Alternative Treatments for Peyronie's Disease

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Has anyone tried this combination? I'm thinking of trying it. Please advise. Thank you.

"The Sun Also Rises"


Hi guys I first posted here about 6 weeks ago. At that time I had a severe case of Peyronies Disease. Hard plaque covering almost the entire left side of my penis and half of the top. Caused nearly a 90 degree bend at full erection. I was devastated and of course unable to have sex.

I have very exciting news to report. I have been almost completely cured of Peyronies Disease in 6 weeks.The plaque is virtually all gone, the penis is nearly completely straight at full erection and I am back in action sexually.

I used a cocktail of things to treat my condition so I will list everything I have done.

500 mg of Cipro twice a day, I have 90 day supply so will continue until all used up. (I bought a generic version of Cipro but it is same thing)
1000 mg acetyl L carnatine twice a day
400 mg Vit E twice a day

That is all I have done and I have had dramatic and I do mean dramatic improvement.



That is great news.  I'm not sure I would give credit to the med and supplements.  Spontaneous recovery has been documented.  This is biggest obstacle in determining the efficacy of a treatment.

Having said that, I would continue taking everything, too.  :)

I'm not sure if you read about some of the guys saying they developed Peyronies Disease while taking Cipro.  Do you have any thoughts on the reasons why Cipro may have helped?

Good Luck   :::cheering:::

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Quote from: Leopold on July 26, 2006, 11:32:49 PM
Hi guys I first posted here about 6 weeks ago. At that time I had a severe case of Peyronies Disease. Hard plaque covering almost the entire left side of my penis and half of the top. Caused nearly a 90 degree bend at full erection. I was devastated and of course unable to have sex.

I have very exciting news to report. I have been almost completely cured of Peyronies Disease in 6 weeks.The plaque is virtually all gone, the penis is nearly completely straight at full erection and I am back in action sexually.

I used a cocktail of things to treat my condition so I will list everything I have done.

500 mg of Cipro twice a day, I have 90 day supply so will continue until all used up. (I bought a generic version of Cipro but it is same thing)
1000 mg acetyl L carnatine twice a day
400 mg Vit E twice a day

That is all I have done and I have had dramatic and I do mean dramatic improvement.

Leopold, i swear this is probobly one of the only things that have made me smile in the past 3 months. I AM EXTATIC that you found something that works, i am so honestly happy for you. Im not sure what cipro is and if i can take it because im only 16, but being the only thing that i have heard has almost completely corrected your problem i am definatly going to look into it. These little lights of hope make everything alot easier. If you dont mind me asking how long have you had peyronies? i have had mine for about 3 to four months and it is not nearly as bad as what yours sounds like. Maybe my diesease hasnt progressed all the way but if you could fill me on what Cipro is, and how you learned about this i would be so amazingly helpful. This is the first good news i have heard and i am so happy.

I pray every night for myself, and i will pray for you to be completely back to normal.



Cipro (Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride)  -  An anibiotic,  well known for the drug of choice for inhalation anthrax exposure.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Hi guys the reason why I took Cipro(Genereic is called Zoxan) is because I read some guy on another forum used it. I was desperate so willing to try anything.

Just a followup on my previous post, I am not completely cured so I don't mean to overstate my results. I still have some plaque, but is is much much less.  But to go from a severe 90 degree bend to a very slight bend in 6 weeks is quite dramatic to me.  I am going to keep fighting this until I am completely cured.   ;)


Fight on Brother.  We are behind you all the way.   :::: playing Rocky theme::::
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Hey guys.Anyone with any background on taking Bromelain? My new Lady , who is into alternative/holistic healing emailed this short info about Bromelain. Tell me what you think. I'm gonna try it myself.
More than other enzyme supplements, bromelain should be recognized for the one major ability that is not found in any other potential therapy that is so easily, readily and economically available to the man with Peyronies Disease. Bromelain is unique among the protein digesting enzymes in its suspected capacity to stimulate secretion of collagenase. This particular enzyme, collagenase, is most important to Peyronies Disease because mature and developing scar tissue is primarily made of collagen. Collagen is degraded or digested by collagenase. And as was just stated, "bromelain is suspected to increase secretion of collagenase" that can take apart and remove the collagen material that makes up the major part of scar tissue. This is great news for the Peyronies Disease sufferer! Bromelain increases the enzyme that takes apart the major building material of scar tissue.(38)  That single bit of information should be enough to motivate a guy with Peyronies Disease to jump out of his chair and order some protein-digesting enzymes, especially bromelain.

