Dr Gelman and Dr Trost recommend a different treatment

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Hi guys,

I still have my New curvature on the left and a hard painful area on the left side as if my penis was not filling with blood on the left side, this has appeared since my last surgery with Dr Gelman. At the base I had a curvature only downward.

The urologists don't know where my problem comes from, either an old suture that broke, or a problem with the corpus cavernosum after surgery.

All the urologists I've seen, including Dr Gelman, tell me that the only solution is another surgery.

All except Dr Trost, who says that the best solution would be Xiaflex injections, bearing in mind that I don't have Peyronie's, and according to the Doppler I recently had done, there's no fibrosis except for slight scars around the old sutures.

I was also able to chat by e-mail with Dr Djinovic in Serbia who also recommends surgery, but he didn't inspire confidence in me, it seems too easy for him and he's not very explanatory, plus the price for my surgery is much higher than other guys I've talked to.

So I'm very confused by the lack of consensus between doctors. What do you think? Has anyone had Xiaflex for congenital curvature with Dr. Trost?

Currently, I'm going to try VED soon, as recommended by a local urologist.
27 yo

- 01/2020: Nesbit surgery for a 50 degrees downward curvature with Dr.Faix (FR) : bad result

- 12/2022 : Surgery correction with Dr.Gelman US

- Now : Indentation on the left dorsal side with a rotation to the left that appeared, try Restorex


It is difficult to address exactly which way to go. You definitely have had a couple surgeries which I'm sure has been expensive $$. On looking back over your experience can you judge the quality of improvement from any of them? I would be hesitant to undergo the knife again. Xiaflex injections will dissolve any scar tissues and plaques. I am not educated on the use of it for congenital curvatures. Remodeling after Xiaflex is what will promote straightening and healing of the penis. Is this what Dr Trost has recommended and discussed with you? I would at least give VED a try as it is noninvasive.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Hello Mikel,

Thank you very much for your reply I'm grateful, it's not the first time you've replied to a post of mine

The last surgery definitely improved my situation, I used to have a disabling downward curve that I no longer have

The problem is now this painful hard area on the left side that could cause this new curvature, the urologists don't know if this is related even though I think it is. Dr Gelman told me during his surgery he had removed an astronomical amount of adhesion in my penis from the first surgery in France.

Yes, I was even able to discuss with Dr Trost during a video consultation 1 year ago and also by e-mail, Xiaflex + remodelling with Restorex can be a solution for him. I've already used Restorex alone for several months, and it hasn't improved my situation Apart from a gain in length.

So I'm wondering if Xiaflex can potentially remove adhesions?

Yes, I'm going to start VED when I have more intimacy, but I just don't believe in the effectiveness of this device.  

Thx again !!
27 yo

- 01/2020: Nesbit surgery for a 50 degrees downward curvature with Dr.Faix (FR) : bad result

- 12/2022 : Surgery correction with Dr.Gelman US

- Now : Indentation on the left dorsal side with a rotation to the left that appeared, try Restorex


Hi Alex83, I'm saddened for your sake that you still have not found the solution for this latent problem. Always wishing you the very best.
Age: 65. Peyronies Disease in MAR 2019. 90 dgree upward curve.. Immediate &  severe. Xiaflex, APR 2019 to early 2021, slow but minor improvement through 2021. Incisional corporoplasty surgery completed in late 2022.



Can you tell me more about your experience with Dr. Djinovic, what did he tell you about surgery, and what was the cost.


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.