psychological effects of Peyronies

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I am new to this forum. I am a 53 year old woman crazy in love with my husband of 20 years. He began to have problems a year ago, experiencing localized pain at the base of his penis. I have read and read, but this is my first post because these responses are profound and thoughtful and the effect this is having on him is my main concern. That being said, he has only seen one urologist who told him it may or may not be peyronies. He told him is prostate was slightly enlarged and PSA slightly elevated and that he should come back in 6 months. That was it. He did not allow me to go with him and I suspect he underplayed the effects this terrible disease was having on him and our marriage. I am experiencing grief that is sometimes unbearable. We had an amazing sex life, and it it was a great part of our marriage. Is it gone forever? I believe it it the psychological strain on him that is keeping him from seeking real treatment... HOW can I help him??? Any advice on how to deal with the grief that accompanies this loss?



I split you post that you may have your own topic. You will get more attention/support in this way.
We have a ladies only board also.
Write a PM to LWillisjr or Christine to get access to the board. You may contact Stabler76 also by a PM, she is a lady also, active on the forum.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hello Kaykr13,

First I would say that he needs to see a specialist. Not only will answers make him feel better but he might not even have peyronies. This is a list of known peryonies specialists.,4063.0.html Does he have any curvature, or is it just pain?

I'm assuming your husbands age is close to yours, as an enlarged prostate is to be expected as all men will have an enlarged prostate at later ages. Not saying it's good mind you. But it is pretty normal when guys increase in age.  Waiting is the worst thing you can do however if it is peyronies, so you need to get answers. Regarding your sex life well that is most likely going to be up to him.  As the psychological affects of this disease is devastating on men and their loved one. Many guys that have peyronies are still able to have sex, it just might be a little different most of the time.

I'm assuming that you have told him how you feel? Does he discuss this topic with you or is he withdrawn? You can reassure him and support him. You can even ask him to see a therapist if he doesn't want to talk to you about it. Other than that though it is up to him. I'm assuming he has ED from the pain or peyronies? Or does he not want to have sex because he feels ashamed? What made your sex life great can happen again. You guys just need to experiment and see what works for you. Then you can adapt to what feels right and go on from there. After a while I would assume that it would become the norm in the bedroom once again.




You don't say what your husband's Urologist has prescribed or recommended? May or may not be Peyronies is not good enough. If he does have Peyronies, he needs to start treating it now!  If his current Uro can't, or won't help, then find another ASAP.

Assuming it is Peyronies, It would help if you could get him to join the forum. He will see that he's not alone in dealing with this. In the majority of cases, sex is still entirely possible.

Yes, the psychological effects are still grossly underestimated by the majority of the medical profession. This pernicious disease hits right at the heart of our manhood, but with the love and support of a partner these effects can be mitigated in most cases.