare for males - it's a little complicated)...which started a lot of this. In fact, my sexual symptoms at 23-24 are what led me to figure out the thyroid problem.  However, even though my thyroid levels are perfectly fine (and have been for a few years) - my sex drive and penis issues never recovered.  My overall size shrank 1 inch in length and 0.5 in girth between 23 and 30.  Masturbation declined from 2-3x per day to 0-2x per week.   I never thought it would turn into Peyronies Disease though... I didn't even know what Peyronies Disease was...maybe I would've spent more time masturbating if I knew.  I think I fell into the use it or lose it category.

Quote from: Old Man on January 15, 2010, 02:19:10 PM

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing so many problems with this horrible mess. Could not help but remember the times you mentioned about masturbating so many times per day. Been there and done that, but, unfortunately, advancing in age, Peyronies Disease problems and other men's health problems do contribute to what you are experiencing now. Having to force yourself to masturbate indicates you are anxious over your condition and this only reduces your ability to so.

As you state you must get some action started toward relief. Make a decision soon which way you want to go with some kind of treatment/therapy. Delaying will only cause more anxiety and difficulty in make some progress. All of us have faced the same thing with our Peyronies Disease problems and know exactly what position you are in at the moment.

So, bottom line, get busy and decide what you want to do and DO IT NOW!!

Old Man



Cut your 100 mg Viagra tabs in half or even quarters. It is a bit tricky but can be done. Then you can take 1/4 tablet every other day or so.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


you can buy a pill splitter at any pharmacy for about $5.00. By the way, I don't know if it's true with all drugs but I buy 80 milligram lipitor for roughly the same price as 20 milligram lipitor (and then use the pill splitter) - saves me a ton of money.

Old Man


You need to ask the guys that use the oral therapy for advice about the routine you are taking. I have not gotten into the oral therapy for Peyronies Disease.

Maybe George999 can step in and give you some steering on that subject.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: MikeSmith on January 15, 2010, 02:40:11 PM
Oh the other thing is I haven't had a nighttime erection in YEARS...I can't wait for my dick to be like WTF is this trazadone stuff in the middle of the night & get a hard on.  LOL.   I keep forgetting people are "supposed" to wake up hard.  HA... not since I was 23.  

This varies from person to person. I have never been a "morning wood" person. And not once have I ever had a wet dream/nocturnal ejaculation. Not when I was a horny teen, or in my 20s, or later. Yet I had a very active and fulfilling sex life, both in my single years and later, with no indication of any sort of ED - so my lack of nighttime activity seems not to be connected to any sort of dysfunction.

Peyronies Disease took all the fun out of sex of any kind. Masturbation was the last to go, because I could still manage it without triggering unbearable pain until about three or four months before the surgery. Then I gave up.

I am looking forward to seeing if the surgery has made any difference.  


Masturbating did not make any difference to me. I did it once a day but still got peyronie's.  It is caused at least in my case by a blood problem and affects various parts of the body randomly.  Thick blood is at least part of the cause in my case and I notice that all treatments mentioned are to do with improving blood flow generally.  Pentox is used to treat "intermittent claudication" spasmodic pain in the legs caused by bad blood circulation.  I still have intermittent claudication.

I have had some success with Neprinol in that It gave me my erection back and has fixed most of my other symptoms. I also drink Indian Tonic water(which contains quinine) to stop night cramps.

Has anyone tried using Neprinol and Pentox together? That is my next step with some quinine also. I will have to start on a very low dose and slowly work up.

A word about pentox. "Co-administration of pentoxifylline and sodium thiopental causes death by acute pulmonary oedema in rats" from the Wiki article.


I think there's more pointing towards the need for regular, strong erections than against it. Taking viagra/cialis and other erection and testosterone boosting supplements might aid you in that process, and possibly reduce scarring somewhat in the process. A mechanical strategy such as traction or VED may also help, though I appreciate that in individuals with pain this may not always be possible. As for the pentox comments, I think it's worth just about everyone giving that a go for 6 months+ top see if they can benefit from it.


