What's the best traction device for Peyronies?

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Not taking cost into consideration, what's the best traction device for correcting dorsal (upward) curvature? Is the Penimaster Pro good for correcting curvature, or simply gaining length? Has anyone tried the Andropeyronies specifically designed for Peyronies? Any input is appreciated.  


There are quite a few posts already on this topic.


Many of the traditional traction devices work essentially the same way by strapping the head of your penis into a cradle and tension applied by spring loaded support rods.
Several have commented on the penimaster pro which uses suction to attach the glans and supposedly can be worn for longer periods of time.


Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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Yep I've already read that thread as well as most of the others comparing traction devices already up. As for the PeniMaster Pro with its vacuum suction cup, that's the new trend for traction devices, as this seems to be a better design than the strap, and lets users use the device for longer periods. Most of the newer high-end devices use the suction cup.

I'm leaning towards the PeniMaster Pro, though I just want to clarify this is good for treating Peyronies and correcting curvature. And if anyone knows of any other promising devices (money is no object), please post.  


I too am new to this forum and the idea of traction. My urologist discounts it as cumbersome and has suggestion a Lue plication surgery, which I'm not a fan of. I've read others that like the X4 device, and was wondering if anybody has had success, failure(and returning the item, as it has a 6 month guarantee. Also the PeniMaster Pro has its downside with 'hickies'. I've been using daily 5mg Cialis, pentoxiphyllin 400mg 3 times daily, vit e 400iu twice daily and co-q 100mg twice daily-no noticeable difference yet.  



You are mentining that your treatment doesn't work.
How long time you are in this treatment?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


BBB can you elaborate on the "hickies" problem with the PeniMaster Pro? And it looks like the X4 uses the strap instead of the suction head. I'd be interested to here people's experiences with any of these devices.

And I too have been taking everything BBB is taking, as well as a whole lot more, for about 8 months now to no avail. At most, all those oral supps and meds only slowed the progression of the disease. I am young though, and young guys with Peyronies tend to have much more aggressive plaques from what I've read.

Actually I'm not taking daily 5mg cialis as BBB is, as I have to pay $7/pill for it, so I take it about 2-3 times a month. I get erections every day though.


Craig-I've only read that the PeniMaster Pro produces hickies from the suction-in other forums. I've been on these meds for about 3-4 months. I'm not young (63)-but an upward bend, slight hour glass, 1-1/2-2 inches shorter and really discusted with the look of my penis. Craig-you can get a one month supply of Cialis 5mg FREE from the drug company-just go to their website, get a script from your urologist and bingo.....that should help. I've read that these meds MAY help with the fibrotic tissue so taking them daily should be something to consider.


Craig, in terms of versatility, I find that the "egobooster silicone device system" is ideal.

Check it out:


You can wear it outside and during work without an unwanted huge bulge in your pants.

The only negative is that after wearing it a while, the suction causes small puffy blister like marks. However, they rub out in seconds so it's not a huge negative. You can wear it an hour to an hour and a half, take it off, rub the glan, then put it back on again. The on off procedure is significantly faster than the standard traction devices.

** I do not sell or have any financial interest in the aforementioned product and is posted simply for informational purposes of the members of this forum. **
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Thanks, but I'm a little hesitant to use a $33 device from ebay. I think the more expensive ones like the PeniMaster Pro would be a lot safer. I even heard the AndroPenis was a piece of crap, so I think I'll go top of the line, and pay up for quality.

As for the Cialis free trial, I think I'll try to get that. That's $210 worth of free Cialis in my case. Does anyone know if Cialis is available in generic form, or if its available cheaper online? I found a website for a Canadian drugstore online that will sell it at like $2.50/pill, but I don't know if its legitimate. I definitely don't want to be taking fake Cialis.  



Can you post the link for this Canadian drugstore? You may get opinions regarding the specific supplier.
I am buying from one, riverfarmacy, and had no problem with they supplied products.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thanks for the Riverpharmacy tip. I just checked them out and unfortunately 10mg Cialis is their lowest dose. I think 5mg may be too much for me, and I may try 2.5mg instead. After taking a 5mg I get annoying spontaneous erections every time I lay down, for like 4 days straight. But hey, if it helps the condition I'm willing to put up with this.

As for the online Canadian pharmacy, I can't find the original one I was looking at, but price wise this one seems to be better.

