Tracking my Peyronies journey with RestoreX

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I've purchased a RestoreX device and I'm committed to using it twice a day.  I am going to start tomorrow (Feb 1st) and document my recovery journey here.  

I'm 26 years old and have a pretty significant downward curve as well as a slight curve to the left.  I would estimate my downward curve to be somewhere between 55-70 degrees.  I will record specific measurements and provide pictures tomorrow.  I don't have any hour-glassing or hinging from what I can tell.  I also haven't experienced any Erectile Dysfunction (yet, and hopefully not ever) but on rare occasion my penis will go into a weird 'semi-hard' state before going fully erect.

I have always had a very slight downward curve to my penis (maybe 15 degrees max) for as long as I can remember.  I think it was due to the way I would masturbate when I was in middle school.  I would grab the top half of my penis with my right hand over the top of my penis and stroke in that motion.  This put a weird pressure on the top half of my penis.  I never had a specific incident during that time where I felt like an injury occurred but I suspect that slowly over time I continued to cause small amount of damage to my penis.

In 2021 I was masturbating and all of the sudden I felt a really sharp pain on the left bottom side of my penis.  I went to the bathroom to check things out and thats when I noticed that my semi-flaccid penis had a curve to the left.  This obviously was a pretty traumatic experience and I thought I broke my penis. The following few days I noticed that I had what felt like a solid chord running through the left bottom side of my penis.  To this day I'm still not sure what that chord was..

Within a week of that incident I scheduled a doctors appointment with my normal physician and he said that my penis looked normal.  I assured him that there was an issue and he referred me to a urologist.  The urologist he referred me to was an older man in his 60s.  When I had my appointment I explained the situation and had him feel for the chord I was referring to before.  He said he couldn't really feel it and that my penis appeared normal so he thought everything was fine.  He told me I could apply heat or use an ice pack to help with the pain.  Whatever felt better.  I told him that I suspected that I had peyronies and he dismissed it quickly.  He said that peyronies is rare and that even if I did have it, I don't want to mess with a 24 year old's penis because it isn't worth the risk. I didn't want to argue with him so I just went home feeling defeated and like there wasn't a solution.  At this point I felt helpless.  

The pain lasted about a month before it slowly faded away.  I felt a constant pain even when I was flaccid.  As my penis began to heal I started developing a much more severe downward curve and still have a slight leftward curve.   If I stand square with the toilet and pee, my stream is at a 45 degree angle to the left (while flacid).  As I mentioned before the downward curve is much worse than the curve to the left.  While the downward curve is between 55-70 degrees, I think the leftward curve is only about 20 degrees.  

It's been about 3 years since this happened.  My symptoms now include the curvature, hard bumps running up the left underside of my penis as well as a some slight discoloration on the head of my penis after sexual activity.  The chord-like thing is no longer there.  I have not been officially diagnosed with peyronies disease but feel very confident that I do have it.  I also believe that I had a congenital curve prior to getting peyronies.  Due to the fact that my urologist didn't seem to care, I haven't gone back.  If I do return I will update this thread with what I learn.

I'll be posting updates here as I go on my journey of attempting to restore my penis.  This disease has been tough to handle mentally but I have found comfort in reading posts on this forum.  I hope that this thread will be something that gives someone hope in the future as they read through my recovery journey.

In addition to using RestoreX I will be using an infrared heating pad, taking CoQ10 and vitamin e.  I have seen several posts about the benefits of using a VED so I want to incorporate that into my routine eventually.  I just need to do more research first.  If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.  Pictures and measurements to come tomorrow!

26 years old
Congenital curve since youth, injury in 2021
55-70 degree downward curve, slight left curve
I've taken vitamin E irregularly as well as CoQ10. Starting RestoreX


Welcome Sammysosa17 to the forum and thank you for filling out your signature line. If haven't done so please download and study our survival guide -->Survival Guide . This will give you a comprehensive list of peyronies and it's different treatments.

