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Hello. I am a 64 year old married man in otherwise excellent health with a loving wife and famly.

I do have health insurance with good access to doctors.

I do not know if I have Peyronies since first feeling discomfort November 2022 and since then to date these last 4 1/2 months. For which I take anti-inflammatory and occasional acetominophen.

Discomfort mostly is coincident with sitting and agitation (anxiety): lying, standing, and walking are comfortable. Loraxopam interestingly seems to dampen the discomfort greatly. I also have some pins/needles on my right side leg/foot, right arm, lower back for which I plan to ee a chiropractor thinking I have modified my posture to favor the pelvic discomfort.

My urologist palpated me Jan 03, 2023 and found it to be normal. I have no curvature of the erection but as my flaccidity gives way to erection there is a soft bend until erect. No pain in the penis itself but rather to the right of the right scrotum (mostly when sitting).

Urologist concludes

"I think he probably sustained and small microtrauma to the penis during masturbation. His pain is resolving. He has no plaque that I can palpate, no penile curvature. I recommended ibuprofen/Tylenol as needed but believe this will resolve spontaneously without any further treatment. Scrotal US reviewed, completely normal."

I have had one physical therapy session where the pelvic floor penile pain therapist indicated I have a clenched pelvic muscle. She did not mention Peyronies. I see her next Tuesday again.

Psychologically I am anxious about the discomfort and where that may lead. Always thinking about this. Thus annoying my wife.

Any kind/gentle comments/insight would be appreciated. Thank you.


Male 64 devoted to wife
11/2022 self-stim incident started scrotal pain
No erection curvature. Pain-free erection/ejac
Sensation of pressure to right of scrotum
Uro believes spontaneous
Physical Therapist palpates tight muscle


Welcome Fellowsupporter to the forum. First thing that all of our members are asked to do is to fill out your signature line -->,10819.0.html . Also for your education we have a survival guide that will give you all the info regarding peyronies -->,3180.0.html .

Your urologist may be correct in his/her diagnosis. Pain in your penis is an indication that something is going on. You say that your erection is fine but that you have some scrotal pain. I would guess that you are dealing with CPPS. I also deal with this condition and it bothers me from time to time as it is sporadic. If you can fine a therapist that works in male pelvic issues great! They can address the tight pelvic muscles and then give you some stretches to perform. Dr Bri has some excellent videos that I use -->

 If you do have any pain/curvature in your penis this needs to be addressed with your urologist. It sounds to me like you probably don't have peyronies, but could have a small micro trauma. You should ask for a doppler to get a correct diagnosis though if you do have pain/deformaty...

  Educating yourself is a good thing with peyronies as there are not may specialist around. If you find a urologist that you can work with great! Worrying and obsessing over this is also not good. Also taking care of your health an diet adding in exercise will benefit you overall. Good to have you here!  Mikel7 :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


God Bless you Mikel7. Thank you for your thoughtful and helpful reply.

Have you tried prostate massage for you CPPS?

"Does prostate massage help CPPS?
Benefits of prostate massage

In one study, men received prostate massage three times a week in addition to antibiotics and saw significant improvement in symptoms. Long-term improvement of CP/CPPS was seen in 40% of men in this study.Jan 20, 2023"
Male 64 devoted to wife
11/2022 self-stim incident started scrotal pain
No erection curvature. Pain-free erection/ejac
Sensation of pressure to right of scrotum
Uro believes spontaneous
Physical Therapist palpates tight muscle


Yes I have tried prostate massage to relieve very tight pelvic muscles. Years ago it was a mainstay to help congested prostates but urologists have discarded it for use today. I have not read that study in question but will search for it unless you can provide a link to it. I developed CPPS from overdoing kegel exercises which in turn caused it. Gentle walking and daily stretching does seem to help me though.  
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Male 64 devoted to wife
11/2022 self-stim incident started scrotal pain
No erection curvature. Pain-free erection/ejac
Sensation of pressure to right of scrotum
Uro believes spontaneous
Physical Therapist palpates tight muscle