In addition, bromelain has several other abilities in relation to soft tissue healing: it inhibits clot formation, breaks down fibrous tissue,(39) reduces inflammation, and it has skin debridement (wound clearing) properties. Other less direct benefits are its ability to enhance absorption of drugs and nutrients, and to enhance the immune response to allergies. Bromelain is well absorbed orally and available evidence indicates that its therapeutic effects are enhanced with higher doses. Although all of its mechanisms of action are still not completely understood, it has been demonstrated to be a very safe and effective therapy. All in all, bromelain has many large, medium and small benefits for the man with Peyronies Disease. --Zig The Twig


I don't believe this breaks down the same kind of plaque(scar tissue), that is associated with peyronies. It is more for the type that you would have in your artires.
I will add though that a good healthy diet, with 12 pieces of fruit and veggies everyday with good proteins and plenty of nuts..these five are the best pecan, walnuts, almonds, Brazil and cashews along with plenty of water and arginine will help wound healing. Lots of fresh greens. I have been on this diet for about 10 days along with epsom salt baths and I can tell my body is feeling better, mentally and my little guy looks better also. Not a cure all, but a way to give your body a chance. Save you money and spend it on fruit and veggies and lots of greens and nuts and take the arginine and what Tim and Liam are taking, once again this is for a different animal than we are dealing with.
"The Sun Also Rises"


I have been doing some google searching on this cirpo and ask some questions, most say it has no significant effect on scar tissue, but one MD did state that in some cases it is used in tendon rupture. I always felt mine was like a small rupture, and tendons have very little blood flow and that is why they don't heal, like the tunica, I don't know and would like to hear what Tim and Liam have to say about this, they seem pretty well verse in the medical field.
This diet I'm on, man you crap like a goose:).....but it feels healthy....

"The Sun Also Rises"


This whole thing is indeed interesting.  Bromelain is just one of the supplements I have been taking but until now I was unaware of the collagen connection.  (Here's a link to an authoritative site: ).  Exactly whether its en vivo performance matches its performance on the meat counter is unclear, but it has been used in arthritis trials to test out just that concept ( ).  And cardio vascular disease indeed involves the same collagen scarring as one encounters with peyronies ( ).


Thanks Rico, for the info. Like you said, it is somewhat hard to incorporate all the healthy foods daily that you have suggested. We unfortunately live in a fast paced society where processed junk is in the daily diet. I wouldn't mind some quick light recipes when you have the time to PM me. Since my girlfriend seems to have quite a bit of knowledge about alternative healing, I will try the Bromelain anyway, as well as Gota Kola, especially since she has taken such an interest in this and bought both items. I believe she is also going to mix up a salve/tincture to apply as well. I'm willing to make the sacrifice if this is what she wants to do. ;D She has signed on as a member now in the Ladies group and I'm very proud of her.
Thanks again- Zig the Twig


Quote from: Leopold on July 27, 2006, 02:36:21 AM
Hi guys the reason why I took Cipro(Genereic is called Zoxan) is because I read some guy on another forum used it. I was desperate so willing to try anything.

Just a followup on my previous post, I am not completely cured so I don't mean to overstate my results. I still have some plaque, but is is much much less.  But to go from a severe 90 degree bend to a very slight bend in 6 weeks is quite dramatic to me.  I am going to keep fighting this until I am completely cured.   ;)

Do you think Cipro Is helping? Why? I think i am going to follow your regime exept i will use Topical Verapamil instead of taking Cipro, anyone i talk to says it has no correlation with Peyronies Disease and that it will just F~@< with my immune system? What do you think? What makes L carnatine  better than L argenine? Im really a newb to all this and would die to get cured of peyronies, i am also still in the inflamitory stage so i think i should take action now.


If you are in the inflammation stage I would try a warm soak in the tub with epsom salts, it is cheap and will reduce swelling, it has help me, I wish I would of started it earlier, it took me almost three months to start it. Read as much as you can on here, it by far the best you can get, then do what your heart tells you to do, don't pull on it and look at it every two seconds, sometimes you have to watch a film or read a book, eat right and rest....time heals....."This Too Shall Pass"....epsom salts are cheat..walgreens 12lbs...good for at least 10 baths  $9.....warm water for 25 will help with inflammation...

