Not diagnosed yet, but its a certainty. Getting ready to see urologist.

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Hi all, I am a 39yo and weight 195 lbs. I am married for 14 years and have a child. I take blood pressure and cholesterol medicines. I had extremely high cholesterol for the last 6 months before I gave in and started on the medicine. (Its a genetic problem) I also have an anxiety issue and take medicine for that.

About 3-4 months ago I noticed several fairly sudden changes.  I fairly suddenly had an Erection Quality problem and at times could not perform at all. After some reading I started taking Ginko Beloba (which seemed to help some) and my Doctor found I had low testosterone levels as well. I now give myself weekly injections of testosterone and my erection quality issues are gone.

Somewhere during this time frame, I noticed some discomfort when erect, and noticed a small lump on the left side. This coincided with my penis beginning to curve to the left when erect. The curvature has caused the is maybe an 1 1/4 inches off of dead center and about 1 inch short of the "glans" . The size of the lump has increased to maybe the size of a thumbnail. I experience pain and discomfort when erect. This is now beginning to effect the quality of our sexual relationship.

I read some on-line about just giving this time to go away, but of course that is difficult to do and I realize I need to go see a urologist.

I guess I will admit I tend to self diagnose my ailments. I am hoping to hear some success stories on here and possibly get a head start on any self treatment options.

Thanks in advance for any guidance and help.


Spruceman, sorry for your issues but welcome to the one place where you can find both support and good information.  My first recomdations are to try the treatments with the highest success first.  In my opinion, that would be pentox with a VED & or  traction.  Go to the forum Resource Library board and print off the three articles on pentox.  Get to a urologist that is willing to help you fight this at this stage when you have the most chance of success.  Many urologists have a wait and see or vitamin E approach.  Do NOT waste your time with that.  Pentox requires an off label prescription and that requires a doctor that is up to date on Peyronies Disease.

Read the highlights of various boards to get a good education on Peyronies Disease.

Do not waste a lot of time since you cannot assume that your Peyronies Disease is not still progressing.

Good luck

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk, I just set up an appointment with Chesapeake Urology in Maryland 2 weeks from now. They suggested James K. Smolev, M.D. as a specialist of Peyronies. I will let everyone know how the Doctor is.  


Ok here is my update. I went to see the Urologist, he is a specialist in Peyronies, I do have it. He spent allot of time talking to me and I felt very comfortable with what we discussed. He says Pentox doesnt work, he also said nothing that can be taken orally will help. Injections to the affected area to loosen the mass, well he wasnt very keen on it. He usually only suggests pumps to folks after a surgery. He says normally unless there was significant pain and inability to have sex, he wouldnt suggest surgery....but, he said in my case that the area is isolated enough that he thinks a surgery might be a good option for me. He is also a surgeon, he told me to think about it, he said the area where my mass is, is to the side and away from nerve bundles....Man... I dont know what to think or do at this point. I "think" that this has actually gotten slightly worse since last time I posted here.

I am thinking I will create another post here asking for folks that have had surgery (good or bad) and where they were prior and after the surgery.

Im only 39, married to a great wife and we really enjoy sex.

Any thought are appreciated.


Quote from: spruceman on May 19, 2012, 12:33:16 PM

I am thinking I will create another post here asking for folks that have had surgery (good or bad) and where they were prior and after the surgery.

Im only 39, married to a great wife and we really enjoy sex.

Any thought are appreciated.

Several who have had surgery (including myself) have already posted their results in the "success stories" board. You might take a look there first. Many who have had successful surgery don't read and post here as mush as they used too.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

Old Man


Just  read your post below where the uro advised you against using the VED before surgery. A lot of us on the forum disagree with that opinion. VED therapy has helped many guys using it before and after surgery. I am a prime example for therapy with VED and it resolved my case.

I strongly urge to read through the many posts on the VED board of the home page of the forum. You will find much good information that will help you in deciding whether or not to use VED therapy.

We are not doctors here (may be some we don't know about) and we are not qualified to state any preference of treatment. Only the person themselves can do what they think best for them.

Will be glad to assist you in way, so feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



I must to state that is my private opinion:

Your doctor is pushing you to surgery when it is agreed that surgery is a last choice and not first choice. He makes good money on that.
Not giving credit to VED that has and helping many, believing that no oral treatment can help when it helped many is not showing nothing else except what I have written in my first sentence.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum

Povera me

Spruceman, I talked with my Uro about Pentox. He said that it had not helped many of his patients, but a couple it had. It is an extremely safe drug, very cheap. Side effects are minimal (dizziness). If there is some chance it will help, by all means ask for it. It may not cure, but it may also delay or stop any further plaque formation. So, I am on it now for about a week, and I haven't suffered any side effects. I am keeping my fingers crossed, knocking on wood, etc.


From what I have searched on the forum, my opinion on Pentox is different than Povera me uro opinion. More than half of the forum members had written positive regarding Pentox benefits.

