Does Xiaflex work in the stabilized phase?

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The topic asks my question. Does Xiaflex still work after stabilization?

What other methods/ treatmenrs work after stabilization?
35 y, diagnosed 6-7 years ago
Had congenital downward curve, now have a ~ 30° bent to the right no longer bending downwards. Twisted while flaccid.
Recently engaged.


Practically all treatments, including Xiaflex, are targeted for use after stabilization. Research on acute phase treatments are relatively sparse, but increasing.
53 years old
Peyronie's onset in 2009, diagnosed in 2021.
Indentation in the left CC near the base.
Lost 5.5 cm, regained 4 with RestoreX
Cause: injury due to wife's vaginismus.

Lostand Looking24

Quote from: tsp on March 22, 2024, 10:23:24 AMPractically all treatments, including Xiaflex, are targeted for use after stabilization.


Would you have got better results in the acute phase with treatment? Most likely. Does that mean treatments don't work in the stable phase? Nope.

If your plaque has calcified however, it may be a different story. Though this only happens to a fraction of men with peyronies, even after stabilisation.
Symptoms at 22
Curve to the right that fluctuates between 20-30 degrees and indentation. Indent is exactly where the curve is.