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Hi Rstar,

the pain is very different between patients. If you read the stories here you will see a lot of variation.

For me it was on off. Now in chronic phase it is almost gone, but I feel tightness during erections where the plaque prevents expansion of the tissue. Also I have some days where I feel some level of inflammation at the base of the penis which might be related to Peyronies Disease or not.

Anyway, stay positive as pain is a symptom that normally dissolves in the chronic phase of Peyronies Disease.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Imaging
Last post by MunichPatient1989 - Yesterday at 11:12:52 AM
Hi Rstar,

I have a palpable plaque that clearly causes a deformity and was diagnosed as Peyronies Disease, but it is not visible in normal Ultrasound.

The Urologists explained me that the visibility on Ultrasound depends on type of scar tissue. E.g. a calcified plaque often is more clearly visible in Ultrasound while non-calcified plaque can be more difficult or impossible to detect.

I read some studies on Ultrasound best practices for Peyronies Disease and it stated that Elastography might be a better method to detect plaques for Peyronies Disease.

Congenital Curvature or Peyronies Disease / how to tell
Last post by Rstar12 - Yesterday at 11:00:32 AM
Can congenital curvature still develop after the injury and not necessarily due to disease? I'm 20. My andro told me it might be congenital curve.
Coping with the pain caused by Peyronies / Intermittent Pain
Last post by Rstar12 - Yesterday at 10:55:11 AM
I'm crrently in my 7th month withot worsening of curvatre, but pain goes away for some days then comes back, am I reinjring myself or is that normal?
Oral Treatments for Peyronie's Disease / Pentoxy
Last post by Rstar12 - Yesterday at 10:50:51 AM
I've been takinfg pentoxy 3 times per day for 3 months, how long is it recommended to keep taking it for?
Introduce Yourself / Imaging
Last post by Rstar12 - Yesterday at 10:42:37 AM
Has anyone had imaging (ultrasound/MRI) miss their plaque(s) several times before they were able to detect them?
Penile Implants / High volume implant surgeon in...
Last post by Sancho - Yesterday at 10:39:02 AM
Has anyone on the forum seen Dr. Richard Roach in Leesburg Fl. ??
He is a high volume IPP doc. He implants AMS700 only.
Introduce Yourself / Injury
Last post by Rstar12 - Yesterday at 10:37:21 AM
Not much to say, had my penis snap at the base from the left side 7 months ago. Still struggling, developed a 10 degree curve to the left with painful erections. Hoping for the best
No results at all with the curve, only using PMP?
I saw results in my curve after I also purchased the Restorex and started using it daily. I had a 45* upward curve and brought it down to about 15 to 20* curve. Read the forum as there are others with similar results. :)