There is not a consensus.

My personal belief, based on my personal experiences is that when I do not use it, I lose it (that is, the curve progresses).

Use of the VED has allowed me to move to a healthier emotional state where I can "use it" (ie get hard and straight(er)) and not be trying to have sex constantly. Overall that is a healthier way for me to live.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



I've looked for this information on these boards, but can't find a direct answer - I'm sorry if I am duplicating.  This is a question on behalf of my other half:

After an injury during sex in 2000 a slight curvature developed, (less than 10 degrees), which remained stable not worrying until the last week, now the curvature has begun to increase to the left, about 20 degrees so far, but seemingly very rapidly.  He has started to experience pain (moderate) upon erections, and as such has booked a doctor's appointment.  

Q: Can you tell me, in this unstable stage is it advisable to have intercourse/masturbate (carefully), or is it best to leave it? Would the extra blood flow help or hinder the syndrome's progression?

Q: Is it worth beginning treatments in this stage also?  I mean the oral, moisturising and VED treatments, since these seem to be the gentlest and least risky...

We've been so worried but are really heartened by wonderful information on this board - so thank you.  We're determined to get as much info as possible and get through this together.




Erections ARE beneficial at ALL stages.  The best rule of thumb is, if it causes excessive pain, don't do it.  Don't do anything that further inflames the penis.  That is the bottom line.  - George


To respond to your questions:
1. Yes I believe you will find most of the "old timers" on this forum would encourage you to continue to have sex during this period. It is good for the penis to maintain blood flow and good erections. AND to keep a positive attitude. The mental impact of this disease can be as devastating as the disease itself.

2. Yes!...  start treatment now. During this phase you want to do what you can to slow down the disease and prevent further regression.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Since my close friend and I became sexually active I have been made aware of Peyronies Disease.
Very recently we were very pleased with a specific position that worked out pretty well except
that it did make me feel somewhat uncomfortable with the position of his erection but, I am
willing to try just about anything to help his libido return
to the fullest extent possible.
Would like to know of any suggestions to keep his love light going- I know that he has been
really pleased with our recent results.


You sound like a very loving person. He is very lucky to have such a caring partner.

With both peyronies and ED he needs to see one of the top Male Sexual Function Doctors, not a general practice urologist. He may have to travel, but it will be well worth the effore.

The top three doctors mentioned here are Dr. Milam at Vanderbilt, Dr. Levine in Chicago, and Dr. Lue in California.

Good Luck



Just my 2 cents on good positioning for Peyronie's:

Try one called the starfish where the woman is lying on her back and the man is lying perpendicular to the woman on his side so that from above, the couple forms a "T" shape. If Peyronie's causes you to bend to the right or the left you can lay on your left or right side to find a position most comfortable for both of you. The other nice thing about this position is that the man's hands are free to provide additional stimulation.


Worried Guy

My Uro said to avoid the women going on top.  He said this was dangerous!!!


My urologist did indicate that prior trauma from having vigorous sex with a woman on top could have caused damage contributing to Peyronies scar tissue. That being said, since my condition has progressed and I now have an upward curve, in my particular case intercourse with the woman on top seems to be a good fit literally. I'm not talking wild, ride the pony type of sex, but a gentle more conservative not causing unnecessary bending approach works well for me. Now postions like doggy style are beginning to become quite difficult due to curvature.

Old Man


So, I gather from your last post that you disagree with those of us who have witnessed traumatic penilel damage based on the woman on top position.

To each his own, caveat preemptor applies here - let the buyer beware!!! Do wish you would heed our advice and take a more conservative approach, though.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Very nice that you all have been giving valuable input to my search for comfortable positions- have not asked how my good friend became to have his condition due to not wanting to pry into his personal space. I can say that he has been off and on depressed over his circumstances but recently said that he thought he may be getting better which is very good news to me.



I wrote something that is buried on the parent site here:

That bit discusses positions and shows the X or "starfish" position (or a variation of it) and other matters of relevance (I hope).

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hi there.
I'm 53 years old have had Peyronies Disease for almost two years and needless to say, (probably like many of you) it has hindered my sex life.  I'm married and have a supportive, loving wife.  We used to have terrific and frequent sex.  However due to the severe curvature (70 degrees) and the significant "shrinkage" (I used to have an average size erection about 6" but it is now about 3.5") satisfying my wife through penetration has been almost impossible.  Obviously, we have engaged in other forms of sex play (oral, manual, dildos, etc.) but I wonder if there are positions or adaptive sex practices of any variety (vanilla or otherwise) out there that you guys or women have tried which might help.  It's gotten to be pretty bad and we're feeling kinda stuck.  Even considering seeing a sex therapist.  Any suggestions out there would be most welcome.


What about a strap-on you could wear? And then you could really giv-er. I use this online business for sex toys.

Lots of affordable, wide variety of sex toys. They are a canadian store so you can probably find one that works best for your country.



Good suggestion.  I'll definitely look into it. Thanks!  


I have a sort of similar situation. Due to my bend and not being able to hold an erection long enough to satisfy , our sex life has been essentially non existant since Peyronies Disease raised it's ugly head a little over 1 year ago.
Are you using a VED or any sort of stretching device? You should check out those posts as that may prove helpful to your diminished length.
I am using a VED and it seems to be at least maintaining an acceptable length. My Peyronies Disease Uro suggested I make use of the tension rings that are supplied with the VED to hold the erection . Caution: No more than 30 minutes.
Look for my postings and replies from Oldman and Fubar under the heading : re using tension rings and re:using vibrating ring.
That may give you a starting point here.


Is sex with a penis having a curvature similar to mine uncomfortable/painful for a woman?

My situation:

I have a 45 degree curvature downwards
I experience no pain, I have no erection problems
not diagnosed (suspecting it's congenital, have it for as long as I can remember)
I have never had sexual experience with a female partner
I can manually force my penis in an almost straight shape while erect and still not experience any pain.

I would appreciate any input on this matter, perhaps from men which are in a similar situation or women who have had partners with such a condition. Based on the observations stated above, I believe the sex will not prove uncomfortable to me, only perhaps to my partner.

other queries
Assume I am in a relationship with a collaborative and understanding partner: what would be some good practices to improve the sexual experience for her, given my condition?

Question motivation
I am reluctant to go for a relationship with a female because of this issue (along with several others, mostly of physical nature). I am very self-concious about it and it has always undermined my self-confidence. My reasoning has usually went along the line that I am somehow "broken" and that it is very hard for me to compete against males who have normal sexual organs and that I will be rejected by females over my awkward condition.

Your answers could shed some light on whether I should even attempt a relationship. If sex would not be pleasurable for my partner, then there would really be no point.

Thank you very much for your help, I am really looking forward to your answers.



I will try my best to answer your questions based on my experiences as a single (older) adult.

From the time I incurred the Peyronies Disease (I was 62 then), I had 2 relationships with women before having an inplant done (Paid by Medicare) in 2009 & then have had a new relationship that started since the surgery. While I was in a "curved state", I could not enjoy actual intercourse but made up for it by becoming a better lover to my partner. In other words, I discovered the joys of oral sex. The women couldn't have cared less. They never ridiculed or complained & I have learned that women care much less about our penises than we think they do. The breakups had nothing to do with the sex. Believe me when I say that, yes, you can make sex pleasureable for a woman.

Now I am capable of full intercourse again & my new partner & I are wonderfully happy. Not necessarily because I can now enjoy all of the aspects of sexual activity again but because we fit together in many many ways. My decision to have a prothesis was amost purely a financial one. Why not! I would never suggest that you not seek a reasonable method for achieving full sexual penetration.

My advice is to start by ridding yourself of the belief that you are "broke" or, worse, thinking that you cannot satisfy a woman. My experiences showed me that honesty worked way better than I would have ever thought possible. Remember the old saying, "where there is a will there is a way".  


is it true the fact that girls dont really care about the penis shape as much as men do, as long as it doesnt cause pain during intercourse? how many of u being with a girlfriend/wife that can accept the fact that she is being with a men with a bent penis?

Old Man


OK, the best way to answer your question about girls and bent or crooked penises is this: most do not really care to even look at ones penis much less care about its shape. However, there are a few gals out there who like to do a lot of foreplay before actual penetration and they usually want a large and as perfect a penis as possible.

In my many years of sex while I was single, most of my partners did even care about my size, shape or anything about my dick. They just wanted my ability to satisfy their desires in any way, shape or fashion possible. So, I suppose that these factors about ones penis is strictly up to the individual woman and their desires as long as pain is not involved.

A good sexual experience is supposed to be pleasant, pleasureable and satisfying. The art of good love making takes practice and patience to realize what a partner desires, etc.

The above is just my 2 cents worth of info based on my personal past experience with love making over the years.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



Another 2 cents,

Last Saturday night, my wife and I went to a Masquerade Ball.  Everyone was all dressed in formal attire with masks...kind of an "Eyes Wide Shut" type of affair.  I have to say there were a lot of very nice looking women there, but none prettier than my wife; at least, not in my eyes.  

When we got home, we had what I think may have been the best sex of my life; and I'm 61 years old.  The next morning I was thinking about it and thought to myself "if I can have sex that satisfying with Peyronies and a bent penis, Peyronies is not that bad".

I'm not relating this experience to brag; I'm relating it for all the scared men out there thinking their sex life is over.  My curvature is 35 degrees and doesn't cause me, or my wife, any discomfort anymore.  It started out at 45 degrees, pain with an erection, more pain after intercourse and a loss of sex drive because of the associated pain with sex.  Time, the supplements and VED therapy have helped me immensely and I believe they can help most of you.  It didn't happen overnight; I'm 3 1/2 years into the therapies now and didn't see any improvement for several months after starting.

So, keep the faith, get the supplements, be patient and go on with your life.  You might have the best sex of your life still ahead of you.

My point is this, there is hope and Peyronies doesn't have to ruin your sex life.  If you give up before you get started, you have very little chance of success.



well, my curvature is about 30degrees... eventhough i heard that a man with 45degrees can still have sex without pain, this thing still keep worrying me over and over again.. most of peyronies sufferer diagnosed the disease after they get married... and their wife know what is happening to them.. as for me, i'm still young and dont get marry yet.. i'm wondering if could find a girl that can accept my situation.. am i suppose to tell her before we get marry... or just let it be and let her get shocked with my crooked looking penis and only tell her the truth after we did sex? any idea anyone...


I'm no expert on anything, but my thought would be to expose your condition on a need to know basis.  If you are in a relationship that looks like it's getting close to being of a sexual nature, that would be the time to casually tell her about your condition.  I wouldn't make a big deal about it as it probably won't be a big deal.

I don't see any reason to announce your condition to any girl until you feel comfortable with her and think that sex is going to be the next step in your relationship.

One thing I have no reservation about telling you is; if the fact that you have Peyronies breaks up a relationship with a woman, she is NOT the right women anyway and you will be lucky to find that out before you make a huge emotional and/or financial investment in her.



Keep in mind that many "normal" non-Peyronie's penises can curve significantly one way or another. Chances are that the lady you're with has seen ding-dongs more curved than yours. It definitely bears repeating that if you are an open and caring lover who listens and pays attention to your partner's needs during sex, they are not going to care what your penis looks like. You do not even need to mention your condition if you don't want to. If you're worried about causing pain to yourself or your partner during intercourse, just say, "Yeah, I know I kind of bend to the (right, left, up down) a little bit, let me know what feels good for you." Then listen to what she says and follow accordingly. There are straight-as-an-arrow, well-endowed men who never listen to their partners. You will win out every time if you listen to your partner.



