Intermitent Painful Erections

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Hi guys,
Was wondering if anyone else had this,

My erections are only painful sometimes,

Is this normal?
25 yrs Old
Began 2021 with pain & deformity, Unknown cause
The bend has reduced significantly on its own, I'm left with 2 large lumps on each side at the base


I had mild pain erections the first month after the onset. After that only pain/discomfort while flaccid.

However yesterday night, about 10 months after the onset, I woke up with a very painful nte. I'm worried because I don't know what this new pain means: New injury? Progression? Nothing? who knows... this disease is more mentally challenging than physical.
39 yo. Onset Oct/20. 25ยบ dorsal bend 1cm before glans + high erection angle.
Pentoxifiline 400x3. Tadalafil 2,5. Vit E, D3, K2. Zinc.Omega3. Ubiquinol. ALCAR.
Traction with PMP.