ED - Erectile Dysfunction (Started August 2005)

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Just wondering,

My T is around 525 (in a range of 300-1100, not sure about the values will check in the evening and confirm) which according to my URO falls in the normal range... just wondering if this level of T is normal for 25 yr old... I think after reading the discussions over here I think it falls in range which is debatable... have never thought about my T levels before but m seriously considering to dig more into it.. nd some more pointers could be I nearly dont have any hair on my chest... :-\  


George, I tend to agree.  In fact that was my point as well.  If he can get erections while dreaming, that narrows down the cause to either nerve issues or psychological.  Loss of sensation Could be either, but sounds more like nerve issues.  Without a through work-up (not just by a urologist) it is impossible to know.

It runs the gambit from possible psychological issues to impinged spinal nerve issues that block his erections and triggered fibrosis.  

Anyone that ever had a pinched sciatic nerve knows of the intense pain and total numbness that can be present in different areas of the leg. These areas do seem somewhat static however and do not come or go.  They also are not affected by touching the leg since the pain does not originate at the point where it is felt.

The entire thing is a mystery that needs relentless searching until a satisfactory answer is found.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Jack, I understan TRT didn't solve your ED issues, but I think we have to be careful to make a categorical statement like it won't solve ED problems in anyone.  It sounds like you have a few issues going on: Peyronies Disease, venous leakage, scarring, etc.  

If a guy's only issue causing ED was low T, and a specialist who knows what he/she is doing appropriately treats this, I see no reason why ED wouldn't resolve.  If you start out at 200 for instance and a doc gets you up to 800 and keeps you there, keeping a firm control on E2 and the variety of other hormone related factors, it doesn't make sense that you would see an improvement in ED then it would just quit.  I suspect in your case, there's much more to it than just the T, would you not agree?

Not trying to argue with you, I just know that each of our cases is complicated by a variety of factors and what may not work for one may, in fact, work for someone else.  It'd be like if I didn't have any luck with the VED and said it doesn't work for Peyronies Disease.  Clearly, for some it does.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.

Old Man


If you have to use the small sized D ring, how about trying two of the larger rings that produce less pressure. Sometimes the larger two combination works best.

Currently, when going for an erection for sex, I use the pink and beige large rings. Both have been used for a while and have a relaxed "fit'' which works better than using the smallest D ring. You would need to experiment with various combinations to get one that works best for you.

Try it and let us know how it works for you.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I agree that just a total T level is not enough to to diagnose low T. You should also have;
Testesterone, Free
Testesterone, Bioavailable
The trouble most doctors only test for Testerone, Free should be:
Testosterone, free, bio and total. LC/MS/MS
Testerstone, Total

I assumed for years that my T levels were the reason for ED, The three (3) urologist I went to before talking to my primary care doctor only tested total testosterone and did not do all the test. All the test confirm my ED can not be helped by T alone.

If TRT helps you be grateful in most it will not. If TRT only helps for a few days or weeks look for other problems. It took me years to get the notion of getting my T levels up would help the ED, It did not.

Old Man
I am only 23 days pre op. Thanks for the advice I have an old D ring I will try again.


But Jack, that's exactly what I'm talking about ... you say "If TRT only helps for a few days or weeks look for other problems."  I suspect that if you got your hormones right and still had ED troubles, it's the "other problems" at work, not a lack of efficacy on the part of TRT.  You mentioned you have veinous leakage, for example.  I wouldn't expect TRT to solve an issue like that.  

Again, I'm not trying to convince you TRT is the be all end all ... I'm just saying we shouldn't paint with as broad a brush as saying it's not an effective treatment for ED.  If testosterone is the actual problem, then testosterone is the solution.  If there are other problems at play, then that's another matter entirely.  

My opinion only, of course.  I see a TRT doctor in a couple weeks for my initial visit.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Be sure the TRT doctor checks all the items I listed in my previous post. Total T does not tell the whole story you need the broad picture.
Good Luck, I hope TRT solves your problems.


Will do, Jack.  I'm seeing Dr. Romeo Mariano in Monterey, CA.  He's supposed to be one of the top three or four male hormone docs in the country according to everything I've read online.  He ordered a lab workup that required me to give 12 vials of blood and a 24 hour urine test.  Sounds like he's very thorough, so I'm hoping for the best!