Buy Cialis Tadalafil Online Without Prescriptions. No Prescription Needed. Only $1.79. Order Cialis Tadalafil Online Without Prescriptions. Cheap Cialis Tadalafil Online No Prescription.

Has anyone used this site or know if they deliver to the U.S.? At $1.48 a pill I would be saving a lot of money.  


Craig, you can spend as much money as you like but the concept and design are not rocket science. The basic concept is a suction cup attached to a bungee cord which is then anchored to your ankle by velcro. I'm using it right now and it does everything a more expensive device will do except it's easily concealed and is simple to put on and off.

I'm sure you already know this but paying more money for something does not mean it's better.
Got Testosterone?


Brilliant thought Matt, just because something costs more, doesn't mean it's better. Craig, as far as the FREE Cialis goes, just go to the Cialis website, as long as you have a prescription-you can get it filled for FREE. They are 5mg, but if that is too much for you, buy a cheap pill cutter, and you now have a 2 month supply.....Also brilliant!


Moderator: We discourage quoting full quotes from the previous post. This was removed

Is this just for the 30 day free trial, or can you keep getting it filled for free? And is Cialis safe to chop in half? A lot of pills have protective coatings that are designed to make the pill survive until a certain point in the digestive system (often the small intestine) before breaking and releasing their contents. Some pill contents also eat your enamel, so probably not the best idea the break the protective outer layer on these.

As for the $33 ebay device, I see a few issues with this. How do you know how much tension you're putting on the penis, and is this tension adjustable? Also, wouldn't the tension be variable, and change as your ankle gets closer and further from your penis as you walk, or get up and sit down for example? And does this device ever slip off? Do you have to tape the bungee cord to your leg to avoid it showing through your pants?


Quote from: Craig on July 21, 2013, 03:37:58 PM
Is this just for the 30 day free trial, or can you keep getting it filled for free? And is Cialis safe to chop in half? A lot of pills have protective coatings that are designed to make the pill survive until a certain point in the digestive system (often the small intestine) before breaking and releasing their contents. Some pill contents also eat your enamel, so probably not the best idea the break the protective outer layer on these.

My primary care doc has given me the free sample cialis packet. It's easy and honored at any drug store. He's also given me the free samples the drug reps give him. It's just for a 30 day supply as far as I know. I end up paying $140 out of pocket to fill my 5mg cialis script because my insurance won't cover it.

I've read it's not recommended to break cialis in half. They do make a 2.5 dosage.


Quote from: MtnSurf on July 21, 2013, 10:00:25 PM

I've read it's not recommended to break cialis in half. They do make a 2.5 dosage.

Repeated quote removed by moderator

Yes it is safe to break them in half, cialis are just film coated, so it has nothing to do with the function of the pill. Is just for presentation and taste (lack of).
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Hi Craig.

As for the $33 ebay device, I see a few issues with this. How do you know how much tension you're putting on the penis, and is this tension adjustable?

Yes, the tension is easily adjusted. Since this is a far more simple device than a full blown expensive traction device, there's no gauge to determine precisely how much tension you are applying. You have to go by what is comfortable then add on some extra tension.

Also, wouldn't the tension be variable, and change as your ankle gets closer and further from your penis as you walk, or get up and sit down for example?

Absolutely. Since that is the case, personally, I find a tension that rides in between the two actions. That way, the tension is relatively stable no matter what I'm doing.

And does this device ever slip off?

I've never had an occasion where it slipped off.

Do you have to tape the bungee cord to your leg to avoid it showing through your pants?

No, not at all. The bungee cord is very thin and holds close to your leg. The only way anyone would know that you are wearing this device is if you were wearing shorts. I wear dockers or jeans and you would never think I have something on underneath.

Also, I can put the device on or off in about 45 seconds. That's great if you have to take a piss real bad and need to get it off.

Here's what I recommend:

If you have the money, buy both. Buy a full-blown traction device to use at home. Then, also buy this device as well to use when you're at work or running errands or anywhere outside the home.

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Thanks for answering all my questions Matt. Buying a high-end full traction device for home use, and this for outside the house use is exactly what I was thinking. I think I'm going to order the top package PeniMaster Pro very soon, and it may already come with a portable system such as this, as it has a few different options on how to wear it. One thing I would be weary of for the ebay extender is the lack of adequate product testing, as there probably wasn't much product/safety testing if they're selling it for that cheap. I think a lot of the cost for a high-end expensive extender goes towards the fixed costs of product/safety testing done by the manufacturer, as well as potential liability. Maybe this is more important for VEDs, but anything I put on my penis I hope is adequately tested and won't malfunction.  


Craig, I can certainly appreciate your concern. If the device were not so simplistic bearing a well-known technique for traction, I would have been weary of it as well.

Nevertheless, it sounds like you have a good plan so good luck on your protocol.

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If the PeniMaster Pro complete set doesn't come with anything that I can effectively wear outside the house (that can't be seen under pants), I may have to get something like this ebay one. Looking at the ebay one, is that water bottle looking thing the part that goes over your glands? Is this comfortable? It looks like it wouldn't be very comfortable, especially compared to the VacExtender 3 or PeniMaster Pro glands suction things.  


@Craig, you may want to checkout the "phallosan" stretcher. Some users on this site have said it's pretty comfortable and they can easily wear it under clothes for longer periods than the tension, spring loaded type traction devices. I wouldn't use it exclusively though because it don't think you'll get enough tension to really stretch things. I'm thinking about getting one to wear outside the house and sticking with my Fastsize traction device for around the house.


Craig- Your original question was "whats the best device, cost not withstanding". I too have an upward curve, about 45 degree with a 25 degree twist to the right. I use a Size Genetics device. Pricey yes. But user friendly and basically comfortable to wear based on how your sitting. It seems to help the twist and last weekend was the first time I've been able to have sex in the missionary position since I got Peyronies. Regards Inkhorn  


Using the device I got off eBay, I spend 30 seconds putting it on and when I have to take a piss, it takes seconds to take off and 30 seconds to put back on as I stand over the toilet in the stall. Makes it very convenient for me.

Now that I've been using it regularly for a few days, I can wear it longer and longer before I start getting any fluid build-up in the glan (head).

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I hope this question is in the right thread. I was told by someone that when wearing the device, there should be more traction on the side of the curve. Can anyone confirm or comment on that? Thanks Inkhorn


To Inkhorn, I too am wondering if the side that's tethered with plaque should get more stretching than the rest of the penis. The VacExtender 3 from Autoextender.com comes with a "V-stretch" part that lets you do exactly this, and from the pictures it looks like this could be perfect for my upward curvature.

To MtnSurf, looking at the Phallosan stretcher video, it looks like you have to stretch the penis to either the left or right when wearing the belt attachment. Is this true, or can you attach it to your ankle? Stretching it to the left or right with pressure for prolonged periods would seem uncomfortable, painful, and possibly damaging in my case I think.

To Matt, you just brought a huge issue with the vacuum head extenders to my attention. I don't know about you guys, but every time I pee, I get the "dribbles" afterwards, and a decent amount of urine continues slowly dripping out for a couple minutes afterwards. I'm wondering if I can put a piece of paper towel or kleenex into the vacuum head to soak up the urine, or if this will increase the risk of a urethral infection.  


Craig- I use the Size genetics. It has screws on either side to adjust the tension, and very easy to make one side different than the other. I have been using it with increased tension on the bad side, since I was told by a former user who claimed to have great success with that technique. Still like you I'm wondering if others on the forum employ that system. Regards Inkhorn

Old Man


If you use jockey type shorts when using the extender device and have room inside them, try using an incontinence pad inside. They have sticky glue on them and they work great for my stress urinary dribbles due to prostate cancer surgery way back in 1995.

I use a brand from Walmart called the Guardian pads. They work great and the package contains 52 pads at a reasonable cost. I use only one per day unless I work outside and get a lot stress leakage.

Old Man  
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


@ Craig, I haven't tried the Phallosan stretcher yet. Yes, in the video it shows the penis being pulled to the left or right towards the hip pointer bones. I don't seen why you couldn't set it up to pull downward & strap it some where above your knee. I wouldn't strap it below the knee because you may extend your knee or move in a way that would pull too much on your dick. I also don't see why you couldn't hang the strap around your neck & point it straight up.


Old Man, how do these incontinence pads work exactly? Do you tape them do the glands, and would they fit inside the PeniMaster Pro vacuum head? I seems like it'd be a bit tight in there with my glands inside it, and not a lot of extra room.

As for stretching my dick straight up with the Phallosan, I don't think I'd want to do this, since the top of my dick is what I need to stretch most, so downward would probably be best.

When my PeniMaster pro arrives, I'll have to see if it puts an adequate stretch on the top of my dick, or if I need to order the size genetics or VacExtender 3.

I also just learned about the Vitallus Plus which apparently combines VED and traction (it's a traction device that uses low vacuum pressure on your whole dick for up to 10 hours a day). Has anyone tried the Vitallus Plus?

Old Man


The incontinence pads that I am talking about are the ones that stick to the inside front of jockey shorts. They are meant only for incontinence after surgery, etc. However if you can find room in the shorts after putting the traction device in place, the pads might work for you. Another option would be to wear the incontinence ''panties'' that are used for older guys/gals who are totally incontinent, both feces and urine.

Some of the guys who are into the traction and have the same problem should come forward and advise you what they do, etc.

Since I have never used the traction devices I am at a total loss as to any good information about them. Pose the question to others who use the device and they should give you the benefit of their experience(s).

Sorry if I misled you about the pads.

Old Man  
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Re traction devices. I have been using the Andropeyronies device for some 3 weeks now. I'm not very impressed. Firstly, it's uncomfortable, you would have trouble wearing it for more than 2 hours without a break. Secondly, trying to keep the damn thing from continually slipping off, is another problem.

It's efficacy as a traction device has still to be shown. But, would I buy another one?  No, definitely not.



I had the same issue with the Andropenis and after reading several other suggestions on this board, I bought the Vac3 Extender to modify it and it really is much more comfortable. I was also concerned with the Andropenis strap creating a noose effect just behind the glands. I was worried it could cause further damage.

The Vac3 Extender from autoextender.com was not too expensive. I bought extra tape and extension rods and then a complete new extender as I live between two locations due to work. I have worn it for as much as 12 hours in a single day, the most was 4 hours at one time although I won't do more than three hours at a time any more. I think you really need to relax the tissue in between.

I just ordered the V-Stretch device from them as well which you place on the extension rods to cause your penis to bend either up or down depending upon where your plaque is located. Mine is on the dorsal (top) side of my penis so I will put the V-Stretch on the top of the rods so that it will cause my penis to bend over it in a downward direction, forcing the plaque to stretch even further. It should arrive any day now and I am anxious to use it. It makes sense to me logically although this disease doesn't make any sense to me at all.

My urologist recommended the Andropenis and told me the wear it facing downward since my plaque is located on top (therefore I curve upward).


I hate P.D.
Thanks for that, I will take a look. Yes, I too have plaque on top, and on the left side - I think about 1.5cm total.  I will take a look at the Vac3 -extender now.


Thanks Old Man. I don't think my incontinence is that bad though, I just have a little leakage. Nothing that shows through my pants so its not too bad.

I Hate P.D., let me know how the VacExtender 3 with the V Stretch works out for you. I was highly considering buying that.  


Ive had great results with the phallosan, until recently I was stuck at around 10 degrees to the left after wearing the andro device for 6 months, in the last few weeks Ive noticed its nearly straight now. The dent on the left is gone.  I still have a minor upward curve. Not sure what I gained as I never measured it prior but I think I regained what I had lost. Ive worn it to the right to correct my left side deviation and dent.  I did have some initial problems with the phallosan, over pumping gave me the hickies mentioned in the forum. Once I stopped overpumping that its been fine. I wear it all day at work, nobody knows. I don't sleep in it though as its too uncomfortable with morning erections. The only other supplement/activity I added to usual ones mentioned on the forum has been Tumeric and Yoga which coincidently stopped all pain during erections and my tennis elbow :). im guessing its been the anti inflammatory effects and better circulation.  


Tumeric and yoga???? What is your routine, as I also have tennis elbow! Life has really been sucking lately.


I am also interested in the brand and dosage of tumeric you are taking.  thank you.  
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


I do 2 sessions a week and I stretch every morning for about 20 minutes.  Really focus around the hips. I buy organic turmeric from the supermarket  it's cheaper than the pills and just as good. I take a third of a teaspoon mixed with a little olive oil in a shot glass ;)
Apparently helps the absorption and it looks cool.  


Thanks for the Riverpharmacy tip. I just checked them out and unfortunately 10mg Cialis is their lowest dose. I think 5mg may be too much for me, and I may try 2.5mg instead. After taking a 5mg I get annoying spontaneous erections every time I lay down, for like 4 days straight. But hey, if it helps the condition I'm willing to put up with this.

As for the online Canadian pharmacy, I can't find the original one I was looking at, but price wise this one seems to be better.

Buy Cialis Tadalafil Online Without Prescriptions. No Prescription Needed. Only $1.79. Order Cialis Tadalafil Online Without Prescriptions. Cheap Cialis Tadalafil Online No Prescription.

Has anyone used this site or know if they deliver to the U.S.? At $1.48 a pill I would be saving a lot of money.  


Whats the best non-suction traction device for an upward curve. I need to buy one ASAP!!!



You can cut the 10 mg Cialis in 2 or 4 to get 5 or 2.5 mg.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I don't think there is one 'gold standard' traction device. With some slight differences most work pretty much the same by accommodating some way to strap the head of your penis in a plastic noose and then using spring loaded traction rods to place tension on the penis.

Some people have recently posted about a device called phallosan which uses a different technique to secure the glans and place traction on the penis but I haven't seen one and don't know much about it. I personally purchased and used a device manufactured by 'Fastsize' but I don't believe they are in business any longer and other brands are taking advantage of the 'fastsize' name.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I concur with LWillis,

I have a X4labs that I am very satisfied with.  The key is just make sure that it has tension rods with springs which all but the cheapest cut-rate rip -off would have.  I like that the X4labs includes both the wide strap or the optional noose attachment so you can use the one you prefer or alternate them.  At the time X4labs was the only one that included both but now some other brands may also include both.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I have been using the Size Genetics brand for about 6 months. It also has stainless steel spring loaded rods, a noose and a strap. I only wear it 1 hour in the AM and follow immediately with 15 minutes of VED. It's probably one of the most pricey,but you get what you pay for. Regards Inkhorn  


It was very interesting reading all the comments on the Traction Types and Methods.  My question is;  Where Do You Get Them From ??  I am very clever and could make my own, however, I would like to see the ones that are mentioned.   I have Lost 4" of my previous 6 1/4" inches of length and a lot of girth.  It looks like an 8 year old boys erection.  The calcified ? plaque extends from almost the tip of the glans to my prostate.  I can have a small enjoyable orgasm, however the 'ejaculate' is blocked by the plaque hourglass that totally encompasses my penis.  It's a painful pleasure which feels pretty good, and it does satisfy my requirements for sexual arousal for quite some time.  That said, I work on not getting aroused and do not get attracted to females by using mental deflection thinking.  When I pull on the glans and stretch my penis [ non erect ], it feels like there are muscles deep inside that are holding and pulling my penis back to it's short length.  I ponder if the muscles can be cut off from my deep interior penis shaft.  I tend to feel that that would release the length, and hopefully the girth.  The muscles are quite strong, and have a firm grip on my smaller shaft.  Any advice or comments are welcome,.. please.



I will try to answer to a few of your questions:
If you will make a google search regarding traction devices, you will find where to buy.
On this topic you may find what people are thinking about the different traction devices.
The "muscles" you feel are not muscles, they are ligaments that connection the penis to the bones.
Some people are making they penis longer (including with implants) by releasing the ligaments so you will get longer penis.
The disadvantage is that your penis will point down when erect (not up as usual) so you will need your hand to insert it for intercourse.
By the way, I got back more than 1/2" using VED, Pentox and low dose Cialis.
Measured to the pubic bone when flaccid, how much is the stretched length?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I took a couple of months off from VED and traction. Bad idea. The dorsal curve got 5 to 10 degrees worse. Started back on this week. Discipline is necessary! Regards Inkhorn


Agree with you inkhorn.
Maybe we will never be able to stop using VED (in my case) if don't want progression of this disease.
I will try to start again with traction. I had no success of using not the conventional, not the cup and strap device.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Yea James- Both have helped me to arrest the curve while I am using them. I use Size Genetics, usually only an hour a day followed by 15min of VED. Along with arresting the curve, I know it has helped me from loosing size. No lose at all. Regards Ink


Has anyone ever reported a significant improvement with a traction devise? I mean measured results that shows things have improved?