Newbie questions about traction

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Hi all,

I just posted on the "Introduce Yourself" area.  More about me here:,4712.0.html

I have been using the US Physiomed (FastSize) traction device for 3 months to treat minor curvature and loss of length due to Peyronie's.  I use it 6-8 hours per day (weekdays only), stretching my penis as much as I can comfortably (which is sometimes even a bit uncomfortable).

Initially I used the "lasso" strap, which caused skin lesions behind the corona. I switched to a different technique that I saw on another website: put a baby's sock over the front of the penis and use a velcro strap instead of the "lasso". This technique works well for me.

Is it correct to use as much tension as I can handle, for the most hours I can handle, to get the best/fastest results?
Any other tips for getting the most out of my use of the traction device?




I always advise people to not over do it. Dr. Levine told me just to wear it to a 'comfortable stretch' level. For me, I would adjust the tension to where when I first put it on it would hurt a little but after a few minutes I really couldn't tell that I had it on. So I would advise that you don't need to stretch to the point where you are constant pain. Also if you were wearing it this way then it means you have the head strapped in even tighter to keep from slipping out which also means you are even more so restricting blood flow to the glans during your wearing time.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Yes, it is "comfortable stretch". So, sounds like I'm doing the right thing.

The lasso restricts blood flow even more than the velcro approach, since the pressure of the velcro is distributed over a wider area.  I definitely get less cold/numb sensations with the velcro today than I did using the lasso in the past.

What was Dr. Levine's guidance on how many hours to use it per day?




Have you seen any improvements from traction?  


Quote from: gedman on February 28, 2014, 02:07:01 PM

What was Dr. Levine's guidance on how many hours to use it per day?


As long as you can with a break every 2 hours. He feels the best results are from those who can wear it 6-8 hours per day which was not easy to do for me mostly due to my schedule.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


RoyHobbs- My curvature was so minor to begin with, it is hard to say if the traction use is helping. And, it is not easy for me to accurately measure penis size (even while erect).  So, again, difficult to give you a clear answer.  Dr. Mulhall will do a "stretched" length measurement at my next appointment in 2 months.

LWillisJr- I am able to do 6-8 hours per day without much difficulty. I angle the traction device down my pant leg and can wear it while at work.   It is completely hidden by my clothes.  I am an engineer, and spend most of my time in meetings or sitting at a computer, so wearing the device doesn't interfere with my work.



LWillisjr, how many months (assuming 6 hours use per day) does does Dr. Levine advise to use it for to achieve some visible effect (let's say ca. 2 cm) ? I don't have peyronie but I had a modified nesbit surgery for congenital curvature. Healing process is finished and I would like to regain ca. 2 cm. I met with loads of opinions but can anybody here confirm that it works ?


He has never quoted me a specific time. He just states that the guys who can were the device 4-8 hours per day are the ones who see favorable improvement.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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