Peyronies Society Forums

Erectile Dysfunction Forum - for all men with ED => General Discussion About Erectile Dysfunction => Topic started by: reversingaffects5073 on May 29, 2020, 12:32:48 AM

Title: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: reversingaffects5073 on May 29, 2020, 12:32:48 AM
New to forum but wondering if any members have had a scarring or hardening of the prostate gland?   I ask because my semenal fluids have decreased significantly and when i ejaculate its almost congealed and ropey?   Dont have insurance so can't ask the urologist.  No STD's or anything like that (been tested after last gf) but just wondering if peyronies could cause a hardening of the glands that produce fluids and if anyone else showed signs of this?

Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: jj21 on May 29, 2020, 12:59:34 AM
I can't say I can relate fully but I do know that after peyronies my seminal fluid stopped squirting out.. Sometimes they would just dribble out or would have dry orgasm and the fluid would drip out later.

Does this happen to you? Do you have issues peeing?

If so, could be plaque on the underside of your penis inhibiting the urethra. If not, could be a completely diff issue, may be best to see a uro or gyno about it.

Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: TonySa on May 29, 2020, 10:39:01 AM
Reversing, can you sign up for affordable health care insurance? 
Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: Tobyg on May 30, 2020, 04:48:20 AM
The same thing happens to me, low flow of urine and semen, one of my injuries is in the urethra area, it must be that, I also have prostatitis but I had it before the peyronie and this did not happen to me
Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: jj21 on May 30, 2020, 06:50:50 AM
TobyG - Some guys here had the theory it's scarring on the underside of the penis causing issues with the urethra.

Other members have managed to reduce their plaque size and have been able to pee and ejaculate normally.

If you can relate, try a forum search and you'll find some member stories.
Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: bustedchubb on May 30, 2020, 09:59:13 AM
I am having urination/ejac issues with my case of peyronie's and have an appointment on Tuesday to get to the bottom of it.  I suspect after a RUG (retrograde urethreogram) or a cystoscopy I'll be able to confirm its either the peyronie's or an actual stricture.  I will post updates as I go through this as I've seen other members that have this and similar issues.
Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: Tobyg on May 31, 2020, 02:58:17 AM
jj21: yes, that's it.
I did almost all non-invasive treatments, with no changes. now I am with manual traction and this area is regenerating, I have it less narrow, it had even improved the flow temporarily. it's definitely the fibrous area, and not prostatitis.

I want someone to discover how to treat fibrosis, I cannot believe I am living in the past, there are no cures for diseases, they are all chronic, fibrosis generates many diseases, I would like to know how much time is needed to improve this
Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: jj21 on June 01, 2020, 07:46:59 AM
Busted - please keep us updated on how your appointment goes and what your doctor advises - many of us have the same issues.

TobyG - Stay consistent with the traction, looks like you're seeing results. Many members here have had success with traction and VED. Check the forums and you'll see.
Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: bustedchubb on June 01, 2020, 10:40:03 AM
I definitely will give an update soon as I get back. 
Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: bustedchubb on June 02, 2020, 10:55:32 AM
I just got back and will do a full write up about my experience at the new uro / specialist on my Journey post.  However to summarize and about this topic specifically, 1) The specialist is amazing.  He knew everything and far more than I ever thought based on the quacks I seen beforehand.  He was on top of his game in all ways.   2) He did a thorough physical examination, checked my pelvic floor tightness, prostate, urethera (physcial exam, not cysto), meatus (dick hole), and my peyronie's plaque.   What he found right off the bat was that my pelvic floor was tight as f***, and prescribed me to go to a PF therapist, he also said that my urethra and meatus looked and felt good.  They checked the post void residual via sonogram and that also showed that i was voiding properly and completely.   If pelvic floor work does not resolve the prostatitis and/or the urination difficulties, he will do a cystoscopy, but based on full examination, he doubts it is anything beyond PF.

Lastly, I did bring up that people on the forums have the urination issues with peyronies, and he was NOT surprised and definitely was something that seemed to be what he has encountered as a physician in the field.  He basically said you can't find everything on the internet, as I was saying before if you read the basic Peyronies Disease literature, only 1 cites the possibility of urine / semen obstruction as a possible symptom.  Citing (


What sets Peyronie's Disease (Peyronies Disease) apart from other causes of incontinence is that it is the only one you can actually see. Technically a wound-healing disorder, Peyronie's Disease occurs when scar-like tissue builds up in the penis. The excess collagen, called plaques, can impede both urination and ejaculation. In more severe cases, the build up can cause an abnormal bend or curvature of the penis.
Title: Re: Ejaculate fluid issues with Peyronies
Post by: Tobyg on June 02, 2020, 11:07:47 PM
I did treatment with physiotherapists of the pelvic floor, they relaxed the area a lot, but I still have problems urinating, ejaculating and defecating