Congenital curvature is normal and varies in the way a penis bends or curves. Traction devices usually don't correct this. In your case it sounds like you have had an injury of some kind dues to the deformity you describe.

As far as your urologist is concerned I would seek out another one. Peyronies isn't rare as any man young or old is subject to it and many Dr's are clueless with it's diagnosis and treatment. There are a lot of the members here who have had to do the Dr switching routine. Don't waste your money or time with your old Dr.

Restorex does work but just remember to give yourself a break in period. It is aggressive with it's pulling forces and you should limit your time just starting out until you get use to it.

Heat therapy does help with healing as does Cialis or like meds. They reduce inflammation and provide added fresh oxygenated blood. Also adding in VED does help, the forum will give you more info regarding our protocol to prevent injuring yourself.

Supplements can help your body in reducing inflammation if incorporating a healthy lifestyle along with it. You are young and can heal faster than us older guys here.
You need to adopt the mentality that this is a marathon and not a sprint. Keep your worrying down to a minimum and stick with your game plan and you will feel better in the long run. This is a mysterious disease and you need to be better educated then your Dr as many of them are not experienced with it.   :)

Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


I'm not seeing where to add an attachment.. I took the photos today.  It was a weird experience because I am not used to seeing my penis from the different angles.  My condition seems worse than what I thought.  My curve looks to be nearly 90 degrees in some of the photos.  It was difficult to take good pictures but I want to post my starting point.  Will update once I get it figured out.  Thanks Mikel7 for the reply.  I am definitely reconsidering going to a different urologist.  
26 years old
Congenital curve since youth, injury in 2021
55-70 degree downward curve, slight left curve
I've taken vitamin E irregularly as well as CoQ10. Starting RestoreX


Well its been 2 months and I haven't been using RestoreX.  I went to a urologist for an unrelated reason and at the end of the appointment he asked "Is there anything else I can help you with?".  I decided to go ahead and talk to him about my current condition.  I told explained that I am pretty confident that I have Peyronies disease and described the downward and slight leftward curve of my penis.  He asked me if it was affect my ability to have sex and I told him that I don't know because I have been avoiding it for the past few years.  He got very serious with me and told me that I should try to do something to improve it.  He was really encouraging with me and made me feel like my situation can be improved.  He felt for plaque in my penis and said he felt some on the left side near the urethra.  Due to the location he said that he wanted to reccomend me to someone who specializes in stuff like this and referred me to someone nearby.  He told me that he recommends Xiaflex.  I have read plenty about it on this forum and was immediately overcome with anxiety.  The shots seem pretty painful and there are the obvious risks of further damage, fracture etc.  I think I want to go ahead and try the Xiaflex because people do seem to show improvements, but I want to make sure I am doing it with someone who REALLY REALLY knows what they are doing.  My thought is to travel out to Utah and have it done by Dr. Trost.  I'm not sure how I would be able to make that happen with work, and especially if I will need to continue to go out there for follow up shots.  But  it doesn't seem worth the risk to have it done anywhere else.  I will eventually provide an update here with whatever I decided to do.  I still plan to document my journey and will definitely be posting before pics as well as any progress once I move forward with whatever I decide.  If anyone has advice or any thoughts please let me know.  No one besides myself and my urologist knows that this is even going on and its a lot to take on mentally
26 years old
Congenital curve since youth, injury in 2021
55-70 degree downward curve, slight left curve
I've taken vitamin E irregularly as well as CoQ10. Starting RestoreX


If you choose to go down the Xiaflex route then having Dr Trost perform the procedure is what I would highly recommend. If I owned a Porsche and it needed a special engine overhaul I would take it to the dealer who specializes in repairing it. ;)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


It's been about 3 weeks since my urologist appointment.  I feel like my peyronies is taking a turn in a negative direction.  After getting home from the urologist, I decided to take new pics to compare to the ones I took a couple of months ago.  In doing that, I got myself off and think I may have caused some damage.  I was trying to keep myself hard for the pictures and ended up masturbating for longer than usual.  I felt consistent pain in my penis throughout the next few days which would eventually stop.  I would get morning erections and they would hurt a little bit.  The pain went away after about a week so I decided to try masturbating again.  It didn't cause much pain at all and so I did it again the next night.  This is where I hurt myself yet again.  I was extremely gentle and used as little pressure as possible.  
That was 2-3 nights ago and since then I have consistent pain throughout the day.  I remember going through a similiar experience back in 2021 when I injured myself while masturbating but with how gentle I was this time, I am afraid that my Penis will eventually get to a state where it can't handle any type of activity.  I am also afraid that my scar tissue on the left side will be too much for Xiaflex to do anything with.  From what I understand, Xiaflex will dissolve the scar tissue and I will be left with a dent where the tissue used to be.  I don't think my penis will be structurally sound if my plaque were to be dissolved.  I also noticed when giving myself an erection just now that my bloodflow to my penis isn't great.  I was able to get a mostly solid erection but it's definitely different than it was a few weeks ago.  I will probably go to the urologist to get an ultrasound but my hope is dwindling.  
26 years old
Congenital curve since youth, injury in 2021
55-70 degree downward curve, slight left curve
I've taken vitamin E irregularly as well as CoQ10. Starting RestoreX


So to me I can see you are having a lot of anxiety and worrying about this. What did your urologist say and are you going to get the Xiaflex injections? Hopefully when you masturbated you had a hard erection and used a lot of lube. If you have pain afterwards I suggest using some heat therapy immediately to help things out.

Now with Xiaflex it does break down scar tissue. It is the modeling of the penis while it is healing that helps restore the normal shape that it should be. Dr Trost has developed his own modeling procedure with Xiaflex that is very successful with many of his patients. Read about them on the forum. Members have stated that he knows what he is doing when injecting the medication and then stretching and molding their penis.

Get a hold on the negative thoughts and don't worry about your future. You will come through this. Get a plan of action and work it out. :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


I've started consistently using the ResoreX device for 3 days now. The first two days I did 2 twenty minute sessions. My curve is downwards so I did the first half of the session straight and the second half bent upwards. Until yesterday I didn't know how to use the device and I was just stretching by moving the device upwards until I reached the max number of clicks. I visited Dr. Trost's website and saw that you can push the device down which releases tension. I tried that for the first time yesterday and my penis is feeling a bit sore. Not sure if soreness is a usual side effect of using the device properly. In just the 3 days of using it I've notice a big difference in erection quality. I'm waking up with really solid erections. I took some pictures yesterday and compared them to the pics I took back in February. Everything looks pretty much the same. I don't expect to see results this quickly, but I am at least glad that nothing seems to have gotten worse.
I did notice that I was getting erections less frequently and they didn't seem to be solid. I had avoided masturbating for the most part over the last month (probably only did it 4 times total). I'm relived to be having solid erections at this point.
Someday I would like to get Xiaflex injections but I don't think my plaque is concentrated enough for it to be effective. I don't really feel a lump where my curve is. My thought is that I have lots of small plaques in the area rather than one big one.
Any comments or questions would be greatly appreciated. I intent to be updating this thread frequently with updates.  
26 years old
Congenital curve since youth, injury in 2021
55-70 degree downward curve, slight left curve
I've taken vitamin E irregularly as well as CoQ10. Starting RestoreX


The Retorex device does help also with erection quality. It is the continued dedication and consistency that will yield the best results for you. Also remember that you can also try using the makeup pads to help hold your glans in the clamp housing if you are having difficulty.  
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


I'm in a similar boat as you. Before you even consider Xiaflex, try to make it through the Restorex protocol for 12 weeks and see how your condition improves. Xiaflex injections and other invasive procedures are very expensive (and insurance is likely not going to cover it) and theres countless anecdotal reports of injections and surgeries worsening the condition. We have studies concluding that traction works, you just have to stick with the protocol. That means using the device one or twice daily, 5-7 days out of the week. Sure it's a hassle but your condition will never improve unless you are consistently doing traction. If you have no improvements after 12 weeks, maybe try another 12 weeks, and if there are still no improvements after this, that would be a good time to consider Xiaflex or surgery.

With regard to your experience of worsening, it could just the plaque contracting in response to stretching. Neoman has a video about this on his channel, it seems like a lot of men experience this when beginning traction. In my own experience I had a lump in the side pop up (higher up my shaft than the site of my injury) but eventually it smoothed out and I've been experiencing improvements in EQ and a reduction in flaccid pain.

Another thought, which isn't meant
to "blackpill" or demoralize but it may come across a bit of a harsh truth... You have to let go of the idea of getting your old penis back. Sure, some men have reported 100% recovery but they are a minority. With traction therapy you may not achieve a perfectly straight penis again, but you should still be able to notice some improvements in erection quality and pain reduction and maybe even regain some length. This is the goal. If you can reduce the curve just enough to have intercourse comfortably then you are basically "cured" (even though this is a lifelong condition) and with that being said, you may have to continue traction and VED even after recovery to maintain your improvements. There is hope but it's a long and slow process and you have to be wary of any shortcuts that promise quick results (Pshot being an example of this.) Best of luck to you, keep us updated.
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX


Yeah I don't put my hopes in the idea of having a perfectly normal penis. Honestly all I want is a functional penis that is straight enough to have sex and to just be able to have sex whenever I want. I don't want to lose that ability. I'm really not sure how to post a picture but I would love to share where I'm currently at. I really wish more people on this forum would post pictures and provide consistent updates (I'm not even good at doing that myself lol).  I definitely plan to stick to traction for the time being. I had another incredibly solid erection this morning. I had some pain with it, but it at least makes me feel as though traction is doing SOMETHING rather than just continuing to go downhill. I am concerned with some pain I'm feeling today. There are times when I will get sharp pain out of no where while I'm flaccid. I've just been driving in the car and the pain has been annoying. I stretched again last night for about 30 minutes (this time with no upward bending) and am concerned that I am doing more damage.  For the first time today I actually can feel a bump on the bottom left side of my penis. It's weird though because it's not always there. I've been consistently feeling for it as I drive today. Is that how plaque behaves? Is it sometimes hard and other times not?  Im going to try my best to figure out how to post a picture to track my progress.

I'm also curious about castor oil. I'm not under the impression that it will reduce the curve, but what do people typically use it for related to peyronies?  
26 years old
Congenital curve since youth, injury in 2021
55-70 degree downward curve, slight left curve
I've taken vitamin E irregularly as well as CoQ10. Starting RestoreX


Just came to post this morning and say that I'm actually pretty encouraged and optimistic at the moment. Feelings come and go, but just wanted to share this moment on the forum.

Yesterday I read a lot of research papers and feel motivated and determined to improve my condition. I am going to up my dosage of CoQ10 from 100mg to 200mg and eventually 300mg (I was scared to go straight to 300mg lol). I'm also going to be taking 900mg of Propolis. I watched neomans video on supplements yesterday and read the research documents he shared. Both CoQ10 and Propolis showed great reduction in plaque as well as reduced curvature. I may also start adding in some pine bark extract. I think the supplements combined with using restoreX the correct way will yield me some results.
If possible I'd also like to have a strict keto diet and mix in some fasting. I think diet is a huge factor in overall health and if anything would help prevent my condition from getting worse. I eat fast food all the time so it's a change I need to make anyways if I want to live long.
This morning I have had like 5 erections that were harder than any I've had in months. (Like, as hard as an erection could be, not just compared to my "normal"). I think restoreX is working after just 4 days of use as well as just having a positive mindset. I took pictures again this morning and will eventually share them. Sorry to keep promising that and never delivering.

Forgot to mention that I also stopped taking finasteride two nights ago. I'd imagine that it would take a while for the fin to leave my body and for any negative side effects to go away, but it's worth mentioning. Still taking minoxidil.  
26 years old
Congenital curve since youth, injury in 2021
55-70 degree downward curve, slight left curve
I've taken vitamin E irregularly as well as CoQ10. Starting RestoreX