Contractubex - thoughts?

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I'm seeing people toss around the idea of using Contractubex for Peyronies disease. A few members have even stated that it significantly correct the bend in their penis (which is great), and want to know if anyone else has had experience with this topical cream. Can anyone provide inside into this alternative treatment? Are there any possible negative effects?

Thanks guys
24 y/o, Peyronies Disease since birth due to hypospadias surgery. Pilcation surgery in 2017 (stiches broke week after, failed treatment). Current Treatment: PMP + COQ10 + L Cartine


Hi IBW, my friend and I are currently using Contractubex cream on the recommendation of a urologist who said that that is a treatment that is recommended at symposiums in the last two years that he has been to and that, apart from surgery, it is the only alternative solution that they are recommended to advise patients. That's what he told to us.

We've only been using the Contractubex for 2 months. I haven't noticed any improvements so far, and a friend who has a much larger curvature says that his penis is straighter at rest. X-rays confirmed that the plaque was slightly softer. This information is obscured due to the fact that a friend has previously used verapamil gel as well as injections that may have some delayed effect.

According to the doctor's advice, the cream should be used for a minimum of 6 months and up to 12 months.

I was hoping to read more about this therapy on this forum. Unfortunately, there's not much information as I expected. I'll update this post after 6 months with new information. It would be nice if someone else could write something more If there's more...
Plaque Diagnosed in May 2023
Me therapy: ESWT, E vitamin, ContracTubex
My friend therapy: Same as me + Verapamil gel, Verapamil injection, Advantan


Hello to everyone, I have been using Contractubex cream for almost 5 months, and in the meantime, my friend and I had a check-up with the doctor. I promised to report back, so... here I'am.

First of all, I wanted to get back to the questions that was asked to me during my personal presentation on the forum, by the user #PeyroniKirai, and the question was:
QuotePlease check with him/her, and please question if he really thinks Contractubex could be effective for removing plaque on the tunica of the penis -- the tunica is underneath the skin which prevents absorption.  I would be very interested in hearing any medical logic as to why this could be a valid therapy.

The answer was short, yes it can. There wasn't too much explanation about it, and of course I didn't want to offend the doctor, so I didn't insist on details. I can't dispute the doctor, but I can't confirm that it is so either.

Related to the examination, the plaque on my glans partially receded, but I got a new plaque on the left side, so the curvature at the top decreased, but I got a slight curve to the left. I use only Contractubex and vitamin E, 400 IU, and I can't say how much is the merit of that therapy and how much is some other factor.

I mentioned that I have a friend who has a more difficult problem. He did the ultrasound and it was found that his plaque did not shrink, and not getting bigger, but it lost its density. At rest, his penis is straighter, but in erection it is curved again. My friend has used a lot of things in the last 12 months (verapamil cream, Advantan cream, verapamil injections, Potaba pills, vitamin E), so it is even more difficult to determine what "helped" the plaque to lose density.

Generally, doctor said that this is a good progress and recommend to continue with the Contractubex cream and to start with the Phallosan-forte stretching device therapy. He gives to Phallosan an edge over the Restorex that we asked about. He believes that Phallosan is better and that it is also a recommendation from the clinic in Germany where he worked before.

I'm not favoring any of the mentioned, I'm just stating how the medical examination went.

So much from me for this occasion. If anyone has similar experience with Contractbuex or with the Phallosan-forte device please write. I need to check if there is a thread about this Phalossan device...

Also, if you have any questions regarding this topic, I am available.

The next medical appointment is after 6-7 months from today, and after that I will write again with new information.

Best regards to everyone, be well.
Plaque Diagnosed in May 2023
Me therapy: ESWT, E vitamin, ContracTubex
My friend therapy: Same as me + Verapamil gel, Verapamil injection, Advantan


I've never heard of anyone using Contractbuex for peyronies disease.

I'm very skeptical in this working.
35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2


Time and time again here we go...Any cream applied externally does not penetrate deep enough to correct any form of peyronies. Search the forum. This is just a big $$$ maker for the manufacturers. Also do the prescribing Dr's get a kickback?
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


The doctor doesn't take anything, I'm almost completely sure. The examination costs €30 every 6 months, and the cream is available for €10. It's too little money, no interest.

I believe this is one of the most honest doctors I've been to, and I've also been to those who tried to extort money from me.

He said that there is no real cure for now and that this is the only thing recommended at the congresses he attends. I also offered him money from the side for some additional advice or recommendation, but he refused to accept anything.

Is Contractubex unefective or a placebo!? Maybe, I don't know that. So far, I haven't read on this forum or anywhere else that anyone has found an effective solution, so I don't see a problem in continuing with this therapy until a better solution appears.

This is my opinion, everyone is free to do as they think is best for them.

Everyone tries something in their own way, at the same time it is not possible for all of us to try everything. I noticed that there are many started topics on the forum, but most of them also do not end with a conclusion. A good number of users do not provide feedback regarding their therapies or do not report the specific effectiveness of the therapies. I am grateful for every conclusion, even if it is negative, so at least we know for sure that something is not working.

Plaque Diagnosed in May 2023
Me therapy: ESWT, E vitamin, ContracTubex
My friend therapy: Same as me + Verapamil gel, Verapamil injection, Advantan


Traction therapy and VED therapy do work for a lot of us men here. It does take time though. I was originally 7 1/2 in length and 5 3/4 in girth . Peyornies struck and I went down to 5 inches in length and 5 in girth with indentations. All I have ever used is traction therapy and VED therapy. I am now at 7 1/4 in length and almost 5 3/4 again. It has been almost 4 years now since my nightmare happened. I have not been able even to use Cialis because of SNHL. So with patience and persistence these treatments do work. It is just that men want a quick fix and be done with it. :)

Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Please check the forum rules for quoting. Prior full quote removed  ADMIN

That's a great improvement.

I'm hoping I can achieve the same with consistent traction and VED.
35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2


Hi Mikel7,

You told us that you had a problem, and later an improvement in length and girth.

I'd like to ask you, did you have a curve, how much degrees, and if VED did help with curve, how many degrees of improvement have there been ?

I'd appreciate it if you could give us an answer to these questions.

Thank you in advance, I wish you all the best
Plaque Diagnosed in May 2023
Me therapy: ESWT, E vitamin, ContracTubex
My friend therapy: Same as me + Verapamil gel, Verapamil injection, Advantan


I had a 45* dorsal curve with a few indentations at the base. I now have about a 10* curve and all indentations have filled out. Length is about back to normal and EQ quality is very good. I just deal with blood pressure problems.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thank you very much Mikel7 for your answer and your time.

I wish you all the best.

Best regards.
Plaque Diagnosed in May 2023
Me therapy: ESWT, E vitamin, ContracTubex
My friend therapy: Same as me + Verapamil gel, Verapamil injection, Advantan