What has worked for you? Is your Peyronies improved or cured?

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No Ashwaganda

I would like to know what treatments have worked for people on this forum either partially or completely. I have already said in another thread how bio oil appears to have helped my condition although not completely at least not yet and of course i must state that i am not 100% sure that it is the bio oil that is working . I say this because there is a rather sensitive person on the forum who has taken issue with my opinion on bio oil which would be fine if it came without the unecessary insults. Anyway i want to keep the thread about what has worked for others on the forum and not what appears to have worked for me.

 I watched a T.V program here in the U.K last week called embarrasing bodies in which this guy had peyronies and he was given a vaccum pump by a urologist  to help straighten his penis but I have heard that this can make the condition worse and cause skin pigmentation issues. It appears to me that there is a lot of conflicting information regarding treatment even by so called experts. I know people have mentioned in various threads what has helped them, or what they believe has helped them but I thought if this information was in one thread it might be more helpful for anyone newly diagnosed with the condition.
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We already have a section for that, no need to start another one.


And you will find that what worked for one person didn't necessarily work for someone else. You will also find where a treatment caused more harm due to that fact that people over stretched with a traction device or over pumped with VED. Also once people find help here and move on, they don't come back. This is why we started the section mentioned above so we don't lose that past history.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

No Ashwaganda

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