"The Sun Also Rises"



I took cipro for a prostate infection that I developed at the same time I was developing Peyronies Disease.  My doctor followed with a prescription for Levaquin for 21 days and Tequin for 60 days ( only took for 30) . My Peyronies Disease pain was on and off during this time.  I did not develop a curve until 6 months after stopping these antibiotics.  All three are from the same family of antibiotics.  I can't be sure whether they had a positive impact or negative.  My discussions with Hawk and the data he has provided indicate that antibiotics can be used to prevent scars for worsening.  

Concerning ruptured tendons, apparently there is a correlation with taking these particular antibiotics and them causing a ruptured tendon, especially the achilles tendon.    The combination of steroids and these antibiotics increase the risk of tendon ruptures.



Quote from: JustLookingToBFixed on July 27, 2006, 03:30:19 PM

Do you think Cipro Is helping? Why? I think i am going to follow your regime exept i will use Topical Verapamil instead of taking Cipro, anyone i talk to says it has no correlation with Peyronies Disease and that it will just F^@% with my immune system? What do you think? What makes L carnatine  better than L argenine? Im really a newb to all this and would die to get cured of peyronies, i am also still in the inflamitory stage so i think i should take action now.

Cipro has an anti scarring affect from what I understand. Acetyl L-carnatine is recommended many times in this forum so that I why I took it. I started taking all this while I was in the beginning stages and inflammatory. So I attacked it early as I could.


Quote from: Leopold on July 28, 2006, 05:36:56 PM
Quote from: tyler on July 27, 2006, 03:30:19 PM

Do you think Cipro Is helping? Why? I think i am going to follow your regime exept i will use Topical Verapamil instead of taking Cipro, anyone i talk to says it has no correlation with Peyronies Disease and that it will just F^@% with my immune system? What do you think? What makes L carnatine  better than L argenine? Im really a newb to all this and would die to get cured of peyronies, i am also still in the inflamitory stage so i think i should take action now.

Cipro has an anti scarring affect from what I understand. Acetyl L-carnatine is recommended many times in this forum so that I why I took it. I started taking all this while I was in the beginning stages and inflammatory. So I attacked it early as I could.

How long have you had peyronies?


Yesterday, I found out that my problem was a case of Peyronies disease.  It's been going on for about 6 months now.  I don't have pain, and the scarring is limited to the base of my penis.  I guess I'm lucky it isn't worse, but the curvature and maybe some resulting ED make it difficult to perform penetration.

My urologist told me that the cause is unknown and there is no known cure.  He put me on vitamin E (600 to 800 ius per day).  After the inflamation phase, things may get better if the inflamation doesn't cause more damage.  In the meantime, he prescribed Levitra.  I haven't tried it yet and would prefer a natural solution.

I've been reading all morning, and there are lots of things people have tried.  It seems that every individual has to find what works for him.  My first inclination is to try an IR light.  It is inexpensive and has produced results for some guys.  My question is where to buy the light and what power should it be?  Are there any precautions I should take?  Any other suggestions are welcome.

Thanks to everyone in advance and good luck to all.


Try the Levitra.  Also, most of the men here take l-arginine (check the research section).  

Welcome!!!  Make sure to check the website (see the blue bar at the top of the page) and some of the research papers.  

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Any change with Bromelain- How much are you taking- what about the salve that your girlfriend made- Anything..

Would love to here!


Quote from: zigwyth on July 27, 2006, 01:19:22 PM
Thanks Rico, for the info. Like you said, it is somewhat hard to incorporate all the healthy foods daily that you have suggested. We unfortunately live in a fast paced society where processed junk is in the daily diet. I wouldn't mind some quick light recipes when you have the time to PM me. Since my girlfriend seems to have quite a bit of knowledge about alternative healing, I will try the Bromelain anyway, as well as Gota Kola, especially since she has taken such an interest in this and bought both items. I believe she is also going to mix up a salve/tincture to apply as well. I'm willing to make the sacrifice if this is what she wants to do. ;D She has signed on as a member now in the Ladies group and I'm very proud of her.
Thanks again- Zig the Twig


Has anyone noticed that the plaque arrives/worsens at times of great stress? Mine did, and eventually gave me a 90 degree upward bend. This was straightened by surgery - the Lue procedure with a venous graft. Prior to that, Potaba and Vitamin E had been ineffective in preventing further plaque.
Recently I took a beta blocker (Timolol) for glaucoma and even the tiny dose used in these eye drops caused the hang to be less full. I have since found out that this medication is not advised for those who have Peyronies. I have now changed eye-drops!
As beta blockers seem to reduce peripheral circulation, I have recently tried Ginkgo Biloba which, it is claimed, increases peripheral circulation. Sure enough, even at 2500 mg/day, it has given me a fuller hang - something to hold on to until the magic cure arrives!

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"


Hi Percy, welcome aboard! I know that when the body is under great stress disease runs rampant. My peyronies plaques seemed to increase slightly recently. I am going through a divorce, her idea, and am under great stress. I have been taking L-Arginine to promote good blood flow. I know that exercise will help reduce stress and promote better blood flow also. At night, I've been taking 25mg of Trazedone. Trazedone helps me sleep, and also causes night erections. The fresh oxygenated blood flowing into the penis at night is replicating what came natural at a younger age and not under so much stress. I just got my soma correct erection device and have started to use it to straighten the penis. A lot of fellows report improvement using this device. I believe that using antioxidants, increasing blood flow, reshaping scar tissue, and eating good with exercise, should show some improvements. Even if I don't see any, my body is feeling much better, and I'm not as stressed, because I'm too busy to dwell on it. When all else fails, I pray a lot!  Keep the Faith...Blink
We are not specialists, but we are special for what we know.


Thanks for that - I have some L-arginine on order. Also use a VED. Not sure about Trazodone - maybe I'll ask my doctor next time.


Percy, What I can tell you about trazedone is that it is far less expensive than the blue pills. If you are using viagra to achieve erections for treatment purposes, I would rather use trazedone. It is not habit forming, it does not have the adverse affects on blood pressure that viagra has, and you don't see blue when you take it. Any thing that affects my vision is not good for me. Trazedone costs about four dollars for a prescription. I don't think you can get one viagra for the same price. When I talked to my doc, I asked for 50mg tablets (the lowest dose), and cut them in half. I get two months supply of trazedone for 4 bucks! If you must take viagra for ED in order to have sex, then I guess that is what you must do. When I talked to my doc, I said that I wanted the trazedone for low level depression, to help with sleep, and for my peyronies disease. He gave it to me with no questions asked. He is aware that I'm a part of this group and that we as a whole have probably dug up more information than any of the docs. He has already referred someone to call me about peyronies. I believe that he will be one of the docs who will sign up for the forum. I will be visiting him again real soon to give him more info on OUR site.   Keep the Faith...Blink
We are not specialists, but we are special for what we know.


I appreciate your point but from reading this site it seems that Trazedone causes erections when you are asleep. This is ok for the healing process but would require the lady to help herself as you slumber on - unless the effect lingers when  you wake up. Does it?
I believe that Viagra here in the UK costs about £8 for a 100 mg tablet - about US$15, so if you can get the real stuff for $4 that seems a good deal.

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"


FYI - The reason that Viagra can make one see blue is that it not only inhibits PDE-4 and PDE-5, but it also inhibits PDE-3.  Levitra and Cialis are not affected by this problem.  I also understand that all of these PDE-5 inhibitors can cut off oxygen to the optic nerve, which is not a good thing either.  All drugs (and supplements) carry risks, that just comes with the territory.

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"


I hear ya.  I'm in the process of trying to obtain a scrip for 100 mg Viagra since it costs the same as 50 mg Viagra (does that make any sense?) and therefore would effectively cut in half my cost of the 25 mg daily dosage my doctor suggested.  

By the way, where did you hear you can get 100 mg for $4 a pop?  I'd love to know. :)  The cheapest I'm currently seeing is Costco which is about $10/pop.  

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"


Years ago I was taking Trazedone for depression. I marveled at the fact that I could hold an erection that would not quit. I felt like a teen again! Once your body gets used to taking the stuff, you and your lady should be able to enjoy the side effects. I hope you guys are in shape, my wife had to call it off more than once! Keep the Faith...Blink

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"
We are not specialists, but we are special for what we know.


Quote from: percival on August 21, 2006, 05:19:18 PM
I appreciate your point but from reading this site it seems that Trazedone causes erections when you are asleep. This is ok for the healing process but would require the lady to help herself as you slumber on - unless the effect lingers when  you wake up. Does it?
I believe that Viagra here in the UK costs about £8 for a 100 mg tablet - about US$15, so if you can get the real stuff for $4 that seems a good deal.

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"

I too am an Englishman, please keep an eye on this site as there seems to be a bunch of us that are willing to try it all,..... :D

I am taking trazedone, cutting the 50mg tabs in half and have noticed more erections during sleep....

