Live Now in Penile Implant Surgery - Hawk's Implant Journal

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Hello Hawk, I am considering seriously the implant. Congratulations for your succesful surgery. I would like to ask you:

Do you know if is it possible to call Dr. Eid's office to get information without having to go there? Something like to ask questions to his secretary or the people who work with him? Do you know if they are these days in the office and if they are open these days? Thanks
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


Quote from: Sadguy on September 05, 2018, 07:27:01 PM
Do you know if is it possible to call Dr. Eid's office to get information without having to go there? Something like to ask questions to his secretary or the people who work with him? Do you know if they are these days in the office and if they are open these days? Thanks

Call 212-535-6690 and ask for Sylvia or Myrah.  They are in everyday but leave early on Fridays.

You can save yourself one office visit with a phone or video consultation with Dr. Eid but insurance will not cover that "visit". Sylvia or Myra will gladly speak to you and answer any questions.  In fact, I just called Sylvia for you to make sure and she is happy for you to call and talk. -----  Let me know how it goes.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 30 Wednesday

I had two great days in a row.  I am still very aware of my penis and scrotum when I sit.  Soft seats that tend to bulge up in the middle when you sit down are the worst, but it is all manageable.  I can now tuck my penis down in pants if they are not tight.  No jeans for sure.  I mostly wear Duluth Trading Firehose Flex work pants.  Good fit with lots of give.

Sex, although fantastic, can still be painful.  In fact, it will be painful if we are not careful. It has to be choreographed, so there are no unexpected sideways hip movements.  If the female wants to move sideways a few inches from the edge of the bed without warning, it is not good. It also requires lots of lubricant. Patience is clearly the name of this game, and I am not that patient because I can already see how incredible this will be.  I am almost to the point of walking in a large room full of people instead of thinking negatively, thinking no one in here has the sexual stamina I have.  

A couple more psychological observations.  I find that my obsession with size is greatly diminished.  Maybe because of the rockhard worry-free (adjustable) erection. Maybe because it looks bigger than before surgery, but I am thrilled with what I have.  Would I turn down more size? NEVER, but it seems a minor issue, and I am relaxed knowing I am not slowly losing more.  I also find that I am relaxed about anyone knowing I have an implant.  I carefully guarded this under hernia surgery guise, but I find myself wanting to give a full account to people.  While I have not done so out of consideration for them possibly not wanting to know, I feel so confident with what this is that I am proud to have it.  To me, it says that I am fully functional in a way that other men only dream of, especially men my age.  And that is coming from a guy that used to have multiple orgasms from one erection and never lost an erection in my life before prostate cancer surgery.  I don't want to get radical here, but I am almost to the point that if I were a man in his 60's that was beginning to suffer the first stages of Erectile Dysfunction, I would want this to preempt the struggle and decline.  It is like, why fight a decline you never have to experience?  The real answer, I guess, is there is some risk of infection, and there are botched surgeries by low-volume surgeons.  There is also limited life expectancy for an implant, but that is true of everything, including life itself.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 31, Thursday

I am getting very comfortable in general daily activity.  Yesterday I edged the sidewalk, trimmed hedges, pruned a tree and cleaned up limbs with no problems other than when I slapped myself in the penis with a limb.  It hurt but no big deal.  Sitting seems pretty normal.  Street clothes are good BUT I still have to pick and choose what I wear.  The biggest issue is with the penis down the left leg in long pants, it is a bit of a problem bending that leg when I climb in or out of a car.  It also exerts some pressure on it when I bend over.  I do find if I keep my penis in the same position for several hours it hurts to move it.  Ideally, I should probably reposition it every couple hours but I don't.

I have pretty much stopped all hot baths/soaks.  I am pumping up to the max for about 30 minutes in the morning while I shave, brush my teeth then shower.

Although I feel much more like I am returning to normal during regular activity, the last time I had sex the tip of the implant right at the glans caused a stinging pain especially when I tried to keep going after I had a climax.  I am not sure if the heightened sexual pleasure masked the pain until I had an orgasm or if my penis had just had enough by that point but it was enough to stop me.  I am very impatient for those issues to be completely gone.  I am ready for unrestrained, uninhibited, sex that takes no thought, planning, or caution.  I think I am going to back off of sexual activity to just once or twice a week and hope I can feel improvement each time.  One note on sensitivity.  I have read some men who say they do not orgasm as fast and some that have at least initial problems having an orgasm during intercourse right after getting an implant.  Some that had premature ejaculation consider it a plus.  My experience is different.  I see absolutely no difference in sensitivity or anxiety or anything else that might delay orgasm.  I can tell that 1/3 of the length of my penis shaft on the underside right at the base is a little numb to the touch near where the incision was but it already seems to be improving and does not detract in the least from intercourse, probably because it is a small area on the underside of the base.

