Peyronies trigger events - which one of these is more likely?

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Hi guys. Sorry in advance for the long post. I know it reads like a short novel. Brevity has never been my strong suit...and part of it is just me thinking out loud. Thanks to anyone who sits through it and has advice to offer.

Which one of these possible causes is more likely to be a probable cause in the case of my peyronies? I have a couple of working theories...

The first is that a couple weeks (maybe 3 weeks) before I noticed the first symptoms of peyronies (an indented line across the top of my shaft) I was recieving oral sex and the other person clamped down on my penis with their teeth. They bit it, basically. In two places. Not hard but firm enough for me to feel discomfort and ask them to stop. They did stop and the whole session of oral sex lasted only a couple of minutes, if that. When I first realised a few weeks later that it was peyronies I was dealing with, and read that trauma is involved, my mind immediately went back to this 'biting incident' and I attributed it to that. What followed was a full body all over extreme panic attack the likes of which I had never experienced before. Because not only was I was learning that I had this disfiguring disease, I had someone or something to blame it on. The cause was external, in a way. I believed I was 'given' peyronies. I was blaming myself too for allowing it to happen, but mostly I was blaming them for doing that to me...the way they treated and mishandled my penis. It was fury and rage, regret and bitter resentment. Those feelings just added to the emotional trauma of what I was going through. The thought that I could be damaged for life by something that only lasted seconds and wasn't even enjoyable. It was too much.

The first urologist I saw said there was no way that could have been the cause. That if peyronies is to be caused by acute trauma it has to be a "bursting" or "bruising" injury. The second urologist I saw said oh yeah, that for sure could have caused it. Both of them said the same thing in terms of moving on from this question - that there's no point in trying to work it out because I can't go back and change what happened anyway. Rationally, I know and accept this much to be true. But to me, or my subconscious mind at least, it does make a difference. Whether this was avoidable or inevitable. My subconscious seems to govern the strongest and most enduring feelings I have about this condition. And this question lives there as some sort of unresolved conflict. A tension. To be able to conclude that it was inevitable would somehow make it easier to reconcile with and emotionally process.

The more I researched peyronies and learned about possible causes and that repeated microtrauma is often a causal/contributing factor, the more I moved away from the first theory/assumption of what caused my peyronies. Or rather, I opened my mind to the possibility that something else might be the cause. There were now competing theories. I learned too that underlying health conditions and lifestyle factors can also be contributors. And then I developed more plaques and dents in the time since that initial "injury" and that was without there being a "biting incident" or obvious trauma. I thought maybe I do have a predisposition. Maybe this was inevitable.

And then more recently my mind has moved to edging as a possible cause. And thats theory 2. It never really occured to before but the more I think about it it has become the prevailing theory, I guess. My masturbation and sex habits prior to the onset of this disease. I was masturbating A LOT. Long edging sessions every 2-3 days lasting 2-3 hours each time. My libido and erection strength could sustain it. If anything, it was driving me to do it. Ever since I discovered edging (in about 2018) and the euphoria of it, I was hooked. My cock seemed to love it and look forward to it. I never suspected it could be doing harm. It felt almost therapeutic and I had done it for so long without issue. If anything I was convinced, not just by own observations but other peoples comments that my cock had actually grown because of it. With it being in that engorged state for so long and so often. Anyway, towards the end of my "edging career" I was edging every 2-3 days as I said and also getting oral sex on the regular. Sometimes the oral sex was part of the edging session, sometimes it was in place of it.

The most important detail, or change in the timeline of events, is something I started doing just a month or two before the onset of peyronies. And that is that I started to cum multiple times in the same day. Like, I would edge for hours, cum, and then go again an hour or two later because I had built up my orgasm and load so much that one ejaculation didn't feel like enough. But I was having to at times almost force an erection and rush to orgasm. And thinking back on on this and what I was doing at the time, I started to strongly suspect that it may have been the culprit. It just made more sense. It fit in with the repeated microtrauma theory more than the acute injury theory. What makes it sort of hazy and even more complicated is that I also had started smoking again at that time (after many years of being quit). It was for a period of about 3 weeks-1 month and that period covers both the biting incident and the multiple daily edging sessions. That's where I've sort of settled with this. That the most likely and primary cause was multiple edging sessions, over a long-ish period of time, sometimes with a weak erection. Yes there could be co-contributing factors....perhaps it was the culmination of all the above mentioned "penile stressors"...but the main factor that precipitated it all was probably that.

