Peyronies Society Forums

Peyronies Disease TREATMENT Discussion Boards => Alternative Treatments of Peyronie's Disease => Topic started by: Godisreal on November 21, 2019, 07:02:06 AM

Title: Don’t use heat in acute phase
Post by: Godisreal on November 21, 2019, 07:02:06 AM
Don't use heat-therapy in active phase, it promotes inflammation in your penis.
If you have trauma-induced peyronies, heat-therapy is not beneficial enough to include it in treatment. At least not in the active phase. All the studies with heat-therapy that have been made are with men in chronic phase. Their acute phase is "over" so to say. Inflammation is gone. Therefore, the heat-therapy only provide them with the pros of the treatment. Such as: increased libido, increased blood-flow, decrease in pain, decrease in curvature, reduction of plaque and the list goes on.
There are no negative effects of heat-therapy in chronic phase. But if you are in active phase, and have problems such as pain, discomfort and hot pelvic area. Don't use heat. I'm NOT talking about the set of people who have insulin-problems and diabetes-related Peyronies. Their situation is very different from the those with micro-trauma Peyronie's. Believe me.
Can't believe nobody has covered all this in other threads. It's very obvious that heat only promotes inflammation therefore it's straight out stupid to use it on an already inflamed dick. The cons outweigh the pros, in active phase.
Take notes and God bless you all
Title: Re: Don’t use heat in acute phase
Post by: NeoV on November 23, 2019, 02:58:27 AM
I completely disagree with both of your sentiments. I never had "diabetes," diagnosed by any doctor. This is much more insidious and complex than you realize. Heat helped me since I was 17 years old and I'm now 32. It helped and helps EVEN during active inflammation. This is just my experience. The problem is not just microtrauma, it's a problem with wound healing at it's core which is a metabolic process. There is no diabetes Peyronie's vs microtrauma peyronie's.
Title: Re: Don’t use heat in acute phase
Post by: Godisreal on November 30, 2019, 09:14:15 AM
One would be a fool if one didn't agree on the actual fact that the disorder is a metabolic process. But one would also be a fool if one didn't realize there's a difference between genetic patients with peyronies and patients with a lot of micro-trauma ultimately causing the disorder. Even if both parties had micro-trauma being the final cause leading to Peyronie's.
I understand you had great success with heat-therapy. But you have to understand that there is a difference between peyronies and peyronies. Another good example is that I, personally, can eat both pizza and drink alcohol all week and my peyronies doesn't get worse. And that's a FACT.
It certainly doesn't help the healing-process lol, but I know that a lot of people who have Peyronie's can't eat garbage and drink without having their case becoming worse immediately.
This is what I mean when I say there's a difference, even tho the disease is the same, I guess.
We all know every case is different, and for me, heat-therapy promotes inflammation and gives me sharp discomfort throughout the day. I can't speak for other people. But what I can do, is give advice coming from my personal experience. As can you, and you are, which I am very thankful for. You are a very wise man with great knowledge on this disease.
God bless you
Title: Re: Don’t use heat in acute phase
Post by: buzzin2 on November 30, 2019, 12:12:14 PM
godisreal what up my dude, have you tried to dmso? im gonna get some and mess around with different mixtures, wondering if u had any luck
Title: Re: Don’t use heat in acute phase
Post by: Godisreal on November 30, 2019, 05:05:16 PM
Hey man, I haven't gotten a chance to order a DMSO + X combo yet. Luck is something that have been no where to be found for a very long time lol. Seriously, my faith is the only thing that keeps me alive nowadays. I have high doubts DMSO will make any difference. At the most, it might help hardened lumps/scars become softer and therefore easier to remodel with traction/VED.
Other than that, it seems pretty useless. But since I have very little knowledge regarding it, I can't say for sure. Please let me know how it goes for you, and always be careful with your experimenting.
God bless you