Pentox and vitamin questions

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I've been on Pentox since April, along with ALC, l-arginine, ubiquinol, and Cialis.

How long do I have to take these meds for? I don't have any more erection pain, but my plaque is still the same size and shape (although some days it's almost nonexistent).

I'm asking because since I've been on all of these pills, my veins—especially on the side of my penis—are massive. I'm not sure if this is doing harm or not.

50° curve to the right at 33, narrowing, mild ED

implanted age 34 in 2021, Titan 20 cm + 1 RTE
Dr. Hakky


I was prescribed around the same time you were.. my prescription was for 1yr. I chose to end early this month. No point in staying on blood thinner any longer. There is a better chance you'l bleed out in a car accident than that pill doing anything to help Peyronie's disease (in my opinion)
35 yrs old
Onset 05/01/20 diagnosed 05/14/20. Taking Pentox, trental, multivitamin, Zoloft & Tylenol
Traction was painful and made it worse
Lateral plaque by glands 20 degrees left/ narrowing
Lost about 2cm length