Starting My Implant Process

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I have an appointment with Dr. Lentz this morning to discuss options for Peyronies Disease and mild ED. I had numerous rounds of Xiaflex with a different doctor, which I believe left me in worse shape than when I started that treatment. One reaction was so bad that something apparently ruptured resulting in me feeling like me penis was literally going to explode. After that episode I was left with even more scaring around the base of my penis that resulted in a hour glass shape and loss of integrity to the point where intercourse was almost impossible.

With all of that being said, I shot Dr. Lentz a note and he agreed that an implant was probably the way to go. This is obviously my first rodeo and I've read a lot on here but I am curious to hear from some of you that have been through it, what questions do I need to ask? What are some of the things you would've liked to know going in to it? I'm a little nervous being that I am 47 and would like to continue to use my penis for more than pissing for a few more years at least. I am almost positive that grafting and plication are not what I want to do BUT an implant is pretty final. Just want to make sure I am making the most informed decision possible.

Also, I am sure we are going to work on scheduling this thing, I travel a lot for work. How long should I account for being down and unable to travel?

Thanks for everyone's help!
47 years old
6 years Peyronies
1 round of Xiaflex, had a bad reaction
Titan 22cm implant 11-29-22


Hi AcmeEric

Been a while since I was on. In fact, it's been a long while since I was on the chat. I'm 3.5 years in and things could not be better. Couple of questions. I've read all 7 of your posts throughout the entire forum. I think, from reading all 7 posts that you are at the point of an implant, but can I ask are you able to get any natural erection at all? Any penetration?
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Hi AcmeEric, like you I have (had) Peyronies Disease and some ED.  My plaque and hinging was such that my first urologist recommended incision and grafting, which did not work.  I sought a second opinion with Dr Levine in Chicago and underwent a second procedure for incision, grafting and implant placement.  It has been a year since my second operation and things are going well for me.  If I could do it over again I would probably just go for the implant with the first surgery.  I dont know of Dr Lentz but I would strongly suggest that you seek a second or third opinion from the best possible specialists that you can find (Drs Levine, Eid, Hakky and others are mentioned often here).  Speaking from personal experience, I wish I had done that in my case.
55 y/o, Peyronies Disease onset 2018, diag 2/19.
Pentox failed, Ref to U-Michigan, doppler showed 45D right curve and 80D dorsal w hinge effect.
Incision/grafting/plication at U-M 9/20 failed.
Implant / graft repair with Dr Levine (Chicago) 9/21, successful so far


Quote from: Roddy on September 30, 2022, 06:36:24 PM
Hi AcmeEric

Been a while since I was on. In fact, it's been a long while since I was on the chat. I'm 3.5 years in and things could not be better. Couple of questions. I've read all 7 of your posts throughout the entire forum. I think, from reading all 7 posts that you are at the point of an implant, but can I ask are you able to get any natural erection at all? Any penetration?

Not really. If I do it is not hard enough to overcome the hinge.
47 years old
6 years Peyronies
1 round of Xiaflex, had a bad reaction
Titan 22cm implant 11-29-22


I am curious as to how your visit with Dr Lentz went. Dr Lentz did my surgery and you should look at my journal along with others that used Dr Lentz.
Stay in touch, can't wait to hear what's going on.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quote from: Stepone on October 04, 2022, 07:43:20 AM
I am curious as to how your visit with Dr Lentz went. Dr Lentz did my surgery and you should look at my journal along with others that used Dr Lentz.
Stay in touch, can't wait to hear what's going on.

It went really well. We agreed that an implant is the way to go at this point. I havre the benefit of knowing Dr. Lentz personally as he and I went to high school together. So I know his character and that he is a really good dude. I read your journey and that is a huge reason on why I decided to stay local as opposed to traveling to NY or Chicago. There's plenty of doctors that are good people but not good at what they do. From what I can tell Dr. Lentz is good at what he does.  
47 years old
6 years Peyronies
1 round of Xiaflex, had a bad reaction
Titan 22cm implant 11-29-22


There are some on here that suggest only Dr Eid is the surgeon to use. Dr Lentz's surgery for me, was more than I could have expected. Previous surgeries to fix a hinge and 45 degree angle helped minimally and only reduced length and girth. As a matter of fact, the reduced blood flow Problem after the surgery seemed greater.

I have always cautioned other men, unless they have zero problems with erections to go with the implant.
Good luck with it all and keep us informed.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quote from: Stepone on October 05, 2022, 12:28:18 PM
There are some on here that suggest only Dr Eid is the surgeon to use.

I read EVERY implant post on the forum.  I don't recall anyone ever suggesting Dr. Eid is the ONLY surgeon to use.  I think those who used Dr. Eid praise him for the fact he has more experience than any other implant surgeon, he has a stellar infection rate, and he is accessible directly by phone almost 24/7 with a great bedside manner.  Those are all just documented facts, but many other surgeons are worthy of consideration.  I could name at least a half dozen I would consider instead of Dr. Eid if I happened to live within an hour of their practice (I am 4 hours from Dr. Eid).  