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


I'm wondering if it is normal to have ED from the very beginning of peyronies disease.  ???  I found in some publications that usually ED is a problem of the later phase. However, I observe that my glans is not as hard as it was before when my penis is erected. My Peyronies Disease started about three months ago...

Old Man


No two persons have the same symptoms of ED. Each and every case is totally different from each other. Items that I might have would not necessarily be the same as what you experience, etc. Probably the reason that your glans does not fill out as hard as before Peyronies Disease is because the Peyronies Disease symptoms may or may not block the blood flow to the head portion of the shaft. This has been a symptom of ED along with Peyronies Disease in many cases that have been documented on this and other forums.

VED therapy is one way that you can get more blood flow into that portion of your penis. I would not suggest hand forcing blood into the head portion as you can cause further damage to the erectile tissue by using too much force. Mild vacuum pressure with a VED can and will enhance erections that will help with the Peyronies Disease, etc.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



I just stumbled across this website, anybody has ever heard or has any information about this company? ???




[Link deleted by moderator]Erectile dysfunction[/url] is related to the blood pressure. Latest research conducted had put the light on the new topic of relation of erectile dysfunction with the high blood pressure. Erectile dysfunction is defined as the condition in which men are not able to get the erection or sustain the erection for the longer period of time. Erectile dysfunction was previously reported to be linked to the diabetes, heart attacks, and obesity. But, the latest study has declared that it is linked to high blood pressure also. So it is an alarming situation for all the men to keep their blood pressure in control otherwise they may fail in the bed because of erectile dysfunction.
[Link deleted by moderator]

Hyperlinks deleted by moderator. See rule #9, forum posting rules
"Spamming the forum with promotions, links, or trolling for membership will not be allowed."


I do note that some folks are putting SPAM links in their signature files, which other moderators cannot delete.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I have got the problem that my glans penis does not get hard any more when I have got an erection due to my plaque which is located very close to the glans (semicircular on the right side). The rest of the penis is still able to become very hard (even if it is more difficult than before the onset of peyronies). I am wondering if I have got the chance to get rid of this problem.  ??? Has anybody here had a similar problem and experienced improvement? Is VED likely to help? I have read that surgery of peronies plaques is not likely to improve the situation when ED is present. Any comments on this?

Best wishes!



If I understand correctly, you can achieve an erection, but the glans doesn't get hard because of the plaque. If this is true, and that your penis responds to and is able to get hard, then it seems it is the plaque that is interferring with the glans getting hard.

Surgery to remove the plaque may be an option for you in this case.

In cases of total ED, or the inability to achieve any erection whatsoever....  Surgery can still be an option to remove the plaque but it doesn't solve the ED problem. In this case you would additionally require an implant of some sort in order to "mechanically" be able to achieve an erection.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Thank you for your reply! My peronies started four months ago, so it is much too early for surgery. I still hope to be able to avoid surgery since I don't have any bent but only a slight indentation.

Old Man


You are wise not to consider surgery this early on in your bout with Peyronies Disease. You asked if the VED therapy could possibly help with the plaque. The answer is yes and no, and is explained this way. The VED therapy has been attributed to about a 90% or so success rate depending on the severity of the Peyronies Disease and other physical factors.

Yes, it can help if the VED therapy is started early on before the plaque calcifies and hardens to a point of "no return" so to speak. Your plaque being so far out onto the shaft near the head portion of the penis does present a different approach to VED therapy. It requires much patience and working with the proper VED therapy. The small cylinder in the three cylinder model VEDs would give you the best results from its use.

Now no, it won't work if the VED is not started early on in the development of the plaque and not after it hardens/calcifies. VED therapy then might would help in some way with this, but there is little evidence we have seen that would correct the "blockage" of blood flow past the plaque. This is not to say that VED therapy won't work, but that it might not in every case.

Bottom line IMHO, I would exhaust all efforts with the 26 week VED protocol and oral therapy before considering surgery. As you said, it is too early in your case to even consider surgery. Suggest you take a good look at the history of VED usage in the topic on the Child Boards section to get a better picture of what has been done with VED therapy.

