Advice for slight Peyronie's

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Hello all,

I have very slight peyronie's (maybe 10-20%) of upward curve and a little bit to the right.

I'm 24 and this was a result from prone masturbation in my teens. I've had this curve for a while, but would like to get rid of it.

What device would you recommend for my condition? VED or Traction? Benefits of one over the other? Specific devices recommended?




Sorry you have this condition. I suggest Pentox, a prescription med, as it can be effective. You can read the section on VEDs and ask the more experienced folks there about their recommendations. Also, getting yourself as healthy as possible can help with healing, I.e no smoking and get/keep yourself at a healthy weight.


P.s. I see you double posted this comment in another section. Please don't do that, it makes the forum harder to navigate and is confusing.  


Welcome to the forum.  I deleted your other post and I want you to consider this your one-time friendly reminder to read and abide by the forum rules. Forum Rules and Member Rights - ALL MUST READ AND FOLLOW - Peyronies Society Forums

My first question for you is who diagnosed you with Peyronies Disease.

While I wait on that answer I want to make sure your read MUST READ BEFORE YOU POST - Information for new members - Peyronies Society Forums

It will give you a lot of important information so you can ask informed questions and get the information and support you need.

Talk to you soon

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Sorry about the duplicate topic.

I haven't been diagnosed with Peyronies Disease, but it has a noticeable and unnatural curve to it.

I would like to see a urologist to determine if it is in fact peyronies, but not sure where to find a good one. I'm from NYC, anyone know any good urologists?




OK, If you don't know you have Peyronies and you only have a 10 degree curve in any direction then you have every characteristic of a typical, healthy male at least as far as your penis is concerned.  

I am not sure I get the issue.  Having a completely cylindrical, straight penis, is not typical.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Has it always been this way, or has there been a recent change. And this would be in reference to a full erection, not a flaccid penis that is hanging differently one way or another.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


It is a full erection. It has been this way for quite a few years now. Again, due to prone masturbation which you can read more on here

I'd say it's closer to 20 degrees than 10. I'd much rather prefer a straighter penis.


OK, we know you engaged in prone masturbation in your teens and that you have a slightly curved penis.  We don't know that the one caused the other.  If it did, (which I doubt) then you have some scar tissue but it would be very doubtful that you have Peyronies Disease. Peyronies Disease is not synonymous with a curved penis. Peyronies is a significant set of underlying abnormal conditions that hijack the bodys healing process.  It is progressive, not static, so never refer to yourself as having "slight Peyronies" unless you have a definitive diagnosis from a competent urologist that images your penis.  

If you are that concerned about an aesthetically shaped penis then I suggest you see a sexual dysfunction doctor to see if they will image you to determine if you have scar tissue.  Be prepared however to be dismissed unless you choose carefully.  Most doctors would likely treat you as though you may be engagig in some body obsessing (which is a consideration).

The website you provided a link to raises some eyebrows.  Much of what he quotes is from his own website surveys and data.  Such surveys are very problematic and do not qualify as scientific surveys.  There is a big difference between surveying randomly selected men about prone masturbation and interviewing men on a site discussing the dysfunctional problems of prone masturbation.  It would almost be like us putting up a survey on "How many of you took Viagra" and then correlating Viagra with incidence of Peyronies Disease.  It is a highly flawed method providing very deceptive results.

My suspicion is that you have a very mild congenital cure.  So mild in fact that it would be referred to simply as a natural curve.  You can always try a traction device but be forewarned  If you are the least prone to obsessive or compulsive behavior there is the danger you will over-do it and cause a problem that would make you long to be back where you are right now.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Even at 20%, I'm not sure that is even considered outside the normal range of a healthy penis. If there's no evidence of plaque or ED, I'm not sure trying to straightening it out is advisable. If you are prone to Peyronie's, then further aggressive actions may simply make it worse.

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