Wearing tight underwear during puberty cause my bent/curved penis

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Hi all I'm here for some advice & help as I've been "suffering" from having an upward curved/crooked dick since puberty. Indeed during my teenage years (13-19 yearrs old I wore tight underwear with my penis always pointed upwards) so whenever I got an erection it would point upwards I'm sure that's what caused my upward curve. I went so see urologist but the ones around here are pretty much useless I saw one he said there was no scar tissue so it's not Peyronies. We talked about surgery to straighten my penis but he said I'd lose 2-3cm & having a short penis (13cm) I can't afford to lose any length(if anything I need to gain 1-2cm).
Anyway I was wondering if I bought some really tight underwear & pointed my dick downwards ( of course I'd have to get erections) would it straighten my penis overtime?? Has anyone tried this?? Thanks


Dude -- I would laugh myself sick if any doctor told you that your tightie whities gave you a curved dick -- as you have described.

It seems 100% more likely, based on your description, that you have congenital curvature. Alas, the doctor found no plaque. Yep.

There are no recorded claims by any man that he cured a congenital curvature by placing his dick differently in his underwear. Not even me -- I made many such efforts when I was young and clueless about congenital birth defects.

Either live with congenital...or see a surgeon.




Unfortunately it's true what you are saying

I used to "put" my penis downwards from 5 to 15 years old and the result was a 60° curvature downward.

The reason is simple: when I had my first inconscious erections the penis was always downward due to its position in my underwear.


I also don't believe the type of underwear we wore when we were younger has anything to with Peyronies or congenital curvature.

If I "dressed downward" and started to get an erection I would either reposition myself, or the discomfort would cause the erection to subside.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I've had a curve downward since I was a teenager and completely believe that it was caused by forcing erections downward (tight briefs) when I was younger and developing.  It's just logical, as a person develops if part of their body is forced into a particular situation it will adapt and conform - same thing happens in other countries where they practice foot binding, ear lobe elongation, or neck stretching.   Interesting thing is now that I have Peyronies Disease it's actually straightened it, but I would definite take the downward bend over the waisting, buckling, and loss of length/girth that's happening now....


Quote from: JMan on August 17, 2017, 05:08:33 PM
same thing happens in other countries where they practice foot binding, ear lobe elongation, or neck stretching.  

Sorry but I don't agree. With neck stretching and ear lobe elongation they are actually putting 24 hour tension with neck rings or ear lobe rings. If you walked around with a weight attached to your penis 24 hours a day then maybe.

If Peyronies was caused by what we did as teenagers THEN 90% OF MEN WOULD HAVE IT. You didn't do anything different that the rest of us. When you dress down, and start to get an erection, you either re-position yourself and let the erection develop, or the pain of trying to get an erection in an awkward position is usually enough to stop the erection from developing further. Think of this as your body's defense mechanism.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Neutralview -- One thing is certain, our brains are hard-wired to make reason out of things. You are certain that you must have "done something" in order to cause the curve. When it comes to our dicks, we are particularly focused on reliving our actions, looking for some "logical" action that explains everything.

For guys with congenital curvature (a curved dick is all they can ever remember) -- there was nothing a man could do. The curve was baked into your body during cellular development in the mother's womb.

Someday, sons and grandsons will never know of congenital curvature because DNA splicers will be able to edit out the condition -- probably prior to conception.


JohnW is the man to be heard here. Couldn't agree more with him!

What you need to do, is get a penimaster pro with the suction cup and start on traction to try to get some size. Then report back to us!


Just to be clear, having a curve in your penis doesn't mean that you have Peyronies.  We as humans try to over generalize and categorize everything in our lives to make them understandable.   Yes I can remember erections prepuberty that weren't curved, and yes after the curvature developed I did not have a collagen blockage (Peyronies).  At age 46 I began my Peyronies Disease journey.


Quote from: JohnW on August 19, 2017, 01:54:33 PM

For guys with congenital curvature (a curved dick is all they can ever remember) -- there was nothing a man could do. The curve was baked into your body during cellular development in the mother's womb.

Unfortunately this is only your opinion, my first erections at 8-9 yo were way straighter than the ones at 15-16 yo, unfortunately the fixed downward position in the underwear, at least in my case, played a key role for the development of a congenital curvature (it's not peyronies at all). The reason is quite simple: my penis was always pushed "downward" by the underwear during spontaneous erections and so it developed that way in the puberty period.