So yeah, that's the story. I would be eager to hear what any of you who were patient enough to sit through that have to say about it...what you think. Can anyone relate? Have you pondered this yourself or a similar question with a similar situation? Apologies again for the length. It's also because these thoughts have been pent up and building for such a long time and with no outlet. Sorry, but thanks also if you got this far. Cheers.
Peyronies onset - Oct 2022 - initial plaque mid shaft resulted in approx 25 degree bend, newer smaller plaques have developed since
Treatment regime - Trental, Cialis, supplements alongside diet and lifestyle changes
Age 34


After reading through your posting I would surmise that your masturbation edging sessions coupled with your smoking has caused this. The biting incident should not have been a factor. It is the long masturbation and possibly the repeated ejaculations. You are demanding a lot from your penis. Remember that it is an organ just like any other organ in your body. What can happen to a persons liver if they repeatedly bombard it with heavy alcohol consumption over the years? They could get cirrhosis and eventually die. Try gentle masturbation with a lot of lube and be careful. Give your penis a vacation from sex. I would also say that your smoking is not doing anything to help you either. It promotes body inflammation.

Have you investigated VED therapy or traction? diet and lifestyle changes will promote healing in every area of your body. I  use to be a sugar-holic and consumed a lot of sweets. When I gave that up I did go through a withdrawal period but eventually cam out feeling way better. I believe you have your answers yourself and are on your way to better health. Reassess your approach to peyronies and your sexual lifestyle and I think you will have some improvement. You have trained your brain into wanting an endless supply of dopamine. It will re-balance itself if you make some changes. :)

Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Oh yes, that is all past tense. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that. The smoking and the edging all came to abrupt stop the moment I got peyronies. I would never risk it (smoking) now with peyronies, and my peyronies won't allow for edging now anyway. The smoking episode just happened to coincide with the onset of peyronies, so I thought it relevant to mention. It was very brief, only lasted a month at most. Had been quit for years before that and ever since then. The edging probably did carry over a bit into the very early stage of peyronies. In hindsight I realise this and that I was making it worse, but at the time I was not even aware of what was happening to me.

I think you're right about having my own answers. Typing that all out, the whole series of events and every detail of it, clarified and cemented in my own mind what probably happened. So I'm glad for that. It also confirmed that there was at least to some degree an inevitability about it...because I did not know at the time that what I was doing would lead to this...and without a warning I would not have stopped or changed anything of my accord. It was peyronies itself that stopped me. So in a sense it was unavoidable.

Yes I have considered traction and VED. We had a chat about that in another post. Slowly easing myself into a traction routine. I don't know about VED concurrent with traction. I'm just getting used to traction. Does it offer unique benefits above and beyond what traction and natural erections do?
Peyronies onset - Oct 2022 - initial plaque mid shaft resulted in approx 25 degree bend, newer smaller plaques have developed since
Treatment regime - Trental, Cialis, supplements alongside diet and lifestyle changes
Age 34


VED is comparable to a normal erection in the sense that it forces fresh oxygen rich blood into your penis and stretches everything out. It does help with erections in a small way and also with peyronies. It can cause injuries when misused.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


My Peyronies came up after receiving a loose handjob, I told my gf at the time to grip a little harder  ... she gripped a lot harder with just two fingers which made me jump with pain, I adjusted her grip and finished. I felt pain afterwards as well. One week later I get penile pain with erections, two months later it starts bending.

I've had similar feelings with you, but you can't blame them really. It's not like a bite or a stronger grip causes peyronie in everyone. I'm sure that all men go through some form of penile trauma in their sex life and most of them don't get peyronie. Peyronie is caused by your body, the underlying conditions for plaque were present, another external event may trigger it or it may even appear spontaneously.

Before that event throughout the years I have had periods when I exaggerated with masturbation like trying to see how many times I can go, which lead to masturbation with a flaccid penis and so on ... that could have triggered it, but didn't.

Bottom line is, forget about the blame focus on healing.

35 y, diagnosed 6-7 years ago
Had congenital downward curve, now have a ~ 30° bent to the right no longer bending downwards. Twisted while flaccid.
Recently engaged.


Hi Jimmothy,

Yeah I am well beyond the blame game stage now, but it took coming here and writing it all out (in journal format almost) to get to that point of understanding and acceptance. I hear what you're saying and agree mostly - that for must of us the susceptability to it was already there and trying to indentify a specific cause or incident that caused it is kinda pointless. But in my case, with all the excessive wanking and abuse I put my penis through, the likely cause is pretty obvious. With or without an underlying predisposition - which very well could be present - that kind of repeated microtrauma by itself could explain how I ended up with this condition. I only realised that in hindsight though, but it was important and relieving to arrive at that conclusion. If it was more likely than not myself that did this to me, then I can live with and make peace with that. If it was something or something else I'd have to make peace with that too of course, it would just be a difficult and complicated issue to sort through. I am very focussed on healing now, and have been from the start really, but I can't deny it was important and freeing to work through those issues and questions as it allowed me to move forward psychologically in my journey with peyronies.
Peyronies onset - Oct 2022 - initial plaque mid shaft resulted in approx 25 degree bend, newer smaller plaques have developed since
Treatment regime - Trental, Cialis, supplements alongside diet and lifestyle changes
Age 34