Finally, pumping and deflating is now pretty routine.  They require no soaking and there is hardly even any scrotum discomfort when depressing the pump bulb.

My pubic hair is finally grown in enough that it is not sticking me so I take pleasure in every little improvement.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Day 32 Friday
I am not sure I will continue daily updates.  I drove a friend to the airport today (2 hours each way) in long pants.  It was no big deal.  I can pretty much do any daily activities at this point but I am often aware of my penis and scrotum to a small degree and shift my weight as I sit.  I am careful when bending my leg getting in or out of the car. I do get random stabbing pains or burning, or stinging pains for apparently no reason other than things healing.  They are mild however and usually only last a few seconds.

My angle is dropping.  My erect/inflated angle is about 2:30 o'clock.  I like that even though the implant straightened my slight right curve, I still curve up slightly which is my natural penis curve.  I like that rather than a rod-straight curve.  I am glad for the drop because in the beginning my erection/inflation was at about 1 o'clock.  It would have not worked for some positions.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk - even if you don't continue to post daily, please continue your updates as events warrant. This is an excellent and very informative thread.  
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


I agree with Frank, i always read even if i don't reply to this post.

I have got a question: all the pains and bruising that you feel, are going to disappear with time according to dr. Eid or you will have them for the rest of your life?
Furthermore, i would like to ask you about the hardness of the penis with an implant: is it super hard like pre-peyronies and pre-ED or what does it feel like?
What about sexual sensations and feelings? Are they the same as before?
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


Obviously the pain and bruising is going to disappear with time  


Quote from: hope794 on September 09, 2018, 09:51:52 AM
I have got a question: all the pains and bruising that you feel, are going to disappear with time according to dr. Eid or you will have them for the rest of your life?
Furthermore, I would like to ask you about the hardness of the penis with an implant: is it super hard like pre-peyronies and pre-Erectile Dysfunction or what does it feel like?
What about sexual sensations and feelings? Are they the same as before?

All the bruising was gone after7 or 8 days.  The pains are less every day and are now more just occasional discomfort rather than pain.  All of the discomforts will continue to diminish until it is all gone according to Dr. Eid and all others that have had implants.

Post-Surgery Day 34
No one at any age, has a penis any harder than mine.  I was exceptionally capable when I was a teen.  I could have multiple orgasms from one erection and often did.  My penis now is at least as hard as it was then and will stay that hard as long as I want it to, even all day.  I have only had sex 3 times in the last 12 days because I want to proceed patiently.  At this point the sensation seems at least as intense as it ever felt in my life and nothing about it feels different or unnatural other than some pain if I am not careful.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Great!!! You are really motivating. Thank you for your reply, Hawk. What about sport? Is it uncomfortable to have an implant while driving, doing sport, walking and so on?
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


Hope, you have to understand I just had surgery.  I am not healed yet.  I am not cleared to exercise until 6 weeks.  I am just getting to the point that it is not uncomfortable to bend over and tie my shoe.  :) I can walk a few miles however.

Once healed, men ride mountain bikes, participate in martial arts and squat hundreds of pounds without a problem.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


Hawk - Just re-read one of your previous posts and have a question. When you say your erection is at the 2:30 angle, do you mean your erection does not protrude straight out from your body (as you look down/straight ahead at the 0 degree angle) but rather is at roughly a 60 degree angle to the right?
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


Quote from: Frank55 on September 10, 2018, 06:34:38 AM
Hawk - Just re-read one of your previous posts and have a question. When you say your erection is at the 2:30 angle, do you mean your erection does not protrude straight out from your body (as you look down/straight ahead at the 0-degree angle) but rather is at roughly a 60-degree angle to the right?

NO, NO, NO!   I am glad you asked, Frank.  I certainly want to be clear.  It points perfectly straight ahead looking down.  It is raised a little above level, meaning it is not parallel to the floor.  I would have to hang a towel on it to pull it down to level (3 O'clock) because it has lift.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


OK thanks. That is helpful. One other item. Did Dr. Eid give you a sort of "healing schedule and regimen", in the sense of "week one, expect this pain and do not do these activities, week two you can expect this level of pain but you can now do these activities", and so on until at this amount of time you should be fully healed?  
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


Dr. Eid only gave me a schedule to this extent
Days surgery through the next two days lay flat on your back except to eat or take a brief walk
3rd day take the catheter out, unbandage and soak 2 - 3 times a day and begin inflating and deflating implant
10 days get stitches removed (there are only 3 stitches)
21 days you can have sex and very moderate exercise
4 weeks you can  stop hot soaks
6 weeks reasonable normal exercise can resume as tolerated.
3 months, should barely be aware that I have an implant

He gave two levels of pain meds (Percocet and Tylenol w/ codeine)

The rest you work out on your own.  Everyone is different.  Some need no prescription pain meds.  Some take pain meds for many weeks.  No doctor can calculate what your level of pain will be at a future time.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 33 Sunday

It has been very slightly over one month and slightly less than the 5-week mark.  I notice a few changes in the past couple of days.
1. The couple remaining daily activities that bothered me somewhat were getting in and out of the car without bending my penis in my pants and tying my right shoe for the same reason.  These no longer really bother me.  I  am aware of the bend or pressure on my penis, but there is no discomfort.

