Deciding on implant at age 18.

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Hi, i have been diagnosed with acute peyronies disease with 2 bumps on the left side and one on the right, they all take up a significant portion of my penis, So this is my theory, i am fully aware of how unreliable the treatments are and how most men wish they got this done before any other treatments after reading the forum. So my theory is, if i get the implant and cycle it to my natural length before the scar tissue turns to plaque, will i keep my length amd girth?

I know most of you will be saying that this should be a last resort but my main objective is keeping my natural girth and length, especially since the injurys cover alot of area and the loss will be too much for me. I am set on getting the surgery done and will call every last surgeon to do it if needs be.

Love to hear your thoughts, thankyou :)
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VED + traction will allow you to maintain both length and girth. VED alone might be sufficient. In fact, neither may be necessary to maintain length and girth if you have good erectile function and get nocturnal erections - perhaps someone more knowledgeable can chip in here.

My suggestion is to use Dr. Trost's acute stage protocol of traction, Xiaflex and a PDE5 inhibitor if you do not have hard erections. If this turns out to be insufficient, you can always get an implant.
53 years old
Peyronie's onset in 2009, diagnosed in 2021.
Indentation in the left CC near the base.
Lost 5.5 cm, regained 4 with RestoreX
Cause: injury due to wife's vaginismus.


My problem with the xiaflex injections are the risk of injury due to them, multiple reports of it making it worse which im trying not to do.
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Xiaflex had poor outcomes until Dr Trost devised a new protocol for it. Is it still risky with his new protocol?
53 years old
Peyronie's onset in 2009, diagnosed in 2021.
Indentation in the left CC near the base.
Lost 5.5 cm, regained 4 with RestoreX
Cause: injury due to wife's vaginismus.


Still too risky, several reports of brusing and furthur damage even by the top xiaflex injectors.
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Lostand Looking24

Are your bumps visible? Do they protrude from the rest of the shaft?
Symptoms at 22
Curve to the right that fluctuates between 20-30 degrees and indentation. Indent is exactly where the curve is.


Yes, one on centre left, one underneath that and one of the top right, getting harder and more visible everyday, also reason for not using cialis is effects are way too extreme to the point everytime i take it i feel like im going to die.
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Lostand Looking24

Quote from: bentwillys on April 01, 2024, 05:28:49 AMYes, one on centre left, one underneath that and one of the top right, getting harder and more visible everyday

Peyronies plaques are not visible and do not protrude. Please make sure you absolutely have peyronies before even considering any surgery option. In the UK, speaking from experience, there seems to be a very quick response of 'You have peyronies' whenever someone notices a physical difference in their penis. Peyronies is also commonly used as an umbrella term, when there are other possibilities behind physical changes in the penis occurring such as a slow-healing wound, or trauma induced physical differences which are not 'true' peyronies.

I say this because you are very, very young at 18 for you to get peyronies disease. I got it young as well at 22, though I have a history of over healing and developing scar tissue in unrelated areas.

There are posts on this forum of members speaking about world-renowned specialists in peyronies disease such as Dr Levine telling them they actually have a slow-healing wound despite them having curvature, and posts from Dr Trost himself detailing the differences between a trauma induced scar that causes phsyical deformities that look like peyronies disease, despite not being 'true' peyronies disease. I would advise looking for those posts and reading them.
Symptoms at 22
Curve to the right that fluctuates between 20-30 degrees and indentation. Indent is exactly where the curve is.


I founded this forum and have been at this for over two decades.  I have an implant and often expound on their great advantages.  I do NOT think an implant is a last resort or option.  Having said that, it is not a first option, even for a man four times your age.  Slow down.

Who diagnosed your Peyronies Disease?  Are they a Peyronies Disease specialist or a urologist who treats men and women for a variety of issues?

What triggered your "Peyronies Disease"?  Did you have a significant event or injury?
If so, how long ago?

What is your erectile functioning on a scale of 1 -10?  Ten means you can get spontaneous, very firm erections day and night that last long enough to satisfy you and any partner.  Five would be capable of intercourse 50% of the time with some reduced rigidity.

PS:  Plaque and scar tissue are one and the same.  One does not turn into the other.  They are different terms for the same thing.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums