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Another successful surgery by Dr Eid! Congrats floppy. Hope you have plenty of fun with it!  


For now I will stick with either a shower or soak in the tub as a pre flight check as far as deflating Im going to try to do it out of the water .
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


After a less than 48 hour rest it was time for round two. The first attempt was real good a test to see if it could get off the ground. Well round two was a lot more intense three different positions and a lot of hard thrusting. everything was going great till we tried cowgirl. After five minutes of grinding away I had to throw in the towel it hurt too much to continue more pain than pleasure. Although the pleasure was real I think its just a bit to early to be getting it on like that. I am still sore and I think I may just give it a few more days rest.  The woman on top position puts weight on the pump with the back and forth movements I think that that position should be one for a few months not three and a half weeks post surgery. ;)
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


As soon as you said you tried cowgirl at 22 days I actually yelled "NO!" under my breath.  You will be fine with that in about another month but for now, enjoy what works, especially since that still gives you many options.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I can hear you yelling flop-a-gone gone from here. Cheers man!  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Today a new journey begins in a few hours I will start the 1500 mile drive to my winter home in southwest Florida. 25 days post op and feeling pretty good just a few minor aches and pains but nothing at all like the first week. I actually think that we should call that" HELL WEEK" as we are not ready for all that happens in those first days and we wonder if this was really what we bought into. Then things start to stabilize. It's  so easy to look back and so very hard to see forward. I still have several things that need more time to settle in but with the experience I've gained from these last 25 days I'm confident that next week there will be one less issue and the next one less till they have all resolved themselves. There is no way that I can stress the fact that the single most important thing in this process is to choose the right surgeon the one that knows what he's doing the guy that has done so many of these that its second nature to him.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Instead of flop we now hear whop whop whop as the headboard hits the wall. Are you going to need a new headboard pal or are you just going to grind sand into it in sunny Florida? Cheers man. Glad all is well.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


It's 4 weeks to the day. My how time flies when your waiting for your Dick to heal lol. It's  been a long 4 weeks with some moments of regret and others with joy. This is a definite journey a long and winding road with hills valleys sharp curves and everything in between. The days now are a lot better but still not near the destination. I would guess that the journey ends some where near a point that you feel like it's the new normal, not that your trying to accept where you are, but being comfortable with the moment. There are still fleeting jabs of pain and a feeling of presence not always discomfort but you feel it's there and sometimes you would like to just forget about the whole thing for the better part of a day but the drill of cycling keeps that from being a reality at least for now. When I pump some times I can squeeze the pump to the point it is flat finger to finger others it seem to fight back sometimes it is so rock hard it literally feels like bone. The odd part is not every time is the same . Sex is doable but it feels a bit mechanical as I don't think that we have crossed the acceptance line completely. It's now kind of let's see if it works stick it in because you have not been able to for so long it's different it's not bad by any means but it's different. Enjoyability  is measured next to discomfort if one is at a higher level than the other that's the one that prevails.
This pump till it hurts then leave it there for 15-20 minutes is really no fun I wonder what the consequences of not pumping to pain would be would we be able to enjoy the implant as much if it were 1 cm shorter and we had no pain or is it in our head that we must do everything in our power to squeeze out every last millimeter of it so we feel that we can justify the whole thing. I'm rambling trying to make total sense out this new appendage that I'm now the owner of after having a different one for 66 years.
You guys that have had an implant for a year or more did you have similar feelings along the way is the period of acceptance the same for everyone or are some people just trying to present that everything is totally ok and they are not at all dissatisfied .
What about the satisfaction rate 95% satisfied 5% where do these people stand what is it did they miss something did their doctors not do things right or are they not able to disconnect from the past and be in the here and now.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


FNM, I read your post with great interest.  It is hard to say you know how someone else feels physically or mentally but I could easily believe you are physically very much right on pace with me (random little stabbing pains, minor discomfort, and constant awareness).  It at least seems what is different is your feelings about where you are and your satisfaction.  At one month there was no doubt I would have preferred staying at that stage of progression to going back to planning every sexual encounter and still choreographing the actual act to make it work.  I was exhilarated to be at that stage at month one,  especially knowing it was only going to get even better.  The difference may be that you were wise enough to jump on this within months of a prostatectomy and it took me 15 years (almost embarrassed to admit).  I clearly know the alternative and had it driven into my mind.