Old Man


I must join this conversation with my 2 cents input. My underwear from early childhood was the old fashioned one piece underwear. In high school, I changed to the old fashioned shorts until 1995 when I had a radical prostatectomy surgery.

Due to the urinary leakage after surgery I was left and along with being rendered impotent I changed to the Hanes briefs. Also having to use an incontinent pad, my Dick was then positioned upward when dressed. To date, undressed my Dick hangs down, dressed in the Hanes it points upward.

BTW, if one feels very carefully, the internal of ones penile shaft naturally points somewhat upward and after leaving the pubic most likely it hangs downward in flaccid in most cases.

The above carries my usual caveat = Let the buyer beware! (Whatever that means~~~? In this case)

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.

pey ron

I too during puberty was wearing very tight underwear and speedos, not boxers. My mother would publicly shame me when we were going shopping for underwear: "what do you need a large for? what do you have in there, a cannon?". And she would force me to get a small.

If traction has been scientifically proven to be good for MMPs, then I postulate that compression must be bad.

Well, during puberty at a certain point I developed a curve to the left. I started wearing by dick to the right and over time it compensated beautifully and became gorgeously straight again. But still pointing up, which I thought was the only way to be - back then. In hindsight, I've always been wearing it upwards in the speedos, so that might explain that curve as well.
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I agree with anyone who states that tight underwear is not healthy. Even today, after 30 minutes of using tight swimming pens, by dick becomes white.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum

pey ron

Recently mine has been aching when wearing swimming speedos.
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 Re: Wearing tight underwear caused peyronies
I agree. Imho, there are four causes of peyronies. Confinement, Injury, Bad cholesterol (plaque) and birth defects.

It is logical that confinement caused an upward curve in view of the fact that it is very common for the human body to adjust and reshape itself due to confinement. Eg shoes, rings, foot binding which reshapes the bodies fascia.

There are a few targeted an very effective DIY therapies that should be able to improve the curve as well as blow flow...eg length/girth; depending on the cause.

Ordinary treatment of fascia is massage and stretching. Reverse manual stretching under each thigh and scrotum; a few reps daily, should see improvements in 1-3 months.

IF scarring from injury: the substance of scarring is inorganic fibrin (which causes inflammation throughout the body in humans post injury) and reduces blood flow.
Treatment: The butterfly enzyme —Serrapeptase (of Japan, is the protein of the butterfly that enables it to desolve the inorganic silk caccoon, enabling it to be born. A little goes a long way.

Dosage & duration: is usually 1-3 months, megadose of 250,000 used in conjunction with a systematic amino acid
Side note: There are various life saving uses for Serrapeptase. It is usually sold only in health food stores and online. It's many uses are literally lifesaving.
Side effects: Nil. All mammals can tolerate microdoses of insect bile

Plaque: If one has consumed a diet of unhealthy fats, plaque will result. Note: the plaque build up behind the bottom row of our teeth is there because of gravity.
If a bad diet of bad cholesterol is combined with tight underwear the shape IS literally deposits of plaque which have settled at the base of the penis.

Treatment would be Nattokinase (derived from Natto) combined with Cialis or a diet or supplements high in nitrous oxide to dilate the capillaries so that the entrapped plaque can dissolve and dislodge. It would also be wise to eat healthy foods and cut out all bad cholesterol.

Re: Birth defect
These days, the congenital culprit can be tricky. However, fascia treatment can release scoliosis, so i think there are really simple options that are DIY and well worth would the effort.

Back on point, definitely - ditch the tight underwear and let the blood flow as nature intended.
Thank you for posting this topic as the truth is worth contemplation and consideration. Best Wishes 🙂
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I normally lurk and rarely post but I feel compelled to comment on this one.

There is absolutely zero empirical experimental evidence to suggest that underwear has anything to do with the development of penile curvature pre- or during adolescence. Apart from that fact, the obvious point, which has already been mentioned by another in this thread, is that if it were true then you would expect a much higher incidence rate than has ever been reported.

Being cursed with a curved dick is no fun, and as a fellow sufferer I sympathise and recognise the desire to identify a cause, but misinformation can be dangerous so let's not spread falsehoods.
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I couldn't agree more with your post and i commend you for taking the time to write it. This has been debunked over and over again.

I will be keeping a close eye on this poster in the even he/she keeps spreading misinformation.