My family doctor knows about my Peyronies Disease and realizes that my wife spends a lot more time researching this condition than he ever will so he gave me a 6 month pescription......

I'll keep you informed....



Dear Mr. BLBC,  You need to come clean my computer screen. The glass cleaner is on my work bench... Just to clarify, because THAT sounded sooo strange... DH and I at one time had a bunch of reptiles including several snakes. A friend of his has a couple of amazing pythons and they (the snakes) are often guests at our home.

And yes dear the subject of IR lamps were brought up recently. Thank you for the laugh!

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"


When your posts here are recorded in the Annals of Peyronies Disease, you will wish you had added a subject.  The subject line is like the title of your literary work.    Thanks for your help.

I forget all the time.  Thank goodness for the "modify" button on your post.  You can go back and change (or add  ;)) anything.

This is sooooooo important for archiving purposes

Thanks a bunch!!!

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Hi All,

I came across this article and thought that I would share it with you.


Lessons on Scar Tissue

by Shari Aizenman, Massage Therapist

Scar tissue???  Doesn't sound so bad, does it?  I mean, we have all cut ourselves, maybe had a surgery, and, of course, it needs to heal, so what?  So EVERYTHING!  That's what!  Knowing the anatomy of scar tissue and what to do with it and about it can mean the difference between freedom and bondage.

Excuse me if I sound like I am on a soapbox, I am.  As a massage therapist practicing for seventeen years, I have touched more scars than I can count.  None of them have been exactly alike, although each of them has something in common; they want to hold on!

Scar tissue forms as a natural part of healing of all tissues in the body that have been damaged.  Aren't you surprised that a broken bone can actually heal and possibly the healed part will be stronger than the rest of the bone? All of this happens because the inherent nature of the body is to be as whole as possible and to maintain homeostasis, which is a relatively stable state of equilibrium.  So, what's the big deal?  

In its desire to maintain balance, the body repair process is not as simple as it may seem.  The human body's cellular structure is so well designed.  Soft tissues are designed for strength as well as flexibility, and the cellular construction is what determines both. Where more strength is needed the cells are more dense and fibrous.  Where flexibility is desired, cells are less dense and less fibrous.  Where strength and flexibility are both desired, the structure is even more complex.

To insure the best performance in soft tissues, the cells are designed in rows and spirals.  When there is disruption in soft tissue, like a cut, for example, collagen fibers form at the injury site in a manner I compare to mayhem.  These fibers have only one thing in mind:  STITCH and MEND!

Again, what's the big deal?  Remember that inherent design process?  When it is disrupted, the flexibility in the tissue is compromised.  What does that mean to you?  If you are an average healer, maybe not much, especially on superficial (close to the surface of the body) scars.  But all scar tissue is not as simple as what it may seem on the surface.  Scars can bind deeper tissues, tying its collagen fibers around organs and other layers of fascia, the fibrous connective tissue that surrounds all soft tissues in the body. This can mean a lifetime of bondage in some cases.  

Aha!  You have a scar, you say?  And you want to know what to do about it?  Don't fret!  All scar tissue, no matter how old, can be addressed with a special type of massage known as friction or deep friction.  The definition of friction in this case is: the movement of superficial tissue over deep tissue.  Friction is done by locking the superficial tissue down over the deeper tissue and moving back and forth over the affected area.  Scar tissue becomes more like normal tissue through the breakdown of unnecessary collagen fibers and with repeated treatments, and the effects are cumulative.  

In this treatment, no lubricant is used.  After treatment, I encourage you to use pure 100% cocoa butter to rub into your scar as frequently as you like.  This will soften the scar and eventually, the scar will begin to disappear.  You can begin treating your scar as soon as the stitches are removed, beginning lightly on a fresh scar, deeper on an older one.  Pure cocoa butter can be purchased from a beauty supply or health food store.  It will be in solid form, easily melted as you rub your fingers on it or rub it directly on your scar.

Here is the first step for using the "friction" technique.  Look in a mirror and know exactly where the superficial scar's borders are.  Palpate your scar. Do you have full sensation or is it numb?  You need to get to know the feel to your fingers of the surrounding tissue and of the scar tissue being treated.  Is your scar thick and bumpy?  Or smooth in some places and irregular in others?  Can you pick up your scar, as if it is free from the tissue beneath it? Or is it just stuck?  The thicker and bumpier and more stuck the scar, the more work it needs.  

Next, make a plan of action.  If you can press your scar against a bony structure, here is the plan for you.  Use your index and middle fingers to press your scar against the bony structure underneath.  Using a back and forth motion, hold the scar down and move the scar over the underlying tissue.  Go back and forth twenty or so times, using enough pressure to pull the scar tissue away, a little at a time, from the deeper tissue.  Move two finger widths at a time over the scar until the entire scar is treated.   When you are finished doing this "cross-fiber" friction, go over the scar again using a circular motion, pressing the tissue down as before.

If you can't press the scar against a bony structure  here is the plan for you.  Squeeze the scar between your index finger and thumb (adding your middle finger if possible), as if pinching it, lift and roll the tissue back and forth.   When you have treated the scar fully this way, roll it again in circles between your fingers.  You may need to utilize two thumbs or maybe even two index fingers on with two hands.  The important thing is to get the scar between two moving, opposing forces to cause a friction reaction.  

How often should you treat your scar and what should you expect with continued treatments?    Touch your scar daily if not more often.  You cannot touch it too much.  Your scar is just like every other part of your body and needs love and attention!  

No matter what your skin tone, in the beginning, you may notice that your scar looks reddened, and the tissue around it may also become pinker.  This is from the increased  blood flow to the area.  Good for you!!  Increased blood flow means increased oxygen (which is carried in the blood) and faster healing.  Your scar may be a little sensitive due to the increased attention.  If you feel a bruised sensation, back off your treatments to every other day.  Use cocoa butter daily after treatment.  Your scar may be numb but that will change and sensation should gradually return to most of it and the surrounding soft tissue.  

Remember that touch is the ultimate form of self-love.  This is a gift to yourself!!

Also, perhaps this power jelq device could provide the friction and the foam rollers would be beneficial?


Of course, I am not affiliated with this company in any way.


The "device" made me think of this.  Interesting.  :)
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Well I'm finally out of my sling after shoulder surgery, it's good to have my dominant arm back....

Mrs BLBC is out of town working on the VED....

I'm going to try a stimualted massage session twice a day and try to see if there is any change, I'm using Vitamin E cream instead of Cocoa butter......



Did you have surgery for your Peyronies Disease- I am confused by this Post- Please let me know.


Quote from: percival on August 20, 2006, 03:13:57 PM
Has anyone noticed that the plaque arrives/worsens at times of great stress? Mine did, and eventually gave me a 90 degree upward bend. This was straightened by surgery - the Lue procedure with a venous graft. Prior to that, Potaba and Vitamin E had been ineffective in preventing further plaque.
Recently I took a beta blocker (Timolol) for glaucoma and even the tiny dose used in these eye drops caused the hang to be less full. I have since found out that this medication is not advised for those who have Peyronies. I have now changed eye-drops!
As beta blockers seem to reduce peripheral circulation, I have recently tried Ginkgo Biloba which, it is claimed, increases peripheral circulation. Sure enough, even at 2500 mg/day, it has given me a fuller hang - something to hold on to until the magic cure arrives!

"Subject line on this post edited for easy reference"


Hopeful, you may want to be careful with the IR lamp therapy. j and I were both trying this treatment. He even had a controller rigged up I believe with a thermocouple and dig readout. You can really cause more damage if you don't know what your doing. By the way, it didn't help either one of us. I myself have been a guinea pig because of this, but remember, knowledge is power. Do alot of research on a regimen for your Peyronies Disease. As always, surgery should be the last resort.
Zig the Twig


>>Did you have surgery for your Peyronies Disease- I am confused by this Post- Please let me know.


>>>Quote from: percival on August 20, 2006, 02:13:57 PM
Has anyone noticed that the plaque arrives/worsens at times of great stress? Mine did, and eventually gave me a 90 degree upward bend. This was straightened by surgery - the Lue procedure with a venous graft. Prior to that, Potaba and Vitamin E had been ineffective in preventing further plaque.<<<

Um, it seems to me not to be confusing. He had surgery.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hello,  I'm new to this site, but was wondering if anyone has used the Peyronie's Disease Institute and any of their treatment approaches?  The host, T.R. Herazy suggests an aggressive treatment using many alternative treatments.  Has anyone tried any of these with any good result?

Also, I can't figure out how to start a new topic.  I looked at all the helps, but I don't get the New Topic button.



There is no magic happening at the Peyronies Disease Institute.  It appears to be a site promoting a book and some "explicit"  "how to" sex videos on their "sister" site.  I'm not trying to question the character of the owner of the site.  I just believe all the info is out there for free.