As I sit here and type I can squirm, squeeze my legs together and nothing even slightly suggests to me I have an implant.  If I grab my deflated dick through my clothes and feel around I can tell but I usually don't do that through the day.  My very first intercourse at day 21 was awesome even though I felt I had to hit a hot soak immediately when it was over.  You might want to consider a few mind games.  Forget sex for a couple weeks.  Concentrate on golf or whatever else interests you.  Wait until you and the wife are both really horny.  By that time you will be halfway to the 3-month plateau.  At 3 months 90% of your progress is behind you.  Go do something that takes full concentration like skydiving and see how neat it is to say "wow, I haven't thought about my penis all day.  Even a real competitive round of golf might do it.

I am very interested in seeing this develop over the next two months and look forward to your brutely frank assessment.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Don't get me wrong I'm totally on board with my decision and if anything I would agree with the statement that it was soon after the prostatectomy and if you compare where I was 6 months ago to where I am now the former was better but that's because it was still working so maybe the time frame is a point. I was a very horny guy with an equally horny wife and things were easy then came the Robot that killed it dead on arrival not a spark of Life could be injected drugged  or vacuumed to put it back to May 30 th before the operation.
So I could be a bit disconnected from what I'm at today the sex is good but there is still pain and that takes a lot away from the experience. Time is what I need to get over the pain I will be getting better I know. I see it happen on a regular basis but as all men I'm impatient and want it all now. I just got out of the tub after 40 good  pumps and I'm sitting typing this and I can't tell that twenty minutes ago I was gritting my teeth looking at the clock to press the escape button. Two weeks ago if I could have done 40 pumps I would likely have passed out from the pain . There is absolutely no doubt this is a "JOURNEY" and it takes a lot of time and perseverance. All good and cancer free!
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Tell your wife that you are going through 3 months of daily agony pumping up to just to give her an extra centimeter.  Maybe it will be at least worth your favorite dessert.

Dr. Eid does not instruct to cycle after you start having sex.  He doesn't care (according to Myra).

I have gained almost a half inch however and when I skip a day of cycling, I can feel it tight and discomfort the next day so I feel I am still getting some good out of it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


As I think that most women would tell you that it the girth that's most important as the nerves in the vagina are in the first few inches in and there is no real benefits to going to the bottom or bouncing off the cervix. I have not measured in two weeks but at that point the girth was at 6.75" and it may have stretched a bit more in the last two weeks. I think that Myra is partly right if your having sex on a somewhat regular basis then it's probably ok to just cycle on the days you don't, and once is more likely all it takes to keep things at a comfortable place. I don't know if we are looking at a senerio like after prostatectomy where things shrink from lack of use. I
Hope that's not the case.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1



6.75 " has to be a 1 in 500 or 1 in 1000 penis girth.  Several studies in both single-country studies and multiple-country studies indicate the average girth is 4.59".   That size has to totally rule out BJ's.  Maybe you better stop cycling because if you gain any girth your wife could have you locked up for assault with a deadly weapon.  Hmmmm, or maybe assault with a friendly weapon.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


@hawk what do you mean by ''Myra says he doesn't care? ''  


Basically, she conveyed to me that as long as you are inflating one or twice a week for sex, no other cycling was necessary after beyond 30 days post-op.

From other bits and pieces of his instructions and comments, I think it would be accurate to say his view is that it ultimately will make no difference in size.  He doesn't consider 1/4" worth talking about and he is of the view that it is only apt to shorten the life of the implant.

It is hard to disagree with him since he has been right about everything else he has said or projected about my progress and outcome.  I have slowly gained size but who is to say I would not have done that without cycling?  If I recall, in Merrix's journal he mentioned he continued to gain size through a period of not cycling.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


At a bit over a month I now feel about 90% last week was 80% I hope
To be at 100% by January 26th my three month mark. The most important thing that I will say is be cool relax think of the moment look down the road it's not a hundred  miles it's a few more
days till things change and it happens faster than we think at week one it's holly crap then at week two it's why is this not happening at week three it's things have got a bit better at week four it's why was I such a p~$$% things are pretty Good. When your cut up
In the most private place that only you know then it's minute to minute oh how difficult it
Is to have faith in the next few days
Life is good and getting better every single day.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


It's been a great journey with a bump Here and there but at the end of the day I couldn't be happier I have all and then some of what I started with and best of all it works just fine. What more could I ask for. Yea I could be a porn star but hen if I was who would I be F~
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Guys I'd like to thank all that helped me through the hard times the the first week or two  all
That was told to me by Dr. Eid was right on I wish all the best to everyone here and the new guys that come along I will check in from time to time but now it's time to do what everyone that takes this road  does. Go on with life and be thankful for the wonders of modern medicine and the skill of talented doctors that are committed to the  best they can do to make us feel like whole men again. Thanks  to my friend Hawk and my doctor J F Eid and Everyone that encouraged me along the way. This was a scary journey but at the end of the day it's worth it.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Another success story. Enjoy your implant! Take care. :)


Glad you are doing great.  Since you are only about 6 or 7 weeks in we are anxious to hear your later updates and your assessment.

I the the mean time, enjoy some golf in the sunny south.  Maybe this is your year for a hole in one.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks guys I have already had several hole in ones in the last
Two Weeks and I'm looking forward to many more. It's been 39 days and I forget it's there most of the time. Its  completely comfortable. After the first few days I was worried that I would not be able to get comfortable and feel normal. The staff at Dr. Eid's office told me at free weeks it would start to feel a lot better and by three months it won't bother me at all. I can't believe that it's less than half that time and it feels great. My wife loves it. Its better than it's been in a long time. Could not be happier with the outcome. I have read so many accounts of people at 5-6 weeks just starting  to cycle and issues with pumps and pain and floppy heads crossed over cylinders Infa pubic tubes in knots and on and on. Dr. Eid is so very good at what he does that I can only recommend him and him alone to anyone that has suffered from ED. I hope that this great surgeon will take someone under his wing and teach him to take over for him he is a master and will be very hard to replace. I'm very fortunate to have had the opportunity to be his patient  
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Good report.  Great to hear that things have settled in so well this early.  

Indeed it will be a sad day when Dr. Eid retires.  I seriously doubt there his equal in the combination of bedside manner, accessibility, genuine concern, and skill.  Skill is usually my main concern but having the first PI it is so important to have a doctor that cares and who will talk you through the concerns.   If I ever need a replacement I hate to think of looking around to find another surgeon.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


FloppyNoMore, thank you for that posts. There are days that are good that a little extra good news turns it into a great day.  It was a pleasure to read. Cheers man. Enjoy and keep doing well!  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


8 Weeks today WoW! When I started this journey back to being able to feel like a man I was quite apprehensive about the outcome. I wasn't sure of what to expect. There is a lot of talk about pain and problems to try to filter through. All that is behind me now and LIFE IS GOOD it gets better every day. I have been using it as much as I want with total confidence. Today I took a bath and I pumped till I was harder than i ever thought I could get, it's been three weeks since I pumped in a hot bath no pain compared to the last time. I would like to thank the guys that helped me through this and say you were right it really does get better and after a while its the new normal. Special thanks to Hawk for your support.
Enjoy the Holidays.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Reports like this are very encouraging to read. Have a great season enjoying your new toy!  8)


Well, its now three months since my implant. The new normal is that I feel like I have a semi all the time it's certainly not a problem just different. I have been happy with the outcome its not like the real thing but it sure beats the hell out of the alternative. When I have sex some of the time the tips are a bit uncomfortable not very bad but noticeable. I would say that after three months I don't think about it very often but the knowledge that its there is a comfort. All the best to all the guys that were there for me while I was in the healing phase Thanks.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Hey floppy! Interestingly,  I read some different accounts even here where people say they don't feel anything out of the ordinary after the healing period. Do you think there I. Any back fill?  


Quote from: FloppyNoMore on January 27, 2019, 09:23:36 AM
Well, its now three months since my implant. The new normal is that I feel like I have a semi all the time it's certainly not a problem just different. . All the best to all the guys that were there for me while I was in the healing phase Thanks.

You will continue to see improvement on you flacid. Try holding the release button and squeeze more fluid out of your cylinders paying some attention to the perineal area too.  You don't have to get it all out.  Merrix, others, and I have all discussed over the last few years that most of us do not get fully deflated at first which makes us feel like we have a semi.  It is much easier to do this if you do the deflate laying down. Soon you will find the extra help is not needed. It also helps your reservoir capsule to match full deflate level. Cheers.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders