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My name is Norm, I'm 58 and was just diagnosed. I've had an enlarged prostate for years, and have had 2 different procedure and 3 different surgeries to correct that problem, which included some blockage and calcium in the urinary tract. So when the symptoms of Peyronies started I really didn't know if they were caused by the surgeries or what. When the left handed curve started I knew something was up and went to the doc. I'm on the Pentox and have a pump and will be getting some C10-Ub. Had never heard of this before and it's very weird. I have a young wife (41) and she has been very supportive and helpful. I think she just wanted to see me use the pump. Ha. I'm reading a book by David Wolfe about how calcification invades our body and hopefully can get some insight that might help. Always looking for more info. Thanks.  



I got Peyronies Disease for my 58th I feel your pain.  It's been a long battle, but I think I'm going to end up on the winning side.  I did all the supplements and the VED and I think they helped.  But, 3 rounds of Xiaflex really helped with the curve with an erection and seemed to even improve the condition of my flaccid penis.  I can barely feel the scar anymore.  I haven't totally decided whether I will go back for the 4th set of injections.  They are NO fun and I'm thinking about leaving well enough alone.  I think I'm between 15 and 20 degrees now and that may be good enough.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel and, based on your post, you and your wife will handle it well...pardon the pun.



I am new to this. I have not seen a doctor as yet and I am embarrased to discuss my penis with my femaile doctor. I have noticed my penis bending (looks like a bent garden hose, I guess) about three years ago. I try to have sex with my wife, but it isn't much enjoyment for her or me. There are other things we do, but not just the same.
I am not sure why this has happened to me, the only surgery I have had that has involved my penis is that is how a kidney stone was removed many years ago. Sexual positions and damage, not sure but possible. Many years ago, I did have one accident that my motorcycle ran into the back of a truck, you can imagine that more than my pride was hurt. As a kid, i had been kicked there a few times, isn't that what friends are for. What can i expect for treatment, what have others gone through? What can i expect? i am only 56 and not sure if i can go thru life like this forever. i feel pretty useless.

Thanks for the interest.


This is not going to get better on its own, and may get worse!  I'm afraid you're going to have to man up and tell your doctor that you suspect that you may have Peyronie's disease and that you want to see a urologist.

You can read more about the condition here on the site. But, you really do need to see a competent urologist and get a confirmed diagnosis.  


Is your female doctor a Peyronies Specialist? If not then don't waste time with her. Find a doctor who specializes in male sexual function. And if it makes you feel more comfortable.... a male doctor.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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