Surgery for Peyronie's Disease

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Sounds like AA4500
Hand scarring = DC trials
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi guys,

So it turns out that I'm congenital and not Peyronie's.  I saw a urologist today, and he said that given my history and lack of palpable mass, its most likely congenital.  He said the only real solution is surgical, and stated that he prefers doing the plication technique.  I inquired about the risks/benefits - he said that b/c they artificially induce an erection during the surgery and then put in the sutures, they are able to see the reduction in curvature before they "sew" me back up.  I asked about nerve damage, and he stated that b/c he'll be staying away from the nerve bundle that the risk for nerve damage/ED is small.  He said he's done about 30 of these surgeries, which he said was actually quite a bit according to him.  It's apparently a simple procedure and prefers not to do a graft b/c I curve downwards and doing a graft would involve possibly compromising the urethra.  
Just thought I'd share... any comments/ideas/suggestions?  I'm going to try and see if my fiance and I can have normal intercourse before deciding for sure on the surgery..



I'm a little confused...a plication is done on the 'outside' of the bend to compensate and straighten the curve.  If you bend down, then wouldn't the plication be done on the top?  Isn't this where the main nerve bundle is located?
Topical Verapamil,
12 Verapamil shots (ouch!),
Now VED - Too many Weeks,
Still 70 Degrees :(



There are some horror stories on here concerning the Nesbit Tuck.  I would never let a Dr that did 30 surgeries cut my penis.  Great surgeons cost little more than mediocre surgeons.  If he correctly diagnosed congenital curvature you are not getting worse.  You have time to search, research, pick, and choose.  There are no more than 6 penile surgeons in the nation that would touch me regardless of how bad I was.

If they are not at least nationally well know in Peyronies Disease circles, I would stay away from them.  Surgical damage and mistakes are seldom if ever undone.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi Steve,
He indicated that the plications would be made on the top/dorsal surface, but that they'd be lateral to the nerve bundle, which lies more medial.  

Also, Hawk,
He indicated that it wasn't a true Nesbit, but a modified one, in that there was no grafting but only plication - does this change my risks?  I did a search but couldn't find info on plication vs nesbit on this site.

Thanks guys,



Also, not that I've decided on surgery, but does insurance generally cover that kind of procedure?  Or is it considered cosmetic?  I mean, its not cosmetic if its causing difficulty with intercourse!  I'm just expecting difficulty with the insurance company, and i havent even checked with them yet...

If I did go through with it, since I'm near NYC, I'd probably go with Mulhall if I could...


Dear NewlyDx'd:

A downward curvature is harder to fix in a way that uses the grafting techniques, because the urethra is there. However, in severe cases it can be fixed by "deconstructing" the penis. In this procedure, the urethra is dissected away from the corpora and tunica and then the excision of placque, followed by grafting, can be done. Thi si snot a cure-all, and a synopsis of the literature suggests that many such operations (in fact any that use grafting) are associated with a higher rate of re-scarring and reformation of curvature.

It is also my firm impression that in a select few reviews of not too many cases, it appears that use of the VED in the post-operative period helps prevent that scarring and reformation of bends. Furthermore, then use of pentox, etc at that juncture (right after an operation, but before formation of new scar) may help with recovery and prevent the reformation of curves. overall, though, the use of grafts is still not as good in outcomes as not using grafts.

In terms of the long term outcomes, there are not that many good long term studies (ie more than 2 years). Overall, a nesbit  or modified nesbit has less risk of reformation of curve, or of subsequent erectile dysfunction. But for many of us (me included) that thought of losing some (more) length is discouraging to say the least. But for someone with a longer penis, it may not be the deal buster it feels like to someone who has already gone from 7 to less than 6 inches. And face it, no one wants to give up somee of their penis. But it is a trade off that may be worth making.

Newly diagnosed (or newly undiagnosed), it seems like you now have the luxury of sitting back and gathering data and making a completely thorough and well thought out decision. You do not have to go to a "better" surgeon, but you certainly have the right to find out if there might be someone with whom you feel more comfortable with this. I would get three opinions for this, and would recommend seeking opinions from those who specialize in recontructive surgery of the penis.

Finally, I recall that you mention it was sometimes uncomfortable for your fiance when you made love (and that you have a downward curve). if you and she can continue to seek out positions that may releve the pressure she is feeling on the posterior wall of her vagina (presuming it is uncomfortable during "missionary style" intercourse), then that could be releived by altering the angle of insertion (and I think some of the responses talked about how one could do that). If that aspect of your lovemaking is any better (and I bet that your intimacy is far better for just having talked about all of this), then you are even farther ahead. and if that discomfort is less (or gone) - do you need to do anything at all?

Sorry if this is too personal - we get used to talking about the most personal of things here, and can sometimes move beyond comfort zones. But if your erections are good, and you can make love without discomfort, you might want to think through if it is so broke that you have to fix it at all. And then imagine it being perfectly straight, but not so able to get hard, and/or shorter, and maybe the surgery does not seem as compelling. But it sounds like you have the luxury of taking your time to decide and think about it - I hope that you do and that you make the right choice for you.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



Click on this quote and read this post.  You should read the entire surgery thread or at least go to our "Newly Diagnosed" board and read the surgery topic there.  It will save some time since it has the highlights of this surgery topic.  Many surgeries require the surgeon to perform 50 or more under the guidance of an expert just to become COMPETENT.  If you would settle for competent then you are far less discriminating about your penis than I am about mine. I require excellence when it comes to cutting on my penis.  Even then there are real risks.  Many here have had good results but many have horror stories.  Members report Penises that have bends in a new direction, ED, dramatic scars, etc.  All this surgeons claimed to be competent prior to surgery.

Also either you or your surgeon is uninformed.  Nesbit never involves grafting.  You need to be able to discuss this topic like a pro before even considering if you will have surgery and before choosing who will do it.  As I said, there are about 6 great penile surgeons in the U.S.  I would be very interested in you thinking this through and then expressing why you would consider a surgeon that was not a GREAT surgeon.  You may have 50 years to live with the results.

Click on this link.  When you are finished reading this post, read this entire surgery topic.  It is time very well spent.  
Quote from: IrishB OCD on January 05, 2007, 10:39:13 PMThis is to anyone else here who has congenital (born with) curvature rather than peyronie's (I know there's at least like 2 others )
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I did read Irish's story before going to the urologist, which is why I questioned the uro on what the plication sutures involved.  I admit I haven't yet researched the differences between the types of surgeries involved, which is why I haven't decided to have surgery yet  :)  The surgery was explained to me as though the sutures would be pulling on the dorsal surface of the penis such that the the front of my penis, which points downwards, would possibly be straightened.  Again, I have some research to do in this regard.  We haven't gotten to organ anatomy yet (I'm a first year medical student) but this will give me a head start  :)

Tim, thank you for your input.  The problem is sex is difficult/uncomfortable/painful for my fiance.  We're continuing to try different positions, and if we can find something that works, then hey what the heck; if it aint broke..  The problem seems to be in the curvature, in that from base to mid shaft, my penis arches upwards, then from mid shaft to end, downwards (flex your MIP on your first finger and thats what it looks like).  Whatever position she's in, prone or suppine, some aspect of my penis is rubbing/pointing towards her spine.  We will try to involve pillows and get creative.



While possibly not the most intimate inter-active position, a rear entry position is most workable with a downward curve.  The curve is then curved away from the back and is more easily accommodated by the natural female anatomy. Maybe even kneeling with head on a pillow.(her not you ) :)

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I will Ask the Uro about about the new drug. He informed me that this study will be taking place in spring early summer. I am on the waiting list for this study. This uro group is in New Britian CT The study will be done by Dr. Wurzal. This uro only deals with Peyronies Disease. and ED. I will be seeing him today for a Doppler ultrasound.
I didn't think to ask him the name of the drug. I will ask him today and let you all know. I have my hopes up that it will start soon. He also said that he has approx. 30 case's on his list so far. It sounds like i finally got a uro that deals with Peyronies Disease. When i Went to see him i intended to have an implant. He asked me to hold off. The DR says that he believes that this drug will work. He also stated that it wont happen overnight. It is several injections over a period of time.
These shots are proven to desolve normal scaring around joints fingers hands etc.. Therefor believes it should work on Peyronies Disease. I will keep everyone posted and if you need more info i can post the phone number for the rest of you. I will also ask if he knows of anyone that will be starting a study or treating in other states.



Unless everyone on this forum is seriously missing something, I bet the trials your doc is talking about is collaganese injections. Your doctor sounds like a good one if he didnt' quickly sell you an implant or push you towards one, i'd stick with him and go through with the trials, spring will be here before you know it.  Just hang in there buddy and keep us up to date on any information you hear about.



First, my apologies for disappearing from the forum.  Old Man, thanks for the wake up call: you all deserve my input, good news or bad. So far, I am still missing the length I lost-- probably 2 inches, and I really did not have it to lose, so that is disappointing. However, I can't say I have done much proactively to try to get it back. I will take this opportunity to read up on the VED, because it may be my best hope. My erections get to about halfway at the drop of a hat... but getting them further than that and keeping them is another story. I really do not like Viagra: the stuffy nose really bothers me-- but I need to take it more often and keep trying, because practice might help. I am straight as an arrow, but I do think I was over-corrected just a bit, as the head of my penis now feels like it points slightly down (my bend/break was at the base and pointed up).  Sometimes I feel like I still have most of my sensitivity; sometimes I don't... strange. I think part of the problem there is that my reduced size is also circumferential (is that even a word?)  so there is not as much gripping friction... and when you don't get in very far, you can't really stroke very much.  It is very frustrating, and we are not attacking it trying to make it better-- I think neither of us is very motivated.  We want to do more, and we are afraid to do more. So... where am I after almost nine months?  No worse off than I was; no better off, either... just different.  This may be the perfect time to start working with the VED, because Dotty is going in for surgery next week and will certainly be unavailable for probably a couple of months. She doesn't pressure me in the least, yet I know she needs more than I have to give right now-- and that's a psychological ball-breaker, if ever there was one. Working up to a decent erection, then starting to use it but quickly losing it... very demoralizing.  Looks like there has been lots of action on the forum since I dozed off, and lots of new members. I will try to pull my weight in the future!


I haven't signed on in a long time, but I have been monitoring the forum. It's been about 18 months since I discovered my case of Peyronies. My curvature has gotten progressively worse and is now about 50 degrees down and to the left (left due to hour glass effect at the base). If it hasen't stabalized yet, I understand 12 to 18 months is the time frame where it should stabalize. I've tried several suppliments but no prescription medecines, none of which has helped at all. I'll give it another 3 to 6 months at which time I may consider surgery. Upon researching (, it appears that penile plication will not correct the hour glass and I'm not particularly wild about the idea of an implant. So, my best option may be plaque incision/excision and grafting. I'd be willing to wait for some alternative, but it still seems years away. When the time comes, I need to choose a very good surgeon and I'd appreciate any advice to help me start my search. I carry Kaiser Permanente insurance and live in the L.A. area. I can ask if they do referals outside of the Kaiser network, but I doubt if they do. Thanks for reading.


My issues stem from a lateral tear in the tunica about an inch below the head.  I have read about the various surgical procedures, but I wonder in my ignorance why laser surgery to fuse such a tear isn't being used.  This would be much less invasive and potentially much more effective.  It's the cutting, nerve damage and excess shortening that scare me away from conventional surgeries, even though the inflammatory flare-ups always eminate from that torn/indented area.



There are some considering an implant.  I think it is very seldom that a doctor tells you exactly what to expect and seldom does a patient thoroughly research.  For instance, I am quite sure that an implant would leave you with a completely deflated glans during erection since the 2 main chambers or the penis are inflated.  These were replaced with hydraulics.  A VED on the other hand, gorges all 3 chambers.  The glans is gorged as part of the lesser more passive chamber running along the bottom of the penis, the Corpus spongiosum.  

This may not be a decision maker but it is a point of consideration.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Well, here goes.. I have had peyronies for the last 8-10 years and its been quite a ride. I have tried every type of non invasive procedure inc. verapamil injections, arganine, topical verapamil, a weird kind of verapamil injection using what i call an "air hammer"( air injected solution ) and vitamin e. Also a couple of different types of perscription drugs that were designed to enhance blood flow throughout the bloodstream. I have a great uriologist who has been working with me for almost two years here in northern california. He has never been quick to go the surgery route: in fact he wanted us to explore all the options before going that way. I am 51 years old and the persistant problem of trying to have sex with no pain is getting old.( 50 degrees and down to the right) I am scheduled for surgery on march 19th, but i am still trying to educate myself as much as possible before the date. My doctor has said he has had excellent results, and seemed to think quality, and length of my erection would be good. I am not looking for reassurance , but it would be great if someone would write in with something good to say. I need a branch to hang on to...



Welcome to the PDS.  We especially thank you for posting.  It seems you have a vast store of experience even i i has not been good.  This means a lot of people can learn from that experience.

Specifically what type of surgery do you have scheduled.    (Nesbit, graft, implant,)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, in some of the surgerical literature I read, the implant has a far greater than 50% success rate in a glans getting full of blood with erection. I do not think it is an all or nothing thing.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



Can you explain this?  

The typical implant candidate is one that has both ED and Peyronies Disease (I am basing this on Dr Mulhall's statement to me).  If a guy gets no blood to the glans prior to surgery due to total ED, how is an implant going to change that.  What is it about an implant that would cause the blood vessels to dilate and gorge the spongiosum with blood since they would not do that prior to surgery ???

PS: The more I think of it, I think even in one without ED, that the spongiosum mainly passively receives blood from the other two chambers rather than being a fully functioning 3rd chamber.  In either case, I cannot understand blood flow IMPROVING from an implant.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I am hving the procedudre where they graft after the incision is made...I'm not sure of the name though. I have heard other guys refering to it


Hawk, you're right, in that case, it would not be different- but better for the man who cannot get any kind of erection at all.

For a lot of Peyronie's or other fibrotic conditions (ie after having priapism) that impair erection, it is the shaft of the penis that is impaired mostly, and the  head can still get blood (and does). Many of us, though unable to get a straight and hard erection, get partial erections, and the head may get more blood flow (compared to how it used to be) than the shaft does.

In that kind of ED, I think that it makes sense the the head would still engorge a bit.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Thanks for clarifying.  That makes sense to me.  I have had periods of 110% ED right after my prostatectomy and was thinking of that scenario rather than a man that was able to engorge the glans with blood prior to the implant.

I conclude the rule is: that many men had Peyronies Disease and partial ED that allows them to at least get good blood flow to the glans.  They have a good chance of preserving that blood flow to the glans after an implant.

If the ED is more pervasive and the glans is not engorged prior to surgery, the implant will give them an erect shaft but the head (glans) will remain small and not engorged.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Has anyone out there had the implant 3 pcs with the inflatable pump installed? IWAS TOLD ONTOP OF MY Peyronies Disease with a 90 degree curve that i have bad blood flow the only option for me is the implant I was wondering if anyone had this done and did it fix the curve. If so dose it fix it to be 100 percent straight. Also i would like to know the pain that was involved and how long it last? I was told that i would feel normal after 10 days.  Before i do this surgery i would like to get your input on this. The Dr in new Britain Ct is starting the study on the new injections to reduce the scar tissue but I'm not a canident for the study as i was told the the check valves in the penis wernt working good to hold the blood back so i also have ED now. I was hoping that there was someone out there that had this done so i can make a better decision on weather to do this or not. Thank you for your input


 JTL,,,,My best friend's Dad had this done whe he was 70yrs old and it has been working for him very well now for a number of years,,,said he would do it over again if needed.....He swears by it., it's been a few years and he's still going strong with it......kimo........

Old Man


Several guys on the forum have had experience with implants, either first hand or someone they knew and they can give you their knowledge about implants. As Kimo says it can and will do a fine job in the erections department and in most cases correct any curve or other abnormality of the penis.

However, as a very serious suggestion to you: explore all other options first because once an implant is done, there is no reversal. So, get as many opinions from very qualified surgeons in the Peyronies Disease and ED field before proceeding toward making a decision for an implant.

It has its place in the ED and Peyronies Disease world, but just make doubly certain that is the way to go before taking the plunge. (No pun intended!)

Sincerely, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thank you for your input. I belive i will have this done soon as i was told by a uro that the check valves in the penis were no good. so im hoping it will fix the cure and the ed problum


Can you please let me know what doctor?- and what type of injection- what is he injecting?


Quote from: jtl4661 on March 10, 2007, 07:26:54 PM
. The Dr in new Britain Ct is starting the study on the new injections to reduce the scar tissue but I'm not a canident for the study as i was told the the check valves in the penis wernt working good to hold the blood back so i also have ED now.

Old Man


If you are only concerned about lack of erections due to ED problems, you might want to explore using the VED and retainer rings for the ED. Since prostate cancer surgery left me almost totally impotent due to venous leakage, the VED was prescribed. I also tried all the ED drugs and pills, but none worked. The VED does an excellent job of providing the best erections this 77 year old guy has had in many a day! I just had to learn how to use it the best advantage for my particular problem.

It beats having the surgery now and that would be an option down the road if the VED ever quit working.

The above is just a suggestion based on my personal experience and that of many others that I have counseled over the past many years.

Best regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


The Dr in New Britain Ct is Dr. Wursel on 1 lake street at the new Britain grove hill urology group. I just got some good news from him on Tuesday he informed me that he may be a testing site for the ae4500 injections the dissolve scare tissue I am on the list. he expects to start testing the injections at the end of spring early summer. Let me know if anyone is interested in a phone number i would be happy to post it. I will keep you all informed when this testing starts. I was looking into the pump implant and was told that with the pump it wont expand in leanth only expands it diameter. He also stated that the nespeq is best for me with maby taking Viagra to help with the erections if that fails then go to the pump. This Dr seems to know what he is doing. He also stated he wont operate on me until i tried these injections to see if that will cure the curve. He also stated that the ae4500 he has allot of Faith that this will fix the curvature from Peyronies Disease. He left the choice up to me on weather to operate or try this study. I am waitting for this to start i was told he has over 45 patient's on the list. I am very excited to find him. If this works for me i ill still have to work with the erectile dysfunction buy trying medication or a VED. I hope to give you all good news on this study. I see him again in 2 weeks I will ask him of other testing study sites around the US and hopfully he knows of some taking place already i will keep you all informed. I told Dr wursel of this site and how much this site helps all of us he was shocked that i heard of the new injection ae4500 i told him i was informed on this site. He ask for the web site link and i gave it to him hopfully he will join the site were he can inform us himself. Thanks to all of you I have waited and went to several Dr's for more opinions and I found him thanks to all of you inputs Thank you everyone


We would like to hear about surgical procedures that anyone has gone through to correct a major curvature by removing the collagen. Good and Bad surgeries alike. My boyfriend has been dealing with this for 3 years and has had one placque removal that was less than 6 mos. into his Peyronies Disease by a urologist who apparently didn't know to wait. Now the collagen runs the length of his penis causing a severe bend and won't allow a complete bottle neck just won't allow the penis to reach it's previous length or girth or get as hard.

I hope you guys don't mind me asking the questions but he is not online and has no desire to be so because his work is so draining...which leaves me searching which is the least I believe I can do right now. He is very frustrated and has been doing the Vitamin C since this unsuccessful surgery with ZERO improvement and a urologist who just says he must accept his fate....which he thinks is a crock!
He has decided he will just go the reconstructive route. I neither yea nor ney his decisions about his penis just insist that he get ALL the info available before he makes ANY decision ... I'm just his private cheerleader  ;)
Please ladies don't get mad at me about that as I am not married to him nor do I live with him and I have to follow my heart.

Has anyone gone so far as to have the complete reconstructive / corrective Peyronies Disease surgery that Dr Reed in Miami does?
Does anyone know anything about Dr Harry Reed?     Is he a quack?


I REALLY should not have found Dr. Reed's web site and looked at those female to male gender reassignment surgeries he does...

I'll say one thing though, those "brand new" guys  make a guy with Peyronies diseasee feel great for what they do have.

I do not know if he is a quack. He is sure willing to operate on penises though. he may be very good. I am unimpressed with his penis enlargment surgery result, though, and so wonder if he is bragging about that, what do his Peyronies Disease results really work out like?

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



I have to be very leery of anyone that would do surgery on a man 6 months into Peyronies Disease.  In my estimation, that borders on malpractice (Tim, I'm sorry to say the "M" word around a doctor) ;)

I also think vitamin "C" is worse than useless

In response to your question, I think most of those on the forum that have had surgery have posted and you will have to read their results.  Few men opt for surgery as you can tell.  We have a few Nesbit procedures, 1 or 2 with grafts, no implant prosthesis or other procedures that I know of.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: RiseNShine on March 27, 2007, 03:52:36 PM
He has decided he will just go the reconstructive route. I neither yea nor ney his decisions about his penis just insist that he get ALL the info available before he makes ANY decision ...

  Hi RiseNShine... I'm not sure he can afford NOT to be online, if for nothing else than to become a more informed man about his condition and the outcomes of therapies and procedures. Kudos to you for being his personal cheerleader and all the support you bring to him. I ask you to try and do whatever you can to get some information from the board in front of his eyes either by asking if he'll look at a thread or two or printing a few out so he can read them. This would take a 20 minute block of time to read, not an hours-long internet search for meaningful information (it's mostly right HERE on the board). The decision on how to proceed is his, but if he could at least know what alternatives to surgery exist, then I'm sure he would feel more comfortable about whatever decision he makes.  


Thanks Angus, Hawk and Tim for responding. I have spent well over 200 hours online since December searching then printing out reams of paper with Peyronies Disease info and sending it to him...we live in different states. He reads everything I can send him and rereads it again and we discuss it all. As to his being online there is just no opportunity ...hard to believe but very true.

I thought Dr Reed's penis enlargement photos were grotesquely sad and pitiful and did not send them to my boyfriend but told him about them....humorously... as that is not something he needs.
We thought the Peyronies Disease corrections were impressive but like you we wonder just where are these folks now.Why are they not posting on these boards unless there is a confidentiality clause in Dr Reed's surgical contract. Did you read the "thank you's" ?... just a tad bit creepy.
Being  "Nip Tuck" fans who thought their plastic surgery scenario's were far fetched realize now the ability to create a penis out of nada is extraordinary.

He does not understand men going 5,10,20 years with the problem and trying this or that when everything we've read says nothing actually works and the only "cure" is surgery for severe cases. I'm sure he is like others who had a uninformed/inexperienced MD attempt to correct a problem they didn't really understand  and perhaps this is why so many men shy away from surgery and await the miracle cure. I am not trying to be flip just realistic. I am the one who put the breaks on another surgical go round until he got as much info as possible. If he sticks with that decision all I can do is be there to care for him when he comes out of surgery.
I personally will take him just the way he is now but he does not want to be the way he is so I must respect that.

I also meant topical Vitamin E not C ... oops!

Thanks again guys! :)


I would like to know if there is anybody who knows anything about the method described in BJU International 2006 (vol 97 p 134-137) where the tunica albuginea was replaced with graft from the rectus sheet.
The article includes a study where the tissue structure of different graft materials where compared. While materials that up to now have been applied have limited histological resemblance with the tunica albuginea, the rectus sheet seems to be very much alike.
This could mean that it both has the flexibility for expansion during erection and the rigidity for occlusion of the corpus Cavernosum veins to maintain erection.
The results reported after the method has been applied on 12 patients at the General Hospital Harburg in Hamburg, Germany, could seem interesting/promising.



I don't know any more than the article says.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I thought they weren't even starting trials until Oct-Dec of this year.  That is great if you can start this summer.  Please let me know if you find a site in the US alright?  Heck I'll fly there each time for the injection if needed.  I think this drug has a good chance of working.  PLEASE keep us posted ok?
Quote from: jtl4661 on March 14, 2007, 10:34:48 PM
The Dr in New Britain Ct is Dr. Wursel on 1 lake street at the new Britain grove hill urology group. I just got some good news from him on Tuesday he informed me that he may be a testing site for the ae4500 injections the dissolve scare tissue I am on the list. he expects to start testing the injections at the end of spring early summer. Let me know if anyone is interested in a phone number i would be happy to post it. I will keep you all informed when this testing starts. I was looking into the pump implant and was told that with the pump it wont expand in leanth only expands it diameter. He also stated that the nespeq is best for me with maby taking Viagra to help with the erections if that fails then go to the pump. This Dr seems to know what he is doing. He also stated he wont operate on me until i tried these injections to see if that will cure the curve. He also stated that the ae4500 he has allot of Faith that this will fix the curvature from Peyronies Disease.


I was just informed By my Dr. that he was not selected as a study site. But he also told me that he will tell me when and were this study is taking place. Sorry i jumped the gun on this one. I really was hoping that it was going to take place. I'm back at the start I'm tired of waiting and getting my hopes up. I just may go and do the surgery if this study doesn't happen soon. this dam thing is like a curse for me. Has anyone had a catheter put in for surgery and then got Peyronies Disease from it? Thats what happened to me i went in for a back operation then 12 weeks latter i got a 90 degree curve? I am trying to sue the hospital my lawyer wanted me to see if i can find out if there were studies on getting Peyronies Disease from a catheter has any one seen anything on this?


I just found this article from last year.  I know that we should all try something besides surgery, but this one seemed like it performed very well for the test subjects.  The product they use for grafting is called Surgisis ES.  I'm just posting it for future reference:



Hello all. I just registered. I have been hanging around and reading a lot of post for the last year.
I was diagnosed with Peyronies 18 months ago. I have had 3 differnt Uroligist tell me that my only option is an implant. I have the hour glass type. I can get an erection but about half way up the shaft it is so flexible that penatration is imposible.
I guess what I am wanting to know is , will the pump sharing space with the boys be push up against them and causing pain? I ride a Harley and I am afraid it is going to be too uncomfortable to ride. Riding is a big part of me and my wifes life.
We haven't had intercorse for over a year now. So needless to say we are both ready for the implant.
So if anyone has some encouraging words I would really like to here them.
thanks, Craze



I have pretty much the same problem as you, except I'm "normal" about two-thirds of the way out.  My quality of erection was greatly improved by arginine, pentox, broad-spectrum vitamin E, and N-acetylcysteine.  There is still some flexibility (called "hinging" or "buckling"), but I am much firmer and have much better erections than before.  Have you tried any of the meds and supplements posted here?



Hi Craze..

I just got this from Dr. Leu, as I am considering Plication surgery.. if anyone on the forum has had this.. please let me the meantime, this is what he sent me.. Hope you can read this as I do not know how to attach a document.. it is supposed to be in 3-columns.


Brief description on the three operations for Peyronie's disease performed at UCSF

Plication                   Grafting   Penile prosthesis
(P) Surgical technique   Put stitches on the longer side of the penis to pull the penis to the middle
(GRAFT)Making incision on the short side of the penis and place a graft (either vein or pig skin graft) to match the long side   
(IMPLANT) Placement of a prosthesis to help erection and straighten the penis

Penile length   
Same as the length when stretched in the flaccid state   
1/2 to 1 inch longer than the stretched penile length   
About he same as stretched penile length
Risk of impotence after surgery   
PLICATIONVery small   
From 10 to 50% depending on penile circulation    
Risk of nerve injury   
PLICATION- (P) small   
GRaft -high   
Inplant- high
Operation time   
PLICATION One hour   
GRAFT -3-4 hours
Inplant 3-4 hours   
Anesthesia   Local + sedation   General or epidural   General or epidural
Hospital stay   Not necessary   Overnight stay   Overnight stay
Return to work   1-2 day   2-3 days   2-3 weeks
Resume sexual intercourse   5 weeks   8 weeks   5-6 weeks
Other considerations   
PLICATION Cannot correct indentation or hourglass deformity   
GRaft- Second incision needed if vein is used   
Implant - Severe penile shortening if the device gets infected.


Dose anyone know if there ever was a study on a urethra catheter inserted as a cause of Peyronies Disease? I would like to know is there is a site on a study of this nature? If so please post the link thank you.
I believe this is how I ended up with Peyronies Disease as that was the only trauma to the penis for me. I know thats what happened to me after i had back surergy i got Peyronies Disease a short time later. I'm looking for a cause study on this thanks everyone


Many suspect a relationship for many patients report getting Peyronie's Diseae following catheterization.

Tough to prove though, but the association seems to be real. The mechanism for injury to the tunica when the catheter is in the urethra is harder to figure out.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


A more acurate term may be initiated Peyronies Disease as opposed to caused.  Some may see this as splitting hairs.  I do think it important, though, in understanding the nature of the condition (another bit of semantics).

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


One must even ask if there is enough data to know whether it is the actual catheterising that is the causative factor, or the associated surgical procedure and the resulting inflammatory response that occurs.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I can't seem to find out weather this may be the cause giving the fact i always had  about a 15 degree congenital  curve. after my back surgery and being catheterized 8 weeks later the pain started with erections a short time later i got a 90 degree curve. with an indention below the gland also now having difficulty holding an erection not that if it were a good erection i still would not be able to have sex anyway. The option my Dr. gave me is try Viagra to see if an erection would be complete and hold it. He told me that if that worked i can have the nesbit if not the pump implant. Looks like the pump may be the only way to go. He has told me that when i have the pump implant it will only expand in diameter not in length like a normal erection. Has anyone that had the inflatable noticed this? was wondering if it was the same length as it is in the flaccid state or dose it expand in length like a normal erection.
thanks Jtl4661