Regarding treatment, you should take in consideration for start not just Pentox. A basic treatment in my opinion it will include:
Pentox - 2*400mg daily
L-Arginine 1000mg or CoQ10 daily
Low dose Cialis (2.5mg or 5mg, depends on if you have ED problems or not) or low dose Viagra (I was taking 12.5mg daily)
VED daily, according to the protocols and warnings available on the forum.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thank you all so much, it is obvious from reading the many stories here, and the amount of responses, that you all understand how I feel. I really do appreciate the feedback, thank you James, Les, Old Man, and Hawk so much. I am taking all of your advice into consideration and will continue to read some more as you have advised. I dont currently have any ED problems, I did, but started testosterone therapy (just something else to deal with on top of this) My Urologist has me going off the testosterone for a few weeks before contacting him again so he can get a true reading on my levels and suggest a new testosterone treatment methos (currently I inject myself). It sounds like VED is the simplest way to start for me. After I see him in a couple more weeks I think I will tell him I want to try Pentox and L-Arginine. Waiting for this to get worse isnt a good option.


Glad to hear your are still standing strong

I agree that with the pros on this site we are in good company, ie james, old man, hawk etc. all of you are great and help us deal with the mental aspect even more than the physical.  Because if you have no hope you will not seek the proper medical help and give up.  

I called my specialist again and asked about ED. Like you i don't have it  but it does have to take a Little to get it up.  He said at this point it is probably reversable. It may be due to lessening of the blood flow which surg can correct.  Like you i am looking at possible surg, By the sound of it the DR said. The dr said that if it gets too bad he might not be able to do anything but implant, which my insurance does not cover.

I asked about the ved and he said more than likely yes.  But wait till i see him.  He said that ved cant do any harm it done correctly pre and post op.  It is just exercising the penis like an other muscle. Keeping it in shape.  He said like any other part of the body of you dont use it you will lose a percentage of function.  But im going to get a Rx for it to get a professional product that will last.



I will share with you some information I get recently:
QuoteIn NORMAL situations, Arginine relaxes blood vessels and increases circulation, but for people with any amount of insulin resistance, Arginine metabolic pathways can be compromised, and the actual effect can be a reduction of blood circulation rather than in increase.
Check out if you have insulin resistance before using L-Arginine.

You may add CoQ10 or Ubiquinol to your treatment as I have written before. You can find information regarding them on the Internet in addition to the bellow quote.
QuoteThe body uses Ubiquinol, not CoQ10.  Thus the human body must convert the CoQ10 you take to Ubiquinol.  IF you take Ubiquinol, this conversion process is not needed, thus you are guaranteed that you are getting the substance even if your body has problems converting CoQ10 to Ubiquinol. Ubiquinol... is significantly more expensive

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thank you all again. I finally settled on using a VED and have met with a represenative from Augusta Medical Systems about the SOMAerectStf Multi Cylinder Vac Therapy System. One thing I didnt realize is this was going to cost me $600. I need something that will fit into my lifestyle, I have a 5 yo daughter that I dont want fionding this thing but dont want to have to carry this through the house every day while going to a private place.

Anyway, I have begun reading through some of the posts here and am wondering if anyone has used this device specifically or has another that they would recommend that would be similar.

Is it worth spending the money on an electric device or is a manual pumpo just fine. If manual device is recommended I am at a loss since their seem to be 100's of them.

Actually I jsut found one here: that looks almost identical to the one that the rep tried to sell me for $600...? How is that even possible?
So just posting my status like I said I would.

take care,

Old Man


You don't have to spend the $600 for a three cylinder VED from Augusta. The site that you posted carries a one cylinder manual VED made by Augusta Medical Systems called the Vitality OTC one cylinder unit.

Open the diabetic site and look in the left hand margin of the home page and locate the link to men's health/ED. Open that link and you will find the one cylinder Vitality manual system priced below $100.00. The manual VED is actually better for Peyronies Disease therapy in that will allow you to control the vacuum pressure quicker than the battery powered unit.

You should read as many posts as you can on the VED board of the home page on the main forum. Scroll down the index until you find the board and open it to find many posts about the VED therapy and how to use one as set forth in protocols listed there.

Also, if you have specific questions other than those listed in your post, feel free to post them or send me a private message. I have extensive experience in the VED therapy field.

You asked how it is possible to be able to buy the Vitality VED for lessor dollars- it is because the the SomaSTF three cylinder VED had to be approved by the FDA for ED rather than Peyronies Disease. The VED was on the market for Peyronies Disease until they were ordered to remove it for sale for Peyronies Disease. It carries a required RX for ED also which must be by a urologist or GP.

The one cylinder is just as good for Peyronies Disease therapy as the three cylinder, it just takes a longer period of time doing the therapy according to the protocol. I used a one cylinder VED for my personal Peyronies Disease therapy way back in 1995 before the three cylinder VEDs were marketed. Today, my Peyronies Disease is in an arrested state and I am able to have sex using it for erections. (Age 83 BTW)

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man, thanks so much. I appreciate the explanation.

I am happy to hear that you have found some relief from Peyronies, and it is great of you to share your stories and spend your time helping others.
