Infrapub v Scrotal incision

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Can guys with implants give their general pros n cons and experiences with each surgical technique please.

Dr Eid mentioned that scrotal incision preserves the most size, I am wondering whether I should consider changin to a surgeon who uses this approach. I am using Australia's best Implant surgeon but he uses the pubic approach. Any opinions?

Thank you,
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


I don't have an implant but if Dr Eid has made a suggestion I would say he is speaking from experience and I would highly regard his wisdom.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


I would say to definitely do your best to have a penile implant done through the scrotal approach. Dr. Eid has spoken about it in his videos multiple times and other Doctors as well. The infra-pubic technique, is best mainly for the doctor. It involves less work, but it is harder to properly size the patient. You are also left with a scar near your pubic pad area.


Unfortunately, I found out that all doctors in Australia use the infrapubic approach. So, I don't think I really hav an option.

Seems like most people here had the scrotal approach, I can't find any journals with guy who had infrapubic.

Was hoping for some advice/experience from someone.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Completely false.

I've spoken to multiple high volume implant surgeons including Dr Eid, Dr Hakky and Dr Clavell.

There is no difference in the final outcome when using a high volume implant surgeon. The only difference will be scar visibility/location.

Watch the following video:
Peyronie's Disease
Titan Touch 22cm - Dr Clavell 06/04/22


AverageBloke - Thanks for the reply. I hav read Smetros journal, he had ED, not Peyronies Disease but he did have amazing results with Dr Chris Love... I found a Dr here (Eric Chung) who does use the scrotal approach so I am weighing up whether I should go with him.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Quote from: jj21 on July 31, 2022, 02:47:33 AM
AverageBloke - Thanks for the reply. I hav read Smetros journal, he had Erectile Dysfunction, not Peyronies Disease but he did have amazing results with Dr Chris Love... I found a Dr here (Eric Chung) who does use the scrotal approach so I am weighing up whether I should go with him.

I am aware of Dr Eric Chung in Queensland however I do not know his yearly implant volume. If you do have a consultation please let us know how it goes.
Peyronie's Disease
Titan Touch 22cm - Dr Clavell 06/04/22


AverageBloke - My consultation with him was good, he is one of Australia's top surgeons, he has the most publications on peyronies. A few people on FT have used him with good results, again, most of them had ED only.

He did say he would oversize by 1cm and that he would do a tuck in the scrotum to give the illusion that the penis is bigger, he was reassuring and said he would add a graft on the day if the implant was one sided. He said he 90% uses the scrotal approach. He also recommended a new vascular surgeon who may be able to do laser pulse treatment on my varicose veins, he advised he would not operate until I had seen him incase I needed surgery for the veins because it could increase my risk of infection doing it after the implant. The fact that he made that recommendation tells me that he is a genuine doctor. My GP also speaks highly of him.

I still think Chris Love is good, and I have a consult with him booked on the 15th September as well but I think he mostly does the infrapubic approach.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Thanks for the updates!
I agree with you, he sounds like he is tune with what is best for the patients.
Have you discussed which model you are getting, Titan or?
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thanks StepOne, as per advice from Dr Eid, I will be getting the Titan... I'm torn between two doctors, both are good, one is interstate, the other is in my city... The interstate one seems a bit more well known for implants.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


I can't wait to hear how many implants each doctor does.
It will be valuable information we can put on this website for others in your area.
I am moving to Florida, pm me if you want to chat.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


It may be worth while to have an appointment with doctor eid online see what he would suggest if he can recommend how you need to do it and send him Pictures. It's a 4 hundred dollars totally worth it in my opinion. If you think about it the most important part is that the doc sees your erect penis. They recommend what to do via visual inspection most of the time.

I saw dr. Levine and it was like 1400 and I felt very rushed through the entire appointment. You can see one of the best surgeons in the world for 400 dollars in online appointments it's your dick we are talking about. I would see the best you can see tell him your predicament and see what he says. Maybe ask him if he thinks it would be worth your time to see him for recommendations  
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


I know you already spoke to Dr Eid.
I believe you have an action plan.
Personally I believe there are other surgeons just as good if not better than Dr Eid.
I also believe I made the best choice for me by choosing Dr Lentz for my surgery.
I did not pay $400 for a video call with Dr Eid and I have no regrets.
We all need to make our own decisions based on our own comfort levels.
I am confident you will ask the right questions, but there is a place on this site that has suggested questions to ask of a surgeon.
Looking forward to hearing about your consultations.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thanks CurveKiller and StepOne, appreciate both your responses. I would have a consult with Dr Eid but I just can't afford $400 atm. I do have trust in these two doctors, I know not every doc is perfect so it's difficult in choosing which one.... I have found out now that both can do the scrotal approach.

StepOne - I have no idea of finding out how many they do each year - do people usually ask them? Implant surgeons are difficult to find in Australia unfortunately.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Good question!
The way you find out how many penile implants.
Ask the doctor!!!!!
That's what I did!
I asked " how many implant surgeries did you do last year? I remember he looked at me and said let me think a moment, then told me over 140.
Don't be shy!!!!!
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quote from: jj21 on August 07, 2022, 06:08:52 AM
Thanks CurveKiller and StepOne, appreciate both your responses. I would have a consult with Dr Eid but I just can't afford $400 atm. I do have trust in these two doctors, I know not every doc is perfect so it's difficult in choosing which one.... I have found out now that both can do the scrotal approach.

StepOne - I have no idea of finding out how many they do each year - do people usually ask them? Implant surgeons are difficult to find in Australia unfortunately.

Hey JJ21,

Does Dr Love perform the scrotal approach?

I would also ask both doctors how many they perform a year. The more the better...
Peyronie's Disease
Titan Touch 22cm - Dr Clavell 06/04/22


I was told by Dr Love's nurse that he does perform the scrotal approach.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).