2. For whatever reason, my urine stream seemed skinnier after surgery.  I assumed it was because the cylinders possibly crowded my urethra, and I just dismissed I as not a big deal.  In the past day, that seemed to change, and I am back to a normal, full-bore stream.  I can only attribute that to possibly having some residual swelling that has gone down.

3. My penis seems to stay totally deflated now instead of having a little bit of fluid trickle back into the cylinders after deflating.  Others report this improvement over time.

At this point, it is only direct penis contact that has any discomfort, like hitting myself with a limb or swinging a bag of trash into it when taking out the trash.  I still get momentary random sticking pains like a needle poking it, but it only lasts a second or two.  That is part of any surgical procedure as you heal and nerves are mending or activated.  

The only thing left is patiently waiting for my penis to be totally pain-free with the normal impact, squeezing, tugging, bending contact during sex, wearing jeans, and other activities.  I expect that to happen slowly and progressively over the next 7 weeks, which will take me to the three-month mark.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk - Thanks also for the tip about the Duluth pants. I've seen their ads but have not considered buying since I don't think they are sold in stores. Your endorsement helps. By the way, if you need a dressier pair of pants for some occasion, I've found the Levis "Dockers" pants are good. Just be sure to get the "relaxed fit" version - I bought the pleated ones. They also have straight fit, classic fit, etc. The relaxed fit Dockers have a lot of crotch room.

Also wanted to ask - what health plan are you on? I'm currently on one of the Health Sharing plans (Liberty Health) but may look into enrolling in a conventional plan this fall. I now live in Ohio. In Colorado (where I lived before), all of the exchange-based plans were PPO so going to a Doctor in another state was not an option (which was frustrating because the Colorado urologists were unimpressive, at least for Peyronies.) The United Healthcare party line was "out of network benefits are not available."
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


Medicare is my primary and I have Blue Cross as a secondary (through government retirement).  My total premiums are high but I never pay a cent for a doctor or hospital care.  With my wife's health issues and me harboring advanced prostate cancer lurking somewhere in my body (so far cannot be imaged) I am happy to pay the premiums).

The Duluth Firehouse-Flex work pants are now my every day (except Sunday suits)goto pants.  Pricey but unbeatable for wear and comfort.  They even look good with a sportcoat.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 35 (5 weeks) Tuesday 9/11/18

Yesterday I had a little setback.  For some unknown reason, I felt some strain where I assume my reservoir is.  It was mild and not pain, but it was discomfort.  It was the type of thing that, although it did not really hurt it caused concern because I have hardly felt the reservoir site since surgery, and it made me wonder what was going on since I was not overly active and had not even moved fast to catch my balance. It was uncomfortable every time I needed my abdominal muscles for a movement.  It baffled me, and, frankly, I wouldn't say I liked it.  I worried that Dr. eid warned me I might need a second incision for the reservoir since I had prior abdominal surgery but then did everything through the tiny incision in the scrotum.  This morning I got up, and it was like it never happened, so I decided no need to bother Dr. Eid with my paranoia.

I notice my penis shaft is now healed enough that inflated it can tolerate a good firm squeeze and seems up to normal handling and wear and tear.  I was a little surprised when I made a few test tugs and squeezes.   It is only where the tips extend partway into the glans that I feel periodic discomfort in the form of low-level burning sensation.  Even that area can be handled with care since only certain movements feel unpleasant.

I have returned to often wearing an athletic supporter over my underwear because my penis clearly is not yet committed to one position.  When doing yard work or moving around, it keeps my penis in one place rather than flopping around my body.  If I point it down my left stride, it just makes it a little more restrictive to bend down without bending my penis and glans, which is still an uncomfortable feeling.

This morning I pumped to the max, and just as the discomfort was getting to me, I got in the shower as usual.  The shower suddenly relieves or interrupts the nerve signals, and I can continue to stay inflated longer.  Finally, I deflated without squeezing my penis, so it was only a partial deflation, still good enough for intercourse.  After about 10 minutes, I gave it ten pumps to bring it back up to maximum, and to my surprise, it did not seem to ever return to that typical feeling that I had to deflate or start squirming.  I also studied the deflation button location when I am in the standing position.  Up until now, I have had to feel around for it standing, but I think I now have down in my head how to go directly to the deflation button.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 36 Wednesday 9/12/18

Sex continues to get better.  We can enjoy our bionic penis with less care and risk of discomfort than we could at week three, although there is clearly a way to go yet.  In our last encounter, I inflated to a normal erection with one hand under the covers as soon as I sensed she was getting cuddly.  Partway through foreplay, I inflated to rock-hard even though I know that usually only has about a 30-minute shelf life at this stage of healing.  This is what I have referred to as more than you would use for intercourse, but I wanted to wield this thing with a maximum pump.  It typically starts a feeling of stretching discomfort and minor pain after 25 -30 minutes, but I would worry about that when the time came.  I planned that I would hit the deflate button when that happened and let some pressure off.  During intercourse, I began to feel that discomfort, but we just were not in a stoping mindset.  It was that stage where the struggle to engage your thinking brain and perform a logistic act was not going to happen.   I continued until she climaxed, and then I had no trouble doing the same.  I was, however, very glad to deflate at that point.

This is all significant because this was spontaneous sex.  It was NOT the planned sex we are used to where I would not eat for hours, so any Viagra / L-arginine could quickly hit the bloodstream, then timing taking the drugs, and then making sure the VED with an assortment of rings was available next to the bed.  It was also not the most common routine of where I typically satisfied her before intercourse, so I could concentrate on finishing with a penis capable of satisfying me but not reliable enough to do tricks on command.   No such issue with my bionic penis.  We both climaxed during intercourse, and I adjusted position, angle, and intensity to her liking when she needed me to do so.

I asked later if it was too hard.  She just laughed and said, "Oh yeh! You could probably tell I was not really enjoying it".  She assured me it was not too hard at all.  When I asked if she could tell the difference between me now and the VED, she said, "Yes,  I don't think you even have to ask that."    She was right.  I didn't have to ask because this erection was sufficient to direct my will or her will to do whatever we wanted it to do when we wanted to do it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I'm at Day 1 Looking forward to such a day in 6 weeks...Thxs SO MUCH for sharing your experiences!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Never mind I just found your other thread. Congrats Tony - that is a strong step. Please keep us posted on your experience and progress.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


How about the Glans? did it engorge like normal erection?

The feeling and sensation in the glans feels same as normal erection?
36 Yrs Old, Peyronies since 03/2018
Hourglassung Subcutaionus atrophy & Mild ED after Steroid injection
Flaccid pain, Curvature to the left
Tried ALC, L-Arginine, COQ10, Pentox, Tamoxifen, Cialis, fexofenadine, Vit E - Nothing is working.


Quote from: picgg on September 12, 2018, 10:46:26 AM
How about the Glans? did it engorge like normal erection? Is the feeling and sensation in the glans feels same as normal erection?

PICGG, what the glans does depends almost entirely on what the glans did before surgery.  Implant surgery does nothing to change the erection quality of the spongiosium which is the narrow chamber around the urethra that ends as the glans.  If it filled up before the surgery it will fill up after the surgery.  If it did not engorge before the surgery it likely wont after the surgery.  If anything my glans is at least as engorged as it was before surgery (which was not a lot without drugs).  In my case, it makes me wonder if the pressure from the two cavernosal cylinders act somewhat like a "cock ring" and cause the blood to build up in the glans.

Sex feels exactly like sex.  No difference at all.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thank you so much....

I am checking the forum minute by minute to see your updates....

I started having the hope that there is a way to live normal again.

I hope my corticosteroid injection which caused an atrophy in my tunica will not complicate the surgury if at all required in the future.
36 Yrs Old, Peyronies since 03/2018
Hourglassung Subcutaionus atrophy & Mild ED after Steroid injection
Flaccid pain, Curvature to the left
Tried ALC, L-Arginine, COQ10, Pentox, Tamoxifen, Cialis, fexofenadine, Vit E - Nothing is working.


I want to be specific here.  I think this is a difficult concept for some to grasp.  My erection feels like my erection.  As far as my body and my mind are concerned, someone gave me my erection back.  Even in the first few weeks that is true.  Early on it was sore but it felt like me.  Now when I pump up in the morning it feels no different than walking around with an erection at 20 years old.  It does not feel foreign or unnatural.  Keep in mind, I do not have an artificial dick.  I have a balloon that weighs a fraction of an ounce filled with fluid in each cavernosa.  It essentially just put a liner in my cavernosa that holds the fluid instead of the fluid (blood) being pumped straight into the cavernosa.

If there is anything artificial-like it is the pump ball in the scrotum but that has no impact on the nature of the penis.

Now, with a Titan, you do feel unnatural if you squeeze or handle it when it is super deflated.  That may change some, maybe not.  I really do not care at all what my deflated penis feels or looks like as long as the inflated penis is natural.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


Hawk - Did you stay overnight at the medical facility after the procedure? Or was it outpatient, and how far a distance/drive was it for to get home?

By the way, that took some guts to stay awake during the procedure. Not sure I could do that.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


I was in recovery about 2 hours then started the 4hour ride out of Manhattan and home and upstairs to my bedroom.

You should understand that it might take a very little bit of guts to be awake during surgery the first time if you have never done it before.  After that, you will never want a general anesthesia again.  It was nothing but interesting.  No pain, no sensation, no sense of pressure or touch.  It is nothing like a dental procedure with Novocain which you can feel.  I could not see because they blocked my view with a sheet just high enough so I could not see the surgical field.  We engaged in some small talk and I got to see my penis before it was bandaged.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


''I want to be specific here.  I think this is a difficult concept for some to grasp.  My erection feels like my erection.  As far as my body and my mind are concerned, someone gave me my erection back.  Even in the first few weeks that is true.  Early on it was sore but it felt like me.  Now when I pump up in the morning it feels no different than walking around with an erection at 20 years old.  It does not feel foreign or unnatural.  Keep in mind, I do not have an artificial dick.  I have a balloon that weighs a fraction of an ounce filled with fluid in each cavernosa.  It essentially just put a liner in my cavernosa that holds the fluid instead of the fluid (blood) being pumped straight into the cavernosa.

If there is anything artificial-like it is the pump ball in the scrotum but that has no impact on the nature of the penis.

Now, with a Titan, you do feel unnatural if you squeeze or handle it when it is super deflated.  That may change some, maybe not.  I really do not care at all what my deflated penis feels or looks like as long as the inflated penis is natural.''

Words to think about! So glad you are doing okay hawk!  


Thanks Hawk. Dr. Levine recently recommended the same procedure for me, which is why I'm asking so many questions. I appreciate your taking the time to continue this discussion.

Here is another question. If you had taken a flight after the procedure instead of driving, how much time after the procedure would it have taken before you'd say you'd have been comfortable doing that? In my case, it would be about a 1.25 hour nonstop flight vs. a roughly 5.25 hour drive.

Obviously that is a fairly short flight but the security procedures at the airport could be uncomfortable. I don't particularly like the idea of going through that right after surgery. But maybe it would be acceptable after 3 - 4 days.

In my case, I'm looking at doing this without assistance. I'm single and trying to keep this "under the radar", so to speak.  
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


Quote from: Frank55 on September 13, 2018, 08:00:02 AMIf you had taken a flight after the procedure instead of driving, how much time after the procedure would it have taken before you'd say you'd have been comfortable doing that? In my case, it would be about a 1.25 hour nonstop flight vs. a roughly 5.25 hour drive.... I don't particularly like the idea of going through that right after surgery. But maybe it would be acceptable after 3 - 4 days. In my case, I'm looking at doing this without assistance. I'm single and trying to keep this "under the radar", so to speak.

Frank, I have a lot of rambling thoughts.  First, I have the utmost respect for Dr. Levine, both as a doctor and as an individual.  I personally, however, have never thought of him as a high volume implant surgeon.  While he would be one of the first names I would consider for other penile surgery or Peyronies Disease treatment I would have several direct questions for him and I would expect direct non-evasive answers.
These are some of the questions to ask. How good other care is at the clinic is not very relevant in my mind.

1. How many of these implants do you do per year (the answer should be at least 100)
2. Is this his specialty or does he perform other urological surgeries and treatments (we know the answer to this which is the concern)
3. What is HIS infection rate (do not let him quote national statistics)
4. Is he committed to one brand of the implant or does he have a choice for the best match to your situation?
5. Has he ever removed an implant he just inserted in the OR and discarded it to replace it with one that fit better? (A Dr. needs to go into the OR with choices of implants by his side. Even after inserting a measured implant a good surgeon will sometimes realize his best result will come with another implant and he will quickly change it out. Others make do.
6. Does he often use rear tip extenders and has he ever sized up and trimmed the rear tip of an implant down?
7. Will he take measurements prior to surgery and promise you what your minimum size will be after surgery and initial cycling? (If not, find one of the surgeons that will)
8. Do you use a verticle scrotal incision?

Next, let's talk about your travel.  Everyone is different.  I think my first days were a little worse than most.   IF YOU HAVE A SPINAL and they release you as soon as you can walk, you likely have a minimum of 3 hours of total pain-free travel where you will literally feel as good as you do right now.  After that, the pain will gradually build but you will have pain pills.  The problem is that even though you are pain-free your body should not be put through the normal rigors of carrying luggage, sitting in hard chairs, bending, and walking long distances.  Being pain-free risks overdoing it.

Guessing your condition in 3 or 4 days is tough unless you have Dr. Eid do the surgery.  The variables are great.  Some surgeons send you home inflated for a week.  Some send you home deflated and tell you not to cycle the implant for 6 weeks.  Dr. Eid has you begin baths and cycling in 3 days and you are having sex in 3 weeks.  Some doctors go in with an incision on the lower abdomen, some with a horizontal incision on the scrotum, some like Dr. Eid with a verticle scar on the seam of the scrotum.  Some insert drain tubes.

Keep in mind, If you are flying anyway.  You could fly to Kramer or Eid just about as easy as flying someplace else.

On day 3 I went to Sam's club (after I removed my own catheter and bandage and took a hot soak).  I had a driver but I walked across the parking lot, rode for 25 minutes each way in  a car.  Rode a motorized cart in the store.  I think I could have flown without much trouble.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Just want to say it really has been an amazing post. You put a great timeline and do not sugarcoat the experience. I am not interested in dealing with Peyronies and pills, injections, or pumps for years. Having an erection that points out and then straight up is not my idea of anything useful. If an implant will take care of the plaque issues and give me a useful tool without pills, injections, or pumps, I plan on just doing it. Due to my wife having some surgery in the next six weeks more serious than this for me, I will have to wait until the end of the year. She actually said I could do mine first, no problem with her. I figure since she is actually having brain surgery, hers is more important. In the great scheme of things, we were just hit with there is always something worse. Nothing like a brick wall falling on you.

I know that there is some concern about doctors. I will say I have talked to a few, and did not get a very good feeling from any local where I am so I will have to travel. It is my favorite body part and if I can get it back, I am like Hawk, wanting the best doctor I can get to. Leaning toward Kramer on my end, although he and Eid were pretty even. Like everyone says, this peyronies issue sucks, does not matter what caused it. At least there are some options.  
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


If Dr Eid measures you with an injection but the injection only gives you a semi erection is that what will remain after the surgery or will he measure to the maximum in the surgery?

In my case injections only give me a semi-erection and that worries me


He uses injections for two reasons. 1. to do a Doppler sonar to detect blood flow, leakage, plaque.  To get a measurement.  You can be confident that Dr. Eid knows when he looks at a penis whether it is erect, half erect, or flaccid.  If your penis is half erect he clearly would not send you home with an implant that did not fill you out.  He has done several thousands of these implants on men that routinely fly from other continents and pay cash for his services.  He also always performs a BPSFL  (mouse over this) which is known to very closely correspond to Bone Pressed Erect Length.  Regardless, he will tell you what he will promise and at that point, you have the opportunity to say "good, let's do it". or tell him you are not interested and walk out the door.   Your other option is to go to a doctor that makes no promise and see what you get, kind of like a blind gift exchange at Christmas.

Dr. Eid aggressively maximizes your implant.  If he gave you any more implant you would be oversized and have a world of negative consequences to deal with.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


And what if he tells you more with BPEFL than with the measurement after giving you an injection? What is the measure that takes into account at the time of surgery? Because thats what happens to me, i was to an implant surgeon and he took measure with stretching flaccid test and it was one centimeter more than í get with injection because the injection only give me a semi hard erection.  Also when i get erections by myself it is bigger than with injection

Patients of Dr. Eid have told me that he doesnt give much importance to the stretching test, he gives much more importance to the erection after injecting and it is the measurement that he writes down. So I would lose one or more centimeters? I would be one centimeter shorter with the implant because he stop one centimer before of my maximum lenght when installing the cylinders? Or does he measure to the maximum in surgery even if he passes his measurements taken with the injection?

Why he can not give you a saline injection ( like in a cavernosometry) and inflate your corpus cavernosums? That would be the the most accurate way to measure and i know that that would give me my authentic length, not what i get with an injection that hardly worked. Why doesntt he do this?


Lessor, I will try to make this clear.  
1. Dr. Eid will stuff as much implant in your dick as it can hold.  
2. No one on earth can get more length out of your penis with an implant
3. He will evaluate your penis through multiple methods and promise you your minimum post-surgery size

If you are disappointed with the promised post-surgical size you can.
1. See if another surgeon will promise you more (They won't)
2. If you think you are better off leaving your penis like it is you can do that
3. IIf you cannot get erections or use your penis and wait a few years before you go with Dr. Eid, you might find that the size he promises becomes somewhat smaller because of years of plaque and atrophy.

The bottom line is that it does not matter how he evaluates your penis, even if he does it with a magic wand.  What matters is whether he delivers what he promises AND it matters that you are happier with the promised penis than with the current condition of your penis.  I have never heard anyone say Dr. Eid does not deliver what he promises.  I cannot tell you what he would promise you.  Only Dr. Eid can do that.  If you dont like what he promises AND your penis does not work you will have to decide  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: SW01 on September 13, 2018, 04:28:32 PM
Just want to say it really has been an amazing post.

It really is. Hands down the most educational thread on the actual experience of the procedure, recovery and use that I've ever read.

I'm lucky enough to have sorted my Peyronie's for the most part and have no ED, but now I'd really consider getting one 20-30 years down the track just for age related ED or earlier if I get long term ED again.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Thank you Hawk, can you tell me how much it costs to have a consultation in the office with Dr.Eid?
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


Thanks once again Hawk. In the same spirit of your very honest posts, I've posted my meeting notes with Dr. Levine below to provide further insight on my situation and to potentially help other men on the forum. I now have ED, curvature and penile pain. Not a pleasant situation.

The meeting notes vary from first person/second person narrative. Please ignore that.

I had incision/grafting surgery from Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 which has gone completely sideways (pun intended.) I now have chronic penile pain (from nerve tethering from additional plaque accumulation.)

As you can see, Dr. Levine says he has done over 3000 implants, but he did not place a timeline on that. Coincidentally, I have a follow up phone meeting with him next week. I'll be asking the questions you listed - thanks.

One asset Dr. Levine does bring to the table is his experience with both implants and peyronies grafting/excision procedures. That two-sided experience would be helpful in my case. Do you think Dr. Eid would be equally effective in that respect?

Based on your sensible input, I did schedule a teleconference with Dr. Eid next week ($285 for the meeting for those asking about price.) I think it only makes sense to get a second opinion when one is considering a serious medical procedure like this one.

Also not sure how far out Dr. Eid is booking, but I'm thinking to get this done sooner rather than later (very tired of living with this pain.) I'll be asking him about that on Thursday.

Notes from Dr. Levine Appointment

Severely abnormal tissue at that narrow junction – particularly on left side. Feels abnormal. It is either graft alone and/or the graft plus residual peyronies scar tissue.

Within that there is probably tethering of the nerves that run along the surface of the penis which had to be lifted up to lay the graft in. They are laid back down, but if there is a contraction of tissue (which normally happens after surgery) but they have happened excessively with your response to the surgery and all of that is tethered in.

We see this with other types of surgery – for example, after a hernia repair some people have persistent pain. No fault of the doctor – there were no nerves that were directly injured but as the tissue heals it pulls that adjacent tissue into the area of scarring. That pulls nerves in and you get a chronic pain syndrome.

We see that in a variety of places. One way of addressing it would be stretching – stretch therapy. A second option would be intralesional verapamil. One of the things we've found with verapamil for men with pre-surgery peyronies pain is that with 2 – 4 injections they had resolution of their pain.

Will that happen here? I don't know. You have post-operative pain. I think the Pentox you are taking is worthless at this point.

If you want to address the pain, deformity and get "back in the saddle" again and be sexually active there is only one approach that I'd recommend. That would be the placement of a penile prosthesis with associated straightening maneuvers, which in your case would be plaque partial excision (or incision) which likely will release some of the scarring there and likely release the tethering nerves in that area. Then possibly some patch grafting over that area so the prosthesis would not herniate into that area.

Prosthesis and implant are the same thing. Similar to replacing a knee or hip.

Would other surgical options work? Dr. Levine says he could go in there and potentially excise that scar tissue, lay a graft in and hope that this process does not reoccur. We would hope that this process may release the tethering nature of the scar tissue and maybe get rid of the pain.

However, he thinks there is a good chance that procedure will not improve my erections and will probably make them worse. Prosthesis would address both the straightening and the pain.

You have a different type of pain - this is not initial acute inflammatory peyronies pain you have now. This is a post operative pain syndrome from tethering of nerves. I work with chronic testicular pain and I see this a lot, like with patients who have had a vasectomy. This also happens with other scrotal operations. Perineural fibrosis around the nerve scar tissue. This pulls the tissue in and activates abnormal nerve firing.

By stretching, we may release that to some degree. If that were not to work, we would go in hope to disrupt and release the tethering nature of that scarring. You may end up with some sensory loss in that area as well. If your goal is just pain, then we go with verapamil and traction therapy.

If your goal is a straight and sexually functional penis, the only approach I see there is a surgical approach with a prosthesis because you have a severe degree of curvature. More importantly, you have severe indentation from the nasty scar you have there. That indentation may also be a contracted graft.

Is there a penile blood flow issue? Yes in the sense that your arterial inflow is fine but you have venous outflow. That is why we are not getting a good erection.

Your scar tissue is way too rigid for traction to be effective for straightening.

If we do this procedure in the hospital OR there is a high cost. For people who have different payment plans, we do it in the surgery center. Device is $10,000 roughly. Somewhere the better part of $20,000 if done in the surgery center.

What does an implant look like when it is flaccid? Appearance is very natural. Intercourse feels natural as well. Feels natural like wearing glasses. You'll only really feel the pump – transferring fluid from the reservoir to the cylinders.

Pump is in the scrotal sack – plenty of room, like a third testicle. Cylinder is sized to fit the entire length of the penis. Dr. has done over 3000 of these. Does not activate any other medical conditions. Can be replaced if necessary. Does not cause any medical concerns if unused.

Dr. Levine recommends an implant/prosthesis if I'd like to have a sexually functional penis again. He could risk re-doing the grafting, but there is a risk of making your already bad erectile dysfunction even worse. At least a 50% chance of that.

What about straightening effect of a second grafting operation? I can't guarantee what we would end up with structurally. Most of the scar tissue would be carved out.  Given that you've already had surgery there, there is a lot of tethering of the nerves over the surface of that. That would probably result in regional sensitivity issues. Like an absence of sensation.

A second grafting procedure also carries risks of ED, possibly recurring curvature or incomplete straightening, sensory issues and further shortening of the penis. I think the chance of your having good erections after this procedure would be low.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


Quote from: Sadguy on September 14, 2018, 06:32:45 AM
Thank you Hawk, can you tell me how much it costs to have a consultation in the office with Dr.Eid?
Insurence covers it if you go to his office.  If you do a video conference it is $300 for 30 minutes.  It is easy to set up right on his website.  His staffare all very helpful if you have issues or general questions.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Frank55, quite a detailed post.  It warrants a thread of its own as well.  Maybe side effects or bad outcomes of surgery.  I added implant to my excision and grafting.  I think the implant part is easier than the excision and grafting.  Please keep us posted.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Quote from: Tsanchez12369 on September 14, 2018, 10:38:32 AM
Frank55, quite a detailed post.  It warrants a thread of its own as well.  Maybe side effects or bad outcomes of surgery. ...  Please keep us posted.

Frank, I agree with Tsanchez.  You have an involved case, are good at listing details, and will have a very educational journey ahead (and hopefully successful one as well).  Why not copy your post to a new thread.  Do not worry about the one that is here.  The administrator will overlook the double post ;)  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 37 Thursday 9/13/2018

I was active all day yesterday in long pants.  I wore my Duluth Trading Firehose flex pants in a snug size (at times, I have worn a larger size when healing).  They have good give but are a medium-heavy weight material.  I was active on a gun firing range and other activities.  Now and then, it occurred to me that my implant was not an issue.  It was not just an absence of any pain.  I felt comfortable.

Sex continues to improve.  A personal issue is that I seldom initiate sex even though I have a high sex drive.  I far prefer to know my wife is genuinely in the mood.  Before our last encounter, I sensed she was and pumped up a few pumps just so my penis was not totally drained, which makes it feel abnormal, especially at this stage when the cylinders are new and less flexible.  She snuggled and placed her hand on me.  During foreplay, I pumped up more but probably a few pumps short of the maximum.  We had intercourse for about 20 minutes but only in one (man on top) position.  At no point was I aware of my implant.  There was no brief moment of discomfort.

Afterward, She said, " you were hard when I first touched you."  I told her that sometimes it is more comfortable with a few pumps to straighten out the folds.  I did not go into this, but the Titan (at least at this stage) always feels at least like the beginning of an erection, especially in the glans end of the shaft since my folds, when deflated, are in the base half of the shaft.  She said did you pump it up more before intercourse"?  I told her I did during foreplay.  She then said, " I think you are getting some natural erection on your own even without pumping."

The significance that makes me openly share this is: Even with my wife of 50 years knowing me as well as I know myself, and knowing that I have an implant, and with me using only the least amount of subtlety or discretion, she was not aware of me inflating my implant.  I will concede that if you are on a beach during the daytime at spring break and a random girl jerks your swim trunks down to perform oral sex, you will have a different experience.  On the other hand, those girls are usually so drunk you could probably use a VED, and they would not notice or care.

Just for context, our room is subtly lit with night lights and outside lights, and we do NOT ever have sex under the covers.  To me, sex uses all the senses, including sight.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Sadguy on September 14, 2018, 06:32:45 AM
Thank you Hawk, can you tell me how much it costs to have a consultation in the office with Dr.Eid?

Sadguy, I called his office just to ask your question.  It is $450.00.  Insurance covers that for those that have insurance.  A 30-minute video conference is $300.00 and insurance does not cover that.

Also of interest, Dr. Eid runs about 6 to 8 weeks out on his surgery schedule.

New York is a high cost of living city so lodging and restraints can be somewhat expensive.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on September 14, 2018, 11:40:00 AM

Sadguy, I called his office just to ask your question.  It is $450.00.  Insurance covers that for those that have insurance.  A 30-minute video conference is $300.00 and insurance does not cover that.

Also of interest, Dr. Eid runs about 6 to 8 weeks out on his surgery schedule.

New York is a high cost of living city so lodging and restraints can be somewhat expensive.
So $450 without insurance. Ok thank you very much
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


one more thing hawk sorry, if you can tell me or you know, in the $ 450 is included the doppler with injection that the usually does or that is not included?
If it is not included, do you know how much it would cost? Because if I were there I would like to have that done too  :-\
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc