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Has anyone else seen this? This morning on CNN, I saw an add about Peyronie's disease, first I have ever noticed. It was paid for by a pharmaceutical company but did not mention any drugs by name. It focused on telling men who are "curved below the belt" that there is come hope for them.


No but let's hope it's not 'false' hope  8)
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


I did see the tale end of the commercial and the website it references.  I believe the commercial is an advertisement for Xiaflex.
51 yrs old; diagnosed 3.5 yrs ago; 90 degree upward bend
But I had no ED
tried all pills, VED, traction, Xiaflex PRP, ESWT, H-100 & stem cells; IF diet. implant surgery with Dr. Eid 3/28/19
to correct deformity - 20 CM Titan 2cm RTE / 1 cm RTE


Yes, so I went and started doing research on it, I feel the add was well put and LONG overdue. I agree most of us have a HARD  (No pun intended) talking about this with our docs. I see a female MD and found it easier to talk to her about ED. I see a male MD for me prostart health. I too have a curve but not to the point of needing nor seeking help concerning it.



It's an ad sponsored by Endo Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturers of Xiaflex. They've also engaged with social media to the extent that every so often I'll get ad ad pop up (no pun intended!) during a Pandora commercial break. I've only heard it on my Pandora account but haven't heard it at all on the account we use to pipe music through the house. Somehow they know i'm a potential candidate.