If there is anything that we can do to help, just let us know.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thank you for your post Old Man!

Old Man


No problem, glad to help in any way. Keep us posted on your progress. Let us know if there is ever anything that we can do for you with the horrible mess.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I developed Peyronie's Disease around 6 years ago.  In the first year of the disease, sex was still a part of my life.  But then the curvature of my penis worsened and I had the first of two surgeries.  I was very disappointed with the results.  First by the size and shape, and secondly that all desire for sex was gone.  A year and a half later, I had a second operation to implant a prosthetic device.  Unfortunately, my results were just as dismal the second time around.  I have once achieved a climax through a wet dream, but it is the only time in the last five years that I have done so.  I have had no sexual activity, even with just myself, for the last five years.

Are there others with dysfunction this bad, and how do you go about dating with one's circumstances so drastically different since this disease basically ruined my sexual organ; along with my drive and libido.
John T. Nester



Welcome to the forum.

I will let others address some of your questions but I will volunteer that your libido and sex drive were not directly decreased by surgery.  Your view of yourself, (self image) may have been devastated and reduced your drive.  You may also have other issues like testosterone levels but IMHO it is not a result of a physical surgical injury.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


As a fellow peyronies sufferer I feel your pain. I lost about 25% of my length to this $%^& thing.
I had my implant surgery 10/23 and had the AMS LGX implant. It expends in length and girth. I went from 5.5 inches before peyronies to about 4.25. At pre op activation they measured and I was 4.25 inches. I had gained to 4.75 with the VED exercise before surgery. The doctor said I would gain the length back in about 3 months to a year but mostly the first 3 months. At 6 weeks post activation I can tell my "little guy" is getting bigger.
Sounds like you, like me, also have low testosterone. Low T will affect your sex drive. You need all the following blood test.
1. Testosterone, Total
2. Testosterone, Free
3. Testosterone, Bioavailable
5. Albumin, Serum
6. Estardoil (E2) Ultrasensitive
A lot of doctors only want to test total T. With that you will not get an accurate picture of your T levels. The key is Testosterone, Bioavalable. Even if your total goes over range the bioavailable should be at approximately 65-75% of the lab range. Estradoil is best at about 20 but not over 25. High or low E2 will also kill erections and sex drive.
Find a partner that is interested in you not just your penis. My wife has never complained, well she did about the larger girth after the activation but that worked out well, I have never had this much girth. 99% of women are more interested in girth than length.
I know this will get old to some frequent readers but here goes. In my early 20's there was three of us guys that ran around together. Billy, Jr. and myself. Jr's claim to fame was this 9" penis, I was about 5.5' and Billy was just over 3". You know who had the most girls? Billy. Jr. could not understand that girls liked pleasure and not pain.
You might also be helped by a sex therapist.
Hope this helps, I have been there but never-ever/never-ever/never-ever gave up.


Thank you for your input. I believe I will discuss with my doctor the testosterone labs that you suggested.  Also, the idea of a sex therapist is worth some thought; and you're right, giving up has certainly not been the answer.
John T. Nester


I have a very strange question here?

Controlled T boosters used by body-builders, helps gain muscle mass which means it helps somewhat with structuring the muscle in the right way.  Similarly will it not help the penile smooth muscles to realign somewhat? thr should be some percieved beneift in venous leak or maybe peyronies also?? I knw excessive T can be harmful but controlled T just for 1 or 2 months just to get enuf for the penile muscles to regenerate? I maybe completly wrong here with my logic, but I still think it should work the same way as it works with other muscles of human body. Maybe T shot with VED usage(for excercising the muscles) produce results somewhat similar results like other muscles??

would really like to hear views of others abt the same?


Testosterone boosters are hype and most are not demonstrated to boost testosterone at all.

Unless you are low in testosterone, actually boosting T levels could have serious health risks including fueling prostate cancer.

Finally, T levels are advocated for bodybuilders to signal the body to put on muscle mass to muscle fibers exposed to resistance.  There is NO indication it realigns existing muscle fibers much less reduces scar tissues.  If you have a scar on your body from accident or surgery, does increased T levels make it go away?  Why would it make scars on your tunica go away?

