19 with Peyronies

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Hi my name is Raj Patel. I am 19 years old and I believe I have Peyronie's disease.

some background information: I used to sleep on my stomach for the past 3 years everyday while fantasising about girls for around an hour a day which I believe Caused some sort of trauma to my penis, specifically to the left bulbospongious region (looked just about right to where it hurts when comparing to anatomy pictures on google) roughly an inch above from the base. As a result, when fully erect, my penis bends to the extent where the left side of the bulbospongious region is completely resting on my left leg, like a toppled tower basically.

My penis when flaccid isn't too bad, but it feels like pressure is constantly being applied to that region as if someone placed there finger on that region for a while where it feels uncomfortable. When erect, the pain is less noticeable but the bend is quite extreme.

After visiting a urologist and showing him images of the bend, he concluded that it is an abnormal bend and that it looks to have an angle of 5 degrees when normally it would be near 90(completely straight). He suggested surgery as an option and only recommended it if very bad but offered me no other options, which may reduce my length and I am not too keen on surgery to begin with. He said that it may be harder to get a girl pregnant given how abnormal the bend is and sex would be a big challenge and should ideally only have surgery if this is the case. I am still a virgin and so I cannot say how it is affecting my performance in bed because I have never been in bed.

I just want to manage the pain and the bend and I am thinking a cock ring may help provide the mechanical support I need when erect. I have no idea what else to do and it makes me feel like sh**. I feel really uncomfortable approaching girls because I feel like a freak and I don't wanna be turned down(never even kissed a girl or had a girlfriend.) I am looking at devices and stuff but I am only 19 and even those basic ones are over 100 pounds and I can't afford those.

Could someone please help me deal with my pain and the bend because it is really affecting myself esteem to the extent where I don't feel like I will ever be able to start a family of my own in the future?

Thank you for your time and I wish you a good day.




Run away from that Doctor. He wants to use you as an ATM. At 5 degrees, you aren't in bad shape. You need to see how it progresses, but go to another doctor and get a high resolution ultrasound to confirm peyronies plaque.  Surgery is the very last option.  Since you are in the UK, there are others on the forum that are from the UK and they can guide you on a doctor in your area.


If I understand you correctly, you have a 5 degree bend to the left? Is this when flaccid? Or erect?

Also, what was the diagnosis of this urologist. An abnormal bend does not constitute a medical diagnosis.  


The bend is 5 degrees from my left leg when erect. The diagnosis of the urologist was either initial symptoms of Peyronies or a possibility of congenital curvature.  


Find another Urologist, seriously. If this one doesn't  know, or can't be bothered to find out if it's Peyronies or not, he's not much use.

Congenital curvature is just that. Something you were born with.  


Please understand, when we say to find another urologist we mean to find one that specializes in Peyronies Disease. There is a list of them in the Welcome letter I sent you. A regular urologist will in all likelihood not be able to help you with Peyronies disease.

Congenital curve yes is something you were born with but you would have noticed it before now.
Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.


Raj, I think you need to clarify your explanation of degrees.  It sounds like you're calling 90 degrees "straight" --most here would call that 0 i think.  There are some guidelines here on the site about how to measure an angle.  KAC