Scorp, ALL of the replies below are true and represent the best comments I've seen on this subject. All of these guys know what they are talking about. Read through these comments and more importantly, believe them... even though your instincts right now tell you they may not be true. It's time to start therapies and start the healing. The girls aren't going anywhere and the majority are more patient than you think.  


thanks guy... sometimes i wish we could gather together and share our problem and experience... seeing u guys living happily with your partner might give me a bit strength... i dont know guys, this disease has mentally affected my job performance... even my boss and some of my colleagues noted my changes.. i'm also got lack of confidence to approach any girl... everyday i pray that i wont do something that out of my sanity...  


I concur with the general point of all these messages.  I care about the size, and shape of my penis.  My wife doesn't seem that invested.  She'd probably think the whole peyronie's thing was funny if it weren't so distressing to me.  But function does matter to both of us. Still, I've had up to an almost 90 degree bend at one point which didn't prevent intercourse.  For a while I was pretty terrified that the end of our sex life was in sight, but in a weird way this made both us of want to take advantage of whatever time we had left.  I've had sex more often and more consistently since I got this disease than before.  Since my curve has diminished --maybe about 50 degrees now--we've continued to make plenty of time for sex.  So in that sense peyronie's has improved my sex life.  Ask the question of yourself:  Do you care about the size and shape of her vagina?  (Meanwhile places like this site make it pretty clear that even if my worst fears come true, there are still solutions like implants.)

I wonder if the whole atmosphere of prevalent pornography on the internet heightens all these anxieties.  And I think women have the harder challenge when society (and some men) make such a big deal about breast sizes.  Breasts are not so easily hidden.  I think part of the point of sex involves completely accepting and being accepted by another person without fear or insecurity or inhibition.  So that's my 2 cents.


KAC - what were you doing to reduce your curvature from 90 to 50 degrees??


Women don't care about the shape, size or look of your penis.  They are generally worried about other things like the type of person you are, how you make them feel, etc etc.  If you think about it the penis is a pretty weird organ anyways and they come in different shapes, sizes and curves naturally.  Some guys have 30-40 degree curves naturally.  Some are born with micropenises or just short ones (1-2inches).  Most of them have weird veins and they act funny. When I showed my gf my changes she couldn't even tell - but since I know how I'm supposed to look and I can feel it not working the way it used to it causes me a huge amount of anxiety.

As far as being single - as long as you can get it in you're good to go.  If you never even mention it the thought may not cross their mind that you have a problem.  Hell, use it as a talking point. :) Maybe you can get different sensations than other guys can, maybe they've never seen a bent penis before and it will be a novelty.  

If you have ED or pain while having sex that is definitely an issue, but in terms of shape and size I don't think most women would give it even a second thought.


Over the last several years I have had the honor of helping a lot of men, of all ages. They are like myself, all else failed and had to have a penile implant.

The married men seem to have a easier time adjusting than the single guys. One single young man had an implant and was so paranoid that he waited over a year to have sex. A ex girlfriend came back into his life and basically seduced him. Afterward she told him it was the best sex she ever had. He is now in another relationship and she told him the shape and size and the fact that he had an implant did not matter. There relationship is going strong.

The shape and size of your penis does not make you a man!!! The person you are is more important. Shape and size of the penis is a man thing. Ladies look at the whole person and could care less what shape and size you are.

Get over thinking you have to be big to satisfy a lady. Most of the nerve ending for sex for a lady are in the first 2 inches of the vagina. Before my implant I had lost 1.5" of penile length. Now thanks to my LGX implant and the skills of Dr. Milam I have gained over 90% of that back. One day I asked my wife if sex feels better now. She told me I feel just the same as always to her.

Life is what you make it. If life hands you a lemon make lemonaide out of it.

My 2 cents.




i'm happy to hear that u still have a strong and wonderful marriage with your wife... and i impressed that u can still stand strong continuing your life... i'm wondering if i could be as strong as u..

just wanna get information about implant... how much did the implant cost you? does it remains the sexual sensation as much as u had before u did implant before? and how long did u take time to heal after the surgery?


This may not be the right thread for this but here goes.

My implant cost me $8.34 out of pocket. Medicare Part B and my supplement paid the rest. I did have to pay for the travel to Vanderbilt. If you are not on Medicare most insurance will cover an implant with the right diagnosis.

Sexual sensation is the same as before the implant. The implant does not involve the glans. That is where most of the nerve ending for sex are.  

After surgery you can resume sex after 6 weeks. Like any other surgery complete healing takes between 12 and 18 months.

There is a lot of information under the surgery for peyronies thread. On my blog and I have information I can email you if you send me an email to

Let me say this. There is a learning curve to using the implant. After about 6 weeks of using it you will think this is great. After one year you will say I did not know it would be so good. At 16 months my glans engorgement returned and man was that great! Now after 3 years it is hard to find the words to tell you how well pleased both the wife and I are. Yes it was a journey but well worth the ride.  :) ;) :D ;D :o 8) ::)



Yeah most girls don't give a **** about the shape as long as its functional and can please her. MOST don't care about size as long as, again, it is big enough to be functional. Like already said, the girls who do care about size or shape are shallow, obviously, and you really shouldn't want to be with a girl like that to begin with.


Hi there, I can definitely say that penis shape is not important at all. The most important thing for me is that my guy is getting better and as long as we can still maintain sexual intimacy I'm happy. It's difficult with regard to my guy being in pain and having to re-adjust to less frequent sex, but as long as we can manage the condition we are happy.

Penis shape does not matter!


I have not been active on the forum for a very long time, I'm sorry.

I will try to revive this thread, nonetheless since I think the problem is pretty relevant not only to me but to all young inexperienced males which are starting their sex life with this handicap.

Thank you for your answer voulezvous. Although I see your point and I'm happy to hear that you have managed to maintain a good sex life in spite of your condition and eventually solve your problem, I believe though that my situation is different. I am 21 year old male, getting in relationships with women of a similar age which are at the peak of their attractiveness and feel the need to enjoy a pleasurable sex life. How is a weirdo like me going to compete against an army of normal men who can offer them this just like that?

I was more interested in finding out whether sex can actually be pleasurable (by sex I mean penetrative sex) for a woman with a man in my condition. I would like to hear about your relevant experiences. Was it uncomfortable for them? What positions worked? What didn't work? Feedback from a woman would be extremely valuable.

Thank you again, I really hope I can get this thread going again. A more pressing reason is that I am about to engage in a relationship and would really appreciate any information about this topic so as to now how to proceed when starting to have sex.



I can seriously sympathize with where you are mentally. I too have had curvature for at least 10 years now, and I'm now 26 years old. I first found out that it was Peyronies Disease when I lost my virginity (at 22) and the sex was actually painful for me and not my partner, which was a red flag for me. It wasn't until another partner later told me I was curved that I sought help and found this site. I know you are concerned with a future partner finding sex uncomfortable. The key to this problem is communication. Do not be afraid to ask your partner what is comfortable and what is not after experimenting a bit. She will respect you for caring enough to ask and encourage her to speak up if anything is not pleasurable. For me, having upwards curve of about 35-40 degrees, missionary sex is most comfortable for me and my past partners. At this point, I am happy to even be able to have sex at all! If you think about it, women do have children and vaginas are designed to accommodate many shapes and sizes without much discomfort, within reason.

It is great that you have gathered the courage to engage in a relationship. This takes monumental courage and you should commend yourself for this! I still to this day struggle to muster the strength to actively seek a woman to spend time with. In order for men with Peyronies Disease to truly connect with a partner and accept this condition, they must build a strong trusting foundation with a sexual partner in order to open up about it. One night stands are out of the question for me at this point in my life. This is the most difficult hurdle to overcome after realizing that one has significant deformities.

Fortunately for us men, women are emotional creatures and opening up to them about these issues at the appropriate time will only strengthen the connection she forms to you. Maintain mutual communication when it comes to sex and you will be just fine.