Urinary Incontinence (dribble) worsened post Restorex use

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I find that I have significantly more dribble when peeing post restorex use - does anyone know why? Is this a sign to stop or just normal and that the shape of the penis is just changing post usage.

Usually it's not that bad and I've noticed after VED it gets better.

I am a bit paranoid that I could be doing more damage.

Any  advice is much appreciated.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


I think it's normal... it is stretching your urethra too... the flow should return to normal by next day.
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.


Thanks, it usually does return to normal next day. Was really hoping there was no cause for concern.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


I've noticed this too - significantly more dribbling after peeing since I started using Restorex about 6 weeks ago.  It seems more difficult to "shut the valve" after peeing, so I'm wondering if I'm damaging/stretching the urethral sphincter.  

Interesting to hear that for others it returns to normal the next day.  I'm going to try to pay closer attention to the pattern.  

I'm also wondering if I should be doing some pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the sphincter and associated muscles.

Any advice on this would be much appreciated, thanks.
46 yrs old, married 19 yrs.
Congenital curvature, 35 degrees to the left, due to shorter tunica albuginea on left side.
Finally trying Restorex, started April 10, 2023.


Patience - From what I can recall, at times, restorex would result in increased dribble. Sometimes, a good VED session would result in less dribble. This all started after peyronies.

I do remember doing some research, and a lot of people found kegels and reverse kegels to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and help with this issue. Also, squeezing the area behind the scrotum after peeing helps release any leftover urine.

I now have an implant and dribble seems to have improved with it.

Best of luck,
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).