I am always skeptical of "helpful" sites that sell something.  Also, I never read one of the testimonials that said, "Thank You I am now 100% healed."


"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



Herazy - talks a great game- cant show anything in the way of healing- He is underwritten by the producers of Neprinol- which is an enzyme0 very good-although very expensive- another company preyingoff of Peyronies Disease sufferes



As one who has been taking Neprinol for the last three or four months, I just want to sort of affirm some of what has already been said here.  Personally I am convinced it is good stuff.  That is why I have been taking it.  But I am not convinced at this point that it can cure, or for that matter, even help with Peyronies disease.  Neprinol is basically technology exported from India and marketed in the US by Arthur Andrew Company.  My confidence in Arthur Andrew as a corporate entitiy in terms of integrity is not very high.  They, like most big corporations these days, are mostly concerned about making money, not about making you their customer healthy.  So Neprinol gets big bucks for promotion and lots of references to "research" that is for the most part invisible to the consumer.  The question has occured to me more than once, if this stuff is so good, why don't they just give it away to some Peyronies sufferers and then publish their testimonials WITH a statement from their urologists?  Why isn't their the slightest thread of objective evidence as to its effectiveness?  Mind you, I'm not suggesting that it is not effective, for all I know it might be.  But it is also very expensive. as I recall, around $150 for 300+ pills.  Thats close to 50 cents a pill.  Now, consider the fact that they tell you to take around 10 pills a day.   Thats $5 a day worth of Neprinol, $35 a week $150 a month, $1,800 per year.  One can, for example, compare Neprinol treatment for Peyronies at $5.00 per day, with the latest and greatest Diabetes drug from Merck with no end of published research to back its safety and effectiveness.  That would be Januvia.  This product, just released, costs $4.86 per day.  Does that put things in perspective?  For a 'drug' that may or may not work?  As for Herazy, I buy from him becauses his prices are relatively good compared to other vendors, but he is indeed pushing Peyronies Disease sufferers to try and use everything in the book and some things that aren't.  I think that shill is a rather harsh term, but I am not sure that this is a very wise approach to treating Peyronies Disease, and I am sure that it is certainly not at all cost effective.  So when considering Neprinol, I think you have to take all of these things into account.  I am not saying don't use it.  I use it myself (ONE capsule per day).  But just be aware that there is a lot of marketing hype going on in the background and don't let it overwhelm your common sense.

- George


Thanks George.  That's why I am asking the question about this site.  He of course publishes reports from satisfied customers.  I'd also want to hear from others.  You are taking Neprinol.  Is is for Peyronies?  Has it made any difference?  Have you tried other successful options?



QuoteNeprinol Contains:

NEPRINOL® is a proprietary combination of Nattokinase, Serratiopeptidase, rutin, alma and other proteolytic enzymes specially formulated to assist and defend your body from the damaging effects of fibrin. As fibrin builds up in our bodies, it may cause many unhealthy conditions. NEPRINOL® can help keep fibrin and its harmful results under control.

source -

nattokinase for sale, 90 for $14.89 -

article Serratiopeptidase: Finding the Evidence (a table showing an overview of quite a few studies, some good, some bad)

Serrapeptidase for sale:
Notice whats in the the product called Fibrozym

These are just examples of less expensive alternatives to the "proprietary blends".  I am not endorsing their use or the companies selling the product.  

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


QuoteYou are taking Neprinol.

Yes, but only one per day, not 9 or 10 as they advise.

QuoteIs is for Peyronies?

I take Neprinol because I like the ingredients and am too lazy to take a dozen other pills to provide them.  I had the Peyronies in mind when I started the Neprinol, but I am not taking it specifically for the Peyronies.

QuoteHas it made any difference?

Perhaps.  I really don't know because I have been taking more different supplements than Carter has pills as the saying goes.  My strategy has been to take a little bit of everything that either seems extremely interesting or has a degree of credible research behind it.  The result has been a tremendous improvement in my Peyronies to the point that, for all practical purposes, it is pretty much gone and forgotten, although a close look would reveal that it has left its mark.  Right now, I have quit all of those supplements to try to sort things out, and after a week off all the supplements, my Peyronies has not gotten worse.  So I am extremely happy about that.  I am convinced that the synergy behind all of those supplements has solved my Peyronies problems.  But I am not sure which supplements contributed what to the general outcome.  So the ultimate answer to your question is "I don't know".  I certainly hope it helped because it cost me almost as much as everything else put together.  So even if it helped, in retrospect, I'm not convinced that it was cost effective.  I would really like to see some truly independent testing to either prove or disprove its usefulness.  Until that happens I can only say yeah, I use it, but I'm not sure I would recommend it.

QuoteHave you tried other successful options?

I tend to take the PDI approach of using a barrage of supplements at once.  Where I strongly differ with PDI is 1) I look closely at the research first, I don't just take a given supplement on the basis of marketing or testimonials, 2) I look closely at the potential interactions and side effects first, there are some very promising supplements out there that I won't touch with a ten foot pole due the risks they present, and 3) I steer clear of 'mega-dosing'.  The "if a little bit helps, a lot should be the cure" approach is very seductive.  Too much of anything can get you in over your head fast (and empty your pocket even faster).  I should also add, that there comes a time when one should temporarily stop all the supplements and reassess things.  Otherwise, you can easily loose sight of the forest for the trees.   And as Liam points out, there are other products similar to Neprinol, like Fibrozym, which are much less expensive.  While the difference in ingredients are small, the larger difference is that Fibrozym has much less marketing pizzazz behind it and its maker, at least in my eyes, exhibits considerably more integrity as compared to the maker of Neprinol.  The maker of Fibrozym has been at this stuff for years and was one of the pioneers of enzyme therapy, yet, in comparison to the maker of Neprinol, they are very restrained in the claims and much more reasonable in their pricing.  And I can also tell you that, in my opinion Nattokinaise, on its own, is a great product, and its pricing is a bargain compared to Neprinol.  In fact, I have also been taking Nattokinaise.  So hope this is helpful,

- George


Read Tim's post, he is right on...stem cell is way down the road...there are so many drugs out there, the FDA approved ones used in combination with VED, might be are best bet....if they keep looking into ED cures, and working with pentox, trazdone, Viagra etc...they will come out with something to fix this with a mechanical approach also like VED....we are closer with the drugs we have, it is just finding the right combination.....everyday I'm more convince in the oxygen given to your unit on a daily basis, Viagra and the other pde5 inhibitors are looking more promising...I have had good results with ginkgo and ginseng and VED, now I'm looking at taking it a step farther, pentox/viagra/arginine along with VED.... this can maybe be the best of both worlds, working your unit and giving it oxygen and the anti scarring effects...get the plaque to stable and remold it....if you just sit on your hands and wait for ten years of research on stem cells....well all I can say is good luck....

"The Sun Also Rises"


Rico, thanks for the nice things that you said about me.

It is hard to wade through all the posts here. For that reason some of us have been trying to compile a selection of either posts, or summations of what we have read here so that the newbie can go straight to the (more or less) consensus reports for each topic.Someone does not have to wade through, for instance, my long(winded) posts about how I think the VED might or might not work to find Old Man's posts on the protocol - instead, the protocols, a summary of how it works, and a list of sources for materials or VED's will be presented in a more or less BRIEF format.

For now, it makes sense to wade through old posts to catch up before asking for a lot of help here, IMHO.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I just saw this quote- what is Jelping???


Quote from: Liam on November 13, 2006, 08:28:37 AM

 Jelqing is a term that has earned a questionable connotation.  It also promotes some techniques I find a little dangerous.  Maybe using terms like massaging or physical manipulation would be more accurate (unless you are referring specifically to jelqing).



Don't mistake your anger at Dr. Carrol for other urologists who are really trying to help.  As many have pointed out, this price is not unreasonable for a book in the medical field.  Dr. Levine is doing a lot for us and conducting several new studies in explatory areas that others are not.  I feel your anger in regards to Dr. Carrol, but other doctors are out there working hard for us, we can't shoot them down, or they will thrown in the tell and give up on us.



anyone tried I have done some google searches and found good things about it. Heres one good thing from a forum post:

I know these exercises can be dangerous. I really think they are like VED use, I think they could really help heal Peyronies Disease. Basically your just making new cells to increase penis size. Anyone ever tried this site?


Quote from: howcanthisbe on November 16, 2006, 07:46:41 PM
anyone tried

I know these exercises can be dangerous. I really think they are like VED use, I think they could really help heal Peyronies Disease. Basically your just making new cells to increase penis size.


Are you serious?  Are you saying that as long as you have been here, you consider those good sites ???  They discuss penis pills  ::)

Share the evidence that makes you think the exercises are like VED use, or that you are making "new cells".

In my opinion those sites are somewhere between laughable and lowlife preying on the desperate, insecure, unbalanced, and ignorant, in society.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums