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Hi this is my first post. I am 61 years old and have Peyronies disease. I first noticed it when having sexual intercourse with my Wife. I could not get the penetration that I have always achieved. At first I thought it might have been something to do with my Wife's internals. However I then noticed by feeling my penis a hard grisly area about an 1" long by 3/8". My penis over a 6 month period bent dramatically meaning SI was impossible. However I had no paid in my penis at all. My penis when erect is okay for the first 2 inches but then it dramatically curves to the left about 45 degrees. Being a man I was obviously not going to talk about it with my mates. However my Wife encouraged me to visit my Doctor. He was useless to say the least, he didn't even want to examine me. I showed him a picture of my bent penis so he decided to refer me to a Urologist. I waited 3 months for an appointment. When I saw the Urologist he too did not really examine me, I showed him my pictures and all he said was I had to wait at least 12-18 months to make sure the curvature did not get any worse. I thought to myself if it gets any worse it will be pointing back towards me when erect. He then stated that he would not offer any other form of treatments other than surgery.  I have an appointment in December to see if I want to proceed with surgery but to be honest I don't want this option. I am now 15 months down the line the curvature is no worse, SI non existent, we have oral sex but although my Wife is supportive I know she too wants penetration. Having come across this forum it was good to see what other sufferers are going through. Any help and advise will be appreciated.



Read this if you haven't already. Will provide some basic information in regards to Peyronies treatment.

MUST READ BEFORE YOU POST - Information for new members - Peyronies Society Forums
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Tenho 73 anos, é meu conceito que isso seja causado pela bactéria "clamídia", se possível faça um exame de sangue (pesquisa de anticorpos anti clamídias), encontrei mais duas pessoas alem de mim, "3 pessoas" que tem o Peyronie e tiveram a bactéria.
Se não quiser fazer o exame tome um remédio homeopático "ARGENTUM NITRICUM CH3" 10 gotas 3 x ao dia, e observe as fezes no dia seguinte que deverá ter mal cheiro por causa da eliminação da bactéria. Quando tomei os caroços diminuíram 30% e a curva desapareceu, mas não consegui eliminar o restante.  

'm 73 years old, is my understanding that this is caused by the bacteria chlamydia, if possible do a blood test (search for antibodies to chlamydial) infections, found two other people besides me, 3 people have the Peyronie's disease and had the bacteria.
If you don't want to do the examination take a homeopathic remedy ARGENTUM NITRICUM COMPARATIVE CH3 10 drops 3 x a day, and note the stool the next day which is expected to have bad smell because of the Elimination of bacteria. When I took the lumps decreased 30 and disappeared, but I couldn't eliminate the rest.
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this signature line text with your profile info such as
age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried,
relationship status, etc
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hi dont waste years taking pills and HOPING they work...get a pump having one fitted in december...lifes too short....