Penile trauma, Ty for your concern

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Well... My name is Mike, here is my story,

Confused... March was a hard month for me. I was unconscious with blood clots in the lung and low oxygen. I spent 7 days in ICU. My weight was up to 370. I really let myself go. I went so long without sex/ masturbating that I had 2 spontaneous orgasms into the catheter. After hospital for two weeks I got out. I got my weight down to 340 (30 pounds). In hospital I had a dopplar. It was my second one ever. The exam was done poorly. They said my physical habitus made it hard to examine, so if course everything came back fine smh. Besides that, I've been on a 19 going 20 year quest to heal penile fracture. I haven't orgasmed in about a month and a half. Sometimes I feel like I should be masturbating lol. But anyway today I was having very very much erections In the morning when I got up. It made me happy. And then I shifted my weight as I rolled over a bit in bed to move into a more comfortable position, then I felt a slight sharp pain in the right shaft of my penis. I immediately lost my erection. Now that being said, I didn't rip nothing, trust me on that, I would know, I spent the whole day examining it. I tried looking at porn to test my erection but it won't stand up as firm as this morning before the pain. It also hurts a bit. That's the left side. The right side has nerve damage. I am gradually feeling more Circulation into my right thigh, feels good. I am a nervous wreck over this. They weaned me down on anxiety meds while in hospital. I can barely function at times. I've spent 20 years of my adult life dealing with this problem. I was told in the beginning "I don't think that you did permanent damage to your penis" and "give it three months to heal". I musta did something wrong. The penis was a mess. Trauma, and bad vibes mentally. I guess I have a bruise on the right tunica of my dick. I have no follow up as the uros are sick of me. Thank you for letting me vent. Edit: it's the left side and the right side, both with different symptoms.  
Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.


I did my first stint with peyronnies in grade six. I got hit with the puck so hard my penis stopped growing straight entirely, making it never past growing into mature size after puberty.  
Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.


Symptoms now are pain after I Masturbate .I feel kinda sad, there's a ridge in the top side of my penis. I can feel it manually. It feels like a large tuft. You know what? I never thought ahead about penile shrinkage and having scar tissue in my shaft. The goal right now is just to heal the fracture completely.
Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.

Lostand Looking24

I do not have much to add, other than it should be a massive goal of yours for the sake of your overall health, to cut down to a healthy weight and improve the health of both your lungs and your cardiovascular health. Even a completely healthy penis is not of much use without the overall health of your body being good.

I am sorry to hear about what happened to you in grade six.
Symptoms at 22
Curve to the right that fluctuates between 20-30 degrees and indentation. Indent is exactly where the curve is.


Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.


Just joined the group - very informative. Noticed plaque formation about a year ago but only minor curvature. Had Aquablation surgery 6 months ago to address BPH prostate issues (64 yrs old) which was successful. Peyronies Disease presented pretty drastically a few months after the surgery (about 70 degree curve). My urologist put me on daily cialis 10mg and aqua pump therapy twice a week to hopefully improve the curve. Revisit in 6 months.
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I tried pelvic floor therapy, Cialis, 2 dopplars, worked with a whollistic nurse, lost 30 pounds, tried homeopathic remedies (a blend of a bunch of vitamins I took at simultaneously which I can't remember the sort.) And I find the greatest remedy in my case was abstinence and good diet, rest and relaxation, and plenty of walking and sunshine!
Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.