taking both Viagra and Cialis at the same time

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Hi all,
Has anyone tried taking both Viagra and Cialis at the same time?
I take 5mg of Cialis daily except for when I take 100mg Viagra when needed, it seems to be getting less effective for me and most literature I've found says don't take both at the same time.
Has anyone survived to tell the tale? And if so what strength doses did you take please?


I survived to tell the tale :)
I am taking 5 mg Cialis daily in the evening/night.
If I am taking Viagra "when needed", I am not taking the Cialis on the same day.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hi James,
Thanks for the input but we're doing the same, at the moment I'm not taking them within 24hrs of each other. I'm considering taking Viagra and Cialis within 1 or 2 hours of each other.
I may check my blood pressure and start with 50mg of Viagra and 5mg Cialis.
If it works I'll pass on results  ;)


And there is something i wouldn't do... lol make sure you have someone around to take you to the hospital, if things hit the fan... good luck!


I would NOT do that.  Both contribute to lowered blood pressure, and you could put yourself unconscious or worse.


Thanks guys, I appreciate the real concern, my thinking is that the blood pressure lowering component of the drugs is linear, so the more taken the lower the blood pressure and so taking half the amount would lower only half as much.

Of course if the drugs act like a switch on the blood pressure then it would lower it doubly, the only fly in the ointment is that I don't know the mechanism behind the lowering.

Any thoughts? (Apart from "what a stupid n*b", I'm not ready to die for the cause yet)
Thanks again.



From my experience:
* Taking 25 mg Viagra I have no side effects, 50 mg have some headache and light visual disturbances, flushes, 100 mg much more.
* Taking 5 mg Cialis I have no side effects, 10 mg have some headache and light visual disturbances, flushes, 20 mg much more. Both 10 mg and 20 mg Cialis didn't helped me at all with erection, I had also excessive sweating and bad back pain.  
From the above my conclusion is that taking higher dosage lowering the blood pressure less. I have a blood pressure testing device, check it practically and it is as I am thinking.
In my opinion, taking 50 mg Viagra with 10 mg Cialis will result in having the same side effects like 100 mg Viagra or 20 mg Cialis taken alone.
If I was you and really want to make the experiment, I was trying first 25 mg Viagra with 2.5 mg Cialis and increase gradually.
Do not see my post as an encouragement to do the experiment you are intending to do.
Just putting down my logic.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Excellent information, thanks James.

This doesn't encourage me, I'm very slow to make decisions and quite happy to back off if the end result looks like not worth it.

I'm trying to increase the intended effects of the drugs without increasing (or even lowering) the side effects, I can barely breathe using 100mg Viagra and only obtain a 6 on the scale, Cialis has no side effects noticable until I take 20mg and then I get a little congestion but I only get a 5 on the scale.

As an aside, I recently had a doppler and the 20mg jab had virtually no effect on me  :(

I'm not ready to give up yet.


Hi there! I've tried combining Viagra and Cialis a few times, taking 5 mg of daily Cialis along with 50 mg of Viagra when I needed a stronger effect. The combination did intensify the results, but it also increased side effects like headache and stuffy nose, so it wasn't ideal. Over time, I found that just using Cialis alone at a slightly higher dose works better for me because it provides a more natural and consistent effect without the harsher side effects of taking both medications together.
Viagra (Sildenafil) I always buy only in a trusted pharmacy, always high quality and effect:
Buy High-Quality Viagra (Sildenafil)


My small suggestion is that it is better to take viagra alone or Cialis alone. If you want to take viagra and cialis, then you should seek doctor advice is best option to improving your relationship health.  
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I've combined 100mg Viagra and 40mg Cialis on multiple ocassions.

You may experience increase in side effects.

Taking paracetamol helps.
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