18 years old. My story continued. Please read and give input/advice

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It's been since March since the trauma happened to my 70 percent erect penis. Since then it hasn't healed. I get the terrible tearing sensation in my penis at least once a week and every time my hope is crushed or I feel down. Now there is some scar tisuse in the area as well. Although the wound still feels like it hasn't closed. Fast forward to now and I have an appontment with dr levine in Chicago next month. I really hope he has a solution for me, even if it's surgical. Obviously doing nothing hasn't helped. I even abstained for 7 whole weeks. And it hasn't healed. I still get erections due to my good blood flow and young age and these obstruct healing.

I'm worried he may have nothing to help me. I have some questions for you guys.
1)my plaque is very close to the glans, would that make me a non candidate for any excision/incision surgery ?

2)since I still have "pain" and scar tissue, do you guys think levine will consider me a normal Peyronie's patient? (Which in my opinion, clearly I am not,) I believe the issue at hand hear is a wound not closing and an injury that is recurring, not a healing disorder. How would my penis ever be able to heal when I'm having raging erections ?????
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


Peyronies is essentially related to adhesions and keloids.  It is hypertrophic scaring where scar tissue does not only form to heal a wound which is, of course, normal healing but, overruns healthy tissue.  So regardless of the cause, or the trigger, if that is happening it is Peyronies.

Obviously, we have two huge disadvantages to Dr. Levine.  We are not doctors and we can't examine you.  With those two huge drawbacks, it is impossible to guess what he will conclude.  He might put you on pentox and see how you heal.  He might do something more or less aggressive.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


In all likelihood, Levine will not consider anything surgical until your pain is gone. He also may want to perform an ultrasound on your erection. As Hawk said, he may prescribe Pentox (which helps with inflammatory pain - it was a godsend for me) but will probably want to wait for a pain free state until any surgical options will be discussed.

Levine also may advise you to try traction, as he believes in that approach. But traction takes time.

It is difficult to be patient at your age but unfortunately that is what is required for this condition. There is no instant magic bullet. You are in excellent care with Dr. Levine. One of the best in the field, and I'd suggest you follow his directives to the letter.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


I appreciate the advice guys. But I do not think you guys understand... to be more specific. I DO NOT have erect pain, I only have pain if I have too many erections or hold one for too long and the wound opens up again. Then I have flaccid and erect pain. This has been happening literally since day 1 of the injury, before there was any scar tissue that had formed. I've been on pentox since DAY 1 of the injury. And been using H-100 since May. I most likely should've had a penile fracture surgery immediately after the injury. But doctors said everything was okay (idiots).

Hawk; I understand it's scarring trying to heal. If my wound was able to heal the first time with complete rest, I'm sure there'd be no scarring. Obviously if the wound keeps opening up over and over it's gonna have some scarring no question about that. that's with anything. If you keep opening up a cut on your skin when it finally heals there's gonna be some scarring. I understand any scarring is Peyronie's. But what I am saying is the MAIN issue here isn't the scarring st all. It's the fact that I feel a wound in my tunics that is not closing up. And I can physically feel the injury recurring recurring.

Frank: yes, you are right if he deems me as a normal Peyronie's patient, which would mean I have scar tissue in my penis that is not a wound or recurring injury but rather a wound that has already healed, or an overreaction to an injury. If that was the case I would not have these weird tearing sensations that ONLY happen if I have too many eréctions or hold one for too long.  There is no one on this site who has the same issue or has had. Traction is out of the question.. that will really not let the Wound heal.  I've "waited" for about 6 months, all that's happened is the injury recurring over and over and over. . What you are saying frank is what I am terrified of. I would be very disappointed if I flew to Chicago for levine to tell me to wait. I've been waiting...  
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.


I feel for you brother.  I'm dealing with issues related to Xiaflex (ruptured a vein and nerve damage).  Hearing "wait and heal" is so disheartening.  Try to stay positive man.  I know it's hard.  I feel the same way
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Since you have a very unique problem it is great you're consulting with one of the top specialists-if anyone can-hebwill be able to explain what's going on and how to address it.  For now, coping with the stress of waiting is your priority.  Do whatever helps, distractions such as watching movies or reading books, exercise, socializing w friends but talking about other issues, etc.  good luck man and let us know what the doc says.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Trav. My goodness, i feel for you man. Ill try reading your posts from now on.

Sanchez: thank you sanchez, I am glad that you realize my issue is unique. Thank you for the advice. I keep distracted through work and school,but work and school are stresses too, although not as intense as the stress of an injured penis. So i go out to distract myself as well. thank you man and i hope your recovery is only good from here.
Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.