any experienced users know if the phoenix works

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does anyone have any experience with shockwave therapy, I just recently found out that it might be usefully to remove plaque from Peyronies Disease. any help from actually users would be helpful. thank you for your time.
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So where did you hear that it "might be useful"?

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

Bud luck

It actually can make it worse in some cases, I don't know one single man that got better with Shockwaves, is a SCAM
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


Quote from: LWillisjr on January 30, 2023, 09:14:50 AMSo where did you hear that it "might be useful"?

it was recommend by a doctor of mine, just thought id post my findings to see if anyone else has seen any results before trying it, would you know anything about it @LWillisjr
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I know nothing about it. I was on Facebook last night and it popped up on a FB add which really makes me skeptical. I've also been on the forum for a long time and I don't recall hardly anyone that claimed to benefit from shockwave therapy. My "Spidey Sense" is telling me this is just another device being used for home use.

If your doctor is recommending it, ask him for some data backing up its use. You can't go by the testimonials that are on the web site. All of that is marketing. I would want to talk to someone who actually claimed it cured their Peyronies Disease. And then I would want to know their details. For example, if they had a 20-degree curve and improved to a 15-degree curve, I don't consider that a success.

If you have the money and want to try it is up to you. I'm just telling you the feedback on the forum is not positive. We even had a new clinic that posted here on the forum a few weeks ago with mixed reactions.

Focuswave clinic in Canada
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I tried it and trust me.. its a scam. It did absolutely nothing.
29yo, symptoms since 23. Mild plaque. Terrible EQ.
successful erections only via VED.
recently experienced intermittent occurrences of morning wood after regular core and stability exercise implementation
left CC has less blood flow than right CC.


i've heard many doctors online saying how shockwave therapy is only useful in the acute phase to deal with pain, but doesn't improve curvature, length, placque dimensions and so on
20 yo, Peyronies Disease 2020(55 degrees down) + congenital curve
loss of length, stable erection, sensation. hourglassing
antioxidants, hyaluronic acid injected & oral, maybe Yachia in future
Recently started VED 2x a week
Still wants sex and a relationship


I'm going to make a new thread on this as I've recently had some experience with it.  Very positive experience so far.  No idea how to tag any of you, I'm very new to this format so please feel free to find it and share it anyway you can.
non smoker for life
much smaller & painful erections.
no curvature but deflated  one side, painful erections, scar tissue on both sides, was diagnosed  by urologist in 2022. 
No procedures or injections yet, use 50 mg sildenafil for sex


It has worked wonders for me so far.  An almost instantaneous, noticeable improvement.  i'm a little shocked to be honest.  In my experience if something seems to good to be true, it almost always is.  I'm just waitng for my dick to shrivel up and fall off or something at this point but as of today I'm 2 treatments in and the plaque buildup I've had for a year is almost gone.  I don't really see how it could do any real damage if used as it's designed to be used. On the other hand, I also don't really see how it could actually work either, but here we are.  
non smoker for life
much smaller & painful erections.
no curvature but deflated  one side, painful erections, scar tissue on both sides, was diagnosed  by urologist in 2022. 
No procedures or injections yet, use 50 mg sildenafil for sex


just to update, after 2 more treatments I was experiencing significantly more pain than before treatments started. after reading countless negative reviews about it I gave up and returned the product, which I had no trouble doing, for a full refund.  
non smoker for life
much smaller & painful erections.
no curvature but deflated  one side, painful erections, scar tissue on both sides, was diagnosed  by urologist in 2022. 
No procedures or injections yet, use 50 mg sildenafil for sex


I paid $500 for every shockwave treatment.  I went for 12 treatments and my urologist said he was doing me a favor by not having an PA,but doing them himself.  It's not FDA approved and I do believe ($6K later) it is a scam.
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