I need to sort out this Peyronies thing.

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I need to sort out this Peyronies thing.  I have been neglecting to deal with it and it is impacting my confidence, my self esteem, my attitude, my wife, and my marriage.
I am 44 years old, I think it was about 4 or 5 years ago that I discovered a lump in my penis.  It wasn't visible but I could feel it in the shaft about half way up and in the center.   I had no idea what it could be and went to my doctor.  I thought I had penis cancer.  She had no idea either.  She sent me for an ultrasound.  Some dude trying to look at my flaccid penis with the ultrasound machine.  How humiliating for both of us.  Of course that showed nothing and eventually i was referred to an urologist.
I went and he told me to take vitamin E. and that it probably wouldn't help.  He said it could go away on its own but will probably continue to get worse and would have to consider surgery.   I pounded those Vitamin E pills and watched as my penis gradually got worse.  Eventually I was significantly smaller in both length and girth and I have a pretty significant curve upwards.
I pretended it wasn't happening.  I never went back to the urologist. I was in shock, fear and embarrassment.  I ignored it all.  Eventually my wife stopped having sex with me.  I was a shell of a man.  I began drinking more and more.  I would need alcohol and cigarettes to get through.  
Now I have reached a crossroads in my life.  I am at rock bottom in every area of my life. I need to change my attitude and start living again.  I am going to focus on this issue and at least make a real attempt to fix it in some way.  I have read through piles of information on this site and it is overwhelming.   I need someone to tell me where to start.  I am thinking about a VED and some orals.    I saw several VEDs mentioned but when I went looking to find them, they were in Europe or no longer available.  I am in Canada and want to order something effective and reasonably priced ASAP.  I am looking for a veteran of this site to recommend a couple options I can look at.
I know I have to quit drinking and smoking and I am trying to work on that as well.
I have to get my head around all this and sort my life out and start living it again to the fullest.
There is such a huge pile of information on this site, but it is difficult to process through and hard to digest.  I need a mentor or coach.   I need someone to help me regroup and move forward.


The first thing to bear in mind is that you're not alone. All the guys here are in the same boat as you.
Secondly, find a competent urologist. There is a list on this site, if not hopefully one of our Canadian members will help. You need an ultrasound to determine the extent of the plaque, if there is calcification, etc. why nothing was detected last time, I have no idea. Perhaps because the plaque can be slow growing.

I have to say that your current lifestyle, and subsequent state of health, will only likely exacerbate your condition.

Vitamin E is treatment from the dark ages. It is highly unlikely to help. The most important weapons we use in this fight are, Pentox, ALC, low dose Cialis, CoQ10, Arginine, and some others. The thing is that what helps one guy, will not help the next. It's a matter of finding what works for you. Remember, healthy blood flow to the penis is vital. Some of the above mentioned will help with this.

You don't mention curvature. To help this you can use traction, VED, or both. What's important is that you start to fight back now. This will not go away, there is no guaranteed cure. But, you can significantly improve your condition. Sex is entirely possible in the vast majority of cases. Obviously, you will need your wife's help and understanding. Hopefully, once she sees you being proactive, changing your lifestyle etc, she will give it?