My plication surgery journey

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I had a congenital downward curve at the head of my penis my whole life (think the shape of the Concorde jet). I didn't  love it but I lived with it. Then I went on atorvistatin and during  sex my  penis was injured and it now also had a  right down-ward curve in the middle. The  two things together did  not make me happy. I lived  with it and my partners  said  they  didn't notice but I did. I went to one Urologist and just wasn't interested in helping me.  I found another  doctor through my insurance site who specializes in peyronies, peyronies surgery, and also is a Prof of Urology. At the visit based on my situation she suggested plication surgery.

Yesterday I had my pre-surgery appointment it went well. Waiting for blood work to be cleared.  Tomorrow  (Friday) I get final instructions. The surgery is Monday.  

More to come...
47yo  single gay male
Congenital downward curve just below the head (think the "Concorde" jet) and new injury 30 degree downward curve that also goes to the right
congenital issue and peyronies
no treatments yet


Do you mind sharing the surgeon's name? Might be helpful to know some other docs who specialize in Peyronies treatment?
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I awoke at 4:30 am for my 5:30am surgery appointment. I thought maybe this is a bad idea what if it goes badly. Then I reminded myself I was in good hands with an expert Dr. Chubak at Mt. Sinai in NYC a very good establishment. These folks do anashesia all day every day and the doctor has many plication operations under her belt and is an expert on Peyronies and Professor of Urology. I left my apartment and arrived on time.

I checked in my possessions and got into the gown. I met with the Urology Resident and he explained the procedure. They would be dealing with my Peyronies injury (a to the  right and downward curve mid-way on my shaft)  as well as a  congenital curve at the head of my penis that I've never liked. His name was Harry and  he was Greek and very kind. Everyone at Mt. Sinai was Uber professional, awake, professional, and organized ready to work this early in the morning.

Next  the  anaesthesiologist explained I would be under general and I said I have tolerated that well in the past. I told him I was exhausted from lack of sleep by being up so early and not having coffee so I was looking forward to the nap.

Next I met with Dr. Barbara Chubak the urologist surgeon and expert in peyronies. We discussed the procedure and recovery time. I said let's do it.

They walked me into the surgery theater and I was intimidated by the whole scene. Harry the resident was there and I said, "Harry, give me a pretty dick please!"  and  everyone laughed.  I used humor to dispel my anxiety in case you can't tell! I got anxiety meds and then I was out next thing you know I'm in recovery. That was it. The nurse and Harry was there. I asked him how it went and he said, "is straight!" I laughed.

I had some graham crackers and juice. They called my friend who was coming to  pick me up. I changed and they wheeled me downstairs and I was walking out an hour after the procedure. I had no pain because the pain meds were still having an effect.

I was given instructions on staying elevated and using cold packs for swelling.

I went to the bathroom and looked at it  and I think it was still hard from the erection meds they gave me and indeed it was totally straight. Let's hope so!

The night of the procedure I used one pain pill to sleep through the night. I didn't sleep great more because I was afraid to roll over and hurt myself, I like to sleep on my stomach. I awoke without any pain to speak of.

I sent Dr. Chubak some photos over email asking if it was normal for some purple bruising around the head and she said yes. I spoke with a nurse and he verified things seemed okay. There will be bruising and it will fade.

The swelling seems to be going down.

I'm hopeful for the future. I've never had a totally straight penis, I always had that downward curve that made me feel self conscious. In six weeks I'm hopeful to like my new dick and show it off to some of my sexual partners and friends.

47yo  single gay male
Congenital downward curve just below the head (think the "Concorde" jet) and new injury 30 degree downward curve that also goes to the right
congenital issue and peyronies
no treatments yet


I had a minor complication from my surgery. There were stitches and then invisible bandage on top of that was wrapped gauze. The gauze sort of got glued into thee invisible bandage and sort of formed a choker around the mid section of my cock. It cause the head area to get swollen. I went to the emergency room and they used special scissors to create some relief and the swelling went down. I saw the Urologist surgeon the next day and she said it's healing fine.

