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Hello all.

52 yo male.  About 25 yrs ago, felt pain during an erection. Dead center just below the "rim" in my penis head.  There was a lump, size of a pea, which eventually did get thinner and elongated.  Went to urologist. Didn't recommend surgery. Prescribed PABA,  24 giant pills a day. Pills gave me stomach pain, no idea if it helped. Stopped after a few months.

I could perform sexually but would have pain at that spot, especially during first 5 minutes of erection. Sometimes the pain would last longer & be distracting enough that sex was not enjoyable & climax difficult.  Physical manipulation would ease the pain.  At that point I could function w/o distraction. But each time would start with pain. Probably was some tearing of the scar area. That pain eventually stopped after some years. The small lump remains.

Recently I felt a lump in left side of shaft , midpoint.  It didn't hurt so I ignored it but now I have a bend left at that spot when erect. Some pain now too. Not sure if worth even going to a dr & pay $50 copay to hear "nothing can be done".

Unless something new has come along in last 2 yrs  to cure this?



I am not surprised that you didn't find a Peyronies specialist 25 years ago, but now you have a lot of options.
But first, you must educate yourself about Peyronies. A good start may be here:
Peyronies Survival Guide - Information for New Members - Peyronies Society Forums
You may find a Peyronies specialist close to you here:,4063.0.html
What you are describing is a flair-up of Peyronies, earlier treatment have the best chance to help.
I am not a doctor, but in my opinion VED, Pentox, low dose Cialis and Ubiquinol will help.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum