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I'm Wayne and am 57 years old. I've had Peyronie's Disease for nearly 2 years. There's not enough curvature to warrant surgery, but it has affected my performance and confidence in a big way. My wife and I have sex only every few months, but even then I feel like I'm cheating her of a satisfying experience. Am I the only person that feels this way?  
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Everyone with Peyronie's I'm sure has or is dealing with confidence issues. Count your lucky stars. You have a wife and still able to have sex albeit not like you used to. It F~@ks with all of our confidence. If it's just curvature you are dealing with you should try traction.  
34 yrs Old, Healthy very active
Possibly injured penis or took too much Cialis
Symptoms starting January-February 2021
First dent seen April 4, 2021, painful erections


Welcome, sorry that you're here. And Kobegianna is right, I'm sure everyone here has some confidence issues, our dicks aren't what they used to be. Also agree that you should try traction, it has helped a lot of members reduce their curvature here.

If you plan to stay, fill out your signature line,10819.0.html

And read the survival guide if you haven't already, it has a lot of useful info
MIA - nothing works after 5 months
supplements and pharmaceuticals I've tried:
cialis, pentox, magnesium chloride, dim, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, vitamin k2, paba, l-arginine, l-citrulline. either get surgery (and possible ed), get implant, or pray



Welcome aboard! There are definitely plenty of men that feel this way. You are not alone.
Please have a look at what Dr Landon trost recommends as a to how you should address peyronies. His website is an excellent resource of information.


You mention very little curvature.  

What makes you feel you are cheating your wife?  

What is your wife's response when you discuss this with her?

If you come to grips with the psychological aspects of Peyronies Disease you will have won more than half the battle.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums