Anyone used Mr David Ralph or Mr Tet Yap in London?

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Saw my surgeon today for a 3 month follow up and he as good as said that there is nothing further he can do for me.  So I am currently left with a 40 degree upward bend, and loss of 2 inches, following an incision and grafting surgery.

So before I give up completely, I am going to seek a second opinion.  I have heard people recommend Mr Ralph before, and someone else I have been talking to is due to have the same procedure my Mr Yap.

I just wondered if anyone on this forum has experience of either?

49 yrs old, Married
Peyronie's started 2016
Upward curve of 100 degrees  
Incision/grafting surgery in 6/2019.  Resulted in loss of length of around 1.5 inches, residual curve of over 40 degrees, some ED
12/2019 had failed skin anchoring procedure


Wish you lived by me man, I'd do all I could to get you help
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Avoid David Ralph, I cannot stress this enough. I had the worst experience with him, he messed up my operation for grafting. He's an irritable man who pretends to be nice at first but has this really weird attitude and has no empathy for his patients. I really wish I had known this or acknowledged the red flags before I agreed to surgery as I would have used someone else.

If you're in the UK I would say try Dr Paul Anderson in Birmingham. Not ideal if you live in London but a lot better than using this butcher.

Don't be fooled by his Professor title, find someone who genuinely cares about their patients. I've had the pleasure of consulting Dr Franklin Kuehhas in the past who is a wonderful human being and surgeon, a true credit to the urology profession. He only operates from Austria these days but I would say for Europe, Dr Franklin and Dr Paul would be your best bets.
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What was your issue with Prof Ralph? I had the Lue procedure (grafting) and he did an amazing job, being completely straight after a 90 degree bend with minimal loss of size.
55 years old 5 months post op LUE procedure with Prof Ralph in London to fix 90 degree bend to left. Currently doing Traction and VED to gain back 2 inches lost in length, which is going well. Taking daily Cialis and having great erections and sex.


He put my graft in the wrong place and wasn't even sympathetic about it, so I've gone through all of this for nothing. Do not use this man, there are so many other surgeons to choose from!!
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I had a similar experience with David Ralph a few years ago, he messed up the surgery I had for Peyronies leaving me with prolonged post-operative pain for at least 3 months after the op. I had to have psychological counselling to deal with the outcome and then had to fly to Austria to have it corrected. His actions not only left me with life long scarring which still causes me discomfort, he also had zero empathy for me and tried to get rid of me after he realised he messed up. He lied repeatedly to me about the outcome coming up with a different excuse every time to cover his tracks.

Using this surgeon was one of my biggest mistakes in life.
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Currently being treated by Mr Tet Yap at London Andrology. No complaints, all going really well. The clinic is flexible and really good at answering questions or addressing concerns. I also do not feel like he is trying to sell me various treatments just for the sake of it.
Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22


I am wondering if the bad experiences from Ralph are mainly due to grafting and not implants? Anyone have further insight on that?
29 y/o diagnosed 13 Jun 22.

went from a slight 30dg bend at glans to whole thing being deformed/loss of length over a year.

trying to find a way out of this all


Anyone actually find a solution to the grafting? Mine has retracted/thickened ?

Looking for answers.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


In 2018 (at age of 58) I went to the Tampere University Hospital for two transurethral resections of the prostate that both failed badly. The first one was done in August, it was carried out incorrectly against the instructions, and urination stopped completely. The second resection happened in November 2018.  It destroyed orgasm (about 2-3% left) and significantly weakened sensation. Also, it destroyed ejaculation and caused a widely-spread Peyronie's disease. Both surgeries were done by dr. Ala-Lipasti (beaware of him).
One year after the TURP surgeries Peyronies plaque was U-shaped, more than 270° around penis, causing upwards curvature ~60...70° and left curvature ~30...40°. Hour glass shape was existing. Also backwards bending (hinge) happened quite easily.
 I tried SWS (Shock wave), PRP, Xiaflex (4 injections), US-treatment, Tadalafil / Sildenafil for several months, different stretching devices, but no help.

During winter 2021-2022 and spring 2022 I contacted several clinics. Answers I got are shortly below:

Dr. Franklin Kuehhas – Austria: Penile straightening procedure based on an incision and grafting technique.
Dr. Augustin Fraile – Lyxurologia -Spain: Corporoplasty with tachoSil
Dr.Djinovic – Serbia: "The short answer – this is a complex case of Peyronies disease that can be successfully treated only by corporoplasty – reconstruction of tunica albuginea by grafting and relaxing incisions with simultaneous implantation of penile prosthesis.
Dr. Tobias Pottek – Germany: I have a lot of experience in surgical therapy of PEYRONIE´s disease. For the last 35 years I have done more than 1500 corporoplasties with different materials, the recent years more or less with TACHOSIL-patches. However, the best life-quality-results we see in patients who do not need surgery.
Prof. Dr. med. Georgios Hatzichristodoulou - Germany: No proposal before meeting.  Because of Covid meeting was not possible.
Dr. David Ralph - UK: Modification of a Nesbit Procedure called a Yachia which widens the narrow part at the same time as straightening the penis

I had to choose something and randomly I picked Dr. David Ralph.  Surgery was in May 2022 in London. Penile prosthesis was not an option for me, I couldn´t even think to having it.

2 weeks after the surgery:
Erections are good (same as before), but painful.
Mild (sometimes moderate) pain exists all the time.
Huge swelling is still present. It has decreased, but very slowly. There is so much swelling that
foreskin can not be pulled back. This worries me a lot.
Shortening is big, 5 cm. This is a real disappointment. Beforehand was told that shortening is max. 1cm. Stretching has not been possible so far because of swelling and pain.
Clear light, yellow fluid was coming out from the wound (under foreskin).
55° upwards curvature was measured in meeting before operation and 40° in operation.
Normally the curvature was 60...70°. The artificial erection was softer than normal and
this is the reason for difference. Left angle was 30...40°. Because of swelling it is difficult to see how much there is improvement.

4 weeks after the surgery:
Today it was possible first time to see the wound.  It seems that the stitches have ripped and the wound has opened almost half way. When asking, I got an message: "Professor Ralph has seen your email and images and advised that there is a little over granulation that we would normally treat with silver nitrate stick." I had that treatment.

6 weeks after the surgery:
The wound is still open. Swelling has decreased but very slowly and there is still quite a big lump under the skin.
Lengthwise there is no elasticity left, flaccid length is almost the same as erect length. This is bothering me very much.
The suture area looks quite strange.

12 weeks after the surgery:
Open wound had finally healed.

15 weeks after the surgery:
Still some swelling exists.

6 months after the surgery:
I´ve been using stretching device and vacuum pump daily since beginning of September (now for 3 months), but got really marginal or almost no improvement.  Before September stretching was not possible because of pain.
Biggest problem is numbness. Sensation has decreased clearly after the surgery. This and big shortening makes sex practically impossible, the target of the surgery did not succeed at all.
There is a big bulge under the penis. It seems that the corpus cavernosum is trying to expand, but the opposite side tissues can´t stretch and this is causing the big bulge.
Shaft is not as rigid as it was before operation.

1 year 3 months after the surgery:
All the same problems exist as before.  
Penis in not straight, it has strange S-shape, 30° curve upwards and 25...30°curve left.

THE SURGERY WAS A BIG DISAPPOINTMENT – things got worse than they were.
2 failed TURP surgery destroyed ejaculation, orgasm and sensation.
They caused severe Peyronies and nerve damage.
Erection is still left.
Peyronies since 2019, age 62.


Sorry to hear that Pete.

Not great to read as I'm considering Ralph as he's really my only option. Or if I can find others in the UK that'll do it for no cost under the NHS in the United Kingdom.

What surgery exactly did you have?

From what I'm reading around forums the implants seem to go OK with Ralph but any others like Grafting seem to have people left with negative experiences.
29 y/o diagnosed 13 Jun 22.

went from a slight 30dg bend at glans to whole thing being deformed/loss of length over a year.

trying to find a way out of this all


This was the plan:
"He has a significant waist due to his circumferential plaque although fortunately erections are good. We have changed our plan a little bit in that we will do a lateral patch on one side first and possibly on the second side and then possibly a Yachia plication to try to straighten things out."

Text after operation:
"waisting was corrected by a double saphenous vein patch placed longitudinally on
the left lateral side of the penis. This was then complimented with some plication sutures ventrally"
2 failed TURP surgery destroyed ejaculation, orgasm and sensation.
They caused severe Peyronies and nerve damage.
Erection is still left.
Peyronies since 2019, age 62.


Right so maybe plication surgery it seems? Don't want to make any assumptions though.

Such a shame as I feel time is of the limit with myself. I need to act now and choose a Dr in the UK who works under the NHS. I'll have to be on a waiting list still too.
29 y/o diagnosed 13 Jun 22.

went from a slight 30dg bend at glans to whole thing being deformed/loss of length over a year.

trying to find a way out of this all


Quote from: ohnoohno on September 25, 2023, 12:18:10 PMRight so maybe plication surgery it seems? Don't want to make any assumptions though.

Such a shame as I feel time is of the limit with myself. I need to act now and choose a Dr in the UK who works under the NHS. I'll have to be on a waiting list still too.

Have you checked with Dr Suks Minhas? I saw him privately initially for an assessment, and then he offered to conduct surgery if I wanted to go that way, for free under the NHS. Now he is listed as my specialist under the NHS, which has been great for advice and check ins.

Just a suggestion!
Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22


Quote from: FlatteningTheCurve on September 25, 2023, 05:41:26 PMDr Suks Minhas

Thanks FTC, I think I've seen this name pop up also. From googling I can't seem to find how many implants he does per year, do you know?

I'm of course looking for the best surgeons possible who deal with Peyronies (bad hourglass, shortening) and ideally ones that can bring back length.
29 y/o diagnosed 13 Jun 22.

went from a slight 30dg bend at glans to whole thing being deformed/loss of length over a year.

trying to find a way out of this all


When it comes to implants, I do not know. You will need to ask him about it.

I believe he mainly does plication and Nesbit surgeries, which would address most of what you say you are interested in except regaining length. But better to discuss with him or other specialist surgeons.

Best of luck!

Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22