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Introduce Yourself / Re: my story
Last post by Mikel7 - Today at 04:26:11 AM
From the small picture you put in your post it looks like you have hour glassing. This is a narrowing encircling your penis. With peyronies you need to be careful and probably limit your sexual activity while you are in this active phase. I know it can be difficult as you are young and your hormones should be at an all time high. Be gentle with sex and use a lot of lube. Not doing so can possibly cause more damage and ultimately loss in size/length.

It sounds like you are limited in Dr's that specialize in peyronies in England. Possibly there are some members who know of a good Dr in England that you could make an appointment with. Get control over your worrying as this does not help you.
Introduce Yourself / Re: my story
Last post by natsu - Yesterday at 11:41:10 PM
i understand the thing i'm confused about it's my bruise i have well it started off with a bruise starting from the middle to the whole right side to the bottom if i say so myself then it just got worse and i may have made it worse then the inflammation started kicking in it's been 6 months now basically and i started taking these meds which started helping me with it then it's gone the way back it was the pain used to be 9/10 before meds then i used the meds then the pain went to 4/10 and now it's gone back up to 6 or so i feel like if i can bring the inflammation down the pain would go down to 2/10 so anymore tips apart from heat therapy and what type of heat therapy

one thing that confuses me is will my peyronie ever heal do i forever have to be careful now during sex and have no long sex i feel like i haven't lost length or girth but i have seen it look like a ⏳and i'm sure i have damaged tissue on the dorsal vein my doctors did not help me at all at first for the past 5 months but then i changed doctors they gave me a mri and said the results are:
(although the appearance is nonspecific, but chronic post-traumatic
When process/early Peyronie's plaque cannot be ruled out,

i'm not sure what this really means but will i ever heal from this disease at all will it eventually go and i won't need to worry about this anymore am i forever going to be like this will my inflation eventually go or will it come back everytime i do something small and wrong like not eating health for only a small amount of time or whatever shall i continue to keep taking my meds and what other meds can i take
Cialis, propolis
Quote from: bentoboy on May 27, 2024, 05:52:22 PMI've been using DMSO + nascent iodine for about two weeks now. I can't see any results, to be honest. Maybe it occasionally improves my EQ but not by a lot.

Has anyone tried DMSO and propolis?

I haven't tried DMSO and propolis as a topical but I take propolis orally as a supplement and I believe it ended my erection pain from Peyronie's
Introduce Yourself / Re: my story
Last post by Mikel7 - Yesterday at 06:19:10 PM
Welcome to the forum and thank you for filling out your signature line. PLease download our Survival Guide -->,3180.0.html . This will give you a better understanding of peyronies and it's different treatments.

So you have had an MRI and the Dr confirmed internal scarring and inflammation? You say you have bruising? Can you connect your bruising with having sex afterwards? The pain that your are experiencing is common with a peyronies flare up. The meds you are taking can help but may I also suggest using some heat therapy as it does give a lot of relief from penile pain. Read up on it in the forum - do a search for it.

Peyronies sometimes follows a course of first inflammation and pain that can last from 0 - 6 months or more with possible loss of length/deformity - this is called the acute stage. Then it enters the stable phase after that. Remember though that if you have had it once it can flair up later on -so you need to be careful and use common sense.

Sex needs to be careful during the acute stage with a lot of lube and a very hard erection for actual intercourse. Also no marathon sessions. Keeping inflammation down is at the top of your list for healing as well as you educating yourself about this disease. There are actually very few urologists who are experienced with treating peyronies. You are being pro active in educating yourself so you can bring up these questions with our Dr. If you need to switch Dr's then I suggest doing it. One thing you have going for you is that you are young and will heal faster than us older men here. Also keep your worrying to a minimum as this will do more harm than good :)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone
Last post by Mikel7 - Yesterday at 05:47:14 PM
Causes of Peyronies Disease / Re: Dent in flaccid penis (nee...
Last post by Mikel7 - Yesterday at 05:40:52 PM
I added the corrected link for the survival guide above. To me it is difficult to actually say if this is beginning peyronies or not. An actual dent would be a ruling for the beginning stages for peyronies. You say though that you have no pain and your erections are fine but you also stated that you did have some bruising at your urethra. Peyronies is a mysterious disease as to how it affects each man differently.

I would still follow through with your appointment but I would study the survival guide first and make an actual list of questions to ask your Dr. If you don't get the answers you like from him/her then seek out another one. Pentox is being discontinued by a lot of Dr's for treatment. I would recommend starting Cialis as it will help with reducing internal inflammation and promote healing to your penis. CoQ10 and Carnitnine are also used sometimes as an inflammation reducer. Taking them will not harm you and may be an added benefit. The whole idea in treatment is to reduce the ongoing inflammation and create an ideal healing environment. Traction and VED are also employed to stop/reduce length losses and actually restore losses.  :)
i have been told i have been diagnosed with peyronie but no curvature but it's been said i have a plaque on the dorsal vein and been suffering 6 months from inflammation which i've taken infection antibiotics and steroid creams i think if my inflammation on glans and where the line around my penis is where i've been circumcised settled down i would be a lot happier and easier to cope with now i've never taken painkillers until 3 weeks ago ive been taking

strong painkillers (naproxen).
vitamin E 200iu.
5mg lifta sildenafil.
vitamin C/B12/D
fish oil

i need help with finding out how to help improve my inflammation and not to keep having them because i've been in severe pain and if anyone has a lesion on there penis that looks like a bruise let me know

I really appreciate the response and all the info. I was unable to load the survival guide and was wondering if I can access it else where? I've used the search option and found nothing. And I know you can't really answer all the questions but does this sound like the early stages of Peyronies Disease? And what are your recommendations on self treating with Cialis, COQ10, and Carnitine? I know you aren't really allowed to give medical opinions but I was just curious with anecdotal experience. Also, is Pentox still being used for treatment?
Penile Implants / Re: Implant Surgery July 29th ...
Last post by Wilsonmill - Yesterday at 10:21:37 AM
You will be glad you did it,