I would, however, travel 2 days before I would let a low-volume surgeon or a surgeon with a bad report operate on my penis.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Stepone on October 05, 2022, 12:28:18 PM
There are some on here that suggest only Dr Eid is the surgeon to use. Dr Lentz's surgery for me, was more than I could have expected. Previous surgeries to fix a hinge and 45 degree angle helped minimally and only reduced length and girth. As a matter of fact, the reduced blood flow Problem after the surgery seemed greater.

I have always cautioned other men, unless they have zero problems with erections to go with the implant.
Good luck with it all and keep us informed.

So, I'm curious. Did you get the length that you'd lost back? I can definitely tell that I've lost length through this 5 year process of: eat tons of vitamin E and lets see what happens in 2 years, to doing the xiaflex regimen to where I think it did more damage than helped (I had an episode where something busted and my penis was literally about to explode which resulted in the plaque around the bottom creating the hour glass issue), to we should do another round of Xiaflex, to me getting on this board and educating myself on what should happen, to finally having a surgery date scheduled. I would love to get some of the length back that I had but at this point a working penis that doesn't look like a winding mountain road that goes from two lanes to four every quarter mile would be just fine.

Dr. Lentz did inform me that he does about 200 penile implants annually. I researched some other doctors in the area and no one comes close to that number.  
47 years old
6 years Peyronies
1 round of Xiaflex, had a bad reaction
Titan 22cm implant 11-29-22


I did regain some length, but my Length loss was not from the implant procedure, but it was the modified Nesbit surgery I had to fix the hinge. I believe if I had not had the Nesbit, I would still have my 8".
The implant gave me a huge gain in girth. No more hour glass, my penis is about 6" at base and goes to about 5.5". My increased girth and the rock hard feel of my penis makes me confident again. It's not perfect, but it's the next best thing.
It takes time to get back girth and length.
No pain = no gain which is so true.
I am rooting for you my friend!
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quote from: Stepone on October 06, 2022, 01:50:27 PM
I did regain some length, but my Length loss was not from the implant procedure, but it was the modified Nesbit surgery I had to fix the hinge. I believe if I had not had the Nesbit, I would still have my 8".
The implant gave me a huge gain in girth. No more hour glass, my penis is about 6" at base and goes to about 5.5". My increased girth and the rock hard feel of my penis makes me confident again. It's not perfect, but it's the next best thing.
It takes time to get back girth and length.
No pain = no gain which is so true.
I am rooting for you my friend!

Ok! This will be the first surgery I've had to fix anything. Apparently Dr. Lentz is fairly aggressive with sizing so there's that. Time will tell. I greatly appreciate all of your help!
47 years old
6 years Peyronies
1 round of Xiaflex, had a bad reaction
Titan 22cm implant 11-29-22


Dr. Lentz just performed my penile implant surgery (Coloplast Titan 22cm +2) on August 8, 2022.  I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending him.  As you read my journal you can see how impressed I was at his and his staff's responsiveness.  Exactly what I expect from Duke.  Top notch care from beginning to end.  I was pretty much out of action for 10 days following surgery.  I actually stayed at the Hampton Inn near Duke Raleigh Hospital for three days following the surgery.  My wife, who is a nursing student took very good care of me.  
I would strongly advise working your travel schedule to be as light as possible the first 4 to 6 weeks post op.  As Stepone told me this is a marathon and not a sprint.  You will gradually get back to being able to engage in pre-op activities but it does take time.  Do not overdo it too soon.  If you have any specific questions please PM me.  Lee    
Age: 65
Symptoms: ED, bend in penis-degree unknown, no morning wood, severe venous leakage. Tried: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and used vacuum pump. Penile implant surgery performed by Dr. Lentz, Duke, 8-8-22.  Received a Coloplast Titan, 22 cm +2.


Quote from: Lee1979 on October 13, 2022, 08:00:55 PM
Dr. Lentz just performed my penile implant surgery (Coloplast Titan 22cm +2) on August 8, 2022.  I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending him.  As you read my journal you can see how impressed I was at his and his staff's responsiveness.  Exactly what I expect from Duke.  Top notch care from beginning to end.  I was pretty much out of action for 10 days following surgery.  I actually stayed at the Hampton Inn near Duke Raleigh Hospital for three days following the surgery.  My wife, who is a nursing student took very good care of me.  
I would strongly advise working your travel schedule to be as light as possible the first 4 to 6 weeks post op.  As Stepone told me this is a marathon and not a sprint.  You will gradually get back to being able to engage in pre-op activities but it does take time.  Do not overdo it too soon.  If you have any specific questions please PM me.  Lee  

All of y'all are freaking awesome! What a great community this is. I'm sure we'd all prefer not to be in this boat but it's great to have people to walk through it with.

With that being said, I have a surgery date of Nov. 29. I live in Waxhaw, just south of Charlotte. I was planning on coming home the day of the surgery while I'm still out of if from the anesthesia. Is that a good idea or bad one?
47 years old
6 years Peyronies
1 round of Xiaflex, had a bad reaction
Titan 22cm implant 11-29-22


Best wishes on your surgery.
They kept me overnight and released me about 11am the next day.
My spouse drove me home. They gave me a donut hole cushion to sit on, so it wasn't too bad. It was a 2.5 hour drive to our home and I had pain pills to fill the pain.
It's a bit of a rough ride, but I guess if you are still medicated from the surgery and you have pain meds, you should be able to have someone drive you.
Of course you can't drive.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC