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  Ive been reading posts for a while now and decided it was time to join.
  I am a married 43 y.o. and in pretty decent medical shape I hike regularily and train marshal arts. I started having painful erections a month or so ago and upon self inspection found a dorsal lump mid shaft (it almost seems to be on the pectoral side as well) and another lump on the left dorsal side near the glans. I attribute this to some vigorous sex had a week or so prior to the onset of the pain. The pain has mostly subsided now (this mornings wood didnt hurt). I have had erections lately that curve slightly up and to the left but not every erection does that.
  I have no medical coverage and money is an option. After doing alot of web surfing I determined there just arent many disorders of the penis period and none that fit my symptoms but peyronie's. I ordered the Vitaliy plus ved today and am expecting my order of acytl L-Carnitine any day now. I figure a conservative but proactive approach using daily vacuum therapy and 2000mg daily of actyl L-Carnitine cant hurt and perhaps it may help me dodge a bullet. I do have an appointment with my doc (follow up on another issue) at which time I will pick his brain and perhaps get a referal to a urologist. I am very glad to have stumbled on this site and I value any input any of you may have.



I would like to say that treating Peyronies as early as possible is the key to get good results and your steps are in the right direction.
You need to get a confirmation from a doctor, but ALC will not hurt as you say, contrary it will help if you have Peyronies.
The VED helped many in the forum, just be carefull not to over-pump. Smallest discomfort stop increasing the pressure!
I would add Ubiquinol to your regime and if it confirmed that is Peyronies get on Pentox 3*400mg per day.

Welcome to the forum
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thanks for he feedback James, I'll check into the drugs you mentioned and talk to the doc about them when I see him.


Strike that! One supplement, one drug. I already take coq10 . Has ubiquinol shown itself to perform much better for peyronies?


It depends on your age. The age generally stated is 40; those over 40 have trouble assimilating (that may not be the right word) CoQ10, so Ubiquinol is better, and those under 40 take CoQ10. But it seems to me there would be a lot of leeway in those age brackets. If you can sense a benefit from CoQ10 continuing with that would be an option, because it is definitely the cheaper of the two. But you might find you get a greater benefit from Ubiquinol. Someone else may have a more informed statement but I think that's the gist of it.


Thanks swolf. I've taken it for years as a general health thing, can't say I've ever "noticed" it doing anything but then again that can be said of most of the supplements I take. I guess I'll stick with the coq10 for now and ask my doc about the Pentox.  


Our body transforms CoQ10 in Ubiquinol and this is what our body is using.
The capability of our body to do so in degrading during the years, this is the reason that people over 40 are advised to take Ubiquinol.
By taking Ubiquinol you are eliminating the chance that your body is not transforming the CoQ10 to Ubiquinol.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


If you just generally ask your doctor about pentox the chances are you will never get it.  

Pentox is probably the one single treatment short of surgery that has shown the most consistent promise of stopping or reversing the problems associated with Peyronies Disease. since it was not developed for Peyronies Disease and was not given FDA approval for Peyronies Disease treatment, doctors have to prescribe it off label.  Only a doctor that understands Peyronies Disease and the benefits of pentox is likely to do that.  Even if your doctor is not up to date on these issues, he may be open minded enough to review the data in our Resource Library.  

You should consider printing out the articles on pentox in our Resource Library, read over that data so you somewhat understand the information and then providing that information to your doctor.  You will likely get the best reception if you mention " here is some positive information on pentoxifylline by some leading specialist in Peyronies Disease" rather than " I got some information from some guys on a forum that said you should prescribe this for me"
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk, I sort of under sold the "talk to the doc bit". My doc is a family friend and an endocrinologist that  I have seen for years. He is very intelligent and open minded so I have hope he may check out the research and prescribe it for me. I woke this morning to a painful and slightly up curved penis so I'm less concerned about seeing a urologist at this point then I am getting on the best treatment plan. I am going to order ubiquinol just to be safe.