T levels MAY increase erections.  Increased erections may increase blood flow and oxygen and even provide some stretching, which could help treat Peyronies Disease.  All of these things can however be supplied by things like Pentox, L-arginine, Viagra, VED's, and traction, much better than "T" levels could supply them.

PS: Since this has nothing to do with ED I will move these posts.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: young25 on February 17, 2009, 11:43:18 AM
I have a very strange question here?

Controlled T boosters used by body-builders, helps gain muscle mass which means it helps somewhat with structuring the muscle in the right way.  Similarly will it not help the penile smooth muscles to realign somewhat? thr should be some percieved beneift in venous leak or maybe peyronies also??

In a word NO. I have been on TRT for years before venous leakage, in my opinion venous leakage gets progressively worse, mine did.

TRT is not a treatment for ED. You will get a temporary boost but it will not last. TRT has many benefits if yours is low but not treatment for ED, been there done that.

I was on TRT long before VED exercise. VED exercise is very helpful for penile health but will not regenerate penile tissue, if it would I would not have had to have an implant.



I got hold of this article which says T supplement restored venous leak. Its says T levels arond 300 as average before treatment



This study seems flawed to me. It is riddled with words like suspected venous leakage, probably, possible etc. And that was just the first 4 pages.

In 2005 I was offered to become part of the Nebico trial. I was not in the study because of a previous history of sleep apnea, cured by surgery.

After the study was over I asked the doctor how it came out. He said that the results were not as expected and failed phase 3 trials. As a result it was not approved by the FDA.

After not being allowed in the study I contacted some men in Europe that had used Nebico and they also agreed that it did not meet expectations.

In my case I have been getting 400mg of testosterone(im) every 10 days for years. If it would help or cure ED, venous leakage, corporal fibrosis and/or peyronies I would have the penis everyone would envy.

I am very skeptical of this and would not put any faith in it.



I do believe however that low T is among signs of peyronies disease although it might be a bit of a stretch. Jackp mentioned something about penile tissue and that has gotten me into thinking that I might ditch the VED after the 6 months protocol.


I hope I did not give the impression you should stop VED exercise. IMHO you should keep it up. I was off the exercise for a couple of weeks while in the hospital last August and I looked and felt like I had lost all I had gained and more. When I resumed the VED exercise within a week I was back.

My doctor even recommended I keep up the VED exercise until the day before my penile implant for a better outcome.

The VED and the proper exercise was a life saver for me. Thanks to Old Man.



Quote from: Nemo on January 20, 2008, 09:07:12 PM
[...] However, about two or three months in, the Viagra seemed to be faltering.  [...]

Hi guys!

I haven't read the whole thread yet, but I can assure you Viagra doesn't just stop working.

This is a very common concern among Viagra users, but there are studies that show that its efficacy doesn't wear off with time.

What seems to be happening here - I repeat, I haven't read the whole thread yet - is just another case of sexual performance anxiety. The problem is in your head, not in the drugs.

If this is the case, maybe Viagra is not the best solution. PDE-5 inhibitors are excellent and very effective, but they are not anxiety drugs. If you are frightened or too anxious (fight or flight response), the rush of adrenaline in your body blocks peripheral circulation and prevents penile erection. You could swallow a whole bucket of Viagra pills and it would have no effect whatsoever.

What you need is something that will inhibit the negative effects of anxiety and an alpha blocker might be helpful. Oral phentolamine, an alpha blocker, has been used in the treatment of impotence for many years. You can read all about the efficacy and safety of phentolamine (brand names Vasomax, Vigamed, Z-Max) here:


Phentolamine is not as popular as sildenafil and, as far as I know, it's not being sold in Europe or in the US - and that's a terrible shame. I know it is being sold in Brazil under the brand name Vigamed and you can order it on the Internet.

I have already tried Vigamed with excellent results, but it's still too early to call it a complete success. But I believe it is an underrated drug and it could be perfect for cases of psychogenic impotence.


Quote from: Liam on June 09, 2006, 09:52:13 AM
Here is another link to an article about new drugs for ED including the gene therapy which will last up to 6 months  :) :).

Gene therapy is the future of ED treatment. I have great faith in this new therapy, let's hope the FDA won't screw things up.

Here's the official website of the company Ion Channel Innovations, it's a great read:




Besides complaining about your limp penis to group members, have you contacted the medical community to get yourself involved in theTGF beta therapy going on in other areas of fibrosis.  I suggest for every post you make here you contact two medical groups dealing with TGF beta therapy.  

I sympathise with you Nemo, but if you ain't networking with the medical community you don't have much right to complain about your limp member.

Quote from: Nemo on January 20, 2008, 11:20:53 PM
Tim and Old Man, you guys are absolutely right, and I appreciate your compassion and thoughtfulness.  In fact, I have become totally preoccupied with my erectile performance since I've been in this relationship.  You'll be glad to know that she and I have a very open and loving relationship and we talk openly about Peyronie's, ED, Viagra and everything else.  I knew I couldn't hide anything from her for long, so we talk about it quite openly and she could not be more supportive.  I am blessed to have her.  

I guess basically I was looking for some reassurance, which you've given me.  I did push my body too hard yesterday and paid a price for it.  But honestly guys, I do feel that the Viagra is not working in me with the same efficacy as it did at first.   I am still trying to get to the bottom of whether I warrant testosterone replacement (as I don't get nocturnal, spontaneous or morning erections any more), but am also hoping to determine if there might be some other reason my body seemed to tolerate Viagra awfully quickly.  (I've never heard of it stopping working on someone that fast).

Again, I appreciate you guys' words of counsel.  The black dog of depression has gripped me over this, as I fear a future where I can't have the kind of sex she and I are used to.  But honestly, I do feel that the lack of nocturnals, etc., is my body telling me something is wrong ... I just didn't care to find out until my secret weapon (the viagra) started faultering.  When that started happening, yes, I became obsessed.  I feel like I'm fighting for my sexual health if not my sanity.

Thanks again,


Um ... okay ... McBaba, let me introduce myself, I'm Nemo ... who in the hell do you think you are?

Do you realize that the post you're quoting of mine is nearly a year and a half old?  But beyond that, who do you think you are waltzing in here with that condescending and preachy attitude?  Keep it up and I predict your tenure here will be brief and nasty.  

For your information, I pursued all sorts of medical counsel since that post was made and currently enjoy the use of my "limp member" (as you put it) on a frequent and wholly rewarding basis.  

If you have information to share regarding some sort of research you imply you know something about, by all means, share.  However, you'll find guys on this forum completely intollerant of arrogance.

In other words, check yourself, partner.


51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Metropolis, that's an interesting website. I wonder why they haven't updated any news since 2007. It seems they had regular updates until the beginning of 2008. That sounds promising - I wonder if the more relaxed the smooth muscle is, the more beneficial drugs like Pentox and other supplements can be on the peyronie's plaque.



Phentolamine comes with a lot of side effects because it is not specific to the blood vessels of the penis. I was not aware that it had any good effect on anxiety.

Interestingly, beta blockers which can block adrenaline's effects can lead to a great reduction in feelings of anxiety. But those drugs have also been associated with the development of Peyronie's Disease!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


With a strict order of HGW and various other supplements how easy is it to return to a normal sex drive and ability? What are those supplements?


is it normal for a 18 year old with peyronies to not be able to get a normal erection? i get them in my sleep but to get a firm errection normally i have to really try. meaning i have to jerk it off and even when im jerking it off its not a full erection. is this a symptom of a urethral stricture by any chance? i also am dealing with pre mature ejaculation. do you think this is due to me only masterbating once a week or two? ughhh im so stressed out and i just have to keep waiting untill my insurance comes in so i can see another uro. its torture i tells you.


despise: The stress likely contributes to the lack of firm erections, though of course ED can sometimes accompany peyronie's, so it could be a factor too. I would suggest that it's certainly a good idea to be gaining full erections one way or another. Whether that method is VED, Viagra etc it gets oxygen through to the tissue and probably inhibits worsening of the condition.


Quote from: despise on April 01, 2009, 10:13:25 PM
is it normal for a 18 year old with peyronies to not be able to get a normal erection? i get them in my sleep but to get a firm errection normally i have to really try. meaning i have to jerk it off and even when im jerking it off its not a full erection. is this a symptom of a urethral stricture by any chance? i also am dealing with pre mature ejaculation. do you think this is due to me only masterbating once a week or two? ughhh im so stressed out and i just have to keep waiting untill my insurance comes in so i can see another uro. its torture i tells you.

For starters, I'm 19. I may possibly have Peyronies Disease as well. I've been to a Uro and spoke about such symptoms.

I know it may be hard to believe and accept, but trust me, if you can get firm, good erections in your sleep, then that means that there is nothing physically wrong with you. As in, there is nothing physical hindering your ability to have erections. You might have something like Peyronies Disease which may be causing your erections to bend, but there is a good chance your ED is all mental.

Think of it this way. When you saw a pretty girl, a nice piece of tail, or just straight up thinking about sex, what did you think about? Did you think about getting an erection? No. It is much like your breathing. Think about remembering to breath. It's a bit more difficult now that you think about it, isn't it? The erections are the same. It just happened while you thought of what was arousing you. What is different now is you are worried that you are (no pun intended) scarred for life and won't ever preform sexually the same. This, along with pain, might be mentally causing you to not get erections like you used to. Fear not. There are things that can help. Stress is bad for this problem.

Stop focusing so much on your member. The more you do so, the more you will continue to have ED and the more you will worry. It's a vicious cycle. I have been going through it for the past two months and I can finally safely say that I have had major improvements since removing all of my focus off of my penis. I know how you feel right now. The world is not over. I don't mean to be harsh about anything, but it's true. Changing your focus also helps you realize what actually hurts and what doesn't. It did for me. Ease up a bit, take things with a grain of sand. Don't underestimate the human body.


k i completely understand. the problem is that its not just in my head. i really really wish it was but i damaged my penis one night and ever since its been really screwed up. i know you probably don't believe me right? sadly i was really sick in the head and well i pushed my penis beyond its limits. but i do agree on the focusing on my penis. i can't help myself right now so why stress about it. its just a big bummer but i only have myself to blame. anyways worst comes to worst theres more to life then just sex. its just pretty damn depressing when you think about it but ive always been somewhat of a adrenaline junky so ill go full out! haha get myself a dirt bike and live it up. i basically won't be satisfied untill i have tests done. its hard to accept all this is just peyronies. lol "just peyronies" i say that because i think of peyronies as bending the penis not crippling it.  


Great post. You sound like a very level headed and mature 19 year old.
QuoteStop focusing so much on your member. The more you do so, the more you will continue to have ED and the more you will worry. It's a vicious cycle. I have been going through it for the past two months and I can finally safely say that I have had major improvements since removing all of my focus off of my penis. I know how you feel right now. The world is not over. I don't mean to be harsh about anything, but it's true. Changing your focus also helps you realize what actually hurts and what doesn't. It did for me. Ease up a bit, take things with a grain of sand. Don't underestimate the human body.

I think the point Richb is making is thay you implied that you are getting normal firm erections at night, but not so during the day. Maybe this isn't the case but your last post sort of reads that way. And I would have to agree that if they are firm and regular at night, then should be able to do so during the day.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Hi, i,m Vango, a new member as of thursday 4-2-09. I was diagnosed with peyronies on tuesday, although the symptoms started about 6 months ago. Needless to say i am as freaked out & devastated as i have ever been !
So much confusion right now i don't know where to begin. I do know that i need to talk to other guys my age, 54 give or take 5 years, whom have just contracted this dreaded disease. This is because right now it's a real emotional & psychological mess for me to deal with alone. I'm single, bisexual, and don't know where to turn for help & support.
The info. given here from some of the long term members is truly remarkable, informative, knowledgeable, and very supportive and i am truly grateful for that ! I'm listing a few questions below that immediately came to mind following my diagnoses. Any feed back is greatly appreciated.
Is it a good thing, ei: helpful or harmful, to get an erection ?
Is regular masturbation encouraged or discouraged in regards to healing ?
Are there support groups in the major cities throughout the north east?
How does one go about finding a mate when he has a deformed penis ?



I was about your age when first diagnosed with peyronies in 1995.

To answer your questions.

Keep the erections up. Go to the VED thread and listen to Old Man. Proper VED therapy will help. It did for me, and helped gain back lost size after almost 12 years.

Masturbation is not a problem. Just do not get over vigorous.

I am in the south east so I do not know of any peyronies support group.

In finding a mate, if all that matters is your penis you are looking at the wrong person.  

Let me say single, bisexual, straight makes no difference. We are all in the same boat so to speak.

Did the doctor prescribe any meds, VED etc? Today Pentox is the med of choice but back when mine started my doctor put me on 400IU of vitamin E 3 times a day and potaba. Some here still take the vitamin E.

If you are in a relationship that can be a big help. My wife told me "Jack, I did not marry you for your penis." Remember there are many ways to have sex.

Again, I recommend you go to the VED thread and seriously consider the therapy posted there.

Good Luck, Welcome any way we can help just ask.



Hi friend
At present ED is a common issue. I have also suffered. My doctor prescribed me for [link deleted per forum rules] Levitra. I tried it and totally satisfied. If you want to get Levitra then visit: link deleted per forum rules.


Hawk, Administrator


Hi friend
Levitra is medicine for especially for ED cure. It's much better in compare of other medicine. Its main advantage is that without any fear the person can use this drug with other medicine. Anyone can order online Levitra also.


Hawk, Administrator


Levitra may work better for some and not others.

IMHO Pills for ED are not a cure but only helpful in some people. None of the pills worked for me. Also guys with certain heart problems should not take ED pills.



There appears to be an increase in the number of brand new members making spammy posts.  


I will post my recent history in this thread as it seems to fit better in this topic.

22 days ago I took my half-erect penis between the legs and bent it down, just a bit to lower an erection.  Bad idea, I learnt some days later.

I masturbated twice after that, that morning.  I noticed a lump in the left side (which I have learnt it is a possible signature of penile fracture).  Also, I noticed (and continue to notice if I have a hard erection), some feeling of something below my glans (maybe blocking blood). I think my deep dorsal vein of penis is broken or blocked or something, and the veins at the side are inflated as if blood would not go up, and would go laterally.

Two days later, I noticed a deviation of my penis to the right.  How much does peyronie take to develop?  I think I had a penile fracture or a vein fracture and the blood leaking led to peyronie.

When the penis is in erection, I continue noticing a  3 cm bump at the left of my penis, possibly because of blood flow deviated, but I don't know. The doctors told me they saw no hematoma (it was 10 days after).  The supossed peyronies bump is at the right of my penis.

I have two sources of "mild pain", the suposed peyronies bump, but also at the left of my penis I notice something, like blocking blood flow, or some deviated blood flow. Only the base of my penis if filled with blood, the head is not filled with blood and not  hard. Even when my penis is not erected, I feel something strange in the left, as a deviated blood flow.

In urgences in two hospitals they said that at this point there was nothing they could do in urgence. They said they noticed no hematoma in my flacid penis.

As it is said in this thread french doctors are comediants and just tell "wait and see".

Any idea for diagnosis? Can peyronie at the base of the penis supress blood flow in the middle of the shaft? penile vein thrombosis? deep dorsal vein rupture in the middle of the shaft?

Any ideas on what is cutting the blood flux to the head of the penis?

Any suggestion for a doctor/clinic for peyronie/management of penile fracture in the area of France Rhone-Alpes/French-speaking Switzerland? I'm desesperate.

Can I still do something after 25 days? I am thinking in going to a private clinic.  

In public hospital urgences they do not want to do nothing 24 hours later, but I have read reports in internet of surgically correcting penile fracture 1 month later with good results. Any ideas? A private clinic?


PS: To continue my last message, I think the blood flow to the head of the penis started to decrease the morning I made the bending movement, so I suspect a breaking of the deep dorsal vein of penis, not a blocking due to peyronie/inflamation. From what I read that produces no strong pain as a n ordinary penile fracture. In any case I do not remember things very well, as they happened a lot of days ago, I am now fitting the pieces of what happened. That day I was not worried at all.

Something to do 25 days later?  Can still be an hematoma inside the penis???

Two or three days later I developed the curvature.