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If you're looking to buy a SOMAcorrect in the United States, it can be a bit challenging since it is primarily distributed by iMEDicare, which indeed might not ship to the U.S. Here are a few alternative suggestions:

Contact iMEDicare Directly: Even though their standard policy might not include shipping to the U.S., it's worth reaching out to them directly. Sometimes companies can make exceptions or provide more information on where their products can be purchased in the U.S.

Check with Medical Supply Stores: Some specialized medical supply stores in the U.S. might carry or be able to order the SOMAcorrect for you. It's worth giving them a call.

Online Marketplaces: Websites like eBay or Amazon sometimes have listings for specialized medical devices. Ensure that you're buying from a reputable seller to avoid counterfeit products. Personally, I prefer Amazon.

Consult a Urologist: Sometimes, medical professionals can order specific medical devices directly or provide a reliable source where such devices can be obtained.

Alternative Devices: If you can't find SOMAcorrect, consider discussing with your healthcare provider about similar devices that might be more readily available in the U.S.

I hope this helps, and you're able to find what you need!
Hi Sonny!

Sorry to hear there hasn't been any improvement with 10mg tadalafil. Here are a few things you could discuss with yours doctor: diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management might help. Other ED medications like sildenafil might work better or could be combined with tadalafil under medical supervision. Supplements like L-arginine, ginseng, and yohimbine sometimes help but can have side effects and interactions. Therapy or counseling might also be beneficial.

Other methods like vacuum devices, injections, or surgical implants could be options if other treatments fail. Be sure to discuss any changes with your doctor to find a safe and effective treatment. Good luck!
Introduce Yourself / Re: Lemme introduce myself aga...
Last post by Mikel7 - May 28, 2024, 04:47:32 AM
This does need investigating. Any numbness or tingling could mean a possible pinched nerve, muscle tightness or blood flow issues. Also any pelvic issues can seem like prostate or penis related problems. Remember that getting older can slow down on our bodies healing process sometimes. Also worry and anxiety can do a lot of damage too.
Introduce Yourself / Re: Lemme introduce myself aga...
Last post by Mikerey - May 28, 2024, 12:27:14 AM
Why is it not healing??? So you know, I defeated a penile fracture... Now I don't even want to talk about the angle of the dangle (peyronnies lol) instead this is my problem: I keep hearing an audible crack in my right groin and it causes loss of sensation in my right leg. My right quad is tingling. I am so fed up about not being able to pump iron at the gym because it might get worse. In fact I've heard and felt about 15 pops in the last few months, more closer to 20. I am in great despair over this. I see my uro by phone on July 16th while I'm on vacation but this really hurts. The cracking was very more louder and persistent in the beginning, I don't know if that is grounds for improvement as it is still chronic. Just numbness in the right leg.
Penile Implants / Re: Surgeon recommendations eu...
Last post by Del28 - May 27, 2024, 07:57:22 PM
To clarify, he hasn't given me any diagnosis. He's even suggested I have bi-polar disorder. Funny that 🙄😂
Penile Implants / Re: Surgeon recommendations eu...
Last post by Del28 - May 27, 2024, 07:55:15 PM
Thank you for your reply.
Well deformity being the curve and indentation it can change depending on flaccidity. Semi flaccid it's typically much thinner than it was on the left side with a god awful hinge with an obvious point of weakness. There's also a very severe twist left that has developed.

Fully erect I basically point up at almost 90 and 30 degrees to the left. If I lie on my back masturbating I can't lift my penis at all really. It's either too stiff and uncomfortable or will hinge on a semi and feel liable to snap in two. I've given up on sex because every position is painful and undoubtedly dangerous.

My andrologist hasn't given any diagnosis. Nor could he because he hasn't even investigated my case accordingly. The last time I visited him I complained of all this coupled with pain & discomfort. He refused a scan of any kind, got very frustrated that I wasn't happy to pay him hundreds for mere reassurance and then suggested a physical exam. He stretched me aggressively well beyond my erect length. That night was the most painful night of penile pain I've experienced. Hardly a coincidence. Almost unbelievable.

How can anyone present with the dark triad of sexual dysfunction and be treated with such disregard? Ed, pain and deformity
I've been using DMSO + nascent iodine for about two weeks now. I can't see any results, to be honest. Maybe it occasionally improves my EQ but not by a lot.

Has anyone tried DMSO and propolis?
Penile Implants / Re: Surgeon recommendations eu...
Last post by tsp - May 27, 2024, 04:22:42 PM
Does your deformity show when flaccid? What is your Andrologist's diagnosis?
Penile Implants / Surgeon recommendations europe
Last post by Del28 - May 27, 2024, 03:49:17 PM
Hello all

I'm writing for surgeon suggestion/recommendations in Europe. Self diagnosis is all I've been left with truly since my andrologist is scarily inept or careless, likely both.

I can't have sex anymore, my curvature and deformity are that severe. Despite this my andro (one of two in my country) has refused any treatment or investigation in 4 visits over three years. The only scan I have is an MRI from A&E a week post injury. Of course he had no problem engaging in painful and damaging physical checks each time and not once did he induce an erection to assess my curvature.

I seriously need help. I KNOW wholeheartedly I've peyronies at the very least.

I apologise for the rant I'm very upset today. Who in europe (preferably the uk) could both diagnose me and perform straightening & implant surgeries if need be?(high volume implanters only I suppose)

Good luck to everyone and know I'm with you in spirit, this is incredibly painful in so many ways

Do you know what surgeon will be performing the surgery?