New to the site but not new to Pyronies Disease

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When conversing with a health provider, be it a Urologiest (all five in my case), family physician (who by the way discribed it exactly right), PA, sonogram tech, nurses, and all the others who became part of my world Pyronies, I describe myself as a healthy person with a chronic condition.  

My world as I knew it changed in an instant.  I'm two years 5 months into my journey with Pyronies.  I tried and did everything to avoid going under the knife.  I did the drugs, the supplements, Verapamil injections, Xiaflex treatments (all four), traction, and had very little if any improvement or change in curvature.

On the upside, I got motivated and I'm in the best physical condition of my life.  I got serious about my yoga practice and started running again.  I'm down 20 pounds and 2 pant sizes.  I count my blessing every day.  Pyronies Disease really sucks, but I'll agree with everyone that recognizes it could be worse.

So I'll wrap this up with an introduction to Dr. Allen Morey, Urologiest UT Southwestern Dallas Tx.  Please go to his website.  I was at the end of my road and very discouraged about ever having a normal sex life again.  Plication surgery restored me back to what my life was before Pyronies.  Thank you Dr. Morey.  I am truly grateful.  Be well everyone.


One of the things that everyone enjoys on this forum are success stories, which yours obviously is.  Congratulations and welcome to the forum.

Because we are constantly looking for the right thing to do with our respective Peyronie's problems we always look and pay particular attention to the details in a success story.  Perhaps you would be so kind as to go into a bit more detail about your Peyronies's story, how bad it was, to what degree was your curve, what led you to plication surgery, did you give up length with this surgery and were you able to restore it?  As much detail as you are comfortable with would be great.

Again, congratulations,



Hearing a story like your gives hope to the members of the forum that are like you were, at the end of their road. I hope that they can read this and gain some perspective and become positive about life again. If you can give us more details as Jimbruski asked it really would be helpful for other members that are suffering simply so they can relate to where you were and now are.

It really is great news.

Moderator since 2015- Missouri- I work in the medical field and have strong knowledge of insurance and how to obtain coverage for medication and other treatments. Being a woman I do not have Peyronies but you can ask me anything. I am happy to help.