After two weeks there's no more pain. Still some stitches in. Sometimes I wake up with hard on and she said that's ok but don't jerk it or have sex. She said if I have a wet dream its okay. I saw my hard on and it looks straight. A bit shorter but it makes it look stouter and I think it's kinda hot. I can't wait to finally see my new dick.
47yo  single gay male
Congenital downward curve just below the head (think the "Concorde" jet) and new injury 30 degree downward curve that also goes to the right
congenital issue and peyronies
no treatments yet


Quote from: LWillisjr on March 04, 2022, 02:23:43 PM
Do you mind sharing the surgeon's name? Might be helpful to know some other docs who specialize in Peyronies treatment?

Barbara Chubak

She's great!
47yo  single gay male
Congenital downward curve just below the head (think the "Concorde" jet) and new injury 30 degree downward curve that also goes to the right
congenital issue and peyronies
no treatments yet


The more I talk about this surgery the more I  hear about other people getting it.

I'm healing very well. Almost all the stitches have dissolved and the swelling has gone down. There's very little pain.  Sometimes I  wake up with a hard-on and that  is painful I hope that goes away. I've had a look a few times when it's hard and, to quote my Greek urology resident, "is straight!"

I have lost length and I  expected that. They were correcting two curves. I don't mind the size I'd say I went from 7.5 to about 6? I haven't busted  out the tape measure or anything. But it's definitely fatter seeming and  that's good. In my experience girth is as important as length.

I'm so glad I took this  step for my self esteem. This is  an odd issue to deal with because it's  incredible private and personal but can take up a large amount of space in one's psyche. Sexual confidence is shared with only a small number of people we know but I believe it has ramifications across our whole personality. My congenital downward curve always made me feel a little defective. I took action on this and hope it sticks. It may not, I hear sometimes it reverts. I won't sweat it if it does because I can't go under the knife for this again I don't think.
47yo  single gay male
Congenital downward curve just below the head (think the "Concorde" jet) and new injury 30 degree downward curve that also goes to the right
congenital issue and peyronies
no treatments yet


You seem to be recovering well! Great

As for the length, you're going to get some more, your penis is retracted following the surgery.
On the other hand for the circumference, it might decrease a bit, the penis remains swollen after this surgery

Did your surgeon use absorbable or permanent sutures inside your penis?
27 yo

- 01/2020: Nesbit surgery for a 50 degrees downward curvature with Dr.Faix (FR) : bad result

- 12/2022 : Surgery correction with Dr.Gelman US

- Now : Indentation on the left dorsal side with a rotation to the left that appeared, try Restorex


I don't know what kind of sutures they are, I will ask.  It feels like some of them softened  or went away. Some others ones are still there. Now that it's more straight I'm realizing I had like three  points in my dick where it  was mis-aligned. The head is still somewhat downward pointing but it doesn't bother me as much. I wonder if  I can straighten it with traction or stretching?

Having stopped masturbating for six weeks I can now cum but just touching my balls which is pretty wild. It's six weeks as of this Monday but I'm not rushing to  play with anyone because I want to be gentle with my new dink.
47yo  single gay male
Congenital downward curve just below the head (think the "Concorde" jet) and new injury 30 degree downward curve that also goes to the right
congenital issue and peyronies
no treatments yet


any updates on the curvature, length and pain level?
Age 60

I've had Peyronies Disease for about 20 months. since fall of 2021
I started using RestoreX in late September, 2021.
30 degree curvature to the right. as of May, 2023 the curvature is Still 30 degrees.
first round of Xialflex shots in late September, 2023.


Quote from: bendinky555 on March 03, 2022, 10:11:03 PMI had a congenital downward curve at the head of my penis my whole life (think the shape of the Concorde jet). I didn't  love it but I lived with it. Then I went on atorvistatin and during  sex my  penis was injured and it now also had a  right down-ward curve in the middle. The  two things together did  not make me happy. I lived  with it and my partners  said  they  didn't notice but I did. I went to one Urologist and just wasn't interested in helping me.  I found another  doctor through my insurance site who specializes in peyronies, peyronies surgery, and also is a Prof of Urology. At the visit based on my situation she suggested plication surgery.

Yesterday I had my pre-surgery appointment it went well. Waiting for blood work to be cleared.  Tomorrow  (Friday) I get final instructions. The surgery is Monday.  

More to come...
What happens to the plaque if they don't remove it..I had the plaque removed and got a patch..Plication is just making one side straight without removing the plaque..What if it's not removed
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