Sizegenetics vs. Phallosan Forte Review

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I just received my Phallosan Forte after using the Sizegenetics traction device for 5 months.

Initial ease of use SG. The SG is easier to strap on to start out.
Comfort PF. With the PF you feel a consistent gentle stretch and there is no discomfort like the silicon noose and there is no slippage like the comfort strap.
Cost is a wash. However, SG offers a money back guarantee or a money back testimony with before and after photos. I am waiting to see if I get the testimony money back within the 30 days as advertised.

Overall I was pleased with the SG; however, the SG is somewhat impractical for wearing 6-8 hours a day which is necessary. My URO said no less than 4 hours a day and 6 is better when combined with Pentox.

I plan to provide updates on how much easier the PF becomes. One thing that isn't a problem with the PF that is with the SG is if you get an erection while strapping it on. With the SG, it is likely to slip off if you get an erection, not the case with the PF.

So far, I am pleased, but it has only been a little less than an hour and I plan to sleep with it to get my hours in.


Thanks for the comparison, good to know.

Unfortunately we don't have enough data to say one is more effective over the other for treatment.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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I will definitely keep the forum informed on the progress. I am convinced that the SG was able to keep my plaque from calcifying and I am ~5-7 degrees improved, something, but frustrating none the less because everybody wants quick results and that just doesn't happen.


How practical is it to use the phallosan while sleeping? I'm a side sleeper for one and tend to move about in my sleep, Im not sure if that sort of disturbance will affect me getting my hours in at night  


I tried sleeping with the Phallosan (actually, that's why I bought it in the first place), but after approx. two hours I always woke up and had to take it off. I guess it restricts the natural nocturnal erections...


I have to use a Phallosan as part of my post surgery therapy. It's certainly more comfortable now than it was. Maybe that's down to the reduction in pain post surgery. However, the thought of trying to wear it overnight or for 7-8 hours at a time is not a prospect I wish to contemplate. In short, it's nowhere near as comfortable as claimed, IMO.  


I have worn the PF at night and I have gotten maybe 2 hours in. With that said, I wore it for 11 hours during the day today and I didn't think much about it even during a meeting with a load of people. I only took it off to pee a few times and put it right back on. I am beginning to think that it is going to take 7-8 hours minimum a day to pull this thing out, pun intended! I can say without question, there is no way I would have been able to do this with the SG device.


Isn't sleeping with a traction device asking for trouble? one of the causes of penile fracture, although rare is when the penis is having nighttime erections, and you turn on top of it, bending the erection. And you are now attaching something to your penis, further increasing that risk?


I have never gotten an erection with traction in place. Fortunately, I never sleep on my stomach, back and side only. It isn't something I make a habit of. I'll keep it on for an hour or two. I can't really get into a deep sleep with traction on because it isn't comfortable enough to relax.


That's your call. I wouldn't do it for fear. In my case, of re-fracture. But another thing... i was checking the phallosan website, and i was impressed by their strength gauge on the side of the device! I thought about it before, how nice would it be, that these devices had some sort of gauge so we could use them safely and know how much force we are applying. The only thing i would say that we are missing now, is a ruler on the side of the phallosan, for optimal control on how to stretch.

What do you think Quackattack? overzealous here? how much for do you apply on the stop light gauge?  



The way the gauge works in relation to how tight the belt is. The tighter the belt the more pull on the penis and you will see the gauge move into the yellow zone. I am sure I could get it to red, but the belt would be very tight. Somebody with a large waist would have an easier time getting it into the red. As it is, I have about 3 inches till I am at the end of belt adjustment, so I might only just get it touching the red zone. I will say that the stretch is quite a bit different than a rod traction stretch. When I unstrap the PF and measure I am at 5.5 inches which is about the same as when I unstrap from the SG. With the SG my penis looks more elongated, but I think that is because the SG pulls the penis away from the body where the PF keeps it against the waist.


I'm aware that I still have some minor pain and discomfort from my recent surgery, but I find the Phallosan nowhere near as comfortable as is claimed. I do manage to get in around 6 hours a day, but I find it too uncomfortable to wear for more than 2-2.5 hours at a time.

As for sleeping in it, I wouldn't even contemplate it right now.  


Quack, John... Has any of you guys found some gains because of using the extender? Did your doctor recommend it in office?  



I started with the Sizegenetics and I saw about a 5 degree reduction at most in my curve to about 45 degrees. What I have seen is 3/4 inch increase in the flaccid length, no gain in erect length. My flaccid length is about 5 inches and my erect length is 4.25-4.5 inches because of my curve. I was 6 inches prior to Peyronies. Equally as important is I have not lost any girth and my erections are stronger that they have been since I was in my 30s. Because I didn't see the doctor my first visit and I saw a physician's assistant (a woman to boot) I got nowhere when I asked for a traction device, so I bought one. When I finally saw the URO, he said that he would have given me one.


Well... i don't understand it all.. I mean, how can your flacid be bigger than your erect penis?



While the girth isn't bigger flaccid, the length is because there is not curve flaccid. During an erection, the penis bends upward, showing less length. I am sure if I measured from the bottom along the shaft it would be longer, but along the top it would be much shorter. When taken from the side, overall, I am at ~4.5 inches erect and 5 inches flaccid. It sounds counter intuitive, but that is how it measures out.


Peyronies Brothers and Sisters,

I am currently using a Physiomed out of San Diego for traction. Just started.  Seems to work okay.  The problem is that the round base next to the  body, w/ a hole for Mr. Happy, seems unnecessarily thick.  Not a problem on the top where it hits my belly, but a problem on the bottom where the large width hits and puts pressure on the scrotum. Don't know why they don't make it w/ a thin ring of plastic. Even though they say 4-6 hours a day, if I do use it for extensive time, I probably would have to break the time up to 1/2 hours segments, so as not to risk pain down there.

But I digress.  My real question is with the hundreds of members on this forum and w/ the thousands of comments, have we come to any consensus as to which manufacturer makes the best and most comfortable traction device?  I am looking to buy another one, but am not as creative as some of you in gerrymandering.  I need to buy the best there is, and just use it "as-is" Just noticed that spellcheck changed the word peyronies on top to pyrenees, as in the mountain.  Changed it back, but ironic in that this is quite a mountain to climb. Maybe some sympathy from Apple.

Anyway, all comments on the best (regardless of cost) traction out there, would be most appreciated.




For me, and this is my opinion, it is hands down the Phallosan Forte. I also have a Sizegenetics and I can only wear that two hours or so at a time and not much beyond 4 hours a day because it is too cumbersome and isn't exactly comfortable.  With the Phallosan Forte I can keep it on 4+ hours at a time and the only reason that I take it off is to pee, otherwise I would wear it 8-10 hours without blinking. There are others that aren't as excited about the PF as I am; however, having the SG first and wearing that for 5 months and comparing the two, it is night and day.  Get the PF, you will be happy with it.


The massive problem being there is zero research behind how well the low level traction delivered by Phallosan works for Peyronie's. Not much point in being able to get 8+hours in if it isn't going to have any effect. We know getting 3+ hours in with a spring loaded traction device is going to help, as there are numerous studies providing that data. There are none on phallosan and peyronie's.

What tension is the device keeping your penis under while you are wearing it?
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Clearly, the only way traction helps with Peyronies is in an attempt to remodel the plaque. Whether that is best done with less traction over a longer time, or the reverse, is an interesting question.  


Very true jobinspain, an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It is possible that longer period lower tension traction is superior to shorter period higher tension traction. It is also possible that low tension traction does nothing at all no matter what the time frame.

Only spring loaded traction devices currently have studies backing them. That doesn't mean Phallosan doesn't work, it is just a bit more of an unknown than the more traditional devices. I would like to try one and find out sometime, going without traction for a while has a definite effect so I think I'd know pretty quick if it was having a similar effect to spring loaded devices.
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There may be more to traction than pure scar remodeling, it appears to reduce inflammation and actually degrade the scars. Maybe the definition of scar "remodeling" includes degradation, but here's some quotes anyway and some empirical evidence.

Stretching the penis tissue of rats showed that it "Decreases Soluble TGF-β1 and Type-1 Procollagen in Mouse Subcutaneous Connective Tissue,"

And in the 2016 review,

"In vitro, PTT decreases alpha-smooth muscle actin and increases matrix metalloproteinase activity within the treated tissue. Ultimately mechanotransduction via tissue traction leads to collagen degradation and scar remodeling, as evidenced by the reorientation of collagen fibrils in line with the direction of applied force."

I find that stretching my penis for merely a few seconds rids me of deformity from sitting or from sexual activity. When my bending is severe from sexual activity, if I stretch it by hand gently for five minutes I am almost completely back to normal, and if I do not do this it usually worsens. I suspect that stretching the tissue allows hematomas to drain and gets the blood moving and the inflammation out. That's my hypothesis at least.



I have the Phallosan as that's what was recommended by my surgeon. Of course, in my case it's to prevent retraction of the grafted tissue. As the Phallosan can be worn for longer periods than the traditional devices it was deemed to be the best bet.

Unless a study of some sort is performed, I guess we won't know the answer. Myself, I've never been a fan of the 'noose' type systems that basically strangle the penis to hold it in place. The one I had seemed to practically cut off the blood supply entirely.

I used the Andropeyronies device for an extended period. Wearing it 4-6 hours per day, it still did absolutely nothing to remodel my calcified plaque or to make any reduction in curvature.  


Good discussion.  Seems that for traction:

1. Phallosan has been described as good

2. Size Genetics lesser so

3.  Andropeyronies - lesser as well

Are there others to consider or is this our very limited universe?  Does anyone have experience w/ Physiomed from San Diego.  That was the one recommended by Dr. Levine when I saw him a year ago. It is spring loaded, and reasonably complicated to understand and use.  Don't know how concealed the first 3 can be.  But I could never wear the Physiomed out in public.  It sticks out so much, I'd have the womens following me like the Pied Piper.


Yep NeoV, that specific thing is something I've been meaning to do some deep research on. Mechanical forces on tissue can have a whole host of effects. This specific study is not related to Peyronie's, but is interesting - Involvement of Mechanical Stress in Androgenetic Alopecia

This is a little bit sciency but bear with me:

QuoteTransforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ-1) is related to fibrosis by upregulating extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis in many tissues[10] and it causes epithelial inhibition in hair follicle,[11] so it seems to play a fundamental role in AGA pathogenesis. Moreover, TGFβ-1 overexpression is induced by androgens in balding dermal papilla due to enhanced androgen sensitivity.[12] Inui et al. have shown that this androgen sensitivity of dermal papilla cells is regulated by androgen receptor (AR) co-activator Hic-5/ARA55, a focal adhesion associated protein belonging to the family of paxillin.[13] Although Hic-5 is located predominantly in the focal adhesion, it can also be found in the nucleus[14] where it could directly affect TGFβ-1 gene expression in association with AR and dihydrotestosterone. Interestingly, a triggering stimulus that can alter the inactive standby status of Hic-5 is the deformation of the cytoskeleton by physical forces;[15,16] therefore, mechanical stimulation can promote overexpression of molecular signals implicated in AGA pathogenesis.

The above is how a specific protein activates androgen receptor sensitivity. Now the interesting thing is the study suggests that specific protein is activated by mechanical stress. So we at least know to a certain extent that traction forces can cause changes far beyond the simple stretching of plaques etc.
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Physiomed = Fast Size and that is no different that Size Genetics in terms of the design and all other spring-loaded rod devices.



I have a Phallosan Forte and it has proven to be a problematic thing for me.  I am guessing for two reasons -- 1) my foreskin seems to be more than what I see on the video instructions.  (I am circumcised but apparently not as much as "average.")  Having a lot of foreskin makes it difficult to fit it on with the cap, so I've been just placing the condom directly on my penis.  I have to use a rubber band lightly on the bottom of the condom to get it to hold.  2) I've always had plenty of girth but now with the Peyronie's there is not the length.  Gosh, why won't they use a guy in the video on how to wear it who's closer to normal instead of the model they chose?  Consequently trying to pull on my glans to get it up into the condom with as little foreskin as possible (even with a semi) so I can benefit from the pull is becoming a challenge.  

Add to that my small bladder and need for hydration because I am still as physically active as I can be at age 55, going through the re-attachment after each bathroom break is bugging me.

While I don't want to spend another 3-4 hundred bucks I am considering a rod-spring traction device.  They seem to use more of a "push"-type stretching instead of the "pull"-type of the Phallosan Forte.  

Any help or thoughts are appreciated.



The rod type traction devices like the SG are totally pull in their function. If you are having trouble needing to go to the bathroom, wear it at night. If you can pee at 10 or so and last throughout the night you will get 6 hours of stretch in. I have no problem wearing it throughout the night, plus another 4-6 hours a day so I can get 12-15 hours in per day.


Guys please be very careful and use caution. I used traction for 10 days 3 hours/day and destroyed my penis.  


Caution certainly is required, but if you're careful the rewards are worth it. I've used traction for between 3 and 6 hours a day for a long time now.  
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

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I am with you on the rod traction device because I think they pull harder than the PF from my experience with both.


Apparently not (re the tension). I have always assumed it provided much less tension, hence my referring to phallosan as a low tension device, but the company says otherwise, with tensions going from 0.4kg all the way up to 3kg (way too much). I'm going to get one and try it out, will post a review.  
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

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Quote from: QuackAttack on March 19, 2016, 10:36:24 PM

The rod type traction devices like the SG are totally pull in their function. If you are having trouble needing to go to the bathroom, wear it at night. If you can pee at 10 or so and last throughout the night you will get 6 hours of stretch in. I have no problem wearing it throughout the night, plus another 4-6 hours a day so I can get 12-15 hours in per day.

I wish it were that easy.  On a good night I only wake up once to pee.  Twice is almost as often.  And I tried staying up till I pee and then putting it on and going to sleep -- in addition to what I do during the day.

I am confused as you say they are both "pull".  I know the PF pulls the penis with the shaft from the base; whereas it seems the rod type devices "push" from the base of the penis OUT.  Obviously both stretch it, but I thought the rod devices lock in on the base then spring outward from there, which seems like "push" to me.


In both cases there is something at the base of your penis. With the SG or other metal rod device, it pulls away from your body. With the PF it pulls to the side (left or right). Pushing would be inward on the penis in my opinion. Bottom line, the PF is significantly more comfortable and I have worn both.


So for us guys with a uncut penis, just how much trickier is using the Phallosan? I feel that using a standard TD such as SG or Jes, having foreskin in the way, is just that, in the way. Can the Phallason do it's vacuum trick the same, not that I am clear just how it works from their website anyway.


I don't own or have used a PF, but wouldn't you just pull the foreskin back to attached the device to the head of your penis?
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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I agree that most of the time, the simplest solution is the best. but in this case, when flaccid, there isn't a whole load of flesh that is "clear" of the foreskin, I don't know, but I imagine the Phallosan requires a reasonable amount of flesh to apply it's vacuum effect to else it's just too much negative pressure acting on a relatively small area of delicate flesh. All too often manufacturers use male models who are fairly well endowed, not average. So in practice how much flesh does the Phallosan cap need. An earlier poster here mentions difficulty despite being circumcised.