Young with Peyronies

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mike jones

Hi, I am 19 years old and have recently found out I have peyronies. I first started to notice a change around the age of 17. I woke up one morning and I was sleeping on my stomach. When I woke up I felt some discomfort but not much. About a week after this I noticed there was a dark band around my penis and when flaccid my penis had a very weird looking shape. It looked as if someone had tied a rubber band around it. However, when I got an erection it looked normal except for the dark band a slight but sudden upwards curve. For the next couple of years I thought nothing of it and never really paid attention to it. Then a few months ago I noticed a thick vein on my penis which looks like it is attached to the dorsal vein. A few days after this I noticed a chip near the top of my penis and started to feel some pain. I was on vacation at the time and was unable to see a doctor. I also did not want to cause my mom any worries since my father had also recently passed away and she was under a lot of stress. A few weeks later the chip seemed to spread out and now it is a area near the tip of my shaft that is indented. I also have a botched circumcision on top of all this. Growing up I was very active and out going. At the age of 12 I was circumcised due to phimosis which went terrible and then at 15 I got gynocomastia (manboobs) and now I have peyronies. I just wonder what my life would be like if I didnt have these problems holding me back. However, I am someone with a very positive attitude and although I might not be able to enjoy my life to the fullest like my friends at this age. I am positive I will meet a girl in the future who will support me through this. I am also very optimistic about Dr. Atala's tissue engineered erectile tissue and Foregen a company that is working on regrowing the foreskin. Knowing that one day( Hopefully within the next 10 years) I will be able to over come peyronies and a botched circumcision I am very thankful to live in a day and age where science has become very advanced. Also has anyone else notice a change in the veins of there penis as a result of peyronies?


Hey Mike Jones,

First I would recommend that you get properly diagnosed by a specialist. Here is a list of peyronie doctors that might be in your area.,4063.0.html I would recommend you try to get pentox along with cialis 5mg  if you can get it. Most urologists don't know enough about peyronies to be much help sadly. But are worth going to, to try and get pentox and possibly cialis. Urologists don't like to hand out pentox so freely. I told mine that I had gone to a peyronies forum and saw how it has helped a lot of people with my condition. I was lucky that he prescribed me some. Maybe that will help for you as well. Cialis 5mg is not so much with helping you get an erection but in that it helps to soften the plaque in combination with pentox.

Pentox and cialis are the only thing you need a prescription for (I think as I am in the Usa, not sure about it in Canada.).

You can take these in the meantime as it is over the counter.

CoQ10 300mg 1x a day

Citrulline Malate 2 grams a day powdered form to take with a cup of water.

Acerltyl-L Carnitine 2 grams a day powdered form to take with a cup of water.

I'm sorry to hear you have been having a rough life so far Mike. Your attitude is fantastic and something to be admired. I have gotten thrombosis veins since I have gotten peyronies. It is not uncommon for that to happen with this condition. Try to read as much as you can on this forum as it will help you out tremendously. Check this out as well if you haven't already.,3180.0.html Ask questions if you can't find them with the search feature here on the forums. You can also pm me if you have questions or just need someone to talk to. I wish the best for you Mike, and welcome to the forums.

Quick edit: I should also mention that you should look into VED and traction. Read up on them as to not hurt yourself. Also surgery should be a last resort. Exhaust all other options ( that are safe) before deciding surgery. And if you end up on that route then make sure your surgeon is phenomenal and has many of those surgeries under his belt.  


Welcome to the forums, your case sounds all too familiar.

Many of us have some vein thrombosis issues as well. Penile trauma and scarring appears to have some kind of cross over with vascular damage and vice versa.

You are wise to stay positive, because it's going to become your only real choice as time goes on. I'm hoping you get some improvement and I think you will. As time goes on more and more I accept what I have and view myself as not being at fault. So called success with women even with Peyronie's can be easy if you persist in pursuing it. If it's any help, sexually attractive women from my experience tend to take sex not too seriously. They view it perhaps, in a more realistic light, as just something basically funny and ridiculous but enjoyable, maybe not even needed so long as the man meets her other needs. My current relationship is absolutely amazing, Peyronie's is not an issue for us. The disease causes me the most existential torment I ever imagined possible, but If you let it, the disease can open you up to a kind of enlightenment. In a way I am truly thankful for it. In other ways, I'm not.

A lot of us got much better with treatments. If it wasn't for my edema problem caused by VED I would probably consider myself mostly cured. The severity of the edema tends to blur in my mind with my Peyronie's symptoms, it's pushing me over the edge. Do seek treatment, do exercise, do meditate, to eat healthy, do seek success with women, and attempt to better yourself in all areas. We can do this.


Just to clarify, your say you recently have Peyronies, but no reference to a doctor who diagnosed you. So has this been verified? The reason I ask is that there are several many penile symptoms and they all seem to get pushed under the umbrella of Peyronies.

You mention seeing a dark band. That would indicate to me a discoloration of your skin. The bands, plaque, bumps, etc. we refer to as Peyronies forms on the Tunica which is under the skin the covers the penis. So you can't always "see it" unless it is pronounced enough to push up under the skin enough to be visible.

Just trying to give you other options to think about.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

mike jones

I saw a urologist 3 months ago and he had said I do have peyronies and prescribed me Pentox  


So what are your symptoms at this point. Any pain, discomfort, and if you have curvature when erect how much. There is a document in our resource library that provides instructions on how to measure your curvature.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

mike jones

At this point I experience pain once in a while. I have a curve upwards that is not too bad. The biggest problem I have is the indentation and vascular damage.

mike jones

My erections are also about 80% of what they uses to be and I have a lack of blood flow to the glands.I have also lost some length before I was a bit above 7 inches and now I am around 6.5 inches.


mike jones

What kind of treatment you are making?
You have written the doctor prescribed you Pentox. Are you taking it? How many times a day? For how long?


Moved your topic to "Open questions....." to have continuity as we are licking introductory topics after 10 posts and you are closing in.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum