VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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thanks hawk and seaside for weighing in on this.  Seaside is correct in that my goal here is not to achieve an erection but to help with my peyronie's. Based on what I've read the VED is supposed to induce an erection, and it doesn't seem to w/ me, based on my limited experience. Maybe this is normal?, I don't know, which is why I'm asking.  My presumption from previous posts is that..a) pump to point of feeling vacuum, b) don't overpump..c) hold for stated time, then repeat cycle. What I'm unclear on is .. an erection to be expected w/ negative pressure If I'm doing everything correctly?  How fast does this typically happen?  Should I be doing something different?  Is an erection needed to achieve desired results?..... what would cause me to not react (erection) like I'm supposed to?  Is my plumbing different? and could this affect how VED works with me?  Lot's of questions I know, but again, any feedback much appreciated.



Did you read my posts ???

I though I made it very clear that an erection is to be expected.  I am unclear why you are not responding to the vacuum with an erection.  It is the first case I have heard of especially in someone that can get a natural erection.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk I got your names mixed up on last post, sorry,  meant to imply I agreed with what you said.  But either way what I'm really trying to understand is why it's not working like it should w/ me, hence the string of questions.

Old Man


Sorry that you are not having the success that you expected with the Vitality OTC three cylinder model VED. It takes a bit of practice with this unit to become proficient with its use. Just take your time and determine what is going awry for you.

Go to the Child Boards and select the protocol for the three cylinder model VED that is posted there. At the bottom of the page are some suggestions as to how the VED should be used. Do not use the protocol for the VEDs that were home made by several guys on the forum, so use the correct one.

I might suggest that you take a few minutes to be sure that you are assembling the VED correctly. During the first two weeks of the protocol you are to use all three cylinders nested inside each other and than attached to the pump. Be sure that you use plenty of lubricant so that your penis will slip easily up and down in the small A cylinder. This is a key point in using the smallest cylinder. Since it confines ones penis into a very small space, plenty of lube is necessary so be careful to do that. Sometimes it is necessary to start the head portion of the penis into the small cylinder and add vaccum pressure to "pull" the shaft into the cylinder.

Again, practice with the VED until you are thoroughly familiar with how to use it before startaing the protocol. Also, use only enough vacuum pressure to get the desired results. I may have misstated what I meant in an earlier post about erections with the VED. The VED can and will give one of the best erections you ever had by using the restrictor rings to hold it up if you have an ED problem. If you can achieve natural erections you do not need to use the VED, etc.

Note: Overpumping can and will cause further problems for you if too much vacuum is used. Caution is the watchword in VED therapy, so be on the safe side. Another things, in the past some guys were trying to use the restrictor rings while dong the VED exercises. These rings should never, repeat never, be used while doing VED therapy.

Feel free to ask any and all questions about VED usage.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

Just to clarify this point for Gourdo, would you agree with this statement:

The goal of VED therapy is not an erection for intercourse so NO constriction rings are used.
However use of the VED (especially the large cylinder) should result in an erection while you remain in the cylinder with a vacuum.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


thanks both of you for this.  Old Man, I'm doing everything like you say, and just to be clear I'm not using this for any other purpose than to help my Peyronie's, so have no intention of using the rings. I guess I'm unclear in that you state "use only enough vacuum pressure to get the desired results", and also "Caution is the watchword in VED therapy, so be on the safe side. So if I'm not getting the desired results at a "cautious" level should I try pushing the envelope a bit? How do I know when I've reached an appropriate/safe level?  Also, how long should it take to achieve erection a this level? I've been holding it only for 10 seconds per your instructions. Maybe I need to wait a bit?

Old Man


You have my permission to alter/modify my post in any manner you deem necessary to clear up any discrepancy that might confuse anyone.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.

Old Man


What I mean by being on the safe side is not to use too high a vacuum pressure while doing the Peyronies Disease therapy. Pausing between pumps will allow your penis to expand better as the blood is being pulled into the erectile chambers. Pumping too rapidly won't allow proper time for the blood to flow in. Also, too fast pumping can cause you to overpump without realizing it until you have pain or discomfort which you do not want to do causing more damage to your penis.

By using the pump, pause, release and pump again procedure, you will allow your penis to fully engorge with blood easier. You will know after several cycles of pumping, releasing and pumping again when you have reached a comfortable level of vacuum. It takes practice sessions to fully get the hang of the proper procedure, so practice until you have mastered the procedure that works best for you.

Hope this helps, if not, feel free to ask more questions.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


  It is difficult to describe with the written word sometimes about how a mechanical object works or is to be used. Without pictures or a visual reference we can only describe as best we can how to use a VED, so I'm chiming in with my two cents.
  The times described in the protocol are a guideline on how long to hold an erection in the VED once the erection has been achieved. A natural erection is gained by several things taking place... arousal then the opening of blood vessels that allows the penis to engorge. For the majority of men there is nothing arousing about inserting ones penis into a VED tube, so we are relying upon a vacuum inside the tube to pull blood in to the penis. This is by-passing mother natures way of making an erection and pulling blood through the normally (un-aroused) closed blood vessels. At the beginning of a session there needs to be a separate time of preparation to warm up the penis, VED tube, lubricant and so on. One should expect to apply lube, insert into the tube making sure the seal is good near the penis base, then apply a few pumps to get vacuum in the tube, and then wait for the body to react to the vacuum and let blood flow in to the penis. This can take many pump-wait 10 seconds-release cycles before the blood vessels react to the mild vacuum and allow blood into the penis without arousal. The danger is in trying to pump up to unbelievable vacuum levels to "speed up" the VED erection process, and this will lead to disaster. You will not trick your body in to a faster VED erection; you will only cause pain, bruising and maybe worse. Some days it may take 10 minutes or more of these prepatory vacuum-release cycles before you body reacts to the VED vacuum. The first few cycles with a VED and noting NO change in a flaccid penis is normal and to be expected. The time spent in prepatory pump-release cycles may go up with the mans age.
  After time has been taken to gently warm things up as described, and you are making sure you have a good seal at the base of the penis, an erection will happen inside the VED. Then and only then should you begin the cycles described within the protocol. If you come home from work and begin the VED protocol cold, not very many men will get an erection the first, second or third pump-release cycle. Tim has suggested warm baths a while back. A warm shower would work as well. I will say this also: if you are stressed out over work or for what ever reason and begin VED therapy, the stress will work against erection production whether it's a VED vacuum erection or natural. Keep this in mind and try to schedule your VED sessions for a time of day that is more relaxed.
  Use this warm-up suggestion with patience. Give your body time to react to the vacuum inside the VED tube. When you body is ready, it will produce an erection inside the VED that would win awards.



When you go to use the ved if you dont get in the shower or do a quick wrap with a warm washcloth, which is to messy to me, because then the water mixes with the lube and is icky.  If you don't do this, just pump an erection and don't get the full erection, do a half erection twice to get warmed up.  This will get your penis used to the pump, the longer your on the pump you won't need to do this as much.  



It takes me a while to get to full erection. I do not like to use that term even, for it is not "an erection" as much as it is "my penis finally stretched out as much as it can and is full of blood". I know, that sounds the same, but there is a difference, and in fact, for me and others posting here, getting turned on a bit and having a "real" erection often makes it impossible to use the narrow tube.

That said, it takes me a while to get to where I want to go. I find that (I use a gauge) if I pump to an arbitrary pressure (say, negative 150 mm Hg pressure) immediately, even if I have a good seal, my penis is not as long as it will be eventually. So, I pump up to a fairly comfortable level of tension, hold it for a while, perhaps "milking" the pump a bit (tugging it away from the body to encourage the entry of blood), and then I release. It helps ME a lot to have taken a warm bath or shower to relax the penis maximally - this would be a lot harder if I came in from playing naked in the snow and slapped the VED on!

After about 5-10 repeated bouts of applying a vacuum and releasing, as described above, my penis is definitely fuller and better stretched out, and now, the same amount of vacuum will lead to me finally stretching out to a final maximum length in the narrow chamber. I then hold it at a pretty taut pressure for up to 3 minutes, and then release.

I have found that, when I am trying the larger cylinder, it is really helpful to go through the above described process to get "pumped up". I can then put on the bigger cylinder and pump up again, getting a better seal (and less pull-up of scrotum) than if I had started with the big one cold.

This is what works for me.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



What do you think of this website:   and what do you think their methodology is ?



It seems their methodology is called making money. Not sure how good their product is though. Seemed slick - but I only looked for less than one minute.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hello all,

It has been a while since my last posts.  Just a reminder. I am now 21.  Although did not suffer from peyroines I had a 45 degree ventral bend that was labeled congenital, although I feel strongly that i suffered an acute fracture as a child during what I remember as a very painful incident that I kept from my parents.

Regardless, there were NO plaques and no peyroines diagnosis.  In september of 2007, I had a modified Nesbit procedure.  4 Permanent Sutures (which are still quite noticeable) were placed into the top of my penis thus pulling up my bend to what was about 0 degrees at the time.  Since then, I have regained some of my bend and am now at approximately 10-15 degrees downward.  Much better but still disheartening after all i went through.

So after some consult with my Urologist, who said that resurgery should NOT be an option, I asked if VED therapy can help me regain some straightness.  He said he was confident that it could help me as a therapeutic instrument (ie: yes it would help).

So I am now asking which VED I should go with.  Note that I will have to pay all of it myself and although the $500 plus SomaErect looks great, it is quite a bit more than I can afford at the moment.

I ran into this link, can anyone tell me what they think?

The issue with me is that with the sutures still palpable and the penis not actually straight, i have two issues that i hope to one day defeat.  While the suture palpability seems like an obstacle I may never overcome, the straightness issues seems to have some promise with VED therapy.  I would really appreciate any input here.  Thanks,  Mike



I am concerned about VED use on a Nesbit procedure.  I would fear that it could actually apply forces that could restore the pre-surgery curve since the elements of the curve are still there but it is only restrained by some sutures.

By all means do not use it until completely healed and use only low pressure if you decide to take a chance, which is what I think you are doing. Also monitor curve, sensation, etc very closely so you will catcht the first signs on a negative changes.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Since you say the curve is slight, is your concern from the way it looks, or does it make sex uncomfortable? I know as men we all get hung up on the size and way our erection looks (me included). But I would be careful about trying to do anything about a cosmetic change at this point.

I had surgery 9 months ago, was straight afterwards but once healed ended up with a slight 10 degree curve now. I am thrilled with this. Would much rather have the 10 degree curve than the 70 degree curve I once had.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Recently some of you were debating whether the VED delivers oxygen rich blood to the penis. One thing that surely delivers oxygen rich blood is a normal erection, for those of us who are fortunate to attain one.

I would like to know what you guys think about inducing erections several times a day (by watching porn or foreplay with partner) while avoiding ejaculation?

What do you think about the safety of this practice, given the fact that it often results in "blue balls" ?



Inducing erections does not cause "blue balls" which is nothing more than slang for some congestion of fluid/blood in the prostate and testicle region.  Every healthy male gets multiple erections nightly with only positive effects.  "Blue Balls" is caused by prolonged erection.  These are erections that are usually prolonged because of depriving oneself of a climax while continuing psychological or physical stimulation.  These prolonged erections actually deprive the penis of oxygen.

If the goal is to oxygenate the penis, than several brief erections (lasting 5 - 20 min) would be the solution.  The longer a penis is erect the more depleted the oxygen becomes.  The goal is to flush the penis with fresh oxygen rich blood (thus pump and release with the VED).  This is what healthy men get naturally during the night to maintain penile health.  A man that can get erections, can usually do this without something as involved as watching porn or involving another party in what could be an impractical and frustrating process of foreplay without climax.

PS: I hope you are not disappointed that you canNOT tell your girlfriend that the world's leading Peyronies Disease forum recommends you watch porn and have her fondle you all day as the premier treatment for Peyronies Disease. :)

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


For me, it was when I discovered the forum and the VED, that I was able to find a healthier way to induce an erection that was not dependent on my sexuality. That is, by getting it full of healthy blood and stretching out miniscule fibers that were trying to contract and form scar, I was able to resist that contraction and to a degree reverse some pre-existing contraction (about ten degrees, to be precise). And then my sexuality became healthier emotionally. Finally I had a way to fight Peyronie's that did not hyper-sexualize me, keep me looking at porn just to be hard for a while (indeed, like the VED, not ending in ejaculation either). Porn and sex addiction are one unfortunate by-product of this disease sometimes. Unlike many young men who cry out that their sex lives are over, my response to getting this at a young age was to say "I am going into overdrive to save my dick, or at least get laid as often as I can before it goes". But having sex as much as possible comes at a cost - I thank God I never got an STD or fatal illness, because I took a lot of risks.

It took me literally years to find a healthier balance and way to deal with this. By doing that, my marriage and relationship are on much firmer ground, and my place on the planet seems much better.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



I couldn't agree with you more!  Resorting to porn to get erections and keep your penis hard and stretched out can come with unwanted consequences and a dependency on pornography.  One guy on the forum told me " If I were you I'd go out and do as many women as possible!"  My constant thinking and worrying about my penis has worn me out over the past decade.  I've spent to much time isolated and often times wanted to withdraw and just do nothing or hang out with nobody cause I felt like I was constantly obsessing over my penis( especially since I lost significant size).  The pentox has given me a lot of hope and restored size to my flaccid state and given me better erections.  My flaccid size doesnt feel tiny anymore and this has allowed me to relax and not want to withdraw from society anymore. For me I feel that disease has effected me in so many different ways its almost impossible to examine how I would of turned out had I never gotten this.  Pornography is not really a healthy way to deal with getting stimulation, it can be addictive and make one feel depleted.  Some will seek this out just to get stimulation and "get erections" others might seek this out cause they feel their penis is so damaged and messed up that they feel worthless and that no woman will want them and their damaged goods.  One thing is for sure this disease will chew you up and spit you out, especially mentally!  It takes a mentally tough person to combat, the weak will break down and lose it.  For me pentox has given me a lot of hope and keeps me going, with the instant improvements I saw, but by no way a cure.  My penis still does bend, and still does feel hardened in some areas. For me I'll keep taking the pentox for as long as possible to gain anything I can and prevent further disease progression.  Both the pump and pentox have worked for me, if your totally healthy I'd recomend everyone get on these two things and they might help you and turn around a poor mental situation for you!



Come Back Kid, I wanted to ask you about your cylinder usage: Were you working with old man or winging it? Also, I hate the C as well it seems to suck in parts of my anatomy down there like veins and crap. Very difficult to work with. Any ideas?


Quote from: ComeBacKid on March 23, 2009, 10:38:43 PM
Are you using the three cylinder protocol from soma correct?  I never really used the biggest cylinder, it was just almost to big.  The A cylinder was to tight, but I liked working with the B cylinder, always got a good solid stretch from this one.  Used the A cylinder only a couple of times, then just stopped using it and substituted the B cylinder anywhere it called for the C.  I still saw size gain and bigger thick erections.


If you substitute the B cylinder when the protocol calls for the C cylinder and have used the A cylinder only a couple of times I assume that you are only on the B cylinder.

Don't most here believe the 3 cylinder protocol is the best way to go? Clearly I don't like using the A and C cylinders but do so thinking this is the best approach.


i think the largest cylinder was stretching the scar sideways and creating more of a bend - i was using the largest cylinder for 3 weeks and i was having pain each day - since stopping this and using the smallest cylinder the pain has stopped  - pain is critical and I find that I cannot tolerate this - it affects allfacets of my life - so i really dont care about folowing the protocol if its going to leave me in pain - i emailed oldman and he said this was fine - i may however compromise and use the middle cylinder.... its all to bloody hard anyway - ........just gotta do what is best Ive been pumping for 12 months now and i reckon its done sweet f**k all


I found exactly what iceman is saying to be true.  The c cylinder is just to big and wide and my penis would bend inside of it.  I loved working with the B cylinder, and the a cylinder was tight, its meant to be tight for a reason, to give you a length wise stretch.  The b cylinder really gave me a good girth stretch.  I never used the c cylinder but once and saw decent size gains, its not mandatory for improvement, but its part of the protocol.  If your having pain or can't fill the a tube and your penis is bending in it, i'd recommend stopping it and just using the b cylinder where it calls for c.  There is no right or wrong answer, each mans make up is different, so you have to use your own judgement.  



I now use only an "A" cylinder with occasional use of a C cylinder. I use tubes that are sized a 1/4 inch difference each (I think - it's been so long!). But my C cylinder works best for me because it has the silicone sleeve that makes for a better fit at the base. Without it, even the B cylinder sucks up scrotum too much for comfort.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Of course, this would just be an estimate, but out of all of those on the forum seriously dedicating themselves to the VED over a period of time (1 year+) how many people have actually seen marked benefits? Like all peyronies treatments it seems irritatingly hard to ascertain what works for who and why. It's tremendously positive that some appear to have come on leaps and bounds due to use of the VED, but somewhat perplexing and confusing that others haven't. I long for the day when we have a greater understanding of this disease and exactly why we see the results that we do.


Along with the last question about who has improved, I would like to know how many minutes each day they used the ved per session.Thanks


A "success stories" thread was started quite some time ago in hopes that it would fill with posts about individual success stories so this information would be easy to find and read. For whatever reason, this didn't happen... a few posts about success were posted but the thread started to turn in to a discussion, which defeats the purpose of the thread. This means that who had what success with whatever technique is really hard to find in the forum. It is hard to say how many actually have had success with the VED and straightening. I am one, Old Man is another, and there are posts by others having success in the VED thread but considering the size of the forum, much searching and reading must be done to find them.
Something that is apparent about VED therapy is treatment method and control... there is none, really. The Protocol can be posted, instructions, hints and tips can be given to men, but in the end, each man uses the VED in a way that he hopes is correct after reading the Protocol and making decisions.
   The written word is the only instruction there is on VED therapy for Peyronies control. It is VERY hard to convey to some individuals how to use the 3-tube VED system properly, consistently and without causing problems. We have no idea exactly how consistently an individual uses his VED, or the exact technique that individual uses with the VED. If we were assured that each man used the VED in exactly the same recommended way, there would be at least a base line of control information to assume, but that is not the case. A man may post that he used the VED every day for six months with no change in his curve, but no one knows exactly how he actually USED the VED. Myself, Old Man and some others post success with the VED, yet others post that after VED use nothing changed. I personally believe that if VED users used the VED in the manner described by the successful users that more improvement would take place, but there is no way to control that; recommendations can be made, but that is all.
   We have tried to get success documented in that thread, but for whatever reasons, that didn't work. So if one chooses to use the VED for Peyronies, he must charge forward and use the VED with consistency and dedication while following the written guidelines. Many are put off when they read that VED therapy took a year or longer to work. Well, I'm sorry, but there is NO one week or one month therapy for this rediculous Peyronies condition. Until we get more men dedicated to the therapy and sticking with it for the recommended time, the documentation for success will probably remain limited.



Is here anyone who could give me some tips on how to a get a VED. I live in Germany, so it's not possible to get it from the site or something that has been mentioned here couple of times.
I guess its possible to get one from your doctor, but who knows what quality etc. it is. Besides i wouldnt get one for ED.

I started to think that maybe VED could help me with my condition, and it cant do more than failing, so y not try.
Anybody here who knows a good source u can reach from europe.



This web site in Europe was mentioned a while back on the forum, but I have no personal experience with them and I don't know of anyone here who has purchased from them. At least it would be a start for you, kenny82. Their "products" page shows "being updated" but there is a phone number you can call. They show that they sell the Soma Correct 3 tube VED which has been recommended for and used by men on this forum. This 3 tube VED could be used with the 3 Tube Protocol that is referred to on this forum.

Again, I have no experience with this web site so I can't make a personal recommendation to use them, but it's a start for you. Others with more experience with purchasing a VED in Europe might post alternative places to get a VED in Europe.


I was just wondering if a person should try and use the ved twice a day or is once for 10 to 15 minutes enough? If used twice a day should it be counted as 2 sessions or one. Thanks for any replies


Okay! I just jumped in and bought a VED. Pentox was working well for a while but even taking 2 a day, I can still feel inflammation and am convinced another plaque is forming. I'd like to echo the question that tired posed:

If the therapy calls for 10-15 minutes a day, does using it twice mean that you use the VED for 20-30 minutes total in the day? Or each time do you simply use the device for 5-10 minutes instead?

And aside from Angus and Old Man, who's stories are very encouraging and frankly the reason I spent 220 dollars on a hope, I wanted to know if there were any other posters who experienced results with the VED. Lurking around the improvement forum I don't see many other regular posters who make that claim.



  There are many success stories in this thread.  Read mine in the Child boards.



You can read my entire story under the Our Histories thread. My peyronies started in 1995. At the time the doctor put me on Potaba and Vitiamin E 400IU 3 times a day.
I progressively got worse with all the side effects and lost almost 1 1/2 inches in length. Was prescribed a VED October 2006 after heart stents. Used it all wrong and caused a bruise that took weeks to heal. After a failed implant October 2007 I found this forum and Old Man.

I started the exercise advised by Old Man that was modified for the single cylinder I already had. In a few weeks I noticed length coming back. After a year I had gained almost 3/4 of an inch back.  ;D

Because of all my problems I had a successful implant October last year. The doctor said to use the VED until the day before surgery for a better outcome.
Now I have gained back the 1/2 inch lost during surgery and gaining on the loss to peyronies.

I do not use the VED with the implant. I am sure my better than expected outcome is from the proper VED exercise. I recommend it whole heartily.

I did the routine about 15 minutes once a day. If you can fit it in twice a day would be even better.

Any questions just ask. Old Man was a great help and his wise counsel is priceless.




The true protocl calls for ten reps, holding 10-15 seconds each time, then letting your penis go completely flaccid and re-pumping.  I held for 30 seconds and did about 15 reps each time.  You can pump twice a day, but the original protocol calls for just once a day.  There haven't been many studies done on the VED or its protocols.  Some on here have come up with their own protocols or just used one tube, rather than the 3 cylinder system.  Theres a lot of options, the choice is yours!





I am thinking about buying the SOMA from that particular website. With a weak British pound, it will most likely not be much more expensive than buying the OTC Vitality from (they charge about $100 for mailing it to Europe).

Are the two devices comparable? Which one would you (anyone here) choose?

Also, is a manually operated pump more advisable than one with a battery powered engine?

Just started my "heat treatment" again - wow, what a relief. It makes some of the tension go away.


   Both of the 3 tube VED's would be a good choice. You'll have to price them both then make your choice. I have not owned an electrically operated pump, only a manual one. With the manual pump I feel like I'm always in control, and able to make very small adjustments to the vacuum by partially compressing the pump bulb just a little bit. I suppose this is possible by using the on/off button on the electric model. The two devices are comparable because they are both a 3 tube design which isn't crucial but I believe beneficial to the protocols use.
   When you begin use ask questions here if you feel uncomfortable with any aspect of the protocol and the VED. Anyone starting VED therapy should spend much time reading this entire thread to really wrap their head around the procedure and what is taking place. I know that would take a LOT of time, but I feel it should be done as knowledge of what you are doing and how a VED behaves would increase ones odds of having success with this treatment. There are LOTS of posts about procedure that should be sought out and read before using the VED for Peyronies. So make your choice, get the VED, read everything here you can on VED use then begin. Your success will be linked to how dedicated you are to consistent use of the VED and following guidelines that have brought some men relief. This is not a guarantee that the VED will work for you... but by following the guidelines men have posted who have used a VED for years will greatly increase your odds of getting improvement.  



I read your post, and was wondering if you were one of the"success stories"...especially regarding curvature.

I have just started using the VED, and have considered increasing the time for engorgement and the # of cycles per session. It would require very little more time, as 10 times 10 seconds with a 5 second rest between is still only 150 seconds or 2-1/2 minutes.

The actual time consuming part is the prep; assembly, all the lube, and then cleanup afterwards. My thought was if you spend 10-15 minutes with all that, why not spend an extra minute with your penis engorged and stretched.

Any thoughts from anybody,





Your theory is what I thought as well, why not spend a little more time on each erection pumped?  An extra 15 seconds or so, why not?  When I used the VED it never really seemed to help my curve, just size really, in fact at one point i thought it might of made my curve slightly worse, but my overall penis was bigger.  I had peyronies for a long time before starting though and my tissues were probably somewhat calcified.  I threw in pentox and wained off of the VED eventually and saw significant improvement with the pentox.  My theory was that first you need to soften the tissues if they are well advanced with some pentox or something that will stop the inflammation and hardening, then the stretching will come along easier.  Just a theory though, I don't have an answer for you, but doing nothing probably won't make you better either.  Pentox seems to be showing some success results for members and for Dr. Lue and the VED seems to help bring back lost size.  When I told Dr. Mulhall that he said any size gain from VED is not permanent but I'm not sure thats true.  When I brought up VED at my other urologist they laughed me out of the examining room and said that the pump is a sex toy, and it won't work, just another scam by people praying on us desperate folks.



From what I've read from posts on the forum gains in length from VED are temporary. Is this case the same for decreases in curvature?


Gains in length can be maintained by continuing to use the VED in a maintenance role (as posted many times in the past). No one has ever posted that a curvature returned after using the VED to reduce the curve. Continuing to use the VED as a maintenance method keeps tissues stretched and encourages blood flow to the places where it needs to go.  


just an update. week 7 of therapy with cylinder C. this is the most awkward of all cylinders I have to admit.


Last week I got to just about as far as I think you can go with urologists in the UK.. I got to see a Mr.Christopher (Christopher is his surname -- I don't know his first name -- tried Googling for it but no luck) at University Collegue Hospital in London... probably the 5th or 6th uro I've seen, and certainly the most clued up re. Peyronies.
Amongst the things we discussed was the VED. He said it gave roughly a 30% chance of some significant improvement, the mechanism being that with constant regular stretching the brain eventually gets the idea that it has to create some extra tissue around the scar to ease/prevent stress on the body caused by the stretching. That extra tissue is normal healthy tissue.  I think I've paraphrased him correctly.
But his required protocol was quite different to the accepted one given here, or in the SomaCorrect manual.  It consists of two 30 minute sessions per day (morning & evening), each consisting of six 5 minute pump and holds (1 minute to pump up, 4 minutes hold, six simes over ). To me this seems far more likely to achieve success than the accepted 10 x 10 second protocol I used for 6 months, to no effect whatsoever. This is 1 min 40 seconds per day fully engorged and stretched versus 48 mins with Mr. Christopher's regime ( which I am going to try to follow, although I think I may have difficulty fitting in a morning session every day).  It has always puzzled me how such as tiny amount of daily stretching can be recommended as the most likely regime to effect improvement for Peyronies, and this new advice from Mr. Christopher has confirmed my doubts.
A word of warning to you though TPerry, or anyone starting out with the VED and thinking of adopting such a rigorous regime .. as Old Man and Angus always say,  if there is any pain, stop and wait until it has completely gone before resuming. And always resist the temptation to apply that extra bit of pressure. Build up slowly into any new regime or protocol. Always read OM & Angus, but my advice to you FWIW is to be skeptical of "accepted" protocols. Take a cautious approach, but ultimately you have to find out find out what works for you.  Good luck.

(as an aside, Mr.C also said that traction was no better than VED, and less practical because it needs to be worn for 12 hrs a day to stand any chance of being effective. Why so much longer than VED? - because it is being applied to a flaccid penis as against an erect one with VED.  Why that should make a difference he didn't explain. He also said that no oral medication was of any use for Peyronies once it has reached the stable phase. I'm guessing this is common knowledge on this forum. The only black mark against him was he'd never heard of Xiaflex.  None of the uros I've seen had heard of it.. but they were all just Brits, so I guess I'll have to let them off.  :o)  


Good work Shrout!

Persistence in finding someone with whom you can work seems to have paid off.

You could give him a copy of the case reports by Lue (I think) that showed Pentox being of benefit after the fact. I will look for the citation and forward it to you. In one case they continued to see improvement for a whole year.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


For what its worth, I concur with your doctor that you need to hold the stretch longer than the normal soma protocol.  It worked for me to gain size.  But you need to start out light and just do the protocol, and build up to a length of time to hold each erection for.  



Wow Shrout,

That's a big difference from what is recommended on this site. It does make since, as long as you are cautious, and work your way up to the recommended time. I wonder what Old man and some of the other regular VED guys feel about a 30 fold increase. I haven't gone back to see how the 26 week protocol was developed, but I'm sure someone can enlighten us.

I might try doubling or tripling the standard 100 second protocol per day for now.




From catching up, and then participating, in many threads about use of the VED, this has always been a topic of discussion. No randomized study has been done, so no one can say for sure what is "best".

For some, "too long" of a time seems to be associated with numbness, tingling and apparent trauma. For others, "too short" of a time seems to be associated with negligible results.

For me, I started out brief and low pressures, but have worked my way up to a longer time between releases, usually doing it for about a total of 20 minutes twice a day. IT is really hard for me to make more time than that. A discreetly placed (sort of) all day stretcher seemed to cause more negative than positive results here.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



any suggestions would be appreciated.

I'd like to get a VED to exercise my penis without having to resort to sex or porn, so per the suggestion of others I want to get a VED to do this.

As far as my shape goes, I only have a slight bend upwards at the end of my does not really curve up or down or sidways;
just curves up about 15 - 20 degrees towards the end.

I found the soma products, and I think the vitality may work:

but, it looks like some on the board use the somaerectsf:

and, it looks like the somaerectsf is also available for a discount at:

I have no appreciation for which one to purchase...I'd be happy with the vitality if that's the right one.

any advice?

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


You want a 3 tube VED system like the somaerect for the protocol to work properly. The prices in your links are high. If you search back through this thread, there is a link to a supplier at a MUCH better price than what your links show. Your last link shows a 199.00 price, but read the ad carefully... it states this is your out of pocket price after 80% insurance kicks in and pays the balance. Search down through